world. >> and welcome to hannity. so we had two leading governor e ,two major states who are tworn vastly different ideologies. o they just squared offe on t right here on this show. hannity and last night. explosive and informative, red state, blue state debate between florida governor ron desantis, california governor gavin newsom. it did not disappoint. >> take a look. gov. thatfornia doek.s freedoms that some people don't. >> other states don't. have the freedom to in public in california. you have the freedom to pick a tent on sunset boulevard. you have the freedom to create a homeless encampmen tt under a freeway and even light it on fire. i love the rant on freedom. i mean, here's a guy who's criminalizing teachers, criminalizing doctors, criminalizing librarians guy, d and criminalizing women that seek their reproductive care. seek thg it harderbannin to vote. >> you're banning books. i mean, spare me thig books.s of freedom. you almost have to try to messht california. >> that's what gavin newsom has done since he's been governor. you in particulador, run on ae n banning binge, a cultural purge, intimate dating rel and humiliating people you disagree with. he's verle that y good at spinningese tale these these tales. he's good at being slick, ard ol slippery hills. he'll tell a blizzard of lies to be able to try to mas k failures. >> the fact he's running away from his record. reco from the fact we do count gavin's inlaws as some of the people that have fled california. >> i mean, come to the state of florida. it's aboute of florida. the unif america. >> i thought this guy was running for president of the united states. esident you are. you just want him running for a year. you just won't admit it. will not admit it. only >> i'm the only guy it's a border state, governor. state gg and trying to find migrants to play political games, to try to get some news and tension. so migrantl s an can out trump trump. and by the way, how's that going for you? rump.ryan try to put lipstick on that pig. but the fact of the matter is, he has faileo pud the people of california. >> i can handle it. i'm used to bullying. you're nothing but a bully. >> you're understand that intimidating and humiliating people. >> that's your calling. all right. coming up, we're going to get reaction and analysis from both sides of the aisle. reand stay gingrich, senator rand paul tonight. and stay tuned. we have a major announcement at the endd. ave a ma of the program.ler spoiler alert, we haveal another big show, the works, and itrks e will happen next week. all right. unlike the other network'rs, wed are not afraid of a spirited debate. pow, none of this would have o been possible without both governor newsom, governor desantigoves. they both deserve a lot of credit and they seem to really enjoem to rejoy thy the opportunity. both thank me after the debate and, governor newsom tweeted out what a good time he had and wantedeeted ou to longer. and let's be honest, there wasat only one clear cut loser. and we're going to look at last night's debate objectivelyan. that'd be president joe biden. here's the reality. joe bide realityn never come ona program for a debate like last e night because he's not mentally capable. now, thinks not about this.ok, e look, i really don't believe joe biden could be a wal-mart or target greeter. okayrget. ar if you shop like i do.or do you ever walk in on walmart t? targe anyway, there are these wonderful kind emailheses, help, often retired people that will greet you and say," welcome to wal-mart. welcome to target. "wo targe looking for? they'll help you find it. they'll tell you where the department is that you're looking for.. i like that because when i go to a store, i like to go in. ablike to get out. now, i don't think joe would be able to remember where the departments at 80 one yearsf of age and steep cognitive declin agee. biden is having a hard time talking, walking and even staying awake. nstaying his hearing's not good. his vision is terrible. the font siz e on telepromptersot gigantic. he's not fit to serve. fit to servhe should definitelt be running for reelection. in fact, he has one major tripdw and fall away from ending his campaigncampai. and based on last night, we know the democratic party hasioh a much better option. who can walk and talk and formod sentence fs and debate and speak eloquently about the liberal issues that they're passionate about. and i've been warning conservatives and republicanss o to watch out for potential replacements for it and gavin newsom, like it oror not, would be on the short list . i've been warning people. now, newsom does have one big problem. he's thehe's the governor.lden s california, the golden state has a lot of problems. notaw, maybe in fairness, it's not all of governor newsom's fault, but afte allvernor nr more thany of single party democratic rule, it's citizenso. are leaving the state in droves. they are leaving with their feet eytheir fe, their money.rnia, it and by the way, california, it should never struggle. it has more natural resources sa than any other state in the country. i lii lived there five years. it is a beautiful state. they have year roundutiful agriculture, the best wine growing region in the entire world valley. they have hollywood, disney. r private a majo equity and financial hub with some of the largest internationaofl in the entire world. it is a gateway to asia. but now california's population, it is shrinking and shrinking. dramatic li and while the u.s.. population grows every single year, while california is one of the only in history with negative growth now just cf three states california, new tork and illinois had a neor loss of more than 100,000 people in the years 2021 and 2022. one big question the cost of living. the states taxes, they are among the highest in the countrthe sthighest y. a whopping 13% top marginal rate. if you're a married couple in california and you make $84,000 a year, you are taxed. your income ta x rate is 6%. that is a ton. it's expensive to live t in californio a and florida. income taxes are zero. not nobody pays income taxes. the state regulations are alsola extremtions e when it comes to california. housing costs through the roof. theit's homeless population. it is the highest in the country. crime is also a massive problemm in california. the violent crim e rate in the state is double the rate of florida. significantle y higher thanal the national average. these are real problems facing the citizens probl in californi. it is some of the most extrememd at the time covered policiestr in the country. it's just kids. they were kept outy.ds were ofe than most other states. and yet this is an interesting fact when you think about the different approaches to covid. e the covid death rate in california was similarniar to florida's, according to the cdc. and interestingly, botaccordinhe the national average. now, the bottom people are boaving californiath yet for a reason. the bottom line here. it's a hard placttom lin's a ha, especially for middle class americans. california's governmeniddle-clas stifled development, raised taxes, increased costs, failingo to maintain important infrastructure like infr grid. crt and the state has also dropped the ball when it comes th public safetydrop. but this is not the result of incompetency. instead, these problems are caused by ideology. lems arecan be turned around.e u and sadly, a lot of these policies are driven by what i call the climate alarmists religious cult call th and these woke social justice warriors out there. california has thrown reason and logic too often reasn to thd in order to appease the emotions of far left ideologueoffar lefts. and now the numbers speak for themselves. but despite all of this, everyone on earth knows that gavin newsom would be a beuld bedemocratic candidate, br democratic candidate than joe biden. now,emocratic candid will joe bp aside. will vice president harris step aside? because he only you know, in the case of joe, he seemsusec to only care about himself. anyway, here with reaction, fox news contributor, former foe speaker of the house newt gingrich. all right. first, your general thoughts. what didl right, first yneral y? and, you know, why is this there mass out of new york, illinois, new jersey, california ill, but they move to florida, texas, tennessee, the carolinassee, ths. >> why? f all, well, first of all, listen, i watched last night with great interest. i've known you a long time. you were the big winner last night. you did a great job. way you were very fact based. i love the way you put up charts. therute were just factual. sta >> you were balanced and youye stayed control. wad really, i think it is maybe as good a performance as you've had in your entire career. and that's set the stage, i think, on on substance. desantis s clearly won.ntis h but that's because desantis has a lot better casas lote. wn gav and i thought gavin would have known gavin since he was mayor of san franciscoin. i wrote a very smart book on on modern technology and citizenshiogy anp. wed gavin is very clever, but you watched him last night. there were two things going on. how praising joe biden to prove to the democratic party he's loyalth and personallyd pe attacking governor desantiss. because he couldn't answer the questions. i thought the most obvious was when you said i thought it was a great question. you said to each of themyou sail me something you like about the other state. desantis was prepared, hadd the, lived there like california. frankly, his answer could be a commercial for california. newsomacommerci could not say ae word about florida, even though his in-laws live in florida. and i just thought it was ani ju stinteresting you know, newsom had to go on the attack and be personal rather than deal with the issues. >> you know, i gwith the issueo we've go back a long time. i was the emcee the night you became speakerme and. that was for me, like a dreamme come true. and we've been reall true.y good friends, almost family, ever since. >> and you've been a mentor in so many ways. to m e. and one of the things that i wanted to do is i really wish where i spent the most time, two i wanted to focus on two things. one, what are the issues that impact everybody? and that would be taxes, that would be immigration. that wouldthat wou be energy,e a that would be gas prices, etc. crimet cete. and then the second thing was i had to get my facts lined, fact check everything, because i knew the media would want to,n you knowt to, attack me if i got one thing wrong. and know me and my great staff.l ri we really did a lot of due diligence to get it right. and i thought it was worthwhile for the country to hear from both sides. and i it's beneficial.t wa >> and it was really a model. now, me let me just say, i thought it was a model because when you would put up a chart, it was all fact based, but it wasn't slanted. >> it wasn'tanted. right or lef. this wasn't. hannity the commentator who can be pretty aggressive. >> this was a guy trying to give to significants th governors, the largeste and third largest states in the country, a chance to explain whyent. they're different. and, of course, the great problem for gavin newsomgrea is when you get down to the facts, it's a fact. people are fleeing california. now, he doesn't want to talkacks about that with any tax. it's a fact that gasoline is about $2.50 a gallon higherln in california. he doesn't want to talk about that. it's a fact, as you pointed oukb . and where i thought i thought probably newsom was the least in touchewsom wa with reality. if you have a zero income taxx n in florida and a 7% income tax in california, how can you argue that floridians pay higher taxes than people ing california? it was just a fascinating moment. but all of it. . buwhat i admired was two things. all of it was fact based. you were putting up charts, you could see where the facts came from. and second, when it got contentious, you didn't get in. you didn't become the third debater. you weredter. more mature and mm a real moderator than almost anybodanybody seen in the so-cad presidential debates. >> wow. coming from you, that's a high e compliment. i do think the years that i have moderated debates on radio. certainly helped. but that's the speaker. mr. e apprece you being with us. >> thank you. all right. now to an honest questioanestn.d how would you grade last night's debate and would you like to se w e more of these debates in the future? joining us now, fox news contributo r joe carter, who would be a great media host, medimedia show, along with the co-host of the five, jessica tarlov. good to see you both. jessica, let's start with you. coming the left. what did you think of last night? well, i was first and foremost thrilled to see it. k it's an important conversation to be having. i think gavin newsomi thine bid is probably the best surrogate that joe biden has out there. so obviouslyhere, i him front and center ready to shine. cey needed fntis reall this moment. he has faded away in the gop aw debates. he obviously feels like he has a lot of ground to make up for. and gavin newsom certainlye of e threw that in his face. i thought one of the best lines that he had was about, s about, you know, how's that working out for you? you're 41 points behind donaldd trump in your home state. but i love the fact based question.s, know how muchi en i enjoy using data and numbers. and i think it was notjota not a benefit for both men, but thea californiali governor wasy wi definitely my winner since he had nothing to lose. ntis first of all, and i don't thinke ron desantis moved the needle and got himsel a gf any closer to donald trump, i don't think. >> but it was wasn't. really about presidential politics and we were very clear about it. it was about their- their governance, making their statesell,. well, i mean, in a sense,at he kind of took a break from that. but i understand your poin but u joe. >> let's get your take. well, if you take away shawn, pt for starters, this was an unprecedented political and television eventic that you and your staff executed on. we've never seen two governors from two different parties, from two major states go head to heao majoin a nd on a nationa like this. and they're not even running against each other. so this will go downre te one of the highest rated cable news events of the year. you had stiff competition. nfcompetitl football featuring the cowboys golden bachelor and abc, which is profoundlychea awkward to watch, but that's a story for another time. >> so the hope herppear ise is e see these kinds of debates more in the future. >> i mean, who wouldn't want to seeto see, jessica would love to see this. i know you would. glenn youngkin, virginia versus gretchenin whitmer, michigan or great greg abbott, texas republican kathy hochul, new york. because the contrast couldn't be any more stark betweendit. red and blue states. and give governor newsom credit, he did what very few democratvery fews have an appeth to do lately, and that is debate. but newsom showed upat is debaty problem he had was he didn't show up with very much in the way of facts fac or truth behinn him, because to defend the state of the state of california is tstate offo dee indefensible. he argued, for example, that california doesn'doesn't he one of the highest tax rates in the country. well, of course it does. while florida has one, the lowest taxone of towest ta rates.down newsom argued that desantis was somehow a lockdown governor. i mean, that's some great unintentional comedy right there, because newsom was literallbecausy the face of lock throughout 20, 20, 20,do 21, evn into 2022, all while breaking his own mask mandates time and again. timeso overall, the night belond to the santos. >> i think he won by tko. he came prepared he came in passion. he showed what he can do on a one on one format. the question is thatthe qu is ta rightly asked, will this have any impact as far as his presidential campaignsing t and closing that secretariat like gap with donald trump? hewell, i mean, i guess we'll find out soon. when you look at the factsd and jessica, i really we spent a lot of time fact checking-chek everything and getting everythingin right on all the issues that matter. if it's gas prices, ifessness, it's taxes, if it's homelessness, if it's crime, all of those issues, why are these big states experiencing these hig higher rates and worse numbers than red states? why are people in droveswh leaving new york, new jersey, illinois, california why are they going to red states like texas, florida tennessee, in the carolinas? >> how dd tho you explaie n itc well, it's about tax rates. that's w how i would explain iti the tax rate is lower. that's something that was're ch obviously a very prominent issue during the because i'm chasinaswayg people away. what don't you do? how do you fix what's making them angryem angry and? >> keep them? well, i think that a lot of blue state governors, gavin newsom included, are trying to do that. he has that a been much more om in discussing the homelessness issue when he was in san franciscore homeleso, not using a second term when choosing pay a visit. >> well, first of all, these are deep seated, long term problems. they don't get fixed in 20 minutes. and i'm acknowledging there are issues. >> but they're he was bu. he job for years he's saying that that that was not doablecutting . >> not certainly not bring him anywhere near this. i mean, our crime well dealt with homelessness where is our not a homelessness problem? there's a homelessness problem ho. lorida >> don ron desantis doesn't want to talk about it. i thought gavin newsom was brillianoesn't wt to bring up v. >> if you look at the when we look at the fbi statistics and we'll put that up on the screen, if you wantup ll. as well. if you know, if you compare florida to california and then compare it to the national average. the the issue the fbi says there's twice as much, you know, murder, ,robberyn is going on in california on a percentage basis. that's a homeless population difference there. it's dramatic, 172,020 6000 thef on the fbi side of it. i meanbi side of, those numberst be any more clear. you know, it's 258, i believe, per 100,000 of my mind. memory serves me well and double that in californiaove th and way above the national average. i meane ., let me bring joe in.y joe. i want to be fair to you, too. i think those numbers scream at you. >> they do. and the images on our screens that we see out of san volucisc wo and los angeles and sacramento, they also speak volumes. and we don't see see as muchink of that added of the miami's and tampa's of the world. and i think it would be wiseoule for a donald trump or whoever the gop nominee is. sean, to point directly to californiomineea or illinoiss new york and say, if you want the rest of the countrnt theymi, to emulate their economies, their budget deficits, their crime ratebudget dir s, ack th their educational standards or lack thereof, and their , then by allieser means, vote for joe biden, because that's exactly what this administrationxactly . and it's hard to see what democrats could run on in 2024. outside of abortion and vote for us to save democracy or something. campai so, yeah, if it's an issuesthat based campaign and all those issues that you brough yout up r night economy, immigration, border poverty, homelessness, crimpoverty e, it's going to bed argument for democrats to make. yeah, i think. >> all right. so the economy is a perfect example. i gavin newsom talking about biden nomics, pointing out that ron desantis himself and it's on twitter. >> he posted about it. he received 20 $8 million from8o the chips act. you have lauren boebert, nancy mace, tommy tuberville have all publicly humiliated themselves aftertubervil they vd against all of these policies. and then they're excited to get the cashe ca from it. mad and you almost madee ron desantis cry with abortionkd . question that six week ban ail will be his downfalll be. >> all right. thank you both. appreciate it. when we come back, governors newsom and des, desantis, they disagreed on almost everything last night and that includes gas prices. and why are they so high? o high aand a new consumer repos survey says, you know, you knowa the electric vehicle that the government is trying to shove downrnment i throat, most peoplt want them. and by the way, nearly percent are more problems with an ev than what the gas powered car, 80%. brian greenberg. wered stephen moore, we'll check in next. and a big announcementca an at the end of the program about next week. week. you don't want to miss ie works. makes it last year. the power of contrast very so you can rise from being ice. >> well that was a doozy. on to the 90 seconds where the zany neighbor from across the hall always gets the biggest laughs. just keep going. >> get ready for the most epic game show ever created. welcome to the floor 81 trivia contest. it my category thought famous sidekicks. i'm taking up barbecue. >> go head to head. oh, that's a draw again. brisket. banana pudding. >> cornbread. the winner takes control of their opponents squares until only one survives. chicken packs must light it up. who will conquer the floor? 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these other states that have lower gas prices because beolheiror policies.gida >> that's why people areic paying more there. all right. meanwhile,ies. in just the latet example of how liberals are members of the climate alarmists religious cultt are out of touch with you, the american people. a new reportple is out there that says electric vehicles are less reliabllectrice than conventional cars and trucks. finding that electric vehicle models from 2021 through 2023 encountered 80% more problems. s here with the reaction economists distinguished fellow in economicsts at the heritage foundation, steve moore, and the co-host of the big money show on fox business, brian bromberg. steve moor nesse we just had 3000 dealers sign a lette r to joe biden saying, please stop these mandates. the people don't want these electric vehicles. fordhicles four and a half billn dollars on their ev line between that and all the economicbe issues that came up last night. what is this climate alarmism doing to the average american in termo e averags of t costs them to livem ? i don't >> well, i don't think that joen biden or the democrats are really understand. something very important about america is that we have a love affaiwe havr, our cars. sean and so now you have policies, i think in like five or six major democratic states, includingcras new york, including new jersey, connecticut and californiainclua and others, where they're basically outlawing. did you know this shot? tlinthey're to outlaw gas cars?i i don't know, in five years oro6 six,8 eight years. and meanwhile, you look at polls, you look at what people are doing and sayining. w >> and most americans don't want an ev. and i'm not agains t i'm justi'm ju saying this is america. >> you should have freedomstte to choose. we don't want the government telling us what kind of car we want to buy. sollus what buy so yo you have the auto det i spoke at one of their o conventions recentlyneons rece d many of these auto dealers came up to me, said, hey, we got acrecress and acres of and our showrooms are filled with electric vehiclesroom becae that's what the car companies are sending us. >> and the nding us consumers are coming in the car buyers say, i don't want an electric vehicle. >> i want a gas car. they can't sell them, sean. so now they have to give. sel more discountsl th. >> and as you said, they're already losing about four o say ther $5,000 pe. >> this is going to bee the ruination of the american carn of the. an, let' brian, let's get your take on it. well, i love what stev speak e just said and he mentioned some of those states that tied their ev he one of california them was connecticut. just this week, connecticut said, you know what? weconnec to back away from that. why? it's not going to workwhy?. the governor of connecticut, a democrat, had to back away from that policy. gavin newsom put out policiess on energy gas that he wants to force down california's throatce dow. and the rest of america is looking at it. they're looking at evs or lookin kingg at these mandates to convert. they're looking at the price of gas in california gas. the data on that is absolutely spot on. and they're sayingt on you can'o it. consumers are saying you can't do it. do iers are sayings are saying o it. manufacturers are saying you can't docan' it. politicians are admitting you can't do it because you can't do it. and that's why i knew w some dodged that questiohy newnt night. >> yeah. all right. let me get to the the overall issu overalle of the economy. and in terms of the debate last night, stephen moore, you know, when you heard about this debate, we've been friendsab wee a long time. you kind of told me if k i'm if it's okay for me to reveal this. but you and art laffer are writing a book about this blue state are exodus and what is going on in these states and what are chasing people away from these states. i think it'll be out in about six months, he said. or somewhere around there, you know, what is this phenomenon about and how much is it related to the economy? the me, it's, you know, money pretty much drives everything. and on something like this. >> well, sean, i justier wh only correct one thing you said earlier on the show when you said that in the lasenyou a two or three years people have been leaving states like california, new york and illinoiscaliforn a. bee and that's true. but it's not just the last two or three years. sean, thisn has been going on for 30 years where you've seen the state0s with taxes, less regulation, right to work laws that are substantially out competing. these these big oloud blue states. i'm from illinois. i hate to see what's happening to my state. californian rnia, ne, new york.r stud you know, there's a major study that just came out about ay month ago that showed for the first time in history, the economic epicenter of the country is no longer the northeast. it's notlonger the n new york a. >> and those are those areas now. it's the south shore,da it's florida, it's north carolina, sout h carolina, georgia, it's tennessee. so we're seeing kind of ad of t the center of gravity economically is shifting thesetl states with lower taxes, less regulation, a new of best. why don't they do something about in california? why don'?t cut their taxes?f >> why don't you get rid of thes some of the regulations and make these placesble? affordable? >> last word, brian. we havan, wee about 25 seconds.a yeah, i'm so glad that you the ght upt the sean. you posed the question and yout leitt the two governors have at it. it's the most revealing economic debate i've in a very long time. and i'll tell you what, if you put data in front fron the data will winsee th and they'll see through everything else. >>ro i will tell you americans, are suffering nearly what two thirds of the country are living paycheck to paycheck. i've beeare living payn there, . it's not fun. they're struggling and we are capable of doing so much better. you both know that being the brilliant economic minds that youbrillian are. thank you. all right. when we come back, governor ron desantis. governor, governor newsom took extremely different measures during covid and the outbreat m and they called each other out last night. we'll check in with senator randni paul, get hisg announ take. and a big announcement at the end of the show abount aend oftk that you don't want to miss. she's d. >> she found it. the feeling of finding-dai the psoriasily ps treatmentt cla she's been looking for. so, too, is thr e first of itsc. kind once daily pill for moderate to severe plaque moderate to severe plaque psoriasi at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feelinheg of finding your back is back or finding psoriasis. >> can't deny the splendor of these thighs. >> once daily stick to is seri provenou, get more people clearr skin than the leading pill. musc >> you're allergic to stick to. serious reactions can occur sole serious reactions can occur sole yoand. infections, including tb, serious infections, cancers, serious infections, cancers, includin infecg lymphoma, muscl. problems and changes in certain labs have occurred. tell your doctor if you have ann infection, liver or kidney problems, high triglycerides or had a vaccinot has the or plao take two is a tick two inhibitor. tick two is part of the jak faask your derr skin.. it's not known as a tick. two has the same risks as jac inhibitors fine, but plaquesleay has been hiding. ask your dermatologist about detecting for clearerbe skin. >> so clearly you stick to how we're going to grant, you know, e print out co of ink again. i need to print these listingssu now. i need to put my homework. these tiny, expensive cartridges are costing me a fortune you still printing with these shackrtridge up? 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but it did. anyway, here's what both men had to sayhat both h. >> take a look. on a per capita adjusted basis, california and florida basicall y the same. newso now, why is that important? because gavin newsom didople huge damage to people in california. he ruined livelihood is. we reopen the state very quickly. we saved thousands of jobs. we saved hundreds of thousands of job js, thousands of businesses. >> we had our kids in school. he had the kids lockedhe of school because of the teachers union. that is having a generationa union.l impact. california has one of the lowest literacy rates in the countrylowestcy rates, to nape exam. florida camest in number three for fourth grade reading. california was far, far behind. fo you should apologize for notl. getting your kids in school. >> why didn't you ged yot the i0 school in the summer of 2020 like we did only about u bowed the teacher only person do the job. you shoulds union.. >> sea only the first and only person i wanted to answer is ron desantis. for the tens of thousands of lives that died unnecessarily because he played played to the fringe of his party. >> we got to take a break and finish your thoughe've gott no. and when it comes to the issue of schools, you better be careful. you had more learning loss ful, mor covid than the national average in the state of california week out. the sta californit's fact. more learning loss. your economy contracteearnind ma 2020 breaks spanish slower than. california in 2021. >> more to come on this topic. to comenow, we could be getting some new answers about the nation's covid response soon. because you got it. anthony fauci is now setean: we to testify before a subcommittee of the goisp led house oversight committee. that's for the first time . ming up in january so far, fauci has already withered under the pressure in the u.s. senate from his arch nemesis, senator rand paul, who remember, is also a medical doctor. dr. paul had use his medical expertise this week whencal he stopped own colleague, iowa senator joni ernst from choking used the heimlich method. anyway, ernst later joked he was choking on the policies of the woke left.polici anyway, joining us now, author se the best seller deceptiones the great covert cover up, senator rand paul joins me nownl . >>if i'm glad you saved our lives. if i go out to eat and ii wouldn't mind having you sit next to me if i needind havi yo. that was nice of you to do. great to have you back. you from for a long time now. and you chronicled this in yourt . it is chapter and verse about what is probably the greatest cover up i can think of in our lifetimeth in terms of anything having to do with anything medical. and you have all the evidence. have what yououtline found and what you discovered and why this is important? >> well, you know, what weerythg discovered is that everything anthony fauci was saying in private he was, he was sayingto the opposite in public. so when he came to congress, he basically lied to congress and said that they weren't funding dangerous gainn wuha of function research in wuhan research that in all likelihood led ton, to th the.were but in private, he was saying with the other scientists, he was saying, of courseourse we worried because the virus looks like it's been manipulated. and of cours me we're worriedng because we know they're doing gain of function research in that lab. so tion res dishonesty is just remarkable. but the real question is, does the cover up was the top of the food chain of the cover up, anthony fauci, or is there someone above him, either a privatabove hie source of funs that was influencing his decisions to mak e it appeart as if nothing no blame would attach to china or was there perhaps someone at the cia? there now is a whistleblower who ha?e is awes said thatf th the scientists at the cia were voting and they voted 6 to 1 to say it looks likine the virug a came from the lab and then they were overruled. was this someone withilab ann ta that was the top of the food chain as far as covering thist up, or was it anthony fauci? but there's also rumors going anthony fauci was going to the cia and these visits weren't recorded tthes. come there's a lot of questions that are going to come out under oath in januaroury and iyi hope we can get to the bottom of this. i mean, so might eve>> sean: inr now. i remember because the first initial, i guess you could say cache of emails we got a holdd of. i remember when it came out, i mean, in early n it cam january of 2020, remember it was fauci, you know, furiously writing to late into the night with fellow nih people askingin the questions, wondering out loud whetherth, not gaine an of function research had taken place and whether or not thd it. ded whet now, the ego health alliance is where the nih gave money to.. they were in charge of that. they knew some of it wen knew st to wuhan lab and they knew what this wuhan lab was about. then we got more emailsat that came out. the intercept had some.ctua then we got the actual emails, i believe in october of either 2020 or 2021 that you put in your bookpu right. >> we also discovered in the book that there was a committeee it's a somewhat secret committee about pathogens, potential pandemic pathogens, and that the research in china a should have gone to this committee to be overseeno be to study whether or not this was too dangerous of a research her a in a know totalitarian country. but we know the research was never reviewedth. how did that happen? only with anthony fauci's permission. h anthuci'and so when i've askes anthony fauci, how do you know this wasn't gain of function, whe says, all of my experts tod me. so we've been asking hhs, whichk oversees nih, we've been asking themin for over two years, give us the dialog, give us the debate of the discussion g of whether or not this was gain of function researchain-of. dece there has to be a reason why anthony fauci decided not to send thisd this t to the safy committee. this may be the worst medical decisionth ever made by a scientist or physician in government not to reviewor this for safety before allowing this moneys to go to china. the book is great. i hope people get a hold of it. thanhold of k you for that warning and we appreciate you being with us. senator randu . all right. when we come back, things got a little heated last nightot a after i asked governor desantis, governor newsom, about biden's apparent desanti cognitive decl. plus, biden made blunder after blunder after blunder this week. you got it. we've got the tape. and late i r a big announcement. you don't want to miss it. about next week, a big event. >> straight ahead, when a cyber thief transfers the title of your home out of your name, it's a race against time to stop the theft of your hard earned equity. many people don't know this has happened until long after it's done. you, as the homeowner, think you still own a house. months later, you start getting foreclosure notices and you realize you've got four mortgages on your house that you didn't even know existed. so when's last time you checked on the title to your home? 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>> all right. okay. but. but i am friends with youri am leader, mr. moon. you know how we were. wind >> and we're good guy. here in colorado, the wind turbine manufacturintug vestas is investing $40 million to expand its factory and.additi >> hire an additional 1000 employees. solar manufacturer br marburger is building a new solar factoryn just down the road in colorado springs. instead of cutting t emmer.e so congressman trump and boebert want to do, we could use it to help billionaires. millions of familiesto hel affod instead of millionaires. millions of families afford little help for senior care. >> nowelp with, the american people clearly can see that bideninca is incapable of serving his second term. now donald trump is leading biden ind almost every national and poll and up almost two points, accordinlmost twg the real clear politics average. here with reaction. fox news contributors tammy bruce, charlie hurt, tammy, start, you get your reaction. >> well, this is, of course, we know this is the problem with biden. we've seen it. om and it's interesting with the news. some comment that he would takae biden at 100. do you know what that reveals that he's acknowledging that biden is not the president, that he's not making the decisions anyhe's aee more than he would be if he was 100 years old or if he had was alread 100y. and this is weekend at bernie's, right? this is this is an acknowledge de pr that that the president is not making the decisions, is thateo it's a different group of people and they seem to not carean. e people this is what these are people who are not answerable to,. the voters. but it's i think that we see, i ths. the result you've got a dynamic here in this country where the nation's on fireis, where no one's taking responsibility. the republicans do have better ideas. they've got to start presenting them. but it have to start p is not only embarrassing, sean, it's now a national security threat. we can just look aroundd the world at thethworld at theo emerging threats to the entire western civilization. that's not a coincidence or an accident. it's because or an bad actors ad the world know that america is not a player right now. and what's your take, charlie? k >> well, you know, i think one of the most important of ththings athings about a des and you did, i thought a marvelous job of focusingers e on actual issues that voters really carale about.mber and i think the numbers of people of americans who tuned in to watch itsty for reveals that people are thirsty for that kind issues oriented debate. nted debbut one of the other tho in addition to the issues that people look for, they loorv for credibility. and when gavin newsom says somethining like that, that he doesn't see anything wrong with joe biden'sng brain and tht he would rather he would be delighted to have him as presidente at 100, that's another 20 some years, four ory. 20 years, 19, 18 years from now, that gavin newsom, he has no credibility and he shoots himself in the foot when he says something like that. and people, any honest observer who's watching that just kind of has to discount everything else that gavin newsom says because you can't believe what he's saying. and then and then, of course, when you get into the issues, man, you know, i thought that he told some ofieve the biggest whoppers even for politics. we saying. some lies that i don'tretty i mean, that was pretty extraordinary. some osu gary'f the things thatd making up on the fly during that debate. g debate.let me ask you both a. and i thought this was an important issue and we alway s talk about immigration. and when you count cutaways and the numberion. of people we know came into the country, we're at arount aboud the 8 miln mark on most of them unvetted. but look at where the countriesn that they're coming from. we have the communist chinese, for examplise. look at this number. afghan to afghanistan, 6300 some odd. egypt, 3153. then you have iran in iran,e spn the number one state sponsor of terrosor, 659. >> syria, 538. russia, 12,605. the communist chinese 26,113. tammy, these are our top geopolitical foes, right? >> dgeopolo they not think to th that people that want to bring harm to this country are i neah, i that group? yeah, it's -- it's amazing because it alst's o a certain amount of money to get from those nations. they haven'tons. living in mexi0 city for the last 20 years, waiting and hoping to crositings the border. you know, it takes a lot to geta to that point. in so there is an investment in that which is extraordinary . and then, of course, we know there's we know a lot of our enemies, like al qaeda mies lik, haveworld all the patients in the world, and they do thisey. it is inexplicable. and that's why the american people now recognizen peopcomes that something is not right. and i think when it comes to when you get great job again yesterday, sean. absolutely. and especiallyyesterda gavin nem showing the american people that's the old way. e americthis kind of slick, sma, smug smile guy who doesn't who speaks like kamala harris in word salad america fans now know what the difference is between donald trump and, whether you like him 100% or not, versus these well, these te kind of con men who think they're going to smiley throug their way through when it's our lives that are at stake, we. as quick last word, charlie. >> i just pray that, you know, when you look at those numbers of peoplthe coming from placesn, like iran, that we're not forced to pay anothe r price, learn another lesson fromfrom our failures when it comesean: s to this stuff. i said i thinki thin i'm 100% ct with those numbers and those countrienumbers that we know lie like iran, it's probably 100% certain that there >> hterrorist cells here because of the open. >> we hate to say it, but it's true. i agre say e. i pray to god i'm wrong, but we're both wrong. f us areall three of us are wro. all right. thanks, guys. all right. when we come back, my finarightl thoughts on last night's debate and a big, big announcemen t about next week and our programming straight ahead. the time is now. okay, here we go. we're giving you fox nation's once a year sale just in time for the holidays. get our lowest price of the year to start streaming our biggest shows. i'm rob lowe. and this is liberty or death. boston tea party with biggest stars. it's perfect. it's just perfect. and your favorite fox personalities start screaming. fox today for just 1999, a year, our lowest price of the year for a limited time. only sign up today. the masked singer season ten kicked off with the most incredible reveal ever. i'm go star shark right now. it only gets bigger and better. you got the troll in the building. nfl nine. harry potter nine. oh, my god. there's still so much in store. we've never seen that. it's a can't-miss season. the masked singer all new wednesdays on fox and watch anytime hulu. >> do you have federal student loans? 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