world. >> how about going to? hannity anthony fauci grilled of the hill, and as always, his memory seems a little off. take a loof.k. i why was it so important i the virus not have started in a lawatersb? why was it so important that?ow the virus not we don't know. we know is important someone in the biden administration, so much so that the top people much at mit, the top people at facebook are asking, why are we getting all this pressurfacebookaskingel to downplay the lab leak theory ? and guess what? we have dr.. rand paul, senator rand paul, he actually has the actual smoking gun emails. he put paul, in his book. anyway, the once drunk with power, dr. fauci a skirted accountability for years while gaslighting the american people every step of the way. but a free pass that might soons be oveoor. d we'll check in with rand paul. that's coming up. also tonight, wells , mass amnesty for illegal immigrants, according to this new report, the biden administration, they just simply tossed out 350,000 illegal immigration cases. granting impunity to hundreds tr thousands of unvetted biden illegals without even a trial. also tonight, pro basketball star caitlin clark. clark is bringing fans intohe wb the wnba in droves, but manyr of her fellow wnba stars, they're not happy about it. some are even violently lashing ou. olentlt on the court. and by the way, one idiot over 1 at espn calling her the b-word, clay travis, tomi lahren, they'll weigh in straight ahead. but first, one week after trump waead.s convicted on all 3 bogus felony counts in new york's kangarobogus o court, the former president has now emerged more resolute than ever before. >> take a look. i say it and it soundsk. beautiful, right?l be you know, my revenge will be success and i mean that. that.but it's awfully hard when you see what they've done. these people are w so evil. >> and at the same time, the can come together. people also say, can you bring the country together? togethesay,anand the answer is. >> success will bring the country together because they had it togetherountry. >> now the momentum is certainly building forn donald trump. americans on both sides of the aisle, including commentators, even on fake news, cnn, abus are speaking out against what a gross abuse of power from both alvin bragg and juan merchan a everyone els. involved in this political witch hunt. and now trump's very own fundraising numbers are through the roof. in may, the trump campaigng numr and the rnc hauled in a whopping $141 million, nearly double april's numbers. the campaign says 53 millions was collected in the first 24 hours after trump's conviction. 25% of those donors, first time- contributors. contriband while biden only les tinyavil tiny, barely attended short, heavily scripted events, his 2024 opponent, donald trump, just attended a ufcjersey in new jersey. he was warmly greete wd the plae ,jam packed, having fun, clapping, very happy was there. anyway, this is in the prudential center. take a look. >> als >>o also with us tonight, 45 m, usher and ufc ceo dana white. donald trump is in the building and the former president getting a standinge ovation from the assembled masses here at ufc 302. boy, the round of applauseroun he's getting right now prettyng. staggering. and you had to imagine that's what was goinghe hade to happe >> by the way, anybody want to see biden go to a major sporting event? probably get booed right out of the stadium. few americans actually even really like joe biden.y know they know he's been a complete failure as your president. and that'se' democrats are nowra resorting to lawfare, weaponizing the doj. that's why they're in a full fledged panic. trump is now calling on the supremen aic? court to at before his sentencing. otherwise album brags politicas l con job. all that will need to slowly work its way through. a variety of liberal new york courts filled with partisan judges awaitmp donald trump. this lawfare deserves to be rectifie. td before the electio. these questions must be answered. did alvin bragg withhold exculpatory evidence fromjoe the grand jury? was biden donor judge merchaden obligated to recuse himself? what about the family conflict ex or donald trump?dment sixth amendment rights violater by not telling him the crime that he was even being charged with? wethat s even know to the end of the trial, if we even know at this di the judge allow prejudicial information during the trial. >> did new york even have jurisdiction on a federal election law? d th did the judge violate not one,ou but two supreme court decisions? the latest in 2020. ramot decisithe las versus louis jury instructions that very clearly mandated unanimity of the jury on issues. you can have four, four and four, as we have describede fou. law fair, blatant abuse of power. it cannot stand. r exactland meanwhile, we are monitoring yet another legal case, thislega one out of delaware. joe biden loves to say nobody's above the las tow but he might g be soon singing a very different tune. that is his very son is facing the possibility of real prison time. now, thi prison times morning, i biden's felony gun trial finally got underway. grwayhe's of lying on a gun application. why? in order to purchaseon a gun a n despite his ongoing drug abuse. now, this verybuse same firearmn in question was ultimately recovered in a dumpster nearquew a school. it was put there by his puthi brother's former wife, his girlfriend at the time. whrlr in newhe law fai york, well, there are no cooked up charges or aggressives campai prosecutors campaigning on. we're going to get hunter the biden. no, to the contrary, just the opposite of what you saw in newjust te of york. this trial features actual thise. e, numerous credibl and if i argue anything, i'd his ably say the deck is stacked in his favor. he's a biden in delaware. take a look. >> the witness this is brutal for hunter biden and include s his ex-wife. it includes the wife of the, ini late beau biden with whom hunter had a relationship after beau's deathm hundred in closea i believe, another even woman that has an issue with hunterh f biden here. i mean, that's tough stuff for hunter here. thy woulf fod you want to go through that? i don't think he would. and i think everything here ord to be presented is very damaging. >> all right. despite the evidence forfor a while, hunter biden appeared above the law. this is a triae hu bidl that war supposed to happen. remember? according to the "new york times"supposrdin, thes original plan was to charge hunter with nothing sweepunde all of these misdeeds under the rug. rur a while, it wasing to all going along according to plan. federal prosecutor p david wisew dragged on what appeared to be a fake investigation for years., remember, he allowed the statute of limitations to run oute allo on several serm tax crimes. conveniently, we call them, cou the burisma years. he then reportedly seemed content to wra ynp up the probeu without any charges. then a little problem happenedwh . our whistleblowers at the irs, they sounded the alarme t of tw. the doj had to move to plan b.ea what was plan b?was that was the sweetheart weiss deal masquerading as justice.r o never before in the history of the country has deal ever been that sweet. even the defenseweet being asked by the judge in the courtroom, did you ever see anything like a deal like this ever before? and they had to admit noer, no felony tax charges, no jail time, a deferred fel, meaningles gun charge and nothing else. dealunfortunatel guny for hunte, the plea deal collapsed after the federal judge starte thed actually started to actually ask real questions. in a statement, biden referred to his son as inspiring. get by the way, i'm glad that hed did get off drugs. i hope he stays off themi . you don't want that for anybody. but of course, we want him to get a fait for anybbut ofr te trust that. well, delaware might lean his way. no, an american. whether your namricae is biden r trump, should have to face a partisan witch hun havt. and of course, no one in the biden white house has the decenc y to call outaw the lawfare against trump. quite the contrary. were c we hear they were celebrating in biden headquarters and the whit e house., wh and by the way, why didd the third highest ranking thire doj, why would they ever leave that prestigious positioy wen to prosecute a local case against donald trump ise againni new york? clearly, with a deeply involved datenv and competent an unpopulp president, well, the democrats, they neeularpresidd all politica they can get. and this appears to be their number one strategy. here with reaction, fox news contributoy.r jonathan turley. >> well, i labeled a few of the areas that i've identifiedsident that president trump should appeal . i think because of the circumstances and the severity of the conflicts in this caset n and constitutional issues are at hand here, it should be expedited. i think the americanthe amer people have a right to know if it's going to be overturned before the electiogh knon. i would urge trump's attorneys to pursue every avenue to getu i there. what would you advise themse th well, i think they are going to pursue every avenue. i must the say. i do not hold out much hope that the supreme court will allow them to go directlylo to the highest court for review. prevreason is that the supremeto previously turned down jack smith , who wanted wante to expedite his own prosecution of trumpit. and i think that some of the o justices are going to want to stay withine that same lane. now, that means it goes throught the new york criminal system. and many of us don't have a loty of faith this trial in that system. i think that initialn th at leat he may have some tough going. i but i have to tell you, i think that these errors are rather, glaring and obviou. i can't imagine this verdict being sustained on review. it just may take a while. it may occur later.occu in fact, it may not occur untila they get to supreme court.s but i think the trump campaign has to assume that it will notge get a final review beforenal re the electionvi. >> yeah. all right. so we have july 11 sentencing somebody. it's a class. what a felony. we had the upcharge, of course, the novel legal theory, the theory that we spoke sohave7 often about. you have somebody that's never been convicted befor0 nevee. usually i would think that somebody would released on their own recognizance pending appeal. i suspect anything's possible with judge merchan. t hi will he try to put him in jail v and have mrs. on a republican convention? is he going to have home confinement as part of this? you know, how far does he go? >> well, before i sat in thatd n courtroom, i would have said that all of these options were almost fanciful. i was really surprised. tha and what i saw in that courtroom, i felt that the judge was dead o wrong on a number of his his decisions. he ruled very heavily towardsy e the prosecution. even liberal legal analystavils have admitted to that. >> but to, first of all,timately to sentence him to jail ultimately as an elderly firstnt offender in a nonviolent crime would be just such a hugem departure from the normd in manhattan, in other courts, th that even manysay th liberals would would object, that they would say that thaatte that's the you're adding to this notion of a special system just for trump. it's bad enough that they effectivel.y created a crime for him zapping a dead misdemeanorar into life and coming up with this rather novel theory. in terms of any sense being a imposed before appeal, i wouldpo hopesed be judge merchan would suspend it or allow appealto to go forward. there are a lot of options here. if he doesn'forward.there art gh sentence, which i think would be absurd. ther ie is community service.t >> there's homise confinement in most of these cases.he i think you would have a conditional dismissal. this the type of go out and send no more. you're on probation or parole and you're under court review. i i think that's what most judges would viewt judges a case of thd but nothing that has happened in this caset nothin is how thi are usually done in the criminal justice system. in me commod y view. >> yeah. all right, jonathan turley, we'll see, we'll see soon enough. only a few days before the republican sp eals. national convention. this will be interesting. all right. joining us now, fox news is aresting. miranda devine.vine ari fleischer. miranda was in the delaware ran y. om toda let's get your general impression and we all know what weiss's plan was. plan a was n o charges. unde sweep it under the rug. then a little inconvenient momentthen came the irsnt cam whistleblower's plan b was oe,co a slap on the wrist. no jail time. well, brusl timeh it again under the carpet. now he gets appointed to be the gucarpetw, hy who prosecuteo case. why do i think he's still the same p, what guy that didn't to charge him in the first place after he let the statute of limitations on.e on a lot of income years passona overss on his watch. >> well. hannity look, i mean, you're very perceptive. a and i saw an interesting little fleeting encounter betweenn encn david weiss and hunter biden today in the courtroombety it was very frosty. they came face to face as hunter was walking outs the door. he was going to confer with hiws lawyers about which jurors that were going to try and knock ouhmant. vi and david weiss was going in the other directions goin, cr with his deputies in the courthouse the cou, and they ald collided. and hunter biden just forged ahead, not even looking at david weiss. david weiss had to veer around him and you could telld to from his body language that david weiss is extremely uncomfortablavide about thetion position he's in. he's been, you know, a delaware insider since 1986. he's been at the us attorney'sir . he knows that the bidens ruled and delaware, that joe biden is basically the emperor of this very small, odd state, very wealthy state, because all thect corporations in america pretty much headquartered thereeric. but it's a town of 70,000 people. ,000and as one of the jurorsy said today, it's a small town. everybody, the bidens. and it's it's, you know, unmistakable that joe biden's i' in town. it's unmistakable when you see dr. jill biden, the first lady, sitting in the front rowe toda, very conspicuous in a bright purple. she turned around full face to look at the jurors when i they came in and sat in thein back of the courtroom. it's just secret service the all the first family. there were about five of them weree over with theong sugar brother, kevin morris. and a secret service vehicles. the chevy's outside the chevy suburbans, outside flashing lights. you know suburb, people were stopping me on the street saying, what's going on up there? and i said, all hunter biden'st nobol like, all right, is that for the cocaine? y knowno one really knows what o about, but they know about the bidens. they know the power and they know about hunter's. a lot of theknow tham. d jurors talked about the sweetheart plea deal that collapsed. they kne eart a plew about that. >> you know, ari, unlike president trump, i can't think of a more favorable venue. what miranda is describing m heo for somebody with the last nameh biden to be in that courtroomm n in delawarde. w i' >> you know, sean, i'm very m much a traditionalist. i want deeply to believe in our. legal system. what alternative do we have if the legal doesn't work? you just throw up your hands and say there is no justice in americab your. i don't want to be like that. but it's increasingly clear that justice t lik dependu on what judge you get and what venue you get. it may not depen get d much t on the facts of a case in thisce matter. e this case would have been settled and dismissed by a heosecutor bee, did not want to prosecute it had he not had a judge who seudget a trump appointed judge who said, you can't do that. he c.i'm to hold you accountabl. this deal that you are asking me to sign on, i will not sign on to it. could you imagine if that was a clinton appointed or a bidenti appointed judge? that judge would have ratifiedve the prosecutor. sweet deal for hunter biden. there would be n e proso trial. e to and that brings me to venue. you know, i think all the fact h in new york would n have exonerated donald trump everywhere in americat of except the bluest of blue counties, which is why they brought the trial in manhattancounti, one of the counties in america. >> and same thing that we're samea and dekalb one county. that is one of the bluest counties in america where they're tryingin to go after donald trump on local charges. so it does shakecal char your fh in the justice system. dew, i will point oustemt justie department is prosecuting senator menendez, a democratutit and this is heartening because a justice needs to be blind, n but i just worry so much with merrick garland, who reports to joe biden,rosecu with the prosecutor who reports to merrick garland that justictn not blind, and they're all peeking out from behind their blindfold to figure what the right ruling is to preserve their jobs. >> you know, i said at the beginning of the trial in new york for president trump, miranda, i didn't thinka fair he could get a fair trial. and i can tell you he did notrit get a fair trial. it was everything i expected. and worsit wasthate. ve i have the opposite feeling a here is that they're going to bend over backwards to accommodate the biden s. were delaware. just the feeling you're in the courtroom. am i wrong i courtr? think th >> look, i think that judge merrick is playing a straight pi bat. she was the one who overturnedt the plea deal inpl the first place by just asking a few questions about this very opaqueasking, very strange, specialized two part deal that that fell apart as soon as she did ask the questions soons. but i you know, the jurors, fori instance, seven of the 12 t that were finally selected toda2y have answerede ques the question that they have familtithat ty members, cle family members who've had addiction problems, narcotics problemsbers who, and have been in rehab and so on. and some of them had some quitb ed sad tales. one man who actually didn't get chosen, but he was fairls, d typical. he had a brother and a brother-in-law who were both alcoholicsin-law ws when they w, talking about these issues, oh, so jknow, i'm very sorry very to hear that. and so there's just a lot of sympathy for addictiopathn. you're seeing in that courtroom now. and thate is hunter's looke major defense is that, look, he'd just goned, h through rehas he he was sober at the time k that he bought the gun, you know, be kind to him because he's had so many tragedieo hi s. yeah. well, the certainly the evidence is overwhelming. sa look, i share the sympathy. i've knownre that have sufferede with addiction. it's horrible. >> but i don't see the samee th treatment in new york. and that's a problemme forink ma our country. all right. thank you, brad. thank you, ari fleischer, when wenda. back, come back, flip fld grill by jim jordan and house v saw a very heated exchange on capitol hill today. we'll showed excha cap the highh we get reaction from senator rand paul, who it turns outs, l wht was right the entire timey >> straigh vt ahead, i try to pt my arm around any vet that i n can. absolutely. absolutely. at new day, us what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. well, i think that the veteran out the that he needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase and we can help them. and that financial solution for them and their families. them and their families. it's a great everybody in the company, they have that deference and that respect and that love for the veteran that makes this company so unique. >> no one takes care of veterans like new day, usa. >> hello. >> i'm former 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biden's inw one will include of new gen x thermo x. our most powerful fat incinerator ever. >> absolutely free. >> and earlier today, dr. flip flop fauci testified on the hill before a subcommitteeflip f investigatg the origins of coronavirus while getting the g grilled by e republicans. fauci tried to rewrite history when he was pressed by jims jordan on the lab leak theory. y fauci denied suppressing anyi theories actually clai m to have had an open mind. >> really? realk. s itd >> why was it so importantt the virus not have started in a lae b? what wasn't so important>> that the virus i not we don't know. we know is important to someone in thet wa biden. s so much so that the top peopleto at mit, the top people at facebook are asking, why are we getting all this pressure to do to downpla ay the lab leak hav theory? and we have an email from june of the same year, junee an fourh 2021, saying the same thing. it is certainly importaname thit to somebody. well, what is that got to do with me? i'm asking h you because you're the expert on the coronavirus. i'm saying, why wasn't the liberation? why was the administration so pushing not to have lab leak theory as something that was viable? i can answer that. i've kept ani was vi open mind throughout the entire kept an open mind that said us tax dollars flow through a grant recipient to the lab in china. yes, of course, it was a subt award to the wuhan. and who approved that awars d? excuse me. and who approved that award? what agency approved that award? ort?national institute of allery and infectious diseases. your agency approved that right ? yes, it did. after. does that have anything to do with this? >> yhat?t haveg the lab leak theory? no, nothing to do with it. nothinleak theg. o. what do you do you agreeu ag that there was a push theor to downplay the lab leak theory? not on my party?. ? >> really? really. wow. now, that'o an rea s on par with one of of senator rand paul's legendary exchanges with dr. fauci. let's go down memory lane. you might remember this. >> the point that you were making is that of the grant that was funded as a sub award from ecohealth to wuhan, created sars-cov-2 to. >> that's what you were getting. let me finish. we don't kno>> it wew --w. >> al wait, wait a minute. did you do the lab? but all the evidence is pointing that it cameis . re the lab. you. there will be responsibility willor. totallynded the lab >> including yourself. i totally disagree. allonew the witness to.>> i totally resent the lie that you are now. e no senator. all right, here now with reaction. he is the authorwith of deceptin the great colbert to cover up. that is senator rand rand pa pa. >> great state of kentucky. now, in the early months of thed pandemicem, senator fauci expressed he wasn't convinced the covid 19 virus was spread. as a result of a lab link. now, in the earliest months in january, aren't there emails that you've written about, talked about that show just showopposite, that they were in a panic that, number one, they may have funded it. number two, they knew gain it, of research, gain of function, research took place and coronavirus us research too took place and that they may have funded it. one of the very frightened emails he gets from an assistans het in january of 202h is an assistant saying, oh goodness, this is gain of function research we funded. thisa func is from his assistan. this is gain of research, gain s of functio in research that wed, funded. >> but i don't know how that could have happene havd becausey never went before the safety committee. so, yes, so yes they knew very, veryickl quickly and they were worried about guilt. they're worriean werd about. they're worried that anybody's hande s that touch the money., anybody who approved the money going to wuhan wouldo prov ultiy get blame. so fauci actually organizedroxia a paper called proximal origins. he had five virologists writeols the paper. most of them were well-rewardetd with large grants. christian andersen gotian ande h million grant about a month after this. meanwhile, all of thesisey people were privately saying, oh, my goodness, it looks like go. as manipulated but publicly they were saying it's a conspiracy theory. wereg, it't to facebook,e they suppressed it. they told facebook, suppressas d the of anything coming from the lab. it's all conspiracy theory so i so in no way was fauci ever objective. no wayfauci in on this. he pressed hard and he usedof his 40 years worth of accumulated power to try la suppres.s suppress any story diat this came from the lab and. >> anybody that disagreed was labeled a conspiracy theorist. ee wasracy thebut how soon intoc do you believe dr. fauci knew that, in fact it was gainon of function? it happened in the wuhan lab and it happened with american taxpayer dollars. what are the email happed wis s? january 27th. there's starting at 6:00.t 6: they're going across the oceanse to jeremy farrar in england g and back. the go on till three in the morning. at three in the morning, anthony fauci sends anmorning. email to the head of the safety committee. the head of the safety committef thmitteee have seen te research but never did. and he sends him an email abd he, hey, nothing to see her here. here's a paper that says in all likelihoode came from animals, not from the lab. why is he sending that te fro the of the safety committee? because the safety committee was never allowed to reviety coi w. e year for three years, i've been asking the nih for the deliberate actions if this is not gain of function. gainnt to see the discussion between the scientists. fauci says all the scientists sciei saysn they all said its on wasn't gain of function. let me see the deliberations. at i want to see the arguments for and against. they won't reveal this. they are against tighter lipped thany the cia on this. and the nih ha ts resisted realy requests from democrats and republicanys the democrat chair. my committee has cosigned this request. it's ovef myr year old and my individual requests are three years old. they have they have obscured. and according to fauci'sed, thte assistant that he threw under the bus today, david moran's . o hi according to him, it was a targeted cover up and thatas they destroyed emails and evidence. but today, the most shocking e-g and surprising thing was anthony fauci threw faucs 20 year assistant under the bus and acted as if he'd hardly ever him.was ne he wasn't part of the inner circle. he never made decisions, had noy access to my office. all completely. wait a minute. of whaofficet david says. is this the same assistantall my that sent that that email? oh, my god. this is. this is gain of function, this different, different, different assistant. but david moran's worked for? 2 20 years for anthony fauci. he's called the special advise r to the head of the agency, which anthony fauci is. but todaad oagency wy, anthony d not run fast enough. and the real question is this if we were to get a prosecutor someday, maybe a newne presidential administration that ask david mirandaw underrg oath and says you're going to go, you're going to be punished for destroying recordsr ,you may see prison time.y would you be willing to give us the full storseekon time,y ot anthony fauci knew and when he knew it? i think there's a great deal to d wh hthing be had, but i thinke the reasons miranda is the fall guy here, and they chose himguy, as a fall guy. he's been paid for over a year, noeet to work, so he's on paid leave for over a year. maybaie years now for the nih. k they've never made him. >> but let me let me askask yo you this. the nih recently officially admitted, finally admitted taxpayer funded gain of functio, taxpayn. okay.a now we're learning that new scientist receives $710 million in royalties from drug makers9 of the covid-19 during the covid 19 pandemic. that's just breaking, senator. th bred the american people know about that? i think when you have a drug company that makes a vaccine like moderna, and esi know of at least one payment of $450 million in sharing the proceeds of the vaccine, you have to wonder how anybody nice couloud be objective. so if moderna has a new drug. how can they be objective when they've just received $450 million from the company? received theso it really is a s, it's a revolving door betweenhe pharma and the government. somebody's got to put an end to it. and i hope the nex o putfully president will. deception, the great covid cover upthxts. ah you were way ahead of the curve, senator. i wish more people had listene,t you about this, the origins of covid. and aboui spending also something called natural immunity. nobody wanted to listen to you. but you were righto , senator. >> thank you. when we come back, biden reportedly now set to issue an executiveomethi on the border, something he said he had no power to dngo may happen as early as this week. his border crisis is spiralings weer even further 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and over, as the border is close ovedd, the border is secure. here's a simple fact that biden would probably like you to ignore. in his first 100 days in office, joe biden tignore, ,i every single one of donald trump safety measure os with the stroke of a pen as a result of that stupidit ay. , th well, the predictable chaosbl ensuede and more than 10 million unvetted biden illegal immigrants and countine thang have now poured into our country, many from, let's see, places liked tens of thousands of them and russi a and afghanistan and iran and syria and yemen and kazakhstan. and i can go on and by the way, fo canr a while, biden just kepp lying to you, the american people telling, you that, te congress could only congress could reverse thisllu terribleb border policy that he himself reversed with a stroke of lerdee pen. but with the election right nearbylen 4 , 154 days aw, it's time for an election year conversio tn. con and now joe is planning laterjo this week a new executive ordeer to finally address the crisis that he himself create d. by the way, spoiler alert, it's little more than an absolute failure and art political ploy on his part. in the meantime, biden granted a kindin t of mass amnesty. m amnesty withouast us watching to three 350,000 illegal immigrants, according data gathered by the "new york post". oh, amnesty, something of greate value. hope you'll vote for us. anyway, here now with reaction n ,texas senator ted cruz is with us. sod cr it's even worse than wene thought. now we're basically allowing the people're basica to stay ine country and on top of it. eve we're not even paying attention where it's coming from. but here's the sinister partng o of this. he was saying trying to blame republicans after telling y live forem three years, the border secure. then he said, well, republicans won't sign the bill. that would have allowed at leasthe bil 5000 unvetted ils a day under his plan and thent o they wouldn't go along with it. now he's saying, you know what, i'm going to gyo back.he what? trump did not use it. the stroke of a pen and i'll fix it. a fix italthough i said i wasn't allowed to do that. >> can you explain that? i this is the latest incarnation of what i call electioni ca year camouflage, which is the democrats, especially joe biden. but all the democratection-ycama s they think the voters are stupid. and so they do remember before the 2022 election, right before the election, joe biden released the a bunch of oil froh the strategic petroleum reserve and it ended up causinf oig pris to drop a little bit. and they think the voters are stupid. to drop?they don't notice that s prices are skyrocketing if they get a little bit of a dropr ,they say, look, aren't things great? or the student loan forgiveness theye gives away or he says's he's giving away $1,000,000,000,000 right before the election, trying to convince a bunch of young d the people, hey, look at all thiss free stuff i'm giving. just vote for the democrats. now, of coursefree stu i'm, he t would be struck down by the courts and it was in this instances down court on immigrn tomorrow, joe biden is goingt' to it didn't stop him. but -- but but it's all about fake messaging for, th the election, this immigration order that's coming tomorrow. is joe biden's going to stand upd p and say we're securing the border and.ct you know what i'm goinge to predict in the next five months? we're actually going to sene five moneo down the numbers go down a little bit. >> now, don't be deceived by tha at it's just like the the gasoline prices going down a little bit. they're doinices g this right beforedoing the election. they're doing it. so the useful idiots in the corporatthis righte th e media will say, gosh,orate biden solved the problem. nothing else to worrmey goshyits about here. it is entirely fake. and we eirely fa have had 11 min people invade this country because joe biden and thes want democrats want 11 million people to invade this country. 11 milliyou mentioned the two nd police officers that were shot . they were shot by a venezuelan, a 19 year old named bernardopol raul castro. marta, i mean, this is a name out of charles dickens. marta is spanish for he kills. the guy's middle name is raul castro. he's literally? named after a communist murdering dictator. he came from venezuela.a jo and what a joe biden do. let him go. let m go.ttin neid, you know what? new york city is a great place for you to go. he didw y is gre. h he shot two police officers. this is what joe biden is doing every day. and this executive order, he admits he has the power to do this three and a half years ago, but he didn't do it three and a half years ago. he wants 11 million and he wants 20 million. and years a and he wants 40 million because he views every one of these as future democrat voters.s futu >> okay. that's the point. you know, they would say ers. orwant republicans don't want people of color as the great doplacemen polort theory. i don't care where anybody comes from. if you comn' where ee the countl legally, we have a chance to vet you a couplhavee of thine we need to have a security background on you. e, a health check in light of whati happened with covid and beyondd9 that, a means test to make sure you won't be a financial burden on the america t an people, thei senator, i don't care where you come from. yedon's. welcome to the country. there's a right way to put the lie, but now they're givingn amnesty on top of it. top g of great value.ship a path to citizenship which will lead to wha weat i hope yoe vote for us. we're the ones that gave that to you. meanwhile, one you know you'd py $10 million to get into australia. >> yeah, look, that.s ex that's exactly right. listen, there is a right wayt, to you. come legally. as you know, i am the son of a. cuba egally.n immigrant, sean.ou you know my dad. my father camew my in 1957 from cuba. he had nothing. he had been in prison. he'd been tortured as a teenager in cuba when he came to america he came to texas. he was 18. he couldn't speak english. he was a teenager immigrant. ? he had $100 in his underwear. t hundrehis first job was washi dishes $0.50 an hour. but you know what? he came legally. he got a student visa. he came to go to the university of texas. he came to work. the b. arted etting a jot to he started a business. today is a pastor. that's the right way to comethsw a nation of immigrants. we welcome people who come legall y. e de but joe biden of the democrats, they don't want legal immigrants where, you know, lega, they open ittt up. they invite every murderer, up gangbanger, every terrorist, a flood across the border, terr. and what happened in new york this week, the two police officers showors t. that is happening every single week. atpeople being shot and killed by illegal immigrants. joe biden, the democratsemocra have released. >> he has blood on his handsts v and when some of these people from either china or russiae hina or iran or syria or yemen or egypt or afghanistan or kazakhstan, you know, one ofr those terror cells, which i'm pretty certain are here, i hope i'm wrongisicm . - >> i don't think i am. they are when they tragically are. and the fbi is telling us they're here. >> s sean:o it's a matter of wh, not if. >> yes. and how tragically. yes. >> yeah, well, there'll be a lot of dead americans and they'l ba lol have blood on ther hands. and you know what? it's unforgivable. it's a and know wha clear and present dangr and it's unnecessary. senator cruz, thank you. when we come back, wnba rookie superstar caitlin clark getting a lot of unwelcome treatment from fellow playerrookies. we're going to show you what happened again this week and we'll get reactionou wha ply travis and tomi lahren straight travis and tomi lahren straight ahean homeowd. veteran need cash but worried you can't get a home loan because of your credit. >> here's great news at newday. we've been granted automaticin , authority by 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significantht improvement in jue which have drawn criticism from 30 days. the sports world. for example, esp drawingn smith >> i would say within a week's to think clearer was suggesting the players could be jealous of clarke's the first thing. i can see that there is an jue i haveel lik popularity is 1,000% correct. opd meanwhile, the missing b to do around the house. the best opportunity of all >> once i started taking her ieq time, because if she does well of s a lot of peoplee ,i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really and d about that.w tof to watch the wnba well, as stephenieto watch said, a ri >> i feel like iint helps with y mental clarity and focus tide will lift all boats. meanwhile, pat mcafee, well, and getting things done as well as my memory and recall. as my memory and recall. >> calle he's facing a backlash rightly today for usinpat g a descriptor that he used to defend caitlin clark. and here's what her us said. for 4995 plus get free shipping act notou sleep.w you'll also re but i would like the media people that continueld lik to sy neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost this rookie class, this rookie class, this rookie class, not brain recovery. while you sleep, go to income what it is, for there's one wipe for or call 1-800- 4750898. the indiana team who is a supersta that's 1-800- 4750898 order r. >> he's like the jim cramer now. >> harris faulkner puts of sports anyway. mcafeee the ji has since apologr america's news in focus. his comments on today's show. he's still a sort of buffoon and a horrible host. mcafee's biggest problem, i'll ho p you what it is his ego cannot handle living in the shadow'ss of the far more populr way, more talented. stephen smitarh, it was reactiom host of tomi lahren is fearless on outkick tomi lahrenutkick and outkick founder clay travis. look, i'll give mcafee, clay credit. >> i mean, you could sayee the entire rise of the wnba, you know, white bee superstar. . let me give mcafee a lesson,cafe one on one in broadcasting. i don't care what the context is. you don' dt ever, ever, ever, ever call a woman. toat wor, evd period and a sentence. and then you'll have a more successfu, enl if he survih it, which i hope he does, because i never call for people's canceling or firings.rn >> tomi. h well, listen, obviously, as a woman, i don't believes shouldm ever call another woman that name, especiallany on television, that was definitely a misstep. >> but the sentiment beyonde the words that he used was correct. this anti-whitd wae hate towardl caitlin clark is exactly that. it's anti-white. and i'm noctly that saying thate i just came up with that. you've got other other folksy in media like sunny hostin on the view, jamelle hill, former espn, saying that very ra thing, that the reason she's popular is not because she's a starsoe opular athlete,b it's because she's white or she has some kind of a privilege. >> so they're the ones that are making this claim. but i could guarantee you this. sean andngst i bet clay agrees with me on this. if caitlin clark would take a kneef cait and she would salu blm, that all of this might dissipate overnigh t. >> but because she has not donea that, here we are. sean: you know, look, i guess there's a certain initiation that maybe anybody through and ation f transition from college basketballcollege to the pros. okay. welcome to the club it's a m little bit more rough and tumble here. i can live with that cla h-and-tuy. and by the way, kaitlyn isith going to live with it. she's paid next to nothing forur the first four years of her career except what she might make endorsements, which is probably significant. but she is opening the doohtr ff every wnba player to get richeor and. you know, i'm looking at this saying, really, why would this is one of the most phenomenal natural players i've ever seenne ? >> i think that's 100% right.! hid if you watch that hip check, there wasn't cameras running. but that's exactlyere wa sean d when i started working for fox news in the green roomworkim he just took me out. >> i said, welcome to the team, ricky. but inhe team! way that has tak, i want to take you out. you wantould to know that becaue i've been training for 14 years. but go ahead 1s . >> it's a great story.chok i've heard about this. you what have you want to showeu to me? but look, here's the here's the reality. it's tommy's right. it's notok as thtommy just rac. it's also sexuality with caitlin clarke is a white heterosexual woman and a black league. and they resent and are jealous of all of the attention and the shoe deal that she got. and instead of recognizingg th the truth, which is greae t athletes who people cares about coming into your league really do make everybody and more money and, hey, get your charter airplane flight instead of flying commercial it. remember when tiger woodghtss ce in to golf, he taught golf to an entirely different. i and even if he didn't win a tournament, every golferade in that tournament made a lot more money. this doesn't really exis monet, sean, in men's sports. >> they need an enforcer. co think to run around on the court and actually protect caitlin clartually pk bt they don't seem able to do it. le why do you say in league? i mean, i don't know anythinsbgh about the sexualitiny of anygirl of the girls in the wnba. the i percent and i think her having a boyfriend i think it's a fiancee who, by the way, said there needs to be awho byn creates two different identity politics universe says that she doesn't fit in in this league they don't like her because she's whits leagueey don'te ande her because she's straight. undoas a result, the league is coming undone around her, even though she's bringing new fans arouneven they might be vee wnba if the nba version of the former fliers and the broad street bullies, whicrs fhe fighting does bring a lotdoes of attention to any sport and i'm kind of all in favorcreo of it. >> more "hannity" straight ahead. thanks, guyslon canc. remember when i said we need remember when i said we need to scream colon cancer? >> was that after i texted the two screams, now 45,n because i saidscreen, hey therew where did you comeit from? yep, with me. you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. just talk to your provider. wellcolon ca it my way. cologuard is a one of a kind way to screen for colon cancer. >> that's effective and noninvasive is for people five plus at average risk, not high risk. false, positive and negative results may occur. >> ask you provider for me, cologuard, you've waited all for this, mr. saturday morning. so rise and shine. your chariot awaits. you didn't get a greenworks just to hurt your wimpy old gas mowers feeling you got it. because greenworks perfected lawn care on the world's most powerful commercial platform and use that innovation to develop the ultimate platform for home. the maxima see all in one utility zero 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Republicans Don T ,System ,Going ,Many ,Initialn Th ,Lane ,Faith ,Loty ,Criminal System ,Leat ,Verdict ,Errors ,Obviou ,Glaring ,Later Occu ,Somebody ,Fact ,Trump Campaign ,Untila ,July 11 ,11 ,Theory ,The Novel Legal Theory ,Class ,Felony ,Befor0 Nevee ,T Hi ,Appeal ,Recognizance ,Merchan ,Jail V And Have Mrs ,Wall ,Home Confinement ,Options ,Part ,Thatd N Courtroom ,Convention ,Republican ,Number ,O Wrong ,Analystavils ,Tha ,Offender ,Jail ,Firstnt ,Normd ,Hugem Departure ,Timately ,Trump ,Enough ,Thaatte ,Liberals ,Effectivel Y ,Notion ,Manhattan ,Sense ,Him Zapping A ,Terms ,Wouldpo Hopesed ,Lot ,He ,Most ,He Doesn Forward There Art Gh Sentence ,Community Service T There S Homise Confinement ,Ther Ie ,Appealto To Go Forward ,Court Review Ii Think ,More ,Probation ,Go Out ,Type ,Thd ,Parole ,Dismissal ,Viewt ,Criminal Justice System ,Caset Nothin ,Deals ,Me Commod Y View ,Sp ,Know ,Miranda Devine Vine ,Plan ,Impression ,Plan A ,Om Toda Let ,Ari Fleischer ,Delaware Ran Y ,Aresting ,National Convention ,Brusl Timeh ,It ,Momentthen ,Intain Fog Oe ,Wrist ,Carpet ,Irsnt Cam Whistleblower ,Co A Slap ,Place ,Guy ,Watch ,P ,Hy Who Prosecuteo Case ,Passona Overss ,Gucarpetw ,Betweenn Encn David Weiss ,Courtroombety ,Encounter ,Hannity Look ,Jurors ,Deputies ,Door ,Face To ,Lawyers ,Vi ,Directions ,Hiws ,Ouhmant ,Cr ,Courthouse ,Cou ,Bidens ,Body Language ,Thetion Position ,Delaware Insider ,Attorney Sir ,1986 ,Town ,Odd State ,Emperor ,Corporations ,Jurorsy ,Thereeric ,00 ,70000 ,Everybody ,Jill Biden ,It S ,Front Rowe Toda ,Secret Service ,Thein ,Purple ,Sat ,Flashing Lights ,Suburb ,Vehicles ,Theong Sugar Brother ,Chevy ,Chevy Suburbans ,Kevin Morris ,Five ,Saying ,O About ,Hunter S ,Cocaine ,Hunter Biden St Nobol ,The Street ,Theknow Tham ,Knowno One ,Revenue ,Sweetheart Plea Deal ,President Trump ,Nameh Biden ,Heo ,Last ,Courtroomm N In Delawarde ,Kne Eart ,A Plew ,Justice ,Sean O ,Americab ,Doesn T ,Hands ,Traditionalist ,Alternative ,You Know ,Wi ,Matter ,Facts ,Heosecutor Bee ,T Lik Dependu ,Bidenti ,Who ,Accountabl ,Clinton Appointed ,He C ,Americat ,Everywhere ,Appointed Judge ,Ne Proso Trial ,Fact H ,Thing ,Bluest ,Counties ,Blue Counties ,Dekalb One County ,Tryingin ,Fh ,Manhattancounti ,Oustemt Justie Department ,Merrick Garland ,Justice System ,Blind ,Democratutit ,Senator Menendez ,Dew ,Ruling ,Blindfold ,Justictn ,Peeking ,Jobs ,Beginning ,Rosecu ,Feeling ,Biden S Were Delaware ,I Didn T Thinka ,Eve ,Notrit ,Worsit Wasthate ,Th Look ,Plea Deal Inpl ,Pi Bat ,Seven ,Fori Instance ,12 ,Cle Family Members ,Addiction Problems ,Rehab ,Familtithat Ty Members ,Narcotics Problemsbers Who ,Toda2y Have Answerede Ques The Question ,Quitb Ed Sad Tales ,Oman ,Brother In Law ,Brother ,Ws ,Fairls ,They W ,Didn T Get Chosen ,Alcoholicsin ,Thate Is Hunter ,Sympathy ,Addictiopathn ,Jknow ,Kind ,Defense ,Gun ,Major ,Hi S Yeah ,Tragedieo ,Brad ,Have Sufferede With Addiction ,Sa Look ,Knownre ,Samee Th Treatment ,Exchange ,Back ,Excha Cap ,Capitol Hill ,Entire ,Thank You ,Timey Straigh Vt Ahead ,Flip ,Jim Jordan ,Wenda ,Fld ,House V Saw ,L Wht ,Home ,Veterans ,Veteran ,Arm ,Vet ,Can ,Families ,Company ,Care ,Love ,Deference ,Solution ,Sleep ,Times ,Product ,Mike Huckabee ,Sleep Relaxium ,Amount ,Arkansas ,Night ,Neurologist ,Relaxium Sleep ,Ingredients ,Focus ,Clarity ,Body ,Fears ,Mind ,Visit ,Take Relaxium ,Try Relaxium ,Bottles ,Dot Com ,8011737 ,1000 ,Life ,Head ,Brainer ,Roof Backs ,Ten ,Decision ,Community ,Roof Match Product ,Dollar ,Percentage ,Pennies ,Cost ,15 ,20000 ,0000 ,Callie ,Doctors ,Constipation ,Relief ,Surgery ,Pregnancy ,Goalies ,Stool ,Door Softener ,Jewelry Exchange ,Choices ,Thousands ,Carat Lab Grown Diamond ,Gia ,Cramping ,Emblem ,Laxatives ,Devotion ,Engagement Ring ,9018 ,599 ,19 ,99 ,Won T ,Jewelry ,Inw ,Incinerator ,Fat ,Gen X ,Thermo X ,G ,Flip Flop Fauci ,Subcommitteeflip F Investigatg The Origins Of Coronavirus ,Suppressing Anyi Theories ,Y Fauci ,Jims Jordan On The Lab Leak Theory ,Itd ,Lae B ,Realk ,Leak Hav Theory ,Pressure ,Thet Wa Biden ,Peopleto ,The Lab ,Wasn T ,Downpla Ay ,Femail ,Expert ,Coronavirus ,Junee ,2021 ,Lab ,Ani ,Yes ,Tax Dollars ,China ,Grant Recipient ,Open Mind ,Wasn T The Liberation ,Subt ,Award ,Agency ,Awars D ,Wuhan ,National Institute Of Allery ,Infectious Diseases ,Port ,Agreeu Ag ,Theor ,Party ,The Lab Leak Theory ,T Haveg ,Yhat ,Nothinleak Theg ,Point ,Making ,Grant ,That O ,Exchanges ,Let S Go Down Memory Lane ,Ecohealth To Wuhan ,Wait A Minute ,Cameis ,Sars Cov ,Wew ,Kno ,Meal ,2 ,Senator ,Lie ,Authorwith Of Deceptin The Great Colbert ,Responsibility Willor ,Allonew ,Totallynded ,Result ,Estate ,Lab Link ,Pa ,Thed Pandemicem ,Covid ,Kentucky ,Aren T ,Show ,Number One ,Research ,Gain ,Function ,Emails ,Assistant Saying ,Coronavirus Us ,202h ,Assistans Het ,202 ,Safety Committee ,Gain S Of Functio ,Thisa Func ,Assistan ,Happene Havd Becausey ,Veryickl ,Money ,Hande S ,Guilt ,Worriean Werd ,Wouldo Prov Ultiy ,Paper ,Migrants ,Origins ,Rewardetd ,Goodness ,Ande H ,The Paper ,Christian Andersen ,Virologists Writeols ,Thesisey ,Conspiracy Theory ,Suppressas D ,Wereg ,Conspiracy Theorist ,La Suppres ,Wayfauci ,Story Diat ,40 ,Taxpayer Dollars ,Gainon ,Ee Wasracy Thebut ,Happed ,The Go On ,England ,January 27th ,Oceanse ,Jeremy Farrar ,Anmorning ,6 ,27 ,Three ,Safety ,Te Research ,Abd ,Animals ,Likelihoode ,Committef Thmitteee ,Nih ,Actions ,Discussion ,Coi W E ,Te Fro ,Reviety ,Gainnt ,Scientists ,Deliberations ,Arguments ,Wasn T Gain Of Function ,Thany ,Cia ,Nih Ha Ts ,Requests ,Committee ,Thte Assistant ,Request ,Chair ,Republicanys ,Ovef Myr ,Bus ,O Hi ,Assistant ,Thatas ,Cover Up ,E G ,Shocking ,David Moran S ,20 ,Assistantall ,He Wasn T ,Office ,Whaofficet David ,Noy ,Inner Circle ,Advise ,The Agency ,David Moran ,God ,Todaad Oagency Wy ,Someday ,Oath ,David Mirandaw Underrg ,Destroying Recordsr ,Newne ,Prison Time Y ,Storseekon Time ,Himguy ,Wh Hthing ,Taxpayer ,Leave ,Functio ,Taxpayn ,Noeet To Work ,Maybaie ,Me Askask Yo ,Scientist ,Pandemic ,Royalties ,Okay ,Drug Makers9 ,10 Million ,710 Million ,Payment ,Drug Company ,Vaccine ,Moderna ,Proceeds ,Esi ,Couloud Be Objective ,50 Million ,450 Million ,Government ,Revolving Door Betweenhe Pharma ,Theso ,Nex O Putfully ,Of Covid ,Great Covid Cover Upthxts ,Curve ,Immunity ,Spending ,Listene ,Aboui ,Border ,Border Crisis ,Executiveomethi ,Righto ,Spiralings Weer ,Dngo ,Ted Cruzrol ,Control ,Fudge ,History Books ,Something Else ,Junior Ducks ,Kids Weren T Joking ,Massage ,Massaging Bones ,Strength ,Pain Relievers ,Grip ,Heat ,Icy Hot Pro ,Ice Works Fast ,Icy Hot Pro Massaging Bone ,Power Of Two Mac ,Products ,Business ,Thanks ,Beverage Company ,Investments ,Technology ,Husband ,E Commerce ,Tools ,Moments ,Leaders ,Artificial Intelligence ,Development ,Game Changer ,Businesses ,Edge ,Members ,Service ,Tensions ,Joy ,Connection ,Regions ,Uso ,Reach ,Deployment ,Wife ,Toll ,Kids ,Bases ,Lines ,Derek ,Servicemembers ,Donations ,Viewers ,Locations ,250 ,Family Members ,Th Code ,Scan ,Lifeline Open ,18885851526 ,Dad ,Soul ,Person ,Nation ,Government Agency ,Military ,Military Support Organization ,1941 ,Service Member ,Support ,Scan Qr Code ,Closeness ,Blanket ,Gift ,Score ,Need ,Symbol ,Comfort ,Charity Navigator ,9 ,100 ,Qr Code ,1888 ,1888 5851526 ,5851526 ,Eighties ,Flicks ,Primetime Picks ,John ,Barbara Billingsley ,Indiana Jones ,84 ,Brothers ,Joke ,Episodes ,Mix ,Nostalgia ,Humor ,Friend ,Fox Nation ,The 80s ,80 ,Friends ,Bueller ,Moves ,News Headlines ,Listening ,News Business ,Anywhere ,More Bad News ,Audio ,Sirius Xm ,Froms ,Police Officers ,Borderis ,Queens ,Shd ,Tha Shownew ,Biden Illegal Crist ,B ,Venezuela Shotvene ,July Of 2023 ,2023 ,Dover ,Ovedd ,Joe Biden Tignore ,Stroke ,Pen ,Cos ,Th Well ,Countine Thang ,Stupidit Ay ,Chaosbl Ensuede ,Yemen ,Tens Of Thousands ,Afghanistan ,Syria ,Iran ,Places ,Kazakhstan ,Russi ,Let S See ,Fo Canr ,Lerdee Pen ,Thisllu Terribleb Border Policy ,Te Congress ,4 ,154 ,It S Time ,Executive Ordeer ,Crisis ,Art ,Con ,Conversio Tn ,Spoiler Alert ,D ,Kindin T Of Mass Amnesty ,Ploy ,Data ,M Amnesty Withouast ,New York Post ,Ted Cruz ,Amnesty ,Top ,Greate Value ,Sod Cr ,Reaction N ,Texas ,Line ,Attention ,Bill ,Sinister Partng O ,Live Forem ,Thent O ,They Wouldn T Go ,Ils ,Italthough ,Gyo Back ,Leasthe Bil ,5000 ,A Bunch Of Oil Froh ,Voters ,Incarnation ,Camouflage ,Electioni Ca ,Democratection Ycama ,2022 ,Things ,Bit ,Forgiveness Theye ,S Prices ,Student Loan ,Strategic Petroleum Reserve ,Dropr ,Oig Pris ,Causinf ,He T ,The People ,Coursefree ,Instances ,Bunch ,Young D ,Court On Immigrn ,Thiss ,1000000000000 ,000000000000 ,Immigration Order ,Messaging ,Border And Ct You Know ,Goingt ,To It Didn T Stop Him ,Upd P ,Moneo ,Gasoline Prices ,Idiots ,Corporatthis Righte ,Goinge ,Th E Media Will Say ,Orate Biden ,Thes ,Milliyou ,Gosh ,Worrmey Goshyits ,Efa ,11 Million ,Raul Castro ,Name ,Marta ,Spanish ,Venezuelan ,Bernardopol ,Charles Dickens ,Especiallany On Television ,Murdering ,Dictator ,Venezuela A Jo ,Let M Go ,Ttin Neid ,Executive Order ,He Didw Y ,Gre ,20 Million , Care ,Color ,Ers ,Voters ,Futu Okay ,Where Ee The Countl ,Great Doplacemen Polort Theory ,You Comn ,40 Million ,Security Background ,Flight ,America T ,Health Check ,Couplhavee ,Thine ,Test ,Burden ,Whati ,Thei ,Top G ,Wha ,I Don T Care ,Citizenship ,Yedon S ,I Hope Yoe Vote ,Weat ,Great Value Ship A Path ,Ones ,That S Ex ,Wayt ,A Cuba Egally N Immigrant ,Sean Ou ,Australia ,00 Million ,He Couldn T ,Teenager ,English ,Prison ,Father ,Cuba ,Camew My ,1957 ,18 ,Jot ,Pastor ,Underwear ,Dishes ,T Hundrehis First Job ,University Of Texas ,Student Visa ,B Arted Etting , 50 ,0 50 ,Up Gangbanger ,Lega ,Legall Y E De ,Terrorist ,Democratsemocra ,Flood ,Terr ,Atpeople Being ,Showors T ,Blood ,Ofr ,Handsts V ,Russiae ,Egypt ,Fbi ,Wrongisicm ,Terror Cells ,Dangr ,They L Ba Lol Have Blood On Ther Hands ,Treatment ,Ply Travis ,Ahean Homeowd ,Fellow Playerrookies ,Tomi Lahren Straight Travis ,Reactionou Wha ,Automaticin ,Home Loan ,Credit ,Loan Approval Decisions ,Newday ,Authority ,Credit Challenges ,Can T ,Go To ,Cash Out Loan ,No One ,Foyr ,30 ,Factors ,Thought ,Brain Scientists ,Nh A ,Forgetful ,Memory Issues ,Ing Likei ,Mental Declini ,Action Formula ,Resultne ,Action Brain ,Brain Doctors ,Do Multis T Ingredient Multi Action Brain ,Neuro Cue ,Brain Fog ,Neuro Cuebr ,Breakthroughain ,Precisedient ,Brain ,Neural Cue ,Brain Performancero ,Keyin Neu ,Outrage ,Hockey ,Cue ,Answer ,Concentrat ,Hip ,Brai Supplementons ,Horric Treatment ,Memory Focu Th Two Facs ,Concentrat Focu Th Two Facs ,Fueles Boost ,Superstar Caitlin Clareatment Ka ,T Latest ,Esp Drawingn Smith ,Game ,Sawfirs Significantht Improvement ,Results ,Week ,Player ,Rookieooi ,Study ,String ,Clearer ,Fouls ,Example ,Can Lookt ,Criticism ,The Star ,Sports World ,Incidenyou ,Players ,Peoplee ,D ,Jue ,House ,Popularity ,Opportunity ,Ieq ,Y Mental Clarity ,Jealous Of Clarke ,Iint ,Wnba Well ,Missing B ,Opd Meanwhile ,Haveel Lik ,Stephenieto ,Ri Tide ,Recall ,Pat Mcafee ,Notou Sleep W ,Backlash ,Cues ,Boats ,Continueld ,Calle ,Usinpat Ga Descriptor ,4995 ,Rookie ,Harris Faulkner ,Team ,Sports ,Supersta R He ,Brain Recovery ,Mcafeee ,Indiana ,Jim Cramer ,Ji ,Apologr ,1 800 4750898 ,4750898 ,800 ,Mcafee ,Host ,Comments ,Handle ,News In Focus ,Buffoon ,Sort ,Reactiom ,Stephen Smitarh ,Ego Cannot ,Shadow Ss ,Lesson ,Cafe ,White ,Clay Credit ,Tomi Lahren Is Fearless On Outkick ,Tomi Lahrenutkick And Outkick Founder ,Successfu ,Context ,One On ,Sentence ,Broadcasting ,Dt ,Toat Wor ,Evd ,Enl ,He Survih It ,Misstep ,Shouldm ,Rn Tomi ,H Well ,Listen ,Firings ,Words ,Thate ,Sentiment ,Media ,Folksy ,Sunny Hostin ,Hate Towardl Caitlin Clark ,Anti Whitd Wae ,Noctly ,Jamelle Hill ,Popular ,Tb ,Claim ,Reason ,Privilege ,Clay ,The View ,Starsoe Opular Athlete ,Sean Andngst ,Kneef Cait ,Overnigh T ,Blm ,Initiation ,Ation F Transition ,Club ,Pros ,Tumble ,College Basketballcollege ,Cla H And Tuy ,Kaitlyn Isith ,Career ,Richeor ,Endorsements ,Doohtr Ff ,Exactlyere Wa Sean D ,Hip Check ,There Wasn T Cameras Running ,Roomworkim ,Ricky ,Becaue ,Ahead 1s ,Tak ,Great Story Chok ,14 ,League ,Tommy S ,Look ,Sexuality ,Reality ,Jealous ,Caitlin Clarke ,Just Rac ,Thtommy ,Charter ,Greae T ,Recognizingg Th ,Shoe ,Athletes ,Airplane ,The Truth ,Golf ,Tournament ,Ice ,Doesn T Really Exis Monet ,Golferade ,Tiger Woodghtss ,Co Think ,Sexualitiny Of Anygirl ,Men ,Caitlin Clartually ,Know Anythinsbgh ,Enforcer ,Pk Bt ,Boyfriend ,Fiancee Who ,Girls ,Identity Politics Universe ,Awho Byn ,She Doesn T Fit ,Version ,Vee Wnba ,Undoas A Result ,Whits Leagueey Don Te Ande ,Nba ,Colon Cancer ,Guyslon Canc ,Sport ,Favorcreo ,Fliers ,Lotdoes ,Whicrs Fhe Fighting ,Broad Street Bullies ,Provider ,Screams ,Wellcolon ,I Saidscreen ,Hey Therew ,Yep ,45 ,Risk ,My Way ,Noninvasive ,Cologuard ,Greenworks ,Chariot ,Lawn Care ,Mr ,Shine ,Gas Mowers ,Platform ,Versatility ,Innovation ,Battery ,Maxima ,Zero ,Gas ,Ma Am ,75 ,Shipping ,Power ,Kicking Gas ,Retailers ,Greenworks Fool Com ,Super Saturday On Fox ,Phillies ,Got ,Flying London ,Belmont Stakes ,Mets ,Time ,Epic Rivalry ,Food Entrepreneurs ,Season ,New York City Lights ,Saratoga ,Dodgers Battle The Yankees ,Vanderpump ,Prize ,Level ,Children ,Shelly ,50000 ,Eight ,250000 ,Marketing Plan ,Customers ,Shoes ,Idea ,Wednesdays On Fox ,Slot ,Team Ramsay ,Rhythm Of Life ,Hulu ,Nature ,Balance ,Fruits ,Supplements ,Veggies ,Well Being ,Schedule ,Rhythm ,Produce ,Mindset ,Exercise ,Journey ,Offer ,Supplement ,Supplies ,Summer ,Spice ,Fiber ,Splash ,Preferr C Don T Wait ,35 ,Discount Code ,Money Back Guarantee ,1 800 2468751 ,2468751 ,Carat ,Bands ,Anniversary ,Jewelry Exchange To Carat Lab Band ,Carat Classic Natural Band ,1990 ,1491 ,Stories ,Headlines ,Action ,Story ,Fast ,Insight ,Get Smart ,Martha Maccallum Weekdays ,It Er Don T ,Programming Note ,Episode ,Special ,Dvr ,Fox Nation Com ,Lawman Out ,Forgesevr C ,M Fouy ,Face ,Smilube ,Notbe ,Heartbeat Trouble ,Greg Gutfeld ,

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