Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240702

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and welcome to hannity.y and tonight, democrats, they are in complete panic modet ,the media mob. they're pretty hysterical. and talk of mutiny inside the democratic party is now widespread. democr partywe are one day remoo the first 2024 presidential debate. it did not go well for joe biden. it went very wel joel, donald trump. in fact, many analysts, including myself, believe that for joe biden, this was the single worst debate performance in american televised presidential debate history. bate perrmancehere's a politico, quote, democrats really have no way to spin biden's disastrousbe debate and another quote w t f panic. dems start looking for alternatives to bidepanin. here's an actual headline from fake news cnn. wen actualeadlin are effed. democrats despair over biden debate performance. t don't blame me for the language. anyway, everyonehe watching last night witnessed what a weak, wiail, mentally impaired, man with a very poor memory. they saw the thousany poord yard stare, open mouth, glossy eyes a . they heard confusion, muttering, trouble with numbers and namerds and concepts, epts in other words. struand post-debate, while we saw biden struggle to get down three or four stairs, getting off the debate stage with his wife, helping him every single step of the way. now, a few minutes later,, first lady dr. jill biden led a cringeworthy post-debate rally r while her husband, the president, stared off into space lik sidente did all during the debate. >> take a look. joe, you did a great job. you answered every questionand on the air. let me ask the crowd. what did trump dlet theo? yes, joe, you did it.u di you did good. you answered every question and everything, yo. >> i guess love is blind, isn't it? joe biden clearly is not well, but this isn't some kind of breaking news kin revelation here. biden has obviously been in a very steep cognitive decline for years as we have beenthis reporting on this show over and over s over again since before he was president. matter of fact, we gotcrit criticized oftenic for doing soe you might rememberme, it's not just this terrible record in his hard left turn. d add to that as well. well, let's be honest. cognitive struggles that are now more than a little concerning. so obviouslyw more, having cognh issues, that's being polite. every hostile regime in thavge world sadly knows that joe is weak and fraiworll and they o know what all of you know. that is a cognitivow whae mess,y unfortunately. and you might remember when i started talkinemembeg about, n gets a good night. bedtime stor y and warm milk and sippy cup. remember that? a that was 2021. you know, we were only stating the obvious. t biden's poor performance last night was not anything new. not it was not out of the ordinary. we show it to you almost every y night. we saw this ever alsingle almost every speech. and yet, for years, the state run media mob their friends in the democratic party. they say this is ade conspiracy theory. as o thif a few days ago, what e they claiming? oh, that's right. oh videos of biden. these are cheap fake videos. no they were real. take a look at your screen. here's the new york times. on the left, they call videos of biden's struggles, quote, misleading obide. that was last week. on the right last we, at leastr four headlines after the debate, begging joe toheadlp out because of his cognitive decline. but it wasn't just the new yorkh times. here's most dnc is liberal, joe, our old friend. >> take a look. lookstart your tape right now,au because i'm about to tell you the truth. and if t if you can't handle can the truth, thi'ts version of biden intellectually, ly analytically is the bestis biden ever. a not a close and i've known him for years. we saw las ht night why this race has been close and why i feard m a donald trump will be the nexte president of the united states unless things change. >> best biden ever. if you can't handle the true blank, you joe, i wantor to apologize for that. anyway, i guess democratsg to thought they were going to be lying their way into reelection, according the left, according to the media mob. biden was always m on his game. they said joe would accomplishdo more in one hour than mostmpn on americans do in an entire day. he's got more energy. i'm having a hard time keeping up mor with him. some of these young staffers would be out there sayin g, be o and this was only a couple of weeks ago. >> take a look. ut and saying he's fine. all this right-wing propaganda that he mental acuity has declined is wrong. >> president biden has a photographic memorisy. a look he is sharp, intensely probingti and detail oriented and focused. >> i think there is so much misinformationg is wng has, dis, as we've been talking about. s uttalked about the video of the president wandering and it's not true. >> president biden video o takis debate prep incredibly seriously. you will see a very energized president biden, i can assure you of that. joe biden does have concerns about his mental fitness. nor do i. i've spent an incredible amoun bate pret of time with joe biden that just afraid that the other side is pushing. >> you all have calledyooe bide. the cheap fakes video. and that's exactly what they are. i sp incredible fakes video, cheap fake videos. >> reallay all the democrats, ta all the media, they've all been? lying to you and tomocr ats,the american people for a four plus long but after last night's debate, well, the gig is up. no one is democrats are now desperately looking. now desperat a last minute change or not? not because of the truth, whiche is they've known about joe biden's cognitive and mental declin a e or the fact that he has been a terrible president. but because they may lose in november and the polls are showing that nower andworse. they're going to get worse. they have been fully aware of joe's decline, lying about it, hiding it all from the american people. for them, political power is all that matterems. they don't care about the truth or logic or doino g the right. h in 2016, they perpetrateddirty the dirty dossier that hillary clinton bought and paid for that dirty russian hillary tion disinformation dossier. yeah, guess what? that dossierdossier. . and then, of course, no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute hillary for top secret classified informatioetn on her servers. what about the fact that she deleted. oh, that's right. 33,000 emails use something called bleach destroyed devices ,hammers, remove sim cards. what about the four phony pfizer warrants to spy warr trump?t no consequences for anybody. dentthree long years, state run media mob and democrats lyingd o about a russia hoax all paid for by hillary clinton and put together for money that she paid for. then, of course, in 2020 we can tony blinken, he gets 51 intel experts, supposedly four more, although some at the time were current to sigrmer altf thn a br suggesting that hunter's very real lapto p was russianan disinformation. none of them ever saw none othe laptop none of them ku thing about the laptop. the only thing they knewt as hated donald trump, they wanted biden to win and they wanted to giv dtrume a biden talking point in that debate. after the laptop story point in broke. so now what? in 2024, what can you expect now? t what's the scheme that they're going to come up with this timh ? because you need to know how deep, how profoundyou need w dangerous democrats, the media d and the deep state have become in this country. iaand thdeepand again, nobody id accountable. plus, of course, should lasty iu name is trump. then they make it and after last night, wethey maw know why your attorney general, merrick garlaney generd, weapons doj. whoa. released the robert hurd tapeses and why they are using lawfare against donaldy trump and protecting joe biden from the extremel y damning information on hunter's very real laptop -, where hunter implicates his own father. 10% for the big guy. pops gets half my salary. accoun which account should we pay for, pops? home repairs. you know, remembert y for thin. are democrats really now planning to topple joe biden? t now, of course, if they want to make a change, that's not to be joe and joe biden have yearned for the white house for decadeel . you think they're just going to give up, pack it up and leave for goodl justup and r good? the bidens only care about themselves. ththey are most certainly notos weighing the impact of their party or their country now. today, after dozene theis of cao to bow out from high level democrats while president joe biden appearedgh to double down on his caffeine or whatever. i don't know what it is. and they sauntered out at ad campaignthey rally in northcamp carolina on a stage where he appeared. wellain north caro just as confd as normal, you know, like that look, that blans cok stare. but then today, there were a turn of jacked up, hyper caffeinated joe.l of and all the rage and insanitye n that comes with it. d inthat's right. angry, screaming, jacked up, joe. aryhe's back. >> taktae a look back at the new . nono, neve! r. your freedom, your democracy. li america itself is at stake. i told him how he had called l a veteran and given their lives in the country in world war one. iv icountry anhe refused to go e gravesites. >> he called them suckers. illusions. yeahd them a . my son was one of those kids. not a war. wanted to be folks.s donald trump's the firstth president. i've heard of this presid. en >> good up there running for president, having been won one term, saying america'sa a failing nation. where the does he think he isfa amer ? >> americans are losing nation. america is winninga is win. can >> as i stated earlier, i can honestly say i've never been more optimistic about america'es future in my whole career. >> it's declining because his horrific policies and the horrific policiebes of radical destalist marxist democrats did ,destroying the country. if democrats want a new candidate, they're going hav to have to force joe off the ticket kicking and g and yelling the entire way. well, in a post on next, barack, ba obama now is kind of tepidly defending, quote, bad debate nights happen, but this election is still a choiceho between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entir e life and someone who only cares about himself. really in other words, joe biden is a disaster. but please, jo don't vote for hm because we all hate donald trump. but we have trump derangement syndrome trump. tonight, we can officially saysa the democrats are in disarray j and with just a few weeks until the dnc. well, preparweeke some firework. but here's one other things onu you need to know. it doesn't really matter which democrat they pick, and i'llwhy. tell you why. it they all thinkmost p alike for the most part. they're all radicalizeard. here now with more fox news white house senior correspondent peteore, whir doo, is with us. mr.. doocy sir. you know, you've taken a lot of heat in that press room. often you've been you've been willing to go there and ask questiong os about. this sensitive topic. how have you been treated? well, look, we have seen instances where the president has misspoken, including over the last couple of months when he was at a campaign fund driser away from cameraswhene ae was droppingop the names of european leader os who have been dead as people that he talked to as president.sked and when i asked about that in here, i was told it is t ina conspiracy theory that continued, especially over the last few weeks whey n. we were told by officials, white house officials in this room, whit that any clip that as to show president biden, having losthatt step or freezin saying the wrong thing is freea cheap, fake. but the solution would be for anybody curious about him who wants to form an opinion about the president. just to watcoum,h an uneditedt o biden event. well, a lot of people don't dont tune in until theree is something like a presidentialil debate and they got to see a full, unedited event. it is completely unclear that their opinions were changed the way that the whiteeh house wanted them to be. and when you look todae housy te after that debate where there were a lot of awkward silences while the president was speaking haltingly at times, he and his campaign are the ones who asked h for no studio audience today. it looked like he was feeding off the crowd. or at the very least, if there's a pause. the crowd is filling in the silence with cheers or with a four or more years chant or something. they are the oneesilencwith chet the ground rules for last night. he oe. look everywher i spent the whole day in the white house booth looking for democratee wholins to say on why they think maybe he hadnigh a good night last night and you can't find it. i spent all dala and yoy. y an and then once barack obama describes it as a bad debate, it it's kind of over. nobody is going to go overs barack obama's head and say,d an oh, no, he's wrongd . he barack obama is wrong. the leader of the party,leader i he here's why. here's why he's wrong. it's just not going to happen. wrong wilyou know, the thing in they brought up the whole cheap fake video thing, it was amazing because we went wen back to overt ba. we're very careful. i often reach out to the white house and the karine jean-pierre in our y to getnd we tr comment. i don't know, is it something that maybe i sai , isd or maybedid, pet i did, peter because they never get back to us ever. know that i don't know.bu but what i can telt l you iswh there no plan. - we talk to campaign people. therd toe is no plan for presid. biden to drop out. i know that last night democrats in particular were hystericcular we about their eln chances tanking. an plan for hit their m to out. and they say despite how things went last nighhat, nobody sev that helped with the seven days of debate prep is going to get dayepfired. and they say that president biden will show up septembermp n to debate trump again. peter doocy, thank you. all right. the contrast between biden and>e trump has never been more clear for yet another example. here wasve today in virginia what governor glenn youngkin remember polls showingt stat that state dead even. >> take a look . >> did anybody last night watch a thing called the debate? and that was a big one. but as you saw on television last night, we had a big victory against a man that really is looking ma destroy our country. he's the worst. he's the most corruphe is tht, t incompetent president in the history of our countryent i and we have to take it tha back from that party. that's an evil party, despite part that crooked joe biden spent the entire week at camp david resting, working, studying, he studied very hard.t he studied so hard that he didn't know what the he wase doinwas g. >> all right. joining us now, fox news contributors kellyanne conway. ari fleischer are with us. kellyanne, start with you. maybe my favorite moment of the night is when president trump said, i have no idea what hei ha just said. therveha e, and i don't think he has sai any idea about what he said here, there. thnow, i'm just going to rollol b-roll while you're talking, because we could go over all ofv the thingser that biden said and all. i mean, it was a disaster and we can list them. mowever, i think the worst moments in the debate or what's airing right now on the screen ,that blank stare. it was like nobodynk was stare e and he was just like looking out and looking in other directions. that was frightening to me yo we look. at this. >>ur what was your reaction to that part of it? it's verparty frightening.ough and everyone saw that. i thought just the way the two men handled each other the the . desperate. president trump really never even looked over at jo ver eve is biden and he looked out because your audience is not your opponent, is not even the debatenopponent,. nce is your audience, sean, is alwayspl the people. and then you had president biden looking oddly at trump. lookinw think what we sa on display is donald trump is a very complicated man with very simple ideas. , cu build the wall, cut your taxes, do drag, repeal, replace obamacare, defend unborn life in all of it. and then you've got joe biden. he's the opposite. he's a very simple many si with vermpley human having a hai and a complicated ideas that nobody could follow, includinde couldg him. i love the combination of thi e one two punch of trump last night. as goes biden to your point. there were doe many times whener president trump just satum back and let joe biden speak, he knows numbers and i'm him. all that rest and rehearsanows i not going to pay off. in fact, it was going to make joe biden seems goinmake j a roo and not out of touch and out of sync. and thenand when appropriate, president trump went in there and won the debatep went. you know, sean, for allbout the talk today about who should she biden it was a disasteri wa for biden. i want to talk about the other side of the ledgernt to . won donald trump won that debate. he neutralized the republican position on abortion. he all the while defending unborn life. he talked about deregulation, talked economy about the econome had in 2019. he talked about the way he handled covid. he talke ththatd joe biden not telling the truth about no troops dying. telltruthe pushed back on the ls that they let fly about this, an the that the other. and i thought that president trump woatn that as much as joei biden lost it. i had this to say. no, there is absolutels to sy breaking news whatsoever in what we all saw last night. it wl an unforgivable, inexcusae disgrace that we as a nation have been gaslit by biden's wife, his family, his closest, s his allies and acolytes and sycophants in the mainstream and. n i learned nothing new last night about joe biden. abouden.s hard to watchs sometimes. it was no shock, though, to any noof us who have been saying the for a long time. too little, too late. to him. ou and i'll tell you why. the vice president has no competenceth. she's terrible at everything she touches. nobody wants her to be united states. but more importantly. name one republican, sean and ari. d name one democrat, strong ari, who have stood up and said we took too lonk to og in the bordl inflation is not going well. we're in all these wars. wen al need a new agenda. we need a new reset.a nobody has said that. if nobody has said thatto they don't deserve to be the democratic nominee. ou yeah. all right. let me go to you. you know, in the lead up l t to debate, we pulled out a lot of archives of the moderators, jake tapper and i call them fake jake and dana bash. and what we found were two people masquerading as journalistsg as that were gig very strong anti-trump opinions . on a regular basis, america's long, horrible nightmare is nowo officially over. for millions of millions of americansffially r millio, e. that would be opinion. that's not journaliss not jom. and i think by exposing that and it kind of went viralr. and everybody kind of expected that they knew that they had a bias against. donald trump i think the fact that so many people were t to be looking for it put a loton of pressure on them to be more fair than the they otherwie would have been. i might be wrong because i think that pressure, they definitely felt it. and number two, i think that there was a lot of pressure on the biden pcampaign after the state of t union and it was all jacked up and hyper caffeinate up d. shon if that joe would have shown up again last night, that's problemati c, showed up today.ha but, you know, that even makes the the narrative that much more bizarre to me. do you agree that that the amount of attention given b because donald trump didn't have a say what networeck wasa on he didn't ever say who the moderators were. he didn't have a say what thsath e, he format was. he didn't have a say about muting microphones. it was either our way ory and the highway. and he chose to takehe you know the unfair conditions that no other presidential candidate had to anons an. and he went in there anyway. your reaction? ywyeah, sean, i thinke you're partially right about the cnn anchors. >> i'lpartiallright abl start t. they didn't play opinion journalists lastn' night.thin they did ask questions. and i think the questions were, the. demst part, solid they were your usual democratic litany of questions about abortion and global thquestiontwarming, because thas the only thing that democrats think the election is about. but they didat t get to inflatiu >> i pointed out, about 8/10 of a way throught tenths the dee that they had yet to ask a a question about joe biden's ag joee and his health, the numr one issue in the race. and then shortly afterwards, gld dana asked the question, and i was glad she did, but they fiver took the advantage of the first live interview with joe biden to ask him about why he lieitn tod when he said he nh talked business with his son. hunter h , and all the photos emerged that he did. it came out that he was note hee phone calls, his son's clients. why didn't they press him on that? that's probabl ony bridge too far for anybody from cnn, so they wouldn't ashek that. i think they they they are so locked into derangement that the media that the ends justify means. they knew well he hadl cognitive issues and they hid nt it and they couldn't hide it after last night. itthat's my take., go but anyway, good to see you both. appreciate you beingod te yo wi. kellyanne, thank you. and ari, thank you. wh, we come back, the mobne, tn the media, they rightly are in panic mode after night's debate. after all, they've been running a protection racketer alt, joe, for the entire time. he ran for president in 2020th and the entire time he's been president. timee hasome, though, now openly calling for biden to be replaced. we're going to sho w you their icy hot ice works fast. icy hot ice works fast. heat makes it land feel. >> the power of contrast there'' . so you can rise fromwh being ice by force factor. >> total beats is the number b one beats brand in americaoost that's why friends and family recommend total beats. now you can find total beats, pressure chews at walmart so you can boost nitric oxide support, blood pressure and improve heart health. rush to walmart and find total beats at jones. >> we know one thing and one thing only. baxter gained back from weekend chores, tip pulled backs doing your favorite hobbies. we even know quarterbacks don't the experts in back pain relief for more than 100 years available at a store near you. there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers. that's more people than there wall mounted dual actuating drinking fountains which means to me is popular than health code violations. to me, it's more popular than mounted dual actuating drinking fountains. >> 60 on fox, deep in the heart of texas, winning games, picking stocks alive in the midsummer classic, saying what it in my face. rock stars are everywhere. the mlb all-star game, july 16th on fox. >> oops, sorry it just locked in a great refinancing rate for my student loans with credible .com credible. where did you hear about that? 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oh thatbecause they feel this de was so terrible? >> and i think what would you say conversationnds happenig ,what you mean?>> i think people are talk i think the conversations range from tho whether he should be in this race tomorrow morning to what was wrong with himg ha, his bas they were hoping that tonight would be a game changer. they are now seeing a presidente who is in the white house who they do not necessarily believ e can can do this for another four years. >> he believes that he is the only person that can do it. the problem is, after tonight, his party doesn't believe that there's going to be discussion about whether he should continue. >> is how distracting all ofoble the chatter going to be, which i'm getting. we're all getting on texts, aboucontinue about whether, whic he should be replaced. that chatter is happening. ther >> people are asking questions. and i think there's a lot thg to wantho are goinbe repla to see him consider taking a different course now. we're still far fromg ffer our conventionent and there far is time for this party to figure out a different way forward, if you will allowm ourw us to do that. biden print media, it is eves tn worse. biden's friends at the "new york times", they are now demanding that he leave the races friend yormes ar and other outlets. but earlier today, biden's campaignaresevera director saidi that there are no conversationre about replacing biden happening at all. here with fox news contributor contributors joe conchbia, jason chaffetz. good to see you both. jason, before i gejoe ant joe js insightful media analysis, i want to go to you and talk about how complicated it actually is. there is a path, there is a way t for ithe to. but you also have state laws that will then as my understanding correct me if at wili'm wrong that would be applicable, that might be difficultd may b and there is the whole issue, f you know, how willing are the are the democratic elites. how willing are they going to be? and what is their the they're appetite to go against the voters that nominated joe biden? yeah. isn't it funny how the party that's preaching y oh, we got to save democracy wants to bypass democractoy. the all those primaries, bypass all those caucuses. primn by theea decisio party elites. part,etting that aside i worked with the oversight project there at the heritag pe foundation for the last four months. elections are not rufo n by the party. elections are not run by the federal government. electiont ru rty.s are run by thehe states. each state has a set of laws and many these states, about 16s of them in particular, do not allow you to replace your candidate unilaterally. you don't get to go to the convention and say, up, joe had a bad debate. noconvenw going to put in, you , gavin or gretchen or somebody. you can't do that if look at rfk jr. he can't even get on the balloto in many of these states because he didn't meet the thresholde i in the timeline. so even ifn they wanted to short of jeff, you cannot simply change them ou deatht. yeah pretty you know joe concha. what's really spectacular to me is that there's no way anybody can convince me that the media and you're the bes t analyst by far on fox and frankly i in the media in generala in genand you're the only onear that doesn't always go along with the crowd. and you stand backe only and you give real criticism that is justified. nd you99.9% of the time. and i'm watching themti and they're acting like, wow, we've never seen this. joe bidengn. , yes, and i'm thinking, yes, you have. they're all they've all beene covering for, joe. they've all been lyingbeen for e ,just like they peddle lies rand conspiracies about. russia just like they pushey the whole narrative as it relates to ukraine, just like they pushed a phony narrative on many levels about januaryve six, ignoring donaldls trump approving thousand troops, ignoring the capitol police chief. all that missing documentation we now knof.w about it. it really is frustrating to that they're that corrupt. they really are state run mediea . and i don't think there's there's any disputing that anymore. oh, absolutelyi doe is any. and what's utterly tastic, sean, about all of this is the and surprise by what they saw andon that screen last night during that debate being reduced to tears. creee troy watching this netwo network once in a while and especially this show becausece i for three year an almost daily basis we would do a very simplefos on thing. o we would play a clip of joe biden and then we would analyze what we sae bidedw and what we . joe yeah, i need to correct you. i've been doing this since before he ran in 2020. >> remember, you know, we hold these truths to be self-evidentr . all men and women are created by the thinghs right? but you know, the thing god, the thing the creator of, everything. >> that thing. okay. fact check. fact check. myself. we've been doing for fivee crof years. and the point is that when dog itbiden joe biden then mangles the english language or he forgets the name of a th thenglishlanguagecabinet meme he inherited 9% inflation, or that hisinheri was eaten by cannibals, or he once drove an 18-wheeler, or when he tries shake hands with casper joe downstage. yeah. wh wouldou doubty would you doue beau's story? >> i find that remarkablele because there was somebody who survived that whole mission sayssaid that never happened. so i'm just going on, i don'tap know, a source that was therpene >> so, look, the point is that when we were told all these things, we hearde. all these things or we saw joe biden falling on stage or off his bike or actually walking, we ll upstairs, which is hard to do on air force one time and again, we were tol s biked that those were cheap fakes, manipulated and edited. but here's the best partn behind closed doors, we were also told joe biden morphed into milton ed. the meets normann wa schwarzkopf. so the media, the clown therere, there is no recovering from this whatsoever because they tried to insultecon the intelligence of people who have eyes, ears and sanity. >> sean, you know what? and then you add to it the russia hoax and then you add to i havt the lies and thed th conspiracy theories of what piracy tthey report and whatrt they choose not to report. they purposely have chosen not to inform their viewers, their readers, everybody, that this is the state of the president of our country. ofand for that, it is unforgivable to me. anyway, i am obviously both. t thank you. now, guys, good to seeo see yo . when we come back, who could replace biden if democrats do repl off the ticket? tomi lahren. she's been calling it the whole way shtommy ie. thinks it's newsome. we'll ask her and mark penn straight ahead. if you're about to your roof star, here's a solution that's a fraction of the cost. roof max guaranteed to extend the life of your roof up to 15 years at a fraction of the cost of a new roof. roof, max is scientifically proven. bio-oil restores flexibility and water protection to strengthen and extend the life of your roof. they applied the first treatment in fall of 2016, and many of our neighbors have had their roofs, but our roof has stood the test of time. so we're very thankful to that . this is a 17-year-old asphalt shingle. it literally disintegrates. but here's an identical shingle that we treated roof maxs proven formula. it passed rigorous flexibility testing from the ohio state university as a new shingle, 21 years old, and has seen some horrendous unfortunately, come through here. and yet my roof still looks like it got put on a few weeks ago. nine out of ten roofs can be saved by roof max, and that's why roof max has treated nearly 200 million square feet of roofs all across america. we're america's number one rated roofer with over 8000 reviews. we were having high winds and shingles were blowing off the rails continually. but, you know, five years later, after the application, the roofs look great a roof, max roof could also pass a home inspection. if you're getting ready to sell or for insurance, saving you money. so don't spend of thousands replacing your roof. restore it with roof backs for up to 80% less. it's done what it said it would do, and i will have this to say if he is satisfied with it, it it has to be good call or go online for a comprehensive leak. threat analysis and roof maintenance tuneup. an $859 value free roof max proud partners with the dave thomas foundation for adoption. when you restore your roof a forever homewe p for a child waiting in foster care plan to offer retirement. >> but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have anysi idea that they can sell their life insurance policy for cash? 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would he ever consider it? isand could replace him at the e top of the democratic ticket? er it?one name raising a lot of speculation. californiac governor gavinif newsom, as well as michigan governor whitmer. ornibut asked about the calls fr biden to step down last night, o gavin had this to say. >> take a look. i was very proud of the president tonight. so from my humble perspective, >>y prout about, you know, style. this is about delivering results for the american people. i would never turn my back on president biden. nevernr my back on president biden. and i don't know a democrat in my party that wouldi dem do. especially after tonight. we have his back. we run not the 90 yard dash we are all in. we're going to double down in the next few months. we'rred wille going to win thiss election. >> another possibl ande replacement, as i mentioned, t michigan governor gretchen whitmer. he but will the democrats actually look to replace biden?m and how do you skip overeo somebody by the name of kamala harris? here n kam to, weigh in. the host of tomi lahren is fearless. on outkick, tomi lahree hon, for bill clinton adviser, pollster mark penn, who i'm going to beka nice to tonight. i just made myself a promiseo f before you came on. tomi, i do have to start wite hh you. i got to tip my hat to you. i meanyou., you have been the mh steadfast of anybody saying. d he's going to be replaced. and it's got to be gavin newsom. ifs backed off that position, i would assume after lasve nt, o you're more locked in than ever . more locked in than ever. ande to whenlik you hear governor gavin newsom say things like, i've got joe's back. like i willplace aying not replace him any more. i will not takhie the nomination he's not saying those definitive words. he's sayinote thminationg i wils back. so, sean, agai n, this sends me a lot of signals that gavin newsom is being a good little soldier for joe biden. he's his number one surrogate. he's out there following him gos around, cleaning up his mess, eating up his crumbs like so wlturrem aroue. so when the time comes that they convince joe biden to step down o thar joe biden rt rather than gavin newsomher, is going to be the one waiting there in the wings. i hear a lot of people float other names. i don' t wingst hear anybody floatingi kamala harris, by the way. but that's a different topic. you hear gretchengla harri wn w, you hear maybe some other promising democrats. but th but those other democrats have not put in the work. they have not gone on oss a red state tour. they have not gone to israel. they have not courted foreign leadere tourthey hs and chineses they have not put in the work. that gavin newsom has put in on behalf of himself, but on behalf of joe biden. so o i more steadfast than ever that gavin newsom will replace joe biden by the time weavin had november. >> se does have newa record tht he's going to have to run on. and that california record ie d. pretty radical, left more radical than joe biden. that will be a big issue. you knowat wil, i'm sure, theren are going to be meetings, mark, that none of us will knogsed thw about, private meetings with joe. and i'm sure joe and biden will be people will be pleading with them for the good of the country. i think it's importantf th thatu step aside, you've served the country well, etc., i'm not convinced that the bidens are going with that said, i want to know. what you think and if he was to be replaced, how do you get past kamala harris to tommy? selection of gavin newsom? gavn well n, i think i've been equaly steadfast on the other side of thihink is saying that joeof biden is the nominee. he was elected by theic vot democratic voters in the primaries. he's not goingers in anywhere. i will say that last night, you know, debate creates some potential turbulence. i think the democrats are going to see what happens with the polls. .i think, look, you know,e in people in congress are going to be worriesd, you know, but i don't think that there's really going to be a change. i think that things are goingth to consolidate back aroundink th biden in in advance of the convention. and they figure, look, we'll pull this thinadvance thn back together in the convention. it will be some turbulence her convene as well. we're in the middle of the turbulence, probably.. e it's a good thing for hims that we're heading into the 4thl of july weekend. but i assume these conversationy s will take place c if you want to put outon odds. mark, what would you saymark, wh the odds are that he's the candidate come november? >> oh, i still think it's kind 1 eight or nine in ten that he is the candidateke because really takes a lot to unseat a sitting president who hat to s controlhe par of the party and wants to run. and as you sawty, he out there e today. he wants to run. tos, you givee uptic up your seat, you're done. your to giveo not want up that seat and those planes. >> tommy, what are the what are the odds? you're correctodds you. wit >> i'm sticking with my original thought. i don't think joe bideoriginn co is going to have a choice at this point. and joe biden's not either. they're not goin thipoin g to goto and continue to be embarrassed like this. they they're egomaniacs. so they're notbe embar lik goint their legacy come down to this. joe might not even be able to standhis. september. nd let's just be honest. all right. well septem of you are right. t just don't know which one yet. we'll finddon'. i we're going to watch it unfold. wewe only have onl a 129 days ti election day. and if they tr y a dirty trick, i don't think it's going to go over well with the american people if they tr l goy and jump over kamala harris, they got a problem. when we comey to j back, the sup court issued a major ruling this morning. we have full t issued, complete analysis. what great jarret and alan dershowitz, it's about january 6. it does, in fact, impact donald and his case in d.c. straight ahead, what makes bull and brand sheets so soft? 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>> donald trump? well, the supreme court sean is constantly having to fix mistchurlish maneuversaving to,e sophomoric mistakes of rogue prosecutors at the underder bide biden and merrick garland. they misuse and contort the law for political purposes, and then they ge lt, as they did today by the supreme court, for bringing improper charges. >> they tried to force fit an obstruction statute that involves the tampering of evidence. my goodness. obst not what happenedwhat on january six. and it means, as you point out ,e fals 330 people that were falselyel prosecuted will probably have their convictions either tossed or modified. >> but for donals either d trump, it may mean that jackson smith now has to rewrite his, indictment or somehow find a way to circumvent today's supremeu i court ruling. >> i think he'll try the latter because two of the tryus four cd in the d.c. case are based on thi s misapplied obstruction law. i guarantee you that is furiously right this minute, digesting today's decisionally t because it could potentially gut the special counsel's case. so smith is a desk man with the immunity decision, which i think will be against him coming on monday. >> yeah, professor, i'd lover te your take on this. well, first, this has grea ot implications for the new york conviction. remember yesterday biden is calling a convicted felon. no, he's not. no, convicted of a non crimek. in new york. what the prosecutors did in new thyork is what the supreme court condemned today. it took a statute that wased for o designed for other purposes, stretched it purpo, added anothr statute, resurrected deadmitati statutes under the statute of limitations, and invented a neonw. and th and the supreme court said today, no, no, no, you can't doe cour you can't do that whether you're a new york prosecutor or a d.ctha. prosecutor. so this case not only helps donald trump, the district doa, it virtuallycolumb assures his ultimate reversal, his conviction in new york as well. and it tellsne as prosecutors e brag, don't be creative, don't invent new crimes in order to get at people you don't like, whether they're protesters o tr the candidate for president of the united states. amis is a good dayr th for, america, a good day for civil libertarians. and i was veryday fo pleasantlyj surprised to see one of the liberal justicesus join this opinion and shake her finger aat prosecutors. case, so this is a vers y important case for all americans and all civil libertarians. >> do you both predict, as i do, that the supreme court, will weigh in on the immunitytyc case with limited immunity that will likely helwithp. i predict that's the outcome. do you agreeome,? o. >> yes, i think so. i think they'll extend the existing civil protection for presidents to criminal pemunity shieliminal id them asg as their actions are within the outer perimeter of official duties. and trump has a valid argument . and the most important, i'll say is that if you had mos immuo while you're president, that immunity continues afte r. th you're president. that's an argument that jack schmitt made the opposits t thar of the supreme court will reject that argument. so between theseem two, basicalm we might say bye bye toay the d.c. casyee. it was a fair analysis real quick. yeah, okay. s that >> yeah. so the d.c. case and the florida caseis?, as.ate yo yeah, and the new york you all right. more "hannity" straight ahead. >> you know what's crazy? that this is better than cooking at home. i mean, more affordable than groceries of course. >> okay, groceries are expensive, but i was in trouble there for a second. >> you are when you travel, you can't afford to be sidelined by sore muscles and joints. >> that's why you should rely on australian dream arthritis relief cream. whether you're enjoying the day in a far off place or just working in the yard. australian dream helps you to keep moving. don't just live life, live life pain free. trust the original australian dream arthritis pain relief cream. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. lot of times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're . i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxium. sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night. you try it. relaxium sleep is studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium sleep worked. from the very first night i took, i had more focus and mental clarity than i've had in years. i wake up feeling alert and like i've had the best night's sleep stop being afraid and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium your body and your mind will thank you. take relaxium sleep. it'll work, i promise you it'll work. >> mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. visit try relaxium. com or call 800 8011737. >> this is our last chance th of holocaust survivors who are n suffering in the former soviet union today. union today. the suppor that these forgotten jewsrrot, have are something beyond have are something beyond anything you can imaginesoerday. have you eaten this morning? 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, Candidate , Policies , Horrific Policiebes , Ticket Kicking , Hav , Radical Destalist Marxist , Someone , Barack Obama , Election , Choiceho , G , Post , Nba , Tepidly , Life , Disaster , Folks , Trump Derangement Syndrome , Jo Don T , Vote , Entir E , Hm , Hate , It Doesn T , Firework , Preparweeke , Disarray J , I Llwhy , Lot , Part , Fox News , Thinkmost P , Mr , Sir , Correspondent Peteore , Radicalizeard , Doocy , Whir Doo , Heat , Topic , Press Room , Questiong Os , Misspoken , Cos , Instances , The Names Of European Leader , Cameraswhene Ae , Campaign Fund Driser , Droppingop , Conspiracy Theory , Clip , Officials , Room , Ina , Losthatt Step , President Sked , Solution , Opinion , Uneditedt O Biden Event , Freea Cheap , Watcoum , Opinions , Event , Presidentialil , Theree , Whiteeh House , Todae Housy Te , Campaign , Haltingly At Times , Studio Audience , Silences , Feeding , Ones , Last Night , Filling , Silence , Pause , Cheers , He Oe , Oneesilencwith Chet The Ground Rules , Booth , Yoy , Democratee Wholins , Nobody , Leader , The , Dover , Overs , Head , Wrongd , Wrong Wilyou Know , Video Thing , Karine , Jean Pierre , Plan , I Don T Know , Sai , It Something , Y , Don T Know Bu , Pet , Getnd We Tr Comment , Isd , Maybedid , Telt , Particular , Chances Tanking , Hit , Therd Toe , Eln , Hystericcular , Nobody Sev , Nighhat , Debate Prep , Septembermp N To Debate Trump , Dayepfired , Seven , Trump , Contrast , Glenn Youngkin , Stat , Here Wasve Today , Example , Showingt , Virginia , Big One , Night Watch , It Tha Back , History , Countryent , Worst , Victory , Corruphe , T Incompetent , Camp David Resting , Hard T , He Wase Doinwas G , Idea , Therveha E , Kellyanne Conway , Contributors , Ari Fleischer , Wall , Talking , The Thingser , Thnow , Rollol B Roll , Ofv , Nobodynk , Directions , Stare , Stare E , Mowever , Is Biden , Men , Everyone , Reaction , Each Other , Me Yo , Ur , Verparty Frightening Ough , Desperate , Jo Ver , Two , Supreme Court Sean , 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Hat , Saying , Lasve Nt , Ifs , Got Joe S , Aying , Whenlik , Ande , Nomination , Signals , Soldier , Agai N , Sayinote Thminationg , Gavin Newsomher , Wings , Mess , Waiting , Surrogate , Crumbs , Number One , Wlturrem Aroue , O Thar , Joe Biden Rt , Ith , Work , Names , Gretchengla Harri Wn W , T Wingst , Oss A Red State Tour , Floatingi , Israel , Behalf , Chineses , Oi , Weavin , Leadere Tourthey Hs , Ie D Pretty Radical , Radical , Record Tht , Theren , Run On , California , Newa , Knowat Wil , Meetings , Joe , Good , Will Knogsed Thw About , Th Thatu , Importantf , Step Aside , Etc De , Joeof Biden , Selection , Gavn Well N , Thihink , Turbulence , Theic , Aroundink Th Biden , Goingth , Worriesd , Advance , Thinadvance Thn , Congress , Place , Conversationy S Will , Middle , 4thl , 4 , Odds , Candidateke , Outon Odds , Saymark , 1 , Seat , Par , Controlhe , Sitting , You Sawty , Tos , You Givee Uptic , Planes , Thought , Choice , Wit , Joe Bideoriginn Co , Thipoin G , Tommy , 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First , Implications , Felon , Non Crimek , Grea , Thyork , Neonw , Statutes , Wased , Limitations , Purpo , Resurrected Deadmitati , Anothr , Doe Cour , Reversal , D Ctha , It Virtuallycolumb , The District Doa , Crimes , Prosecutors E Brag , Tellsne , Order , Don T Be Creative , Protesters O Tr , Don T Invent , Libertarians , Amis , Finger , Justicesus , Dayr Th For , Fo Pleasantlyj , Veryday , Immunity , Vers Y , Immunitytyc , Helwithp , Presidents , Actions , Outcome , Agreeome , Pemunity Shieliminal Id , O Yes , Them Asg , Argument , Important , Duties , Perimeter , Afte R Th , Mos Immuo , Bye Toay The D C , Basicalm , Opposits T Thar Of The Supreme Court , Jack Schmitt , Theseem Two , Casyee , Caseis , Cooking , As , Groceries , Dream , Yard , Joints , Sore Muscles , Australian Dream Arthritis Relief Cream , Australian , Sleep , Mike Huckabee , Times , Don T , Australian Dream Arthritis Pain Relief Cream , Arkansas , Sleep Relaxium , Relaxium Sleep , Ingredients , Neurologist , Clarity , Focus , Sleep Stop , Fears , Body , Holocaust Survivors , Visit Try Relaxium , Bottles , 8011737 , 1000 , 800 8011737 , Suppor , Soviet Union , Forgotten Jewsrrot , Imaginesoerday , Half , Supermarket , Site , Starving , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Foods , Jews , Ministry , Poverty , Food Box , Gift Mh , 25 , 5 , Heart , Gifts , Holocaust Sus , Diet , Save Lives , Thereh Pensio , Heaseven , Pensions , Come On , , Match , Scan Call , Hunger , Survival Food Box , Giw , Dr , Surviv Delay , Ri , Hungry Do , Voice , Versus Biden , Fox Media , Heard , Evening , Miss , Standing E , Evert , Episode , Dvr , Show Possiblek , Legreg Gutfeld , Weekend ,

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