yes. let's get. happy friday, everybody. yeah, okay. i get it. i get it. you love me. i hope you had a nice thanks. i know i did. those new york pigeons are actually pretty tasty now since it's a holiday. weekend,ee i thought we'd keep things nice and light. so let's tal task about the deah of western civilization. it's in trouble, people. yeah. things in the west these days are a better pe. stable. >> is chris christie on an exercise call? peopl sadly, most people either don't realize it or they just don't care o. t well, for anyone who doesn't care, trust me, you're going to care soon enoughat doreh. because the guardian of western values has always been america.. but now not so much. let's face it, we're a natio n melts down if our smart phone runs out of power. so loo k around yourself, especially at our young people. you see a nation capable a standing up for itself, especially when it's run by a guy who literallp r y can't stad by himself. we'r >> do you see? do you still think we'ree ca capable of safeguarding, crea the system that has cured more disease, created more wealth and lifted more peopl ande of poverty than any in human history? or do you see system obsessed with dividing us based obnonouncnces and pronou counts? do you see leadership capable of protecting western valueses ? how under these aholes we can't even protect deodorant and toothpaste at cvs, let alone western civilization. now we've got societal decay plus decay. like i said, we're in moree soci trouble than daneta to reach a doorknob. >>th i know.door >> now, before you accuse mepesm of being too pessimistic, let me just say the west has been testedist ha before, and we've come the through. remember movie the movie? 300 and 480 b.c.? that's before cable, dana. >> a small band of greeks heldea off the persians invading from the east. now, whether they're so good at running a diner. but greek civilization survived. and their ideavived and s of anf became the foundation of western society. >> plus, they gave us kojak and more recently, in 1940, when it looked lik94e could taka over all of europe, it was the british who stood to them alone. sound familiar to what israel is doing right now, stoot it. meanwhile, the french bent over so fast they strained their croissance h. when the main british army was surrounded at dunkirk, winston churchill gave one of the great speeches of the 20th century, rallying his nation. so the brits usedunkirk,d anythi that could flow to evacuate their boys across the channel. englans d until america entered the war in the west, tradition of freedom was rescued. compare that to the american evacuation from afghanistacompan which made dunkirk look likewh d a cruise on royal caribbeaunn. >> here's our winston churchill today, a our only hope would be if the enemy died laughing. w churchill said, we shall fight them in the streets. and we have a president who keeps losing his fight with gravityfight wi. then there was the cold war. it was, of course, republican ronald reaganublican told the soviets in berlin this mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. >> when the wall and soviet fell, our president didn't. the west survived. once c for the hosts at msnbc. however, that day is still known as black thursday.the po the point is, there are moments in history where thingre'ss in e balance and when these moments come, it takes courage. it takes resolveen toments. y of and it takes leadership to stand up for our way of life. doesn'ife. t it feel like we're in such a moment. the problem today is the enemie s. killi right now, hamas is guiltyng of killing 32 americans and holding at least ten more hostage. yet acrossage. the country, in m run cities and colleges, hamas are the heroes. e can we loothk this challenge in the eye and face up to it? it's no accident that on our campuses, among the critical race theorists and within the legacy, israel was cast as the aggressor almost before the first female raver was and murdered. because to a generation. of young americans subjected to an education system, causborrowed from the soviets, israel's main crime is being too successfuloviets, too modero western, too much like us, the real oppressor. ? to how far is it gone? well, the new trend among i american women advocating for hamas is adopting sharia law, which would put them back in the dark ages. they're even wearing the niqabni . >> let's hope this catchesiew." on at the view. but what. but i'm sure these women are still counting on us to pay off their college loan ts. ic i doubt the taliban will pick up the tab for their degrees in women's ei studies.y is >> so why does the most successful nation ever the guardian of the most successful civilization ever choosing to destroy from within? but put simply, because it can ,it's almost out of boredom. here's the sports analogy. athe u.s. is like a footballs. team, up by 35 i points in the second half, and they start putting in scrubs and playiny s ing that prevent defense and suddenly they're losing. d playin don't have to worry about enough food or a warm bed as they've replaced t with a punitive ideology directed inward. tion t we have a generation that sees everything through the lens of powerhaes and infecting everything. its relationship is now seen throug p ish the filter of the oppressed versus the oppressor. and, you know what sidee they put you on. now they got the kide kidss who so desperate for relevance and identity, they'll take on any posfy, theye to convince themselves they're cool and hating america i ricas their of that. is there hope? sure. i've said that west hase through before, but it's going to take effort . we're pretty short on churchill's and reagan's as we overdoseon doses. overd >> so if you're a parent, thinok hard where your kids are going to school. make sure they understand that america aoc is unique in history and so are the achievements and the freedoms of westerntory and. zation because if you leave education to the teacher's union. educati the college professors, the shrieking nonbinary activist s, when the time comess don't expect the west to be rescued again. don' there's a good chancee th america won't be coming. s let's workwe on today's guest. h this is her last gig before she returns to at saturday's workshop, co-host of america's newsroom and a five, dana perino is anthony fauci. impression is so good, it'll make you sick. actor and standup comedian tyler fisher s, she loves to suf ,defend american turf. fox news contributor tulsi gabbard. and so and some sayme he's too handsome to be a comedian. and by some i mean me. comedian jeff dye and ta how's that for an upbeat fridaya monologue, huh?read >> it's pretty good. i read a whole article in the "new york times" this weekend, though, about hon artiw w beingt in comedy is becoming a thing. yes, it is. .w that.seriou kno >> i wouldn't know it. i think. okay. but -- but seriously, i thinslt >> that you are hitting the nail on the head. one thing that's curious is you young people usually like to rebel u. er yeah. and so if they were rebelling thpeople are teaching them this nonsense, they would become ultraem patriot.a an right. they'd be like, super maga and, like, wearing, you know, flyindg american flag just to off their parents and their teachersf rents an. exactly. but what if they don't even have that anymore? t have we've killed the rebellious spirit? >> maybe we have. you i do think that it's shocking these young women who think that they woulngat thinkt theydf as muslims. i mean, there's a lot of them, mi off might be bettert -- because the roads would be safer. >> oh, i'd s would be when she said it, shd e said, hey, that's called led the joke, america. i like this lady. yes. k because i have a feeling. nick di paolo, follow that joke. ohga joke. , i don't know who , whom you speak. g >> i think about these young women. like if they were in israe l, they would be in the reserves. >> they would be called up to fight for their countrye cal yeah. instead, they're figuring out that fighting. n they have this whole thing on social media. they're fighting with the hijab to try to figure out how to put it on. yeah. and then they have online. like, oh, no, here, do it this way, sweethear t tht. you're really going to love. i mean, do you remember when we were in the seventies you had to go to these classes to avoid going into, like, weird clips of things? yeah. right. apparently, they don't do that any longer. no, no, nos?ntly thet do in fach you right in. >> tyler, what do you think. t-p this is such a setup.. why? what trump wouldk, say regarding the death westernl civilization? would he think he could save it ? >> well, first, i'm wondering if daniel was talking about me daing the comedian or jeff. >> i'm still dash.. beards are in, dude. just tall or hot or menkly withe a beard. >> so, yeah, frankly, i think you would say, excuse meg. , greg. >> i would think it would say we have to get back to the get g because now think of it. >> i walked down the street, i saw rainbo i saw flags in the flags of other countries, other, and ifries thought, no, frankly, dana, if it does if a alienan landea ifd in new york city, they think they landed in ukraine. >> frencthink th lh night, whery don't even know where we are. we're all mixed up. everybod everyone has the same rights, right. and i'm really i'm tiredy of seeing this flurry of flags. and at this point i think it's whoever has the most colorful flag gets the celebrator cl flagy, you kn, march yeah. >> you know, palestine's got a lot of colors on their flag. theitrue. we only have three. we got racis t yeah, we're saying racist colors the most racist colors, actually.tulsi, tulsi, welcome back. was that. >> am i being too pessimistic? are you optimistic? optimi not quite. yeah . spi i'm trying to be in the positive spirit here in the spirit of thanksgiving, to be grateful g to be grea for all that we ha. but. but i think your opening was very clear eyed. mm-hmm. you know, i think what'sed. interesting here with with all of these american women now converting, become muslim, it's -- it's kind of the latest iteration. well, how do i get that, you know, rebel super so-called street cred immediately, especially cre if they're white, they can't become black. people have tried that before and failed. yeah, it's coming. sofailed. s so, you know, for o go and say, okay, well, now e guiling to be a muslim, then they get rid of all of their white guilt immediately. they get rid of all that white privileg that e that they were n with, the things that they're struggling with, trying to deal with, and immediately become those revolutionaries that they seem be seeking. but at the same time, as you point out, dana, not really seeming to understane ing.d allt it is they are claiming to become, nor the terrorist radical islamist ideology that terrorist groups like te they are tryingo to spread. >> there is no real housewivesrl of what are they going to watch ? what are they going to watch? what am i going to watch? i'd watc atoh that. i would definitely watchu that view and i would watch iti together. >> am i is this typical? like i could see somebody looking this good, this typical hand wringing from a silver fox, you know, an dude, look it down at the generations. nobody even said, yeah , gregory fox. >> i agree. i was nodding. i said, yeah, what's your take on this? >> i mean, i'm level. yak.i can't even. every time you got brought up,e it made me giggle. justme that young women. i went through the metoo movement as a bro, you know, i'm a straight s guy that makesa bro. jokes about women in my act. i love women, but it's fun to tease them. them >> yeah, i want to be a little piggy in the mud. i like it. yeah. you know, so i make jokeabout s >> women and the whole metoo movement is like his comedy should. >> he shouldn't say that about a woman. and then these same women want to convert to islam. yeah, the same women that werer with their signs of the metoow are going. i' now. i'd like to be mocked. free insan te. even the ones who like them, like free guys and like, shut up, lady. up, lady.but we have for you g. that's what i'm signing up for. they're actually ar. i mean, even if they are converting, they're marching alongsid ide peope that. >> think of them as inferior. yeah, they're saying, jeff, don's t make jokes about us, but we shouldn't show our faces and we should be treated a as property and we should be beaten with sticks. if we sas ertyy out of turn. yeah, that's insane. those are the same people. its , it's makes no sense. it's not very funny, but just saying no, that just means it's not . it actually isn't about ideology. it's about power. . 's about lying >> power. that but also, like you were saying, that maybe people rebel against what their parents at t makemaybe them do. yeah, maybe we should be dragging these kids. ul drayou over to the middle ea, and we should be bringing them to drag shows. you know, they then they'll go, i hate drags shows, you know, because their parents forcedr pt on and maybe, yeah, my parents did that to me and it didn't work. >>t and it just made you live. healed. yes. all right. up next, nex we'll kids back over a class on small talk boston, 1773, one of the most daring and consequential events in american history is about to take place. this was the spark that lit the torch of liberty. and that, too, is on the docks . the british will have their boot firmly planted on our necks. enjoy your freedom while it lasts. this is liberty or death?jonath boston tea partyan kickoff the countdown to america 250 with fox nation for just 250 a month. a month. >>50 to 85, i'm jonathan lawsone to tell you about life to tell you about life insuranc pen program. >> if you're aged 50 t ps?o 85 d looking to buy life insurance looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's?pr, the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase and a price that fits your budget. >> i'm 54. >> i'm 54. what's my price. >> you can get coverage foral $9.95 a month. >> i'm 65 and take medications. >> i'm 65 and take medications. what's >> also 995 a month. i just turned 80. >> what's my price? 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perioyeah, i'll do like a trum, >> just all caps. yes, we're done. we're done all. we're through. right? we're through. well, tiny guys like us. >> everything we say is small talk. everythingy, yeah, that's true.l >> you know, but i kiny.d of blame our leaders because, you know, we used to have these really intellectua.l, inspirational presidents. you know, ask not what your country canal n do for you. ask what you could do for your country. and then you cut to biden and he's like, why are to t two two dogs and ice cream spread butter on my legs, my oh my my and these gen are like, yes, he's on the spectrum, too. >> he's obviously like he gets in, he goes there, you know, kamala's at a third grade level. >> yeah. we go tos space we need to havc space for ourselves in space and they're liker , yes, queen,s that's our girl. yes, that's our girl o we get te we get the leaders we deserve. exactly. which is whydeserv tulsi is herehere and not there because we didn't we didn't deserve you. you'll get there one day, correct? yeah. gr you think do you think this is because we've replaced like small talk meantegreg: you you o and actually be interested in somebody else. yeah b, but we, we've now replaced that with me talk. so lik e i have to say. >> oh, tulsi, nice to meet you. i'm a they and of them because that's me that's there. >> before we talk any further, that's a really good point. you know, was looking at thisa o story and thinking back to how througod pointh my whole life, n recently through the whole covid pandemicfe t, people are talking about homeschooling and dissing homeschooling sce. s h your kids need to learn social skills and be socialized and lear socian how to relateop. with people and so on and so forth. i was homeschooledhome. i think i turned out pretty well. i've empathy, you know, how to relate to people and communicati knowrelate te a. you look at you look at these kids who are being churned out of our public school s who onlyo seem to know how to talk at each other rather thaeachnr actually have real conversation or small talk even. yeah, they're okaylk with the anonymous trolling on social media. they're okay with running around with megaphones in protest, not really knowing what they're protesting or screaming abouinatt. and yet the very basicye things in relating person to personcarg as people in a caring and respectful way. >> gink it does reveal a failure of our society. >> i think the homeschoolingings thing is beneficial because kids that are to be around adult adults younger and like converser an adults, i think enp learning how to communicate faster, especially if if the adults don't use baby talk for sure, you know. >> so let's look at it. do i think it's funny needs to go get that is a wired yes person yeah my mom never talk to baby she slurred often but if i was homeschooled my dad would be like, grab dad, this got you like this schoole. this is a weird school. here's no three cigarettes. i'm kidding. i did on your sweater. >> now walk. tell mom janine's a friend to teach you that you doo you talk when you're on tour or do you talk to young people? yeahyohen you'to. yeah, i love young people. that is dumb. like when i was young, i was dumbthey're like. >> yeah. yeah, but you can make small talk. yeah. oh, yeah. but a smarut you c malt doctor,i >> it's. this is going to sound sgoing t. man. i sound older than i am, but i blame that we don't have, like, team we hav sports because kidsday, that played team sports back in the day, you know, whether they likedked or it or not, thed to play. yeah. so you learned that there's there's a selfish ki. d that's really good and you got the, you know you got the other kid on the bench like you buhete you kind of learned to communicate and there was teamwork stuff. but most kids nowadaysw to, lik, my nieces and nephews, like they'll literally on the drive drg, haveowboardin oe their earbuds in and i'm like, that was cool. >> and they're like, lik? e it's everything's in everything's very in their their podcasthey'rt for their ls books are the things are we hypocrites then we used to say, as w.c. fields would say, kids should be seen and not heard and now we're mad. yeah, that because all the kids >>re really loud sn and seen. >> yes, that's true. i don't know. what am i talking? well y are, i think that's so. >> i've known you for a long time. yes. you hate small talk. >> you think? do you want to know what? you know, like the two questions he hates the most. >> yes, it's true.>> how was your weekend? and what are you doing your thisl weekend? >> yes. okay. that's small talk. yeah, but the thing. okay ther, so there's some kind of small. okay, so this is your week, right? so it's likeit's lik monday, tun wednesday, thursday, friday. in this first part, people are sayinges how is your weekend? and then right around wednesday morning, it become s fore the weekend. yeah, that's at the elevator. th elevator statement. and then you say something and then somebody always says, liveso alw in the dream.m. >> but what about like at a bar >> a mixer something? >> g will you probably be a i t little more accepting of that? yeah, i thinhi thak that if youa you eliminate small talk, then you have no talk because then how do you get how do you get to the next level? you just walk upyou don' someboh and say that to embarrass. i think it's pretty funny. likeo america., yeah, yeah, gars that hard to say. nice weather we're having. yeah. i don't understand whyt rstand o of a class about it. yeah. but also, you know the thing thl is your white kids don't do small talk afraid of being called racis aft because rememberist. when you would remember when just saying where from remember that you were told not to say where yeah yeah. >> like you would see somebody who looks different. where are you from >> >> and they'd go that, that's racist. oh. because it's like a give where b whereyour ancestors are fromk it's like an indian guy. and you go, oh, where are you from? and they go like, chicag who. yeah, i'm in, i'm in. where is your parents from? >>ere if they cause none parents our parents are from, you know, veggies from india. nice to meet from you.e are you know, they you know, there's some this. most people are nicenice , but couldf bein see being afraid of being accused. like i went on a date last nighg t. m the girl last minute. we're for her. a negroni. i was like, i can't even say that word. hey. yeah, it's too close. it's too close to blow. scatter glass of milk. ne how come i'll talk? and then she was wearing a hijab, so i couldn't. i couldn't heal talkr you said,t your favorite governor? you said arnold is friendly.he yes. have >> i havnoe no idea what thatte] means. okay. >>n ou at of things, say yes, we must move on. our up next, our biggest fans, when we read their mail. >> hey, hey. you should new robitussin honey many soothers for long lasting . >> try to robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. >> doesn't know we really need >> doesn't know we really need to work on you >> providing forar your family is a top priority, but what happens when you need christian health care ministries could save you uptimr to 40% today. as a member, you can choose as a member, you can choose your provider without networ sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize . most important. enroll now at your gym dawg attention bearing families. in september 2023, the u.s. navy announced an elective option, offering awards of between 100 and $550,000 for victims of camp lejeune. the navy also released a list of qualifying conditions connected to the toxic water exposure. these include blood and other cancers, parkinson's and kidney disease. cash awards are available to marines and civilians exposed for at least 30 days to the toxic water at camp lejeune with qualifying injuries. cash awards are also available to the surviving spouses and children of these same qualifying marines and civilians before they die. you may qualify even if your loved one died decades ago. we charge a 20% attorney's fee on elective claims. >> we advance all costs which are deducted from your 80% share only if we win. called the meyer blair firm at one 846 7800 for a free no risk consultation. that's 800 467 3800. let us help you protect your rights. my skin has been so much smoother, so much more hydrated. it's with only hyaluronic bodyc washed, 95% of women have visibly better skin. >> and my skin is so much more moisturized. >> see the difference? 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"ci oh, how oh wizardry have you already have it while you're at it? yes, just for the cover. >> just for the cover alone. looklook at that. that could be any decade. and it's a major i mean, it's still in the plasti'sc. it is.f it's it is. well, you know what? fhat's you can't resell it i it's not in the plastic. that's what my doctor told me. all righthat'st, that doesn't me sense, but it gets a laugh. so my funds are low. what does that mean? >> asks if you could be a roadie for any band past present. who would it be? i almost know your answer, dana, but go ahead. any >> well, i thought long o and hard about today. >> there's a joke, and i. answer i'm going to say dolly parton. really? wh i have thoughy? >> because she is america's sweetheart. really is. i think we have a lot to learn . from her.. she's an amazing you know,w wh it's funnyat when you're on your the road and you need a hammock, you could just sleeps in her. >> yeah. i mean, perfect. eally that was a that's a reallm good idea. yeah. when she invites me on toue onr yes, i'm going to suggest it. yeah. so you can just prop chick just pull out her cleavage pot, prop it right in there like a little cleavage. elf. ro yeah, that was my nickname. currentln y, you really cleave adele, what is your. >> well, who would you want to tour with? >> i would say probably lizzo, because my doctor said i'm supposed to eat more fruit now, so. >> yeah. ohf. , why is it bad? y >> she's on it. she's saying she's going to eat more fruit. well, she forced her like some of her dancers, to eat bananas, even in a strip or something. so it sounds like a good time. that was a long call back.a lonc that was a long go. i'm like, oh, i'm really going, ba she's goingon on a diet. no, it's because she said, i have to go on a diet. remember n that's right. that's right. because that hurts for her. what do you calldiet a brand for brand or brand? all right, tulsi? >> yes, i think a little fruit would help her image. yes, i agree. >> i wouldn't be a roadie for anyone. no but my husband and i are you know, we think about starting i our own band, so i would be willing to take applications. what what kind i music you play. >> anybody who's interested. way to evade the question. yeah eva. >> bananas. oh, that's true. they have great apple bananahavs in hawaii, by the way. yeah. apple bananas. make up your min hawaii.d that g bisexual. >> yeah. yeah. get out of her applee apple ban. it's called it them. it's called have v been bananas. >> how about you? what do you say. >> yeah. no, i don't know. probably taylor swift or something. those audiencesas are 99.99999% women. >> yeah. be pretty cool. that'd be cool. >> they could use someone to lift things around there. yeah. you got like, no, we met that because you could pick up, like, large boxeo lifts, dunks g beach. this for me? yes, exactly. i thin k going to go with i'm going to go with the osment brothers like in the 1970s. >> why i might be fun down by the lazy river one big family. come on, guy by s. >> all right. jedi badger asked, what's the oddest or grossest job you've ever had? >> jeff i worked once at taco bell, kfd oncec. >> oh, my god. you all talk about they merged ? yes. yeah, it was like it wases. the talk of kent washingto>>n, a let me tell you. they were like, what if we took this hypoglycemit ifc nascar fan and mixed it with this fake, h s fake mexican place and make a scary, terrifying group? d >> why did they do that?o why do they make these like, these? like i it wt? >> like making a cat and dog meat? it was weird. ma companyparent efficiency. yeah. yoe to buyavefficien one location. >> no, dana, only wrong answers here. okaywers. she was really going to explain it to you. here's the thingre's theng. wasm and they made me prepare all the chicken, and i'm kind preps. s and so i was like, cleaning all this thing and all these al wereat worked there like, i'll give this guy one week, man, because they saw it as my facgive te while i wasg it. i matd foonly made it one shif . i was so grossed. yeah, i like break their ribsmy and then drag my thumb to get all the inter. it was disgustino geg. there's things we didn't know about kfc. it was gross. yeah. >>t you. >> that is real chicken. oddest or most disgusting job artists or most disgusting? >> i think this fits bott hor being a member of congress. yeah. >> you see my work every dayhav constantly having to deal with. yeah. being there. >> there are some good people there, but being surrounded by slime, it's kind of like, sewee who worksn in the sewers. it's really smelly. it's really gross. it'sllos do the >> yes. it's so it snowed. that's why you want to get it[lh is the music industry. >>te they why not filer you werr were you ever a chimney? yeah, i, i was for a dollhouse,w actually that's how small i am now. mofore i was makin am.g tons of money on gutfeld, i was a i had to break into luxuryy schotments and put, like, charter school sign up sheets, r try to get the rich parents to sign up for chartero si. tru >> and i snuck into trump tech, one of trump's towers and, and the security guards chased me down. i hid in the garbage room in a in a pilt ine garbage, and i foe shoes that were nicer than mine. and i my shoes out, jumped out, ran out. >> and nowund shoe i'm here. >> yeah, that's how i got this t job. i got this was a bit tellings the truth, right? >> yeah. oh, wow. one man's garbage is another bit.>> onearbages shoes. >> yeah. i'm so tiny i could sneak around. so i had all thes, sneaky jobs that were out. yes, that's what happenst's wha >> you're born for the job, dana. i have a very odd job. i've toljoi toldd you about thie it, and you might remember it. so there's the nordictrack. a lot of peoplpl le might have d a nordictrack, but you might not know that for a while they had a nordi hadc chair. chr okay. and the nordic chair was. so i had a job telemarketing,e o where you would try to sellu' nordnordic chair to peopletry ts who already had the nordic track. right? and it was this piece of furniture. i mean, i was i can still remember it was afurniture. t the pitchh. it was like it looks just like a normal chair and you can sitan in id you t and it's just fineri in your living room. but then these little arms came out and yom ome u do all yourr exercise, right, guys, teactually got rejected fromerc a terrible job. b as aied for a jo ratcatcher in san mateo county. i went to the job interview and they had to two questions my age. >> and did i own a car and iy ag still didn't get the job. >> wow. i think my dad called and told't them not to give it to me, but their job entailed liftingdi up a manhole cover and then setting these traps down i thatch a. i thought it was like the coolest thing ever. but they didn'lest t me the job. so instead i became a paid killer. how come? smarter hey, who's your mail? don't go away. don't go away. >> the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam who make everyday products designed smarter like a smart coffeeor mr grinder. >> or is fresh beans for you? 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they're not allowe tra d to travelin this. >> it's just too. it's too loud.g my i bring my dog on a plane and it's more competing for who gets the most attentioit'sea yeah, yeah. i have a service dog. he gets meervice hot women. >> that's nice.s and so if there's a baby, the attention goes and service ,baby, service, baby.>> >> there we go. service space. perfect. >> a on it, but at best. yeah, yeah, you can probably get that on line. yeah. >> google service, baby window. you know what? don't google that. don' don'to g: yout do that. >> they'll end up on epstein's island. it'll keep the feminists away. it's perfectn epstein'. yeah. dana, if you get rid y of one thing up this earth. >> bryanthing oh, i'm kidding. >> i would say mosquitoes. oh, mosquitoes are good. they sprea d blood disease. horrible. horrible. yeah, they probably hatey're. nr i don't think they really do anything for nature. no, they don't. they don't have a purpos natur have. no, they don't have a purpose. so screw them right out of god's creatures. except you. mosquitoes. all right, tulsi, i know it's goingi. pro be the same answer as the previous block. >> congresev s. well, my first my first immediate thought was hillary clintot immedillary cln am i?a i sat with it for a minute, and i'm going to g.o nuclear weapons. >> oh, sure. it's hard to decide which one's more of a threat, jeff. well, it's not a popular. answer. >> oh, god. i'm afraid i had a bunch of other cance>> ir. one could say that. at.and we've arrived at one. i probably also shouldn't say. i think we should findsay. some homes for these people and get rid of these homelesnd homeb yeah, that was going to be my answer to me that that's actually like a it's like, oh, can't we get thet m figure it out. yeah. get em working on it. yeah, no one's working on it. ever nody isn y time i try to tk about it. people go, oh, that's pretty mean. and i got i'm just sayink g mor i look, i might care more.e.m i want them to have homes. yes, exactly. want them to bhomes.e homeless. >> yes. that's called tough love. yeah. they have so much stuff. yeah homeless it's ca they do. is that weird? no, that weird. it's my stuf s f. e >> so you have some motive here? yeah, well, you know, they're scarin >> the peoplg people, and i want them to be in a home. yeah, yeah, it's. that's saying off the earth. it's like, get him off t the street. i want to help. help. there you go. so, cat headan, what's your favorite sound? natureated by nature. >> mm-hmm.? dana, i'm sure you have a nature sound. >> i mean, this one was hard. i just said waves, ocean waves v ,ocean wave. >> that's mine, too. there you got. >>too.s is ay, thi girl power. >> you go, girl. yeah. tyler ohg: t, good.yo >> oh, i probably rain,, you know, hitting the top of my tent that i live in. >> thanks a lot, jeff. i guess i'm. it's going. i want you to. i'll see you in a little tinytl tent put a little dirt on my face. >> you would actually be a good hobo like an old school hobo. oh, with eight. with a with a tin mug and a little dog mug. a an eye patch. yeah. oh, so dogith . less rob >> so i look like homeless robin williams. i was like, oh, well, thank you very much fothanr behind that dumpster. who? >> greg's coming off. really? homophobic. yeah, but, jeff, what's your favorite sound from nature ? well, i'm a man of thetuff of nature. i like to hike and stuff. i live. in los angeles, and there was a story that got i le killed, but the bea witr around the corner. yes, i saw that on tiktokdof yo and instagrau sak anm. are so i guess my favorite sounds just of any kind of animals, you know, like uh, like a bear. - >> oh, that's a good one.or -- or a cougar hair, you know, that's a good one. or the birds of where i live. oh, oh, the great hillary clinton. i'm goint hillg to what? f >> my favorite sounds. i want to make a meal of it. ye o makes. i don't know. i should have thought of this, too. thisbut favorite sound from nat. >> i'm a mudslide. >> oh, no one gets hurt. i just like. >> the sound of mud sliding. yeah. what all ah. yeah, it goes giggles. >> i guess what it is. homel these are all homeless people. noes, it's very anti homeless by lands on a deer. unds. i don't know a deer. somehow i don't want to do what my guy is going to dot? those sounds. yeah, that's true. yeah. true. that's true. rue.s don'mm. >> girls don't learn how to dott that. no, they don't. >> g mnly can do imitation. of men. >> sounds like. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. exactly it. >> but he was like oh you were boom. ooh. forever women imitate men it'sew always. om oh, whoa, whoa. nobody turn it ang: overgrown spo sports sportr a good story, honey, i forgot. oh , oh. >> going to work in may come s on to pay for my shoesho. >> building society, inventing personal food.t? >> did that right? yes. yeah yes. up next, why women are putting up a fight over finding mr right. hey, i just got a text from my sister. >> remember? rick, her neighbor? sure. sure. who still runs marathons, right? um, e not aby, anymore.nversa >> wow. >> wow. soti suddeare we?n. we're no need life insurance conversation again. >> ah, we know we're having we are getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it. >> conversation. so a month plan from colonial penn, i am we put it off long enough. we are getting that 995 plan today. today. >> is it time for you to call about the 995 plan? 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s ho i mean, i don't know. you know, who knows how they how they come up with thes comeo things. but i think this is something that's not new. mm-hmmmeg that i. i think that people have pursued their own interests and whatever that may be, furtr, in that article, i saw something that that stood out to me, though, that as women are seeking different kinds of relationship, they're lesss interested in the transactional. reonshipsone night stands and me interested in actually, event on first date, having meaningful conversations with someone and looking for convtions windg that's more fulfilling and real thans t you know. >> that's what tinder's fo tindr the thing, looking for real relationships like completelyphc based on physical attraction. i think dana know you're aou woman or so you claim. women >> could it just be these one in three women or women that are unattractivree? >> a sexist would say, i did not write question. i said that is, you heard me say that what this in the article it said that they're finding a locle t of me just think they're not good life partners are attractee d to that and it's like it's too much work to work on that. so here's the great newsn for them as they convert to islam. >>.y conv the they will find out that all these decisionstrue. are for them, that they don't even have to think about it. yeah, the marriaget haveo thinkr the marriage will be arranged. >> you don't have to worry about birth control anymore. aboucontrol i guess what? you don't get to use it. stopbaby, i. it's like this is a way to, like, basically stop having to make decisions. >> that's so true.coat i'm a convert. what d do yothink?o think? do you think it's on the men? is it just not producing good men anymore? no . don't think it's any of that. i think it's all semantics. it's not cool to b e b conservative anymore conservative anymore. >> so what they're doing is they're finding new words're and spin to pretend that they're not conservative because that's not coo l. but they still do ask any valuable ask any woman, anywo woman, not valuable women, just any woman. they'd be like, well, i wantme y a guy who loves me like bingo. i'd like a guy to, like, tal tk to me about, what's important m to me, and i'd like them to provide and i'd like them to keep me in safe.ver. and in situations like, i'd like to have their friendship forever. i'd like to be with themi'd likt them out with other guys. >> but yeah, you're describing a conservativee desc guy. yeah, it's so true. that's so dingdong. you just don't want to say you c you're a closeted republican. >> that's so true. >>. 's so truerepu >> tyler, i believe that you. t hayou won this remaining raymond cdroyo, mary and bright seed. >> oh, thank you..hrow yeah. so i will throw it your way. i appreciate i w about an eyeba. you know, as a three foot tallt human looking in the mirror. loi >> yes. ohn th, girls, girls, you're boh pretty. >> does this give you betterdinv chance at finding love or a worse chance? >> s shrst o i met the one of the managers of hinge, and she said, sinc thee the height has n added the height requirement, she literally looks at me and she goes, you're screwed lo >> yeah, exactly, she said. she said, women swipe no on like 90% of men ifno they're not on if they're not over six feet, which is whixy i literally had to change my height two millimeters on my app justight to i'm trying to t. women they alway s 2000rs. millimeters. >> must be a tall german guy muermar the weekend. >> but this is what's happening. it's -- it's true. it's trus happenine. know i women will honestly say that's the breaker that's the dealy say the de. >> exactly. exactly. honestly tiktok should be changed k to to a dating app foren i women in their late thirties. >> well ohn thei i didn't get i in a minute. they're getting old. let them you terrible. >> i'm single. i'm mad. i'm angr y. >> all right. don't go away. don't go away. we'll be right up heredown wit . my agency was up here. now it's down with rebels. this is.d a1c be it's down with rebels. it's down with rebels. sincranded pe that my doctor to. rebels has lowered agency better than a leading branded pill. and that taking rebels has lost more weight. thyroi i got to md y one single and lot some weight to rebels. this isn't for people with type one diabetes. don't take rebels as if you were your family to it. ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type severe an alle two or if , stop rebels and get medical help right away. if you get a lumbladder ms may r in your neck. so if your stomach pain or an allergic reaction, serious side y include pancreatitis, gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about visionp problems or changes. taking rebels with the sulfonylurea audience increasers . low blood sugar risk side effects like nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may lead and diarrhea may lead to dehydration ittle as. kidney problems. >> i need to get you. everyone sit dow n. you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. >> all right. >> let's all get things for paul giamatti. do you think i want to be babysitting you? >> he's absolute perfection. in the film, critics rave is a new holiday classic. >> the holdovers rated now playing in theaters everywhere . the masked singer season ten kicked off with the most incredible reveal ever. i go star shark. right now, it only gets bigger and better. you got the troll, the building. it's nfl night, harry potter night. oh, my god. they're still so much in store. we've never seen that. it's a can't-miss season. >> the masked singer all new wednesdays on fox and watch anytime on hulu. >> hey. hi. hey, check it out. team jackets. oh, nice. these are sick. >> oh, nice. i love it. wait, why is mine say a little baby cake? >> because that's your nickname. i'm ace tom's rhino. i'm rhino greg invader. and obviously, you're a little baby cake. >> yeah, i'm not going to be a little baby cake. they up the jackets? >> it's a done deal. it does say little baby cake. >> you can't argue with the jacket. little baby cake. >> what's gotten into him? classic little baby cake. >> well, that was a doozy on tv the 90 seconds, where the zany neighbor from across the hall always gets the biggest laughs. just keep going. oh, whoop sorry. >> it just locked in a great refinancing rate for. >> my student loans with credible income. credible. where'd you hear about that? seriously, i'm literally the credible dave. we've been friends for years. finding great rates is my whole thing. >> sorry. credible. i forgot. you forgot. and so when you're looking for loans, it's either credible or it's not. >> if you lived your work day camp as you north carolina, for at least 30 days from august 1953 through december 1987 and had been diagnosed with cancer, nairobi, haverhill effects fertility issues or more. you may qualify for financial compensation. a new law passed by congress now allows and survivors to seek damages for harm from exposure to water at camp lejeune. call central roc legal group to discuss your case. now, call 1-800- 9409119. >> diamonds at historic lows have carried solitaire to 99. won here at 599 two carat 1490. our lowest price ever. one carat studs 349. thousands of diamonds guaranteed. >> lowest price set while thu watch the jewelry exchange with gabriel kohberger, tulsi gabbard, jef jf dyer. our studio special report is next on greg gutfeld. love you, america.a