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i'm sorry, we're out of time. as you had more time. thank you so much. that is tonight's read out. all in with chris hayes that right now. ght now. >> tonight on all in. >> we'll check with kentucky, where the race is not being called for the incumbent democrat. >> what an epic failure by governor youngkin. >> it does seem like the republican party generally as a real problem with winning. >> another big night for democrats, as the republican party struggles for answers. >> you put very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ballot, and a lot of young people come out to vote. >> and former attorney general eric holder on the republican front runner campaign to democracy. plus -- >> this has been a devastating series of documents for the trump organization. >> former trump attorney michael cohen on ivanka trump's day on the witness stand, and a day after her censure in the house, my exclusive interview with congresswoman rashida tlaib, when all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes. we now have a result from election night 2023. last night across the country, voters cast their ballots, declaring what they actually think about matters -- as opposed to what they might tell pollsters. there was another test case from president joe biden and the democratic party, and it was, well, a huge resounding success for democrats, really hard to characterize it any other way. now, last night's results, have become something of a pattern and the biden era. that is not always the case. remember, in 2021, that was the first, weird, off-year election after biden was inaugurated in 20 20 to 1. that night, democrats had a rough night. there were two big marquee races that year, one in virginia, or that man, republican glenn youngkin won the race for governor. and then there was a recent jersey, where the incumbent democrat phil murphy barely along on against a vastly underfunded opponent. in fact, it was such a bad night for democrats that down ballot, the democratic state senate was ousted by an unknown truck driver. at the time, all of the seemed like a flashy, red warning signal that foretold of something like what we saw in the 2020 midterms, when democrats lost more than 60 seats in the house, like in 2018. the incumbent republican party lost control of the house. then came the supreme court decision to strike down roe v. wade, and i think it's fair to say, everything changed. since that ruling last summer, we have seen democratic voters motivated, really motivated, and swing voters, incredibly turned off by the far-right position on abortion, as well as the continued outright authoritarian aspirations of the maga wing of the republican party. it was just six weeks after the court struck down roe, dividers and the bright kansas, erwhelmingly rejected an amendment to the state constitution that made abortion illegal. and then came ushers but terms, which were -- since 1934, when franklin de owner roosevelt's first term. and this year, democrats have n big in a string of special elections across all sorts of districts, intended for ten different states. in 24 out of the 30 races that have seen, the margin in the race is strongly towards the democrats, the presidents party, he can see there in blue. democrats and their priorities have outperformed expectations in election after election after election. so, going until last night, with the pattern cold, particularly coming off a week dominated by polling anxiety? last night was no different. in kentucky, democratic governor andy beshear cruised to a relatively easy victory of five point plus margin. this is a guy who eked out a narrow victory in 2019, and this is a state that donald trump won, let's remember, but more than 25 points. and daniel cameron and disappointed was the start of the republican party, handpicked by mitch mcconnell, not like a ridiculous guy that parachuted in. he was not a mehmet oz, not a kari lake, a good candidate, still got his butt kicked. in ohio, voters approved ballot measures to legalize recognition marana by a double digit margin, and to enshrine a right to abortion in the ohio state constitution by more than 13 points. this was the first time in all of the state ballot initiatives that we have seen, that a state had an abortion ban that they are formidably reversed with the constitutional amendment, shutting the rights into law. in pennsylvania, this was a sort of under the radar race but an important one, there, democrat dan mccaffrey won a seat on the state supreme court. just two years ago, in 2021, on the same election night, his party lost a seat on the same bench, but this was a statewide election, he cruised to victory. in virginia, democrats dashed governor glenn youngkin's hopes of -- in the state legislator. that would have paved the way for a ban on abortion, that was his promise. not only did democrats hold the majority in the state senate, and the one or two houses that they held, they actually foot 8000 delegates and now control both houses of the virginia legislator. the further you go down the ballot, the quicker this pattern becomes. obviously, it's a big country, there is a recent democrat loss. again, the general pattern, at the scoreboard level, considered heavy losses, in iowa, all but one of the candidates endorsed by a right-wing group of bombs for the party lost. this is an iowa. as did lakes supreme court justice antonin scalise, daughter of the supreme court justice. it was about as good as democrats hopedfor, and it came despite a large majority of americans consistently telling pollsters, over and overgain, that they are discontent with the president and his party. in one recentpoll, 76%, that's a big majority, said they think that the country is headed in the wrong direction. usually, that's a big warning sign for the incumbent presidents party. so once again, republicans are left empty-handed, as they try to figure out what went wrong. former republican senator, one time presidential proposed one theory. >> very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ball, and a lot of young people come out to vote. it was a secret sauce for disaster in ohio. i don't know what they were thinking, but that is why, thank goodness that most of the states in this country, did not allow you to put everything on the ballot, because pure democracy is not a way to run a country. >> sexy? abortion is sexy. it's an interesting thing to say, when you're forced to plead out and a parking lot, unable to get medical care, teenagers having to cross state lines to get reproductive care. i mean, of course, republicans are the one who spent literally 50 years working day and day out to overturn roe, so as to put abortion up to a vote, to return to the people. now, well, they don't like the outcome. not only that, they generally don't like it when people vote in fair democratic elections and they lose. nobody likes that, but the problem is, more and more, when they lose, the more they do lose, the more they can refuse to accept that their candidates and policies are unpopular. it's a self reinforcing cycle, instead, they angrily fill about for any other excuse, claiming democracy is a problem or the election is rigged, or in donaldson's case in 2020, i did not actually lose. donald trump last night planed the lasting kentucky for attorney general daniel cameron, who endorsed for governor, on senate republican leader mitch mcconnell. when he endorsed him, he said, people see the mcconnell guy, he's a trump guy, and then when he lost, he's mcconnell. can't make that up. conservative radio host mark levin attributed the antiabortion losses to -- a losing republican candidate for city council posted this rant, calling his city, quote, irredeemable, which i think is not great approach, if you're going to try to run. their confusion and disappointment is sort of somewhat understandable. again, like i said, these elections came in the week of a poll showing donald trump beating joe biden in eight of six key voting swing states. -- now, we got the election night done, and a presidential election next year. the big question is whether the incumbent presidential candidate is so uniquely unpopular, that he is sore at the touch from the underlying fundamentals that we keep seeing in election after election, or if the polling, still a year out, is missing something. senator sherrod brown is a representative from ohio, a state where voters protected abortion a d-backs. he will be running for reelection as a senator, and he joins me now. >> look, i can't get over rick centaur saying voters think we should allow voters to decide these things. he was beaten by bob casey 17 years ago, overwhelmingly so, go ahead, sorry to interrupt the beginning of the show. >> it's interesting. i think there is a separate question to have about what are the best conditions for a referendum. what seems clear to me is there is a pro-choice, pro abortion rights majority in ohio, and maybe and 40 to 50 states, were you reaction to seeing the numbers come in last night, and the state that you represent? >> i was surprised at the number, but we thought we were going to win. i don't think that we thought we'd win by 13 points. i worked a lot on this issue. here is what -- rick centaur sort of represented this. you had a secretary of state who actually changed the ballot language after the 700,000 people had submitted the petitions, with the petitioners about language. you had a vote back in august, as you know, chris, that tried to change the rules, to 60% instead of 50. you had, again, santorum demonstrating this new change of rules for young voters. if you go to sinclair's community college or cleveland state, a rights they are central state, and you have a state university issued i.d. card, that does not get you the vote. you've got to go to the driver's license bureau. all of those things that try to suppress the vote, and voters still overwhelmingly sought through it. by 13 points. i think that tells you everything. fundamentally, voters in ohio say, i want women and are doctors making this decision. i don't want a punch as the oust politicians who are now sort of challenging the results, talking about, do we try it again? knowing though that their candidates from top to bottom, especially through the senate candidates that are running in the primary, alter them one nationwide abortion bans. this is not going away. do continue to try to get different ways. the voters have overwhelmingly spoken in my state. it's not going to work, but they are going to keep challenging with their extremism. >> just a backup, this is the ohio state public statement. it complains about the language, especially one of the things says is that we will do everything in our power to prevent our laws from being removed, based upon the perception of the elected to protect the most affordable in the state, and will continue that work. they are not giving up. don't come out ahead again. here's another republican from her state, the junior senator from her s jimmy vance, who served alongside. he says this. we get into thedethat federal congress has no role into the matter. the pro-life movement is basically talking texas, i think, for the next couple of years. what is your position on a push for a federal abortion ban, and do you anticipate that this will be a key issue in the french edition and whoever you face next year? >> i think that is right. all three of my opponents, all three of the republican candidates will be chosen, and one will be chosen in march, all three of them are for federal ban. this issue is not going away, but fundamentally, it's this. i hear the governor of virginia talk about, we've got to compromise, whatever that means, 15 weeks, still restricting women's rights. i hear republicans all over ohio that are angry that this happened, because voters actually chose it by a lot, saying that we gotta change our message. it's not their messaging, it's that they took the rights for women, and women and the state took it back. fundamentally, voters in ohio, particularly women voters, don't trust republicans on this issue. that's why i am not going to run a campaign all about abortion, of course, but we will make the contrast between our values, which happened to reflect the states values, and the extremism and the chaos that is this decades republican party. that is a clear choice. as you know, chris, we talked about this before, voters don't see left to right, they don't see if you're a liberal, you move a little to the right. if you're conservative, you move to the left, the move to the middle, no, they see who is on her side. and voters clearly know that democrats are on their side when it comes to many things, but when it comes especially to women's reproductive rights. >> final question for you, which segues this, the economy. you've got a situation in which, president joe biden unprecedented support for the uaw strike. he went to the picket line, the strike was successful. they did indeed deliver record contracts. you are on the line, as was j.d. vance, among others. can you go to the voters in your state and say, i am proud of the economy for working people to our, that we are delivering for you? >> well, i go to the voters, and again, talk about who is on their side. that means -- i am elected, i think in ohio because i take on the drug companies that bring down prescription drug prices. i took on wall street, who is always outsourcing these jobs and going overseas with bad trade agreements. i take on the oil companies, take on the railroads, we all know happened in east palestine, because norfolk laid off its workforce, it did not detract inspections that they should have, and surprise, the compromise public safety. so we keep holding their feet to the fire. i take the one to the banking committee asked her. we fight for veterans, where groups, we've been hearing this week, about groups, some unseemly characters preying on veterans, and vanish but -- veterans benefits, and blocking them from getting the help that they should get. it's not only who's on your side, it's taken these interest groups on, again, whether it's on women's rights, whether it's on veterans, whether it's concealer tory protections, whether it's bank malfeasance. >> senator sherrod brown of ohio, like i said, will be running for reelection next year, thank you very much. >> thanks, chris, always. >> coming up, democrats had a good day yesterday, but victory in 2024 is hardly a lock for us. former attorney general eric holder joins me right here on the pacific risk, substitute risk for america and american democracy, another trump presidency poses for the country. that is next. is next moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. it ain't my dad's razor, dad. ay watch it! it's from gillettelabs. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face... gamechanga! ...while the flexdisc contours to it. so the five blades can get virtually every hair in one stroke. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. i work hard, and i want my money to work hard too. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? 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>> absolutely right, the justice department has an enormous amount of power. obviously, they can put people in jail, separate people from their property, but there is a deregulatory function of justice the department has about our democracy. all of these cases that you see being brought against these january six perpetrators are being handled by our justice system, and the preeminent part of our justice system is the united states department of justice. that's why it's so alarming to hear about the things that they are going to try to do. if he is elected, he will do those things. he will pick an attorney general who will do his bidding, and then importantly, these are in spots that are not as widely known, somebody ahead of the criminal division, the head of the civil division, a whole range of other parts of the department, staff them with his loyalists and have him do these bidding. >> this is important here. i want to read you this, because i think this is like, i could take at the doj as the check off gun in american democracy, because it's not in the constitutional structure, yet it could be enormously damaging, if misused. trump and allies facilitate's ability to direct justice departnt actions, associates were drafting plans -- fears and pocies and tended to shield particle inspiration. a world in which there is a vacant, we got a vacancy appointment acting there, because it never confirm. he says, open an investigation into the senator who i said the thing about. that's what it looks like it's headed towards. >> that's exactly what he'll do. could do it in precisely the way that you described. he will not put his people before the united states senate for confirmation. he'll do as he did in the prior administration, which is to have people acting positions, and they endo's acting positions, they're only there as look at that much importance them to be there. there could be easily replaced by another acting person. he'll pick people who are not have the necessary backbone to the rule of law and or do the kind of things that he says he wants to do. >> what's interesting to me to, they also learned the lesson from 2020. rule of law is an abject principle, yeah, we saw what the rule of law looked like in 2020, was this, kiet lawyers refusing to do the right thing, at the right time, meaning, the specter politics, despite these were all republicans up and down, they had some fundamental sense in almost -- in the norms of the profession that this was not a colorful claim, that this was indefensible, and that is what helped ultimately, and that is what he wants to get rid of. >> if you removed maybe six lawyers in the whole january six period, three in the justice department, a couple in the white house counsel's office, the coup could have been successful -- >> six floors, yeah. >> these are by the acting attorney general to have a mass resignation and the justice department, i think was one of the things that prevented him from doing that which way he wanted to do. if jeffrey clark had been the attorney general, got along with what trump said he wanted to do, we'd be in a fundamentally different country arena. >> one at the other things i want to do is get rid of, they want to change the balance of political appointees, people who directly appoint civil servants. they ate this deep state. there are these civil servants, fidelis at the u.s. constitution, not subject to the winds. they want to basically build a typical kind of urban political machine, killing machine or something, in chicago, but at the federal level, where everyone is there because they got a job from the boss. >> i think it's more sinister than that. it's not even the daily chicago political machine, it's the viktor orban hungary machine, where they are actually trying to put people in a place so that our democracy will ultimately be impact. i think we need to learn from history. the reality is, in the early part of the 20th century, we saw fascism rise, not because it was strong, because the defense a democracy was weak. unless we are as strong as we can be and should be in the defense of our democracy, -- >> there is a lot of aspects to the anti-democratic forces, trump being the biggest one. but one of the things we see at the states something that we're invested in. using the tools, particularly every just abortion, to produce this perverse consequence, and what she's draw state maps that give you in the state of ohio, essentially, super majorities in both houses. and then you kind of put yourself outside democrat accountability, because no one can renew in. we saw a rare case with accountability last night because of the ballot initiative, but these sort of ohio supermajority legislator said that they might run against the. they might do and work around it. how much of an issue is this in states like ohio? >> these are huge issues. gerrymandering that they do on a partisan basis, on a racial basis, is that direct front to our democracy, and i think you need to look at what happened in ohio. that gerrymandered legislator, state legislator in ohio would have put in place, the ban, and abortion ban, despite the size of the people of ohio, 58%, whatever it was. and they'll face no electoral consequences because of the gerrymandering. if all they have to worry about is the primary, so they'll put the ban in place that will satisfy the right wing extremists, and that is why gerrymandering is such an important issue to focus on. that is why i dedicated my post election career to fighting it. >> there have been some successes on that map in alabama that district down. they ordered anyone. it's possible it will be a casket and other states, including georgia and louisiana. the final thing that is coming up here, which i think is fascinating, they test for the supreme court which basically said the following. racial gerrymandering can be constitutionally in admissible in some cases. partisan gerrymandering, we're not going to get involved in, but of course, in the american south, what exactly is the difference in a state like north carolina between, oh no, we're just doing partisan gerrymandering, not racial gerrymandering? >> there's a confluence between the racially polarized voting that we see in the south, between democratic party, the people of color. and so, republicans will say, we are not doing things on the basis of race. we're just doing things against democrats, which help the defense, when you think of it. that's antidemocratic as well, but we also know from our history that black people in the south have been discriminated against, kept away from the franchise, did not get the political power to which they were entitled and convinced this ultra conservative supreme court and the alabama case and the georgia case that they had gone too far, and that what was proposed there, the state legislator gerrymandered was inconsistent with the voting rights of 1965. >> eric holder, good to have you here in your hometown, come back anytime. >> it was good to be home. >> still ahead, ivanka trump was under oath her own father's fraud trial, and donald trump's former fixer michael cohen tells me what a pocket sharpnosed defend his business next. next like a smart coffee grinder, that orders fresh beans for you. oh, genius! for more breakthroughs like that- i need a breakthrough card. like ours! with 2.5% cash back on purchases of $5,000 or more. plus unlimited 2% cash back on all other purchases. and with greater spending potential, sam can keep making smart ideas- a brilliant reality! the ink business premier card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. if we want a more viable future for our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways of doing things. america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable. durable. and dependable. our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come. for a better tomorrow, we're focused on making plastics better today. 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[crowd chanting] >> crime family! >> that was how ivanka trump, former senior white house adviser, former developer of acquisitions for the trump organization and daughter of donald trump was greeted as he entered a down town manhattan courthouse this week. donald trump's other's daughter is the fourth and final member of her family to testify in the 250 million dollar civil fraud trial against her father's business. now, ivanka trump, unlike her brothers, is not a defendant, due to the statute of limitations. she took the stand today as a reluctant witness to the new york attorney general. michael cohen worked as donald trump's personal lawyer and self-described fixer for decades, before going to prison, taking part in a illegal ashman a scheme. trump was indicted for earlier this year, separate from the civil fraud lawsuit. he is the co-host of the maricopa, casco said the -- author of revenge, donald trump weaponized. he is one of dunham's fiercest critics, and he joins me now. let's start for us, michael, with ivanka trump's role in the family business. because the statute of limitations is not in the same boat as her brothers, can you describe her level, where she would fit to work hard if there was one? >> there definitely was. of course, donald was the absolute top of the chart, and then of course, to the left of that, if we put this into a diagram, would be don, ivanka and eric. who really ran the specific group as part of the executive vice president, and that would be ivanka. don, even though older than ivanka, would take a lot of direction from her because, as everybody would acknowledge, she is donald's favor. and then of course, eric being the youngest, would of course listen as well. but the three of them, don, ivanka and eric, each and every week would have their own private family meeting, where they would distribute which projects each one would do, and what aspect that they would be involved. one of the -- i should say, to at the issues that were brought up today, when she was questioned on the stand, is the old post office and the doral golf resort, but of which, ivanka was the point person on, both of those are involved in this james is questioning, of her questioning. she is as high up as anybody could be but slightly below her father. >> there's been this sort of after january six, at the white house. what appears to be a transparent attempt to distance herself from her father. i don't think it is particularly successful, because everyone knows who she is, that seems different than the brothers. is that a fair read? >> yeah, that is definitely a ferried. i tell you what else is a fair read, is that sketch artist certainly did a better job on ivanka and don and eric, even donald, and then she did on me. putting that aside, right, i don't even know who she was drawing when she was joining me, but putting that aside, yes, yes, absolutely. first of all, she's trying to distance herself because it's not the look that she wants to portray, not certainly in -- there in miami, where they are having a rough time in terms of meeting people, setting a play dates for their kids, getting into the country clubs that she thought that she would be easily admitted through. >> one of the things that is happening here, and i think you have a unique insight to share, is the approach of dealers here. chris kaiser is a serious lawyer with a serious resume, and he has done this before. there has been a lot of competitiveness by this legal team towards the judge. today, again, once again, going back and forth on a regional little piece by nbc news, with reporting on this, this is the lawyer, chris kai saying tt the question about ivanka's involvement in that deal that you mentioned, the post office in washington, d.c., were irrelevant because the statutes of limitation issued, noted to government agencies and talks, they were happy with it. they were thrilled with the renovation. there were world-class facilities, and i just replied, you're starting to sound like a client. why does everyone who works for him start sounding like him no matter what they sounded like before, which is weird? >> it's not weird, it's actually part of the job. he tells you what he wants you to say. it's not as if chris kai came up with this on his arm. they are talking points. if you don't hit the talking points that donald wants, you are fired. that is exactly what chris ky is doing. but he is not the only belligerent lawyer on behalf of donald. you also have alina habba, who of course, the second that she gets an opportunity to be in front of a microphone and a camera, she is parroting donald, as if she is donald, which is great. the only thing that she did not say -- today, she came out once again attacking me, as if that is going to be the end all be all, as others have called it, the perry mason moment. the case is over, because she tries to disparage me. it's like alina habba is looking for the case of the missing pillow case, and it does not do anything. for the specific, other than embarrass herself, embarrass her client and sort of make a mockery of the whole proceeding. >> i want to ask you a question that is a parallel to this, because it's about something i spoke to eric holder about, and you have talked about this before, which is that the sort of vision to fully bring the department of justice into the work of the president and be used as fully instrumental towards political retribution or by the sin president, to the extent that there are examples of the, and there clearly are, where trump was ordering jeff sessions to do things -- the one clear cut example seems to be him intervening, and bill barr intervening, specifically in your case, specifically to the doj, specifically about you on release. you basically experienced a small version of what he promised for the rest of the country. >> oh, i don't know if i would call it small. i was unconstitutionally remanded, back to otisville, because i refused to waive my first amendment constitutional right in a document that they want me to sign, that was prepared specifically for me. in fact, the cases on appeal, december 14th, at the courthouse, the marshall appellate courthouse in york, where we certainly -- donald made me the very first political prisoner held by this country for failing to waive a first amendment constitutional right. let me be very clear about something, i will be the last, if in fact he gets into office. i will just be the first. don't take it for me, listen to what donald is telling you that he is going to do. the first thing he said is that he will regret the constitution. he is going to strip the legislature and the judiciary of their -- and can for everything to the executive branch, which is to? it's him, and he will come after everyone, including himself, chris. anyone that angered him, anyone that bothered him, i am going to go for my retribution. that is all he is saying. don't take my word, listen to what he is saying. >> he is promising. whether he can deliver, i don't know, but he is definitely promising. i think the department of justice is a fulcrum that is much more easily wielded than a constitutional -- michael cohen, always a pleasure, sir, thank you so much. >> good to see you. >> >> still to come, less than 24 hours after she was censured by the house for her statements on the israel-hamas war, congresswoman rashida tlaib, the sole palestinian american member of the entire united states congress joins me live ahead. ahead. on top of the worlddddd!!! before advil. advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. when pain comes for you, come back fast with advil liqui-gels. meet the traveling trio. the thrill seeker. the soul searcher. and - ahoy! it's the explorer! each helping to protect their money with chase. woah, a lost card isn't keeping this thrill seeker down. lost her card, not the vibe. the soul searcher, is finding his identity, and helping to protect it. hey! oh yeah, the explorer! she's looking to dive deeper... all while chase looks out for her. because these friends have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control. chase. make more of what's yours. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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(fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. >> we got word house republicans are moving up their schedule at the last minute to bring a censure resolution against the michigan democrat to the floor over a video that released a cease-fire in gaza. yesterday, the vote was estranged in some decision because it was originally planned to take place tonight instead, and at the time, it seems like republicans were maybe trying to move up in the news cycle and distract for what is shaping up to be a disastrous election night for republicans. but then today, jake sherman who is well sourced in the house republican leadership noted that one of the key spending bills, the republican majority, has to get past upon the government when a shutdown fell apart at the last minute. they didn't have the votes to bring it to the floor so they decided to push up the censure vote instead. all of the divisions within the house conference that existed when they fired former speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy, it took three weeks to replace him with maga mike johnson, still exists today. they still have all the same problems that they had since they took the majority nearly a year ago. specifically, they fundamentally cannot get their conference to agree on a plan to fund the government. even with a shutdown. nine days away and no plan to avoid one. instead, what you get are distractions, like subpoenas in the presidents sons impeachment. this is always where the republican priorities will be with anything other than just doing the stuff with governments. and congressman tlaib will join me live, next. me live, next. remember the pain? 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chase. make more of what's yours. in a crisis caused by a terrorist massacre. warning civilians to clear out, while hamas forces them back. allowing in food and water, which hamas steals. >> i will not be silenced and i will not let you distort my words, i can't believe that i have to say this, but palestinian people are not disposable. we are human beings. just like anyone else, the cries of the palestinian and israeli children sound no different to me. why, what i don't understand is why the cries of palestinians sound different to you all. >> last night, 22 has democrats joined to censure the only palestinian american in the congress, rashida tlaib. they accused the congressman of quote, promoting false narratives promoting the hamas attack on israel and calling for the destruction of the state of israel. the congresswoman denies these accusations, the resolution also objects to a passage in a video that she released earlier this month that calls on president biden supporting a cease-fire in gaza. specifically a segment that protected protesters chanting th phrase, from the river to the sea. the resolution called that chant, which is commonly used by some pro palestinian activists to destroy the state of israel and its people and replace it with a palestinian state extending from the jordan river to the mediterranean sea. in a statement, congresswoman tlaib rejected the characterization instead calling it quote, an aspirational called for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate. congresswoman rashida tlaib joins me now. congresswoman, thank you for coming on tonight. i just want to start by asking, what your conversations with your democratic colleagues have been like over the last 24 hours, particularly, have you talked to any of the 22 that voted for the essential resolution. >> many of my colleagues know, i have an open door policy. they can come and talk to me about this. they know the conversation will lead, me urging them to please save as many lives as possible, and that means calling for a cease-fire. again, my colleagues know where my heart is and they know that i have been pushing from day one of coexistence of the days where both my grandparents when they were born there, there was coexistence among all faiths. living in peace. and, you know, much of what i am seeing is distortion of my words. also in trying to silence my residents who have been calling from the beginning of freedom. freedom from inequality. freedom from the occupation. freedom from the violence. and so it has been really difficult, i think, for me, as i walk on the house floor, walking there, watching many of the colleagues that voted for this, not engage me. they know i am ready. i am ready to have those conversations. and i think they're missing an opportunity to talk to a palestinian, a palestinian american, serving with them. i have a lived experience that needs to be shared and heard. >> i want to stipulate here that i think the censure resolution is a ludicrous distraction amidst the sheer amount of human suffering happening in the region. so, you know, just to put that aside, i want to talk about this phrase. obviously this was a phrase that i think really caught some folks, jewish americans, different folks, it reads differently to different people from the river to the sea. the contention is that this is a call for a kind of anti colonial expulsion, right? similar to algeria kicking out the french, right? get out of here, go back to wherever you came from. this is how it is heard, i think, to a lot of jewish ears. so i want you to explain what you mean by it, and why you used it, or why you included it in the video. >> i mean, look, i'm asking my colleagues, don't distort the words of my residents. many people in this movement for human rights for palestinians have always centered around coexistence. you hear them calling from that, and saying that you know, no matter your faith, your in the city, your background, you should be able to live without fear, without discrimination, without this kind of inequality that netanyahu's extremist party and his leadership has been pushing. so, for many of my colleagues, they know, deep in their hearts, where my heart is, many of the folks including the american jewish community that is out there demanding, again, the call again, against this notion that we cannot all live together. so, i think again, this is just a moment right now that folks want to use, a specific moment to silence the majority of americans are calling for a cease-fire to silence this movement around actual peaceful coexistence. because right now, that is not what netanyahu wants. netanyahu's current government, most extremist government in the history of israel's not calling for that. he's going to the united nations, and basically showing maps where palestinians don't exist. so my colleagues, i wish that they would call out that. >> just to be clear, when you talk about peaceful coexistence, you imagine a pluralistic democratic state in the full and from the river to the sea. but that would be, fundamentally, the people that at here, and think israel should exist as a jewish state, they are just not going to like that. i just want to clarify what the actual positions are. >> you know, i grew up in the most beautiful, black is city in the country were separate but equal didn't work. we saw it in our own country. but i'm not going to push it on to the people. if folks want to push for a state, go for it. guess what? netanyahu's current government is not supporting that. he's literally said it to us over and over again. he doesn't want to coexist with palestinians. and we are saying no, we will have a peaceful coexistence, pushing against those that want to target people solely based on the fact that they are palestinian, or a visit of faith. my city, they taught me to push against that kind of racism, discrimination, and call for elimination. i will use the words he said, cleanse gaza. you know, this is what i have to continue to speak truth to power on. i'm not going to allow folks to distort or try to silence, or again, try to make out that my residents are calling for something anything, anything but the violence. >> you have worked assiduously on behalf of, obviously, you represent a community that has a lot of folks that are from the middle east. particularly palestinians. you worked to residents who were american residents who are trapped in gaza, i read an account today that talked about how much your efforts were instrumental in bringing them out of gaza. can you tell me a bit about what that experience was like trying to get to americans to safety here in the u.s.? >> i mean zakaria and laila are finally home safely and michigan but it was an awful and horrific experience. they are americans and the secretary that everybody and myself, what is the plan to get americans out of gaza. there was no plan for days. to me, it put the lives of americans at risk and what i heard from south korea who was sheltering after his family's home was bombed, we sheltered in a hospital with his wife is that he said that it smelled like death. that every single day he was worried that his life was going to be taken. he would leave me voiced text just begging, urging, please, tell them to get us out of here. please, tell them to stop. everything he saw was women and children coming into that hospital. they didn't have food, they didn't have electricity, he just ran out of his medication, literally a few days before he was evacuated. you know, he was just and despair. i can't express to you enough how hard it is as a member of congress to get our government to please, please help save the lives of americans and get them out. again, they didn't move with the urgency that i was hoping. but one of the things we should note, chris, the overwhelming bill that he is home safe and his family is still in gaza right now being bombarded. and every day he worries that they are not going to be able to live through this. >> congresswoman rashida tlaib, palestinian american member of congress, thank you so much for making time for us. >> thank you. >> that is all in on this wednesday night, alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening, alex. >> thank you my friend, it is a big news night tonight. we will get right to it. when the sme

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,Many ,Open Door Policy ,Heart ,Calling ,Lives ,Conversation ,Save ,Coexistence ,Day One ,Grandparents ,Distortion ,Faiths ,Residents ,Violence ,Freedom ,Occupation ,Experience ,Palestinian ,Distraction ,Human Suffering ,Region ,Folks ,Phrase ,Contention ,Jewish Americans ,Anti Colonial Expulsion ,Algeria ,Netanyahu ,Faith ,Discrimination ,Background ,Extremist Party ,Leadership ,Inequality ,Fear ,Hearts ,Notion ,American Jewish Community ,Extremist ,Maps ,United Nations ,Jewish State ,Separate But Equal Didn T Work ,Beautiful ,Visit ,Racism ,Elimination ,Truth ,Silence ,Cleanse Gaza ,Community ,Middle East ,Bit ,Account ,Efforts ,Secretary ,Laila ,Zakaria ,South Korea ,Urging ,Hospital ,Life ,Wife ,Text ,Electricity ,Medication ,Despair ,Everything He Saw ,Urgency ,Member Of Congress ,Friend ,Big News Night Tonight ,Sme ,Alex Wagner ,

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