>> hello, i am jesse wattersse along with judge jeanine carol,w harold ford jr., sandra smith and will gain.n, 5:00 in new york city and this is the five. ♪ ron desantis and gavin newsom going down in the epic redwing versus blue debate on hannity. the two high profiletr colonists talking trash for months and finally getting the chance to hammer each other's recorder face-to-face. >> the tax too much, they have f political agenda, not a good climate for business, they've lost a lot of companies. >> california dominates, 21 stat1 ste populations, fifth lae economy in the world. >> he had kids locked out of school because of the teachers union, that's having ayo generational impact. >> the last guy you want to talk to on immigration.>> >> line to immigrants from sending them to an island,eyar martha's vineyard. >> an app where they ploecaut hn feces found on the streets ofat sa an francisco. >> the two taking vicious personal shots at each other. >> i can handle it, i'm used to it, you're nothing but a bully. >> don't tell a blizzard of lif> to mask the failures. >> you are trolling folks and playing political games to getta attention to out trump trump and the way, how is that coming? you are down 41 points in youror own home state.t >> he's throwing stuff up to see what sticks against the wall. this is a slick slipperyto politician. >> i will take joe biden at 100 versus ron desantis any day ofde the week at any age. >> desantis and newsom trading jabs of their future politicaljn ambitions. >> when are you going to dropio? out and at least give nikki haley a shot to take down donald trump in this nomination? she laid you out. >> you won'tut. y admit it. >> i don't know how many times can say, making it up about a w shadow campaign. >> what biden and harris and newsom want to do is takehath california model and do that nationally. >> there's one thing we have ine common, neither of us will be the nominee for our party inin 2024. >> judge jeanine pirro, q been chomping at the bit all day.pi what's going on?rrwant >> he is a mean-spirited petty guy. [laughter] >> obviously receipt gavin, that's my new name for him. the thing i found most offensive was one but didn't have a lot to do with substance, when he interrupted ron when he was talking about joe biden and the teachers union and kamalate harris. he interrupted, i don't know if we have thatr- soundte where, s by the way, it's not kamala harris, shame on you. la hit's kamala. madame vice president to you. stop insulting the woman. i mean, talk about petty but the thing is every time they brought the statistics, the senses, thet cdc,is he asked john hannity mae gavin newsom the liar he is. taxes in california, people leaving california and then telling people you've createdu jobs because you are allowing them to return to the jobs youer locked them out of unconstitutionally during thestt lockdown is a straight out live. so bottom line, here is a guy destroy the city of santh francisco, governor of the state of california and now destroyins es the state of california and wan. to be president of united st states. i think people saw him for a petty and slimy guy elected newsom run on style or substance or neither? >> good to see you at the tabler a couple of things, i thought both of them did well. i thought some of the facts as it relates to the state, his able to get those things out around covid and taxes, i thought governor newsom was ablt to get things out about his state, i think numbers around people that move there and jobst created, the full picture and i thought both of them tried thei hardest to share the vision. we didn't get a real vision -- we didn't understand how the vision would d translate, iid thought shawn did a great jo ab making sure this was about the state given both of them theover opportunity, they been in thewh osspotlight during covid but ho they responded and whated resiliency there economy i ast showing, i thought that wassiti positive. to your question about style, i thought governor newsom, a good looking guy and present a strong way probably found the better of governor desantis and exchanges because for whatever reason seems to be more prepared. i thought governor desantis was more prepared, he countered with substance attacks and many times, i thought that allowed the counter antere subthounyd b struck but i thought the two most revealing lines, he second neither of us will be the n nomineome in 2024, and i think republicans have to realize onpn the national level this issue ol women's health and reproductiver rightsep, this issue is not goig away and if the national party is unable and republicans are unable to get a better answer than what governor desantis gave o be night, it's going t hard. >> they have an answer. >> i'm not going to quarrel witr you but the only thing i can say is what voters are saying in three weeks ago in kentucky and ohio, to republican state voters said abortion was a big issu e so they are both patriotic and passionate either will be the nominee. >> i am concerned because i think gavin newsom is a very effective prolific easye, sociopathic liar and i think he does an excellent job of flying. i think desantis one because hh had reality and facts on his side but newsom would have you believe last night that the california economy is booming and people are moving from laura to california, the most open state during covid and wouldwoul have you believe a complete els reality that i do think desantis was capable of pushing back on buack t newsom has eased, are nt concerned with people who like c desantis or trump voters, i'm not concerned with newsom or biden voters, i'm concerned with casual news washers from a casual voters tuning in and all they see is the slick authorityo >> he's diced something that is impossible to parcel full ofth numbers and full of moralizing as well. how do you dare to mean lgbtq communities?lgbt you band the like, there's the light.ra 3000 books and moralize demeaning people and casual your might walk away from the slickkw dictation going that guy sounds like he knows what he's talking about. >> that's why is the debate desantis showed up with facts and it's easy, he one before he got on the stage when youe present backside gas prices at $5 in california just over $3 it florida. you look at th ine economy, a mh different situation. people paying $5400 in kat ta taxes, over 10000 in california and the deficit soaring ining california, 31 billion california, florida 17 billion. you got this population migration which is easy for someone like desantis to call back on. i think it camsy fs toe up, we d it multiple times, or 54000 people? florida between 2021 and 2022. 750,000 of california, 450,000 went to florida.orniperh perhaps the line of the night was the story hook line andbr sinker, desantis brought up was talking to a gentleman who fled california and was newsom following mother-in-law. the timing was spectacular . voters will decide, the american public will decide. i think it was interestingat s moments and we all went for thi conversation happening in the first place.job. this debate even happening, kudos to sean hannity, great job. s substance to debase the happened and people learn something about each person, each governor.or. >> kudos to sean and harold ford jr. who said gavin newsom was handsome and i respect your bravery from coming out saying >> were you trying to sag y something? >> i'm not. >> you said i love you. [laughter] >> coming up from a dirty democrat busted censoringt conservatives and admit they are ready to do it again. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ government censorship files, anti- eb and michael shellenberger telling lawmakersl how they appliedle pressure to shut down free speech. >> i regret tofr tell the subcommittee the scope of power and lawbreaking from the industrial complex were even had worse than we realize in both talked about how it isn't a partisan issue at all despitect the fact tha tt it's been repeatedly described as a conspiracy. >> we on evidence on both sides. >> the democrats were not concerned about government pushin g censorship. >> the government can censorship -- >> it time has expired. the chairmang on advises -- >> 35% of the first amendment. >> it's not the first amendment, it's terms of service as you said and thee y are flagging gei or social media companies toal make their own decisions. that's not the first amendment, that is the terms of solution. >> congressman dan goldman wasd: not done there. he now claims the hunter biden laptop is it real. >> you have no idea.s. >> are you suggesting participated in the conspiracy to construct contents of the hunter biden laptop? >> the problem is hard drives can be manipulated by rudy giulianiha. >> what the evidence? >> there is evidence but you are engaging in a >> are you concerned about what you just heard there? >> "big brother" used to just want to listen to us and fell they want to take 35% of our melts. could you imagine this was a speech tax? that's what it feels like. i get to say 65% of what i thins but the government gets to take the rest? no. i'm not saying therest governmen into tierney but ik think they are comfortable with it because they have censored, gagged, arrested donald trump. they are trying to replace me, boycott and bankrupt our companies so a certain time it makes me think they are not into democracy because the best parte about democracy as we are givinp the politicians power to represent us. we are notep giving themre poweo over us. they work for us. we have power over them and the' supreme court made it clear, thc constitutions made it clear, yo, can't a bridge freocrae speech n the democrats are on live television thing let's go. this is crazy, they call it disinformation but it's just thv conversation we are havinger an great conversation, do you remember the colonial times you have publishing houses that would print, ridicule against the church for slavery or the king? it would have this great conversation in the country and then we had television in the may have tv license, mediaatio corporations and now we just have the internet so the government can just go through the back door of the internet and hit kill switches. no, that's what i'm going to start street reaching. >> we look forward to that p. are you concerned this is a happening more andre more?ore? it's on both sides.ud >> what these people are saying is the government has the the ability to skew americans views based upon their own politics. what they were talking about in2 20192020 during the presidentia1 election mark we saw it happen, we saw heads of the fbi intelligence communities say thw laptop was rushing disinformation but, he what wasi concerning what they said itd s not united states, fbi and homeland security, it was the uk as well and you think back in 2016, who did hillary clinton go to to get rushing disinformation on donald trump? she went to christopher steeles, a spy in the uk so it's not just the united states, it's ourit so-called partners in great britain but this guy dan goldman is dangerous because he thinks taking away 35% of free speech is okay because he is catching it in terms of the company which is nonsense, bs. he's saying the laptop may not be achievement but may have beee manipulated because it might have been manipulated. there might be martians up therp watching us but because it may be doesn't mean it is and unless you show actual manipulation you cannot try to calm the american public into thinking hard drivet is not the real hard drivent especially when he admitted iter was his. >> did that surprise you?it >> it did a little bit., i love exchanges like this before congressional committees, i think when you get to smart people with arguments going bacn and forth, it got noisy but it was a subset of noise i think shellenberger at least what i saw, got the better of congressman goldman at least onu the substance of what they were debatinge. used to be every 30 or 40 years we would go through these episodes where we would probe and understand and examine howvn government might pressure individuals orring institutionso say certain things or not say certain things, we saw wheres, w people were dropped because they might have been much they were fighting vigorously for freedoms in the balance comes every ten, 15, 20 years and get your in the biden case and the limits for individuals and asking them to regulate or tame or expand their speech. if these allegations are rightse the government and it seems they are, the government was intoth business trying to tell them what to do or when information was okay or what information is permissible, it's wrong and i'm gladly hearing these are the efforts the american people deserve what happened, we all agree that no one's right to speak whether i agree or disagree should be infringed upon because iupon will i woulde to hear rebuttal and i'm afraid we won't have time to hear the response. i appreciate you said overtime the embrace of free speech mighe have been ideology, there might have been a time when the right was -- >> here is what i think is anf ce debatable right now, the regime of censorship in this country and the current modern moment of america's driven wholeheartedly by the left openly and in thist hearing democrats are the party of censorship. maybe one day that will not be the case but that is the case today. the biden administration is pressuring you to take people,ab anyone with any hesitancy aboutu the vaccine and demand does noto meet supplies to take it down and this is 2021 so the left as an ideology generally doesn't embrace free speech to the sameh level as the right, gullible. look at the uk, europe, canada, hate speech laws, generally there is this idea i'm offendedt by what yoheu have to say and therefore i should be able to shut you up. the only defense for thisn country, the hallmark of free speech right now is the american right are not here to tell you i trust the american right, fraternity, it's not that they have a record but as an absolute proponent of free speech, i i do know if you have faith, if youle need this american experiment to class, you need thfte american right to believe this. a hawkone, but thens left is lost, they are gone anod believe in censorship, not the first amendment. >> so set the court if it's onpe the way toal the supreme court. let us circuit court of appeals ruled that is the case. >> no one has e a monopoly in h trying to encroach oarn people's rights and the left needs to be calibrated but a year ago we were having a conversation whether people should beheth abo teach certain things in classpe and people said opi don't wantpc that, people thought their free speech rights were infringed upon. let's have thisayis debate and u are right, the left is wrong and it should be corrected, i don't care if it's left or right, itia should btee corrected.nd >> watched the right. i believe in free speech, even the free speech i hate. i'm terrified for the future. >> i am for the rangers. [laughter] >> we'll be right back. i'm glad you got back in there, harold. up next, george santos loan congress and it could be a bad time for other crooked politicians. ♪ ♪ congress getting even morettin chaotic george santos becominghs the sixth lawmaker in history to be expelled from the house. after out ethics investigation found substantial evidence he l lawsed federal crimina and news campaign funds for personal purposes like botoxlike treatments and pornography w websites only vance. that report is on top of a 23 count federal indictmentth charging with crimes such as wire fraud, money laundering but santos morning members before the vote of what president it s would set in theet future. >> if it's their choice tohree change president in the begin with three confederate turncoate expelled for treason and to convicted members convicted inbe court ofrs law should be the fit person to be expelled from congress without conviction or without committing treason and it's a dangerous new president for the game dan future. >> what about other members ofes congress accused of crimes? senator john fetterman thinks democrats will look like outes ies if they don't put his fellow colleague in god new jersey senator bob menendez. >> we have a colleague in then senate that's much more sinister and serious because of things. senator menendez needs to go and if you expelled santos, how can you allow somebody like menendez to remain in the senate and santos is immobilizer almost funny and he landed on the moon and that kind of stuff. [laughter] where i think menendez isna senator for egypt, notto new jersey. [laughter] >> what is happening in the world? [laughter] >> at leasl: i meaat it fetterms sentences together, gaza good b thing. >> that was a coherent, smart answeroddoub from john fetterma. >> for real, it sounds like he is getting better and good for him. >> we are complement in a>> democrat. okay? when is the last judge jea time complemented a republican? >> the las t set segment.old: >> santos hasn't committed af crime, what are we doing here? >> to problems, that's one. the concept of due process andpr again, shockingly government has one the points in his state as well, he hasn't been convicted of anything, if you take people on accusations, take out menendez and his accusations are much morche serious so if we ars going to go down this path, it's the same thing nfl deals [laughter] i'm serious. a guys accused of doing something and you kick him out of the league orou do you let d process play out? they kicked the guy out congress and i don't even have to defende santos in n his admittedly ridiculous lies, just the concept of process and principal, as he points out, he's one of three confederate and others and real quick, youur are subverting the will of the voters, the voters santos. >> the house ethics committee from about was revealing. >> the truth is, there aree et people who accepted money from foreign countries, he thought elizabeth warren saying she isfm an american and you got nancy pelosi, menendez, why aren' they under the gun? >> substantial evidence beyond botox injections and only fanned subscription, items frombo retailers, sephora. byron mcdonald's was one of the opponents, he went on the record saying we are a nation of laws, not a nation of men, he was against these institutions, better remember that. a warning could be a slippery slope. i think the bigger picture is what it means for house speakerj johnson, razor thiohn majority, there's major battles coming up, government shutdown battle looming, funding for ukraine, these are things dividing the party right now and this does change things, the >> you got sympathizers likesse, rashida tlaib him a ilhan omar, congress won't spell them for their belief in hamas and what they do. >> i'm not for expulsion, i was expelled for many groups throughout my career and i feel it's unbecoming but this guy is a liar and a fraud and thief. the only difference is he was too obvious about you've got to be sleazy but b classyut. you can't steal, you have to insider trading. [laughter] it is embezzlement but whye. not take kickbacks like bernie sanders wife? a you lie on yourer resume? okay. were identifiedentd as an amerin indian. there are ways to go about it. you got to take 40 million from the chinese shell companies,om that's how you dpao it and remember when mafia would get big heists, you got to lay low.l don't buy for, thus thike number e thone come on. get something off the rack >> is there something to be said that what republicans do but democrats don't? >> show, one of had a situation egregious is this where it's gotten to the place where should we remove this verse in federal have decency and etiquette, some people have honesty andst accountability abouty themselvs but this is not good for the institution, it's not good for interesting thing about desantis, he's not said publicly he didn't do nicly this.on when he was asking -- when he was in florida, i watched andas members spoke on his c behalf eloquent.made here that you can't kick someone out aboutki having a real high crime, he didn't say i didn't do any of this, he slept with don't kick me out until i am convicted which i thought was interesting. on the flipside, one thing that comes out as i hope the pressth and congressional districtsss reallyio post basic questions tt candidate. c did you go to college? can you present the degree ofpr proof --oo these are the thingse lied about her misrepresented about, did you work at goldman sachs? >> the volleyball player, too? >> a number of things that ieani thought could be fact checked. >> isn't it up to his democratdo opponent to do that? >> i think the press and opponent and voters, i'm not letting anybody off the hook bud what we understand as we alldy have to ask these not tough questions but basic questions q when you make thesuee points. i would have voted to expel himt because he didn't say he s didnt do it in that report was an exhausting report and for democrats, what setter senator fetterman set something democrats will probabl iy have l e grapple with. >> what is the voters wanted a fraud? >> then they can reelect him. >> select wait two years. >> they remove the power from the people swho right noatw he't there. >> they want to reelect him, judr frthey are -- you have son people want him recalled. >> it's my mother's district. can i get a list of those organizations expelled? t [laughter]elle >> up next, hollywood star whott like to get her daughter intod college now throwing her own kid under the bus.nd ♪r ♪ >> hollywood star light and bribe to get her dollar into college, during her own kider under the bush o. the college cheating scandalng that shocked the nation, she paid $15000 for the mastermind to help her daughter she on the sas.t. other high-profile parenthetical house star or a lockman paid ofe college coaches and administrators to get the kittens to the top close. huffman is now speaking out andi the way she puts it, she had no choice but to break the law.o it >> it was sort of like my daughter's future which meant ir had to break i the law. i know hindsight is 20/20 but i felt like i would be about mother if i didn't do it so i did. [laughter] >> huffman shocked she ever gotf in trouble for this. >> ior literally turned to the i people and i went, is this a joke? >> full disclosure, producers in my ear saying you got to go to the judge first.go you got to t go to me, you aregj ready to go. >> i'm curious, first of all, this is classic hollywood wherea they tell us wharet we should ad shouldn't do and they are breaking the law. i had to break the law to giveri the future to my daughter. are you kidding me? your daughter was born inhe w b america, she wasor born as a chd of wealthy parents, she went to the best schools, the bestcl experiences, the best restaurant some of the best clothes and she had the ability to get whatever she wanted as opposed to kidanse the inner-city who don't have the opportunity, don't have thosy, we experiences. she wants to break the law, she is a lying, cheating thief and n feel no concern and no sympathy. for her, she is what makeskes hollywood so disgusting, theyke think the laws don't apply to t them and as far as i'm concerned, now she says i knew i was committing a crime but at the same time i knew what wasre good for my daughter. you are full o ff crap and don't give me this your helping women who got out of jail, you were in jail 11 days. that's what i call a drive-by sentence. she was never in jail. now she says i'm helping women reintegrate into society. how? she's going on runs with them. she's going to run anyway. she's the worst of the worst. [laughter] >> the judge has no sympathy.yo do you have any further daughter? the messages you have no future unless iwa cheat. >> i have a slightly differentue view, i think the judge is right in terms of ms. huffman, i'm delighted she's come out and said what she did was wrong. i think a lot of parents will bb able to have some understanding, she said she wanted to doa something for hekir kid, you understand where she might be, comingbu from. i think everyone deserves second and third and fourth chances itn life if they learn from theo wh things that got them to where they needed a another chance but to be helpful to women shew it served, it was only 11 days andr you're right, she's fortunate to have great representationnd employees to l negotiate and tht fact that she wants to give bacf to communities of people who may not have theha changes ive thins a good thing but i also hope she tells parents not to do this because this was the wrong thing to do and she paid the price fo> it. >> most parents can'ge jt afforo do what she did. >> but even if they can, theyey shouldn't. >> why did the fbi raid her house with guns? >> they were shown democrats. [laughter] >> can you say one thing? >> i would like have guns blazing on the college's admissions scandal? i see this as an fbigr out-of-control story. i don'd int see it as grease the wheels to get your kids into a better school. by the way, she's at carnegieth mellon now is .el an engineering school.lo what kind of learning disability does she have? that's a great school. >> they have a great dramaamea department. >> she studies drama, what is the learning disability?her >> i don't know what her learning disability is but if you have a parent and his name is -- what is it? [laughter] you have anything you want in front of you.s what kind ofgo career do you thk she would have? does she have to get into harvard? does she have to get intget o princeton? if your father's name is willia? how bad were these scores? u you can go to ucla and still do fine or the university of oregon and still do fine. this whole deal with college,nt you can go to a bad school and t still make it big. i went to trinity, look aty, l . [laughter][l >> let that sit there for ath second. what she did wasat o awful, lotf parents sit back and say you do about anything for your kid but she admits she saw it turningco into a criminal scheme. she needs to do the time. she did 11 days, the judge will say no. it was pretty bad, they areay paying off sat test supervisors to inflate scores. this is really really bad stuff, we need to look at the college system because the end of the sentence was that person advising her was basicallywa saying her daughter will not ge, to the schools you want, not any school, she could get an summer but the news this week, majorco fortune 500 companiemps dropping the undergrad requirement, don't even und need a deployment. look at the college system in this country right now and theoa problems with it compared to this level of pressure. >> if you are a good parent, you teach your child to deal witha disappointment. how many parents out there have a kid who didn't get into their firskid t t choice? do you know what? the kids learn they go to school and they are happy as a clam. >> she should have gone to trade school, she wouldn't have to cheat to get an, she wouldn't be inducted as a and she wouldit learn critical thinking.ic go to trade school, welding. [laughter] welcome back, first up, judge ruling ohio woman with a readable, aaa employee jail sentence, getting a fast food job herself. currently to teacher sense of empathy. >> is a good idea.- >> that's not a good idea,>> iia would not want that employee serving the food at thatt restaurant. >> is it just the right thing? does a problem iployn this? >> no. >> is it something you would doh in texas? >> about the concern for the next customer in line with this lady behind the counteconcith ro like putting someone in the position of the victim of thect crime, iim like that in general ani lid apply it to every crimet across the boardo . >> got the judge with the cleanup. >> i would agree j and maybe thp desperate housewife woman should have to oversee sat test takingg for about six months, just sit there and take time six months.w >> proctor is the one i'orm looking for. [laughter] >> always caught me cheating. >> you are the only one who experienced it. >> i absolutel y do and respect your opinion, i really do i, think one of thesa things you ge to do is make the defendant in the case that it's not a serious case, both their ignorance andna the fact that if they were in the same situation as the e sufferingy would b so like if io had someone creating damage to propertyhe repair property in the area for six months at 1:00 p.m. so1:00 everyone could see. someone was a drunk driver, dwi on the back of the jacket, they would have to prove to me they were it. they need to feel th y ke pain,l isn't always the answer so whether it is graffiti or stealing you from the store youk at the store with a lot of monitoring. >> i think it's important. >> when you threw a shoe aimt m what should ityo be? w one more thing. ha ♪ with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. and lower your a1c. the number one doctor prescribed cgm. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at today for just 1999. a year. our lowest price of the year for a limited time only. >> sign up today >> time now for one more thing. jesse smollett, i believe, we have a fox nation special about the guy. and it's kind of relevant because he's headed back to jail. >> yep. >> conviction just upheld. thank you justice system. i never say that. tonight jesse, prime time, why are the democrats still covering up for jeffrey epstein? don't laugh. they are still covering it up, 8:00. >> new york city's empire state building, pay tribute to one of the iconic rock bands kiss, they lit up the building. their final show at madison square garden this weekend. group ib vited to flip the switch -- group invited to flip the switch. they played. thursday was kiss day in new york. they performed first in new york city four decades ago. their career produced 44 albums and 100 million albums -- >> does gene simmons stick out his tongue like crazy anymore? >> you didn't like that, judge? >> [inaudible]. >> congrats, judge. >> my turn? >> yep. >> check out this deer. [laughter] >> he's in toms river, new jersey. the police stopped him. he showed up at an elementary school looking for night classes. those are night moves. unfortunately, the school doesn't offer night moves or night classes. rudolph didn't take the news well and can be seen running off hysterically in new jersey. >> i'm surprised they didn't shoot it. sandra? >> a woman who nearly lost her life at work got to meet and thank the team who saved her. amazing story. she was working at a restaurant in plano, texas when she collapsed from a heart attack. a team of firefighter, paramedics and 20 doctors and hospital staff sprung into action to perform cpr on her for 45 minutes. the doctor said if there had been a five minute delay anywhere along the line it would have been fatal. she and her daughter were able to meet and thank the hospital staff as we all should. we're all grateful for our medical professionals. >> yes indeed. >> hear, hear. >> will, bring us home. >> you've heard of a siberian husky. have you ever heard of an italian husky? >> yeah. >> no. >> judge. [laughter] >> fluent. >> does that look like italian husky? >> people are saying -- in an italian accept sent. -- accent. >> i thought it was because he had a lot of cologne on. [laughter] >> thanks, jesse. >> do you believe that? >> do i feel like he was talking with an italian accent? i have ears >> have a great night. >> weekend. [laughter] are you ready to make history, iowa? [cheers and applause] >>

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,Nikki Haley A ,Times ,Nomination ,Ambitions ,Donald Trump ,Dropio ,Aw Shadow Campaign ,You Won Tut ,Thing ,Jeanine Pirro ,Party ,Nominee ,Neither ,Us ,Model ,Ine Common ,Kamalate Harris ,Inin 2024 ,2024 ,Laughter ,Gavin ,What S Going On ,Name ,Petty Guy ,Offensive ,Receipt ,Substance ,S By The Way ,Rudolph Didn T ,Thatr Soundte ,Woman ,Kamala Harris ,Madame Vice President ,Shame ,La Hit ,People ,Taxes ,Thet Cdc ,Statistics ,Senses ,John Hannity Mae ,Bottom Line ,Jobs ,Jobs Youer ,Governor ,Style ,President ,States ,City ,Guy Elected Newsom ,The State Of California ,Wan ,Santh Francisco ,Destroyins Es The State Of California ,United St ,Things ,Both ,Facts ,Couple ,Tabler ,Numbers ,Ablt ,Vision ,Picture ,Them Theover Opportunity ,Great Jo Ab ,Thewh Osspotlight ,Iid ,Wassiti ,Question ,Showing ,Whated Resiliency ,Exchanges ,Reason ,Counter ,Lines ,Substance Attacks ,The N Nomineome ,Antere Subthounyd B ,Issue ,Republicans ,Onpn ,National Party ,Women S Health ,Reproductiver Rightsep ,Answer ,Witr ,O Be Night ,State Voters ,Ohio ,Issu ,Either ,Abortion ,Republican ,Kentucky ,Three ,Job ,Flying ,Prolific Easye ,Sociopathic Liar ,Reality ,Desantis One ,Side ,Els ,During Covid ,Wouldwoul ,Hh ,Think Desantis ,Buack T Newsom ,C Desantis ,Something ,Lgbtq Communities ,News Washers ,Moralizing ,Slick Authorityo ,Ofth ,Lgbt ,Sounds ,Dictation ,Like ,Slickkw ,Light Ra 3000 Books ,3000 ,Debate ,Th Ine Economy ,Florida ,Gas Prices ,Youe ,Stage ,3 , ,Deficit Soaring Ining ,5400 ,10000 ,31 Billion ,400 ,Someone ,Toe Up ,Population Migration ,Camsy Fs ,2021 ,54000 ,2022 ,17 Billion ,Story ,Night ,Gentleman ,Sinker ,Florida Orniperh ,Hook Line Andbr ,450000 ,750000 ,Conversation ,Mother In Law ,Public ,Timing ,The American ,Place Job ,Interestingat ,Person ,Sean Hannity ,Kudos ,Kudos To Sean ,Democrat ,Censoringt Conservatives ,Bravery ,Sag Y ,I Love You ,That In ,Government Censorship Files ,Michael Shellenberger ,Telling Lawmakersl ,Anti Eb ,Speech ,Power ,Scope ,Lawbreaking ,Industrial Complex ,Isn T A ,Subcommittee ,Pushin G Censorship ,Tha Tt ,Evidence ,Conspiracy ,Partisan Issue ,Sides ,Despitect ,Amendment ,Terms ,Censorship ,Service ,Thee Y ,Chairmang ,Flagging Gei ,35 ,Dan Goldman Wasd ,Hunter Biden ,Congressman ,Solution ,Decisions ,Social Media ,Problem ,Drives ,Contents ,Rudy Giulianiha ,Idea S ,Conspiracy Cy ,Big Brother ,Speech Tax ,Melts ,65 ,Rest ,Ik ,Boycott ,Censored ,Therest ,Into Tierney ,Gagged ,Politicians ,Democracy ,Parte ,Themre Poweo ,Notep ,Thc Constitutions ,Oyo ,Can T A Bridge Freocrae Speech N ,Supreme Court ,It Disinformation ,Television ,Publishing ,Ridicule ,Slavery ,Church ,Let S Go ,Country ,Internet ,King ,Tv License ,Mediaatio Corporations ,Kill Switches ,More ,Street ,Back Door ,Saying ,Ability ,Politics ,Laptop ,Communities ,Itd S ,Intelligence ,Disinformation ,Fbi ,Wasi ,Heads ,20192020 ,Uk ,Homeland Security ,Hillary Clinton ,2016 ,Congressman Goldman ,Spy ,Partners ,Rushing Disinformation ,Ourit ,Christopher Steeles ,Free Speech ,Company ,Nonsense ,Achievement ,Doesn T ,Up Therp ,Manipulation ,Hard Drivent ,The American Public Into Thinking Hard Drivet ,Iter ,Forth ,Arguments ,Bacn ,Congressional Committees ,Little Bit ,Subset ,Onu ,Noise ,Debatinge ,Individuals ,Government ,Episodes ,Howvn ,Saw Wheres ,30 ,40 ,Case ,Freedoms ,Fighting ,Balance ,Limits ,15 ,20 ,Ten ,Intoth Business ,Allegations ,Information ,Efforts ,Rebuttal ,Iupon ,Right ,Ideology ,Response ,Mighe ,Embrace ,Left ,Ice ,Regime ,Thist ,Administration ,Aboutu ,Hearing ,Vaccine ,Anyone ,Hesitancy ,Demand ,Idea ,Laws ,Level ,Hate Speech ,Offendedt ,Gullible ,Europe ,Canada ,What Yoheu ,Defense ,Record ,Thisn Country ,Fraternity ,Know ,Class ,Proponent ,Faith ,Experiment ,Thfte American ,Hawkone ,Anod ,Youle ,Circuit Court Of Appeals ,Court ,Rights ,Needs ,Monopoly ,The Way Toal Supreme Court ,Onpe ,Abo ,Classpe ,Thisayis ,Free Speech Rights ,Opi Don T Wantpc ,Care ,Itia ,Btee Corrected ,Up Next ,George Santos Loan Congress ,Rangers ,History ,Lawmaker ,House ,George Santos Becominghs ,Morettin ,Report ,Investigation ,Lawsed Federal Crimina ,Treatments ,Vance ,Pornography ,Purposes ,Websites ,News Campaign Funds ,23 ,Fraud ,Crimes ,Santos ,President It ,Vote ,Count ,Money Laundering ,Indictmentth Charging ,Theet Future ,Tohree Change ,Conviction ,Inbe Court Ofrs Law ,Members ,Treason ,The Game Dan Future ,Confederate Turncoate ,Bob Menendez ,John Fetterman ,Colleague ,New Jersey ,God ,Ofes ,Outes Ies ,Senate ,Stuff ,Kind ,Moon ,Isna ,Senator ,Gaza Good B Thing ,Notto ,Fetterms Sentences ,Egypt ,Leasl ,Judge ,Jea Time ,Complement ,Smart Answeroddoub ,John Fetterma ,Coherent ,Thect Crime ,Problems ,The Las T Set Segment Old ,Santos Hasn T ,Take Out Menendez ,Anything ,Concept ,Accusations ,Hasn T ,Well ,Morche ,Due Process Andpr Again ,Guys ,Nfl Deals With Mh ,D Process ,Guy Out Congress ,Path ,League ,Defende Santos In N ,Process ,Principal ,Lies ,Youur ,There Aree Et People ,Truth ,Money ,House Ethics Committee ,Are Subverting The Will ,Elizabeth Warren ,Frombo ,Countries ,Subscription ,Gun ,Items ,Botox Injections ,Aren ,Nancy Pelosi ,Byron Mcdonald S ,Nation ,Opponents ,Institutions ,Warning ,Men ,Sephora ,Fairber At ,Coming Up ,Battles ,House Speakerj Johnson ,Government Shutdown Battle Looming ,Razor Thiohn Majority ,Slippery Slope ,Ukraine ,Likesse ,Won T ,Belief ,Ilhan Omar ,Relevance Ng ,Rashida Tlaib ,Hamas ,Career ,Groups ,Expulsion ,Thief ,Liar ,Insider Trading ,Difference ,Embezzlement , Steal ,B Classyut ,Whye ,Bernie Sanders ,Kickbacks ,Ways ,Amerin Indian ,Yourer ,You Lie ,Identifiedentd ,40 Million ,Shell Companies ,Mom ,Low L Don T Buy For ,Mafia ,Thone Rule Me Come On ,Big Heists ,Chinese ,Thike ,Rack O Re ,Show ,Place ,Abouty Themselvs ,Institution ,Verse ,Etiquette ,Decency ,Honesty Andst ,Aboutki ,C ,Nicly This ,Andas ,Behalf Eloquent ,Pressth ,Flipside ,Don T Kick ,Congressional Districtsss ,College ,Questions ,Ofpr ,Thingse ,Proof ,Reallyio ,Tt Candidate C ,Goldman Sachs ,Opponent ,Number ,Press ,Anybody ,Isn T ,Volleyball Player ,Democratdo ,Himt ,Thesuee ,What Setter Senator Fetterman ,Probabl Iy Have Le Grapple ,Son ,District ,He T There ,Noatw ,Swho ,Judr Frthey ,Daughter ,Kid ,Intod ,Organizations ,List ,Nd R Hollywood Star Light ,Hollywood Star Whott ,Bus ,Dollar ,Kider ,Bush O ,Parenthetical House Star ,Mastermind ,College Cheating Scandalng ,College Coaches ,Sas T ,Lockman ,5000 ,15000 ,Huffman ,Law ,Kittens ,Administrators ,Choice ,Fir ,Trouble ,Ior ,Joke ,Ear ,Disclosure ,Producers ,Shouldn ,This Is Classic Hollywood Wherea ,Wharet ,Parents ,Schools ,Restaurant ,Experiences ,Chd ,Bestcl ,She Wasor Born ,Concern ,Opportunity ,Lying ,Sympathy ,Clothes ,Feel ,Inner City ,Who ,Don T Have Thosy ,Kidanse ,Theyke Think The Laws Don T Apply To ,Makeskes Hollywood ,Wasre ,Women ,Jail ,Sentence ,O Ff Crap ,Women Reintegrate Into Society ,11 ,Runs ,Worst ,Messages ,Ms ,She ,View ,Iwa Cheat ,Understanding ,Hekir Kid ,Comingbu ,Everyone ,Itn ,Life ,Chances ,Theo Wh ,Representationnd ,Employees ,Bacf ,Theha Changes Ive ,Guns ,Price ,Theyey Shouldn T ,Fo ,Raid ,Jt Afforo ,Admissions Scandal ,Grease ,Wheels ,Carnegieth Mellon ,Fbigr ,El An Engineering School Lo ,Learning Disability ,Great School ,Drama ,Great Dramaamea Department ,Parent ,Front ,Scores ,What ,Father ,U ,Willia ,Princeton ,Harvard ,Intget ,Look Aty ,Fine ,Deal ,It Big ,University Of Oregon ,Ucla ,Ath Second ,Trinity ,Turningco Into A Criminal Scheme ,Lotf ,Wasat O Awful ,College System ,Sat Test Supervisors ,End ,News ,Summer ,Majorco Fortune 500 Companiemps ,Deployment ,Age ,Undergrad Requirement ,Fund ,500 ,Pressure ,She Wouldn T ,Didn T ,Disappointment ,Tt Choice ,Child ,Clam ,Firskid ,Critical Thinking Ic Go To Trade School ,Welding ,Back ,Cup ,Fast Food Job ,Jail Sentence ,Readable ,Teacher Sense ,Employee ,Empathy ,Iia ,Idea That ,Aaa Employee ,Food ,Customer ,Thatt Restaurant ,Texas ,Crimet ,Position ,Victim ,Ani Lid ,Ro ,Lady ,Cleanup ,Counteconcith ,Iim ,Boardo ,Sat Test Takingg ,Proctor ,Opinion ,Defendant ,Thesa ,Situation ,Ignorance ,Damage ,Propertyhe ,E Sufferingy ,Driver ,Property ,Area ,Dwi ,Jacket ,So1 ,1 ,Store ,Graffiti ,Spain ,Monitoring ,Shoe Aimt M ,Diabetes ,Glucose ,Morning Jolt ,Comeback Season ,Instant Cooling Sensation ,Glucose Level ,Confidence ,A1c ,Carbs ,System ,Fingersticks ,2 ,Doctor ,Cgm ,Libre 2 ,1999 ,Special ,Fox Nation ,Yep ,Jesse Smollett ,Justice System ,Don T Laugh ,Prime Time ,Tonight Jesse ,Jeffrey Epstein ,Switch ,Group Ib Vited ,Group ,Building ,Tribute ,Empire State Building ,Iconic Rock Bands Kiss ,Madison Square Garden ,8 ,Albums ,100 Million ,44 ,Four ,Gene Simmons ,Congrats ,Tongue ,Deer ,Inaudible ,Toms River ,Night Classes ,Elementary School ,Police ,The School Doesn T Offer Night ,Night Moves ,Team ,Firefighter ,Doctors ,Heart Attack ,Staff ,Hospital ,Paramedics ,Plano ,Hospital Staff ,Cpr ,Action ,Delay ,45 ,Professionals ,Husky ,Home ,Italian ,Will ,Siberian Husky ,Hear ,Accent ,Thanks ,Cologne ,Applause ,Cheers ,Tears ,

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