to broadcasting live from the grand ole opry house. >> i had no idea when i walkeddt in this room that you were over the idea at all. >> there i am. by the way throw, here we go. can i throw some those out? they go. that's better. hey, we never get to . we meet in the bathroom. keep going. this is fun. this is great. i need football. i net on. was one of the best. i do not believe they're.ght, t i had no idea. all right. welcome to "hannity" tonightak take a look at your screen. now you can see the pain and winking wink in tony blinken's face. whenen's fac you're joe biden accidentally told yest havh yesterday and called president xi what he is, a dictator. and coming up, we're going have a full report from rem bi biden's,e lead well, counterproductive meetings with the leaderd al of china today, yesterday. and also tonight, a shocking new trend on tik tok. yeah, many on the left hateming america so much that they're actually filming themselves praising. den an osama bin laden and his 222ent a unhinged, violent rant againstnt our country. but first, according to media leaks, joe biden, he's going to get off scot free. listen to this. on the classified document case that is now about to come to a close. joe biden's doj will not charge him with anything. apparentlyt ch that's notiticiz a surprise. we know that they have been politicized and weaponizeded. mo but guess why? because his name is not trump. it's not, you know,conser a conservative. sad. sad.e toldugh we'rvative. that the special counsel is preparing to give joe a very stera very sn to show that's gog to bother joe because he doesn't even know what day itus is.g kn as we have long known, whene your last name is biden, when your last name is clintois bidn you're a democrat, you're running for reelection. in biden's case, the rules ion, i't apply simply do not apply to you. keep in mind, biden mishandled classified documents, materials for decades. some of the documents weresclasf recovered, were apparently smuggled out of capitol hillr ator i from his time as a u.s.e senator in the early 2000s. investigators found sensitive material in locations, including biden's personal library in delaware. you know, stash next to his tha corvette in his garage. that's open all the timet's ope the same house where hunter lived and worked oftend worked on selling the biden brand to america's geopolitical foes while in the throestion of addiction. uments no experience at all. so needless to say, those afe.documents were not safe.buth they were not secure. but there's no punishment. classified were also retrieved from the pen biden center cente in washington, d.c..r now, that center was founded after manyd af very generoust it financial gifts. >> you got it to you, to, pen fn china and other sensitive material frosensitivm. biden's long career in government was retrieved during a search at biden's beach house. he only lived off a senator, right? he can everybody can afford a beach house. thd, of course, anothe of ser ae biden biden archives that'se at the university of delaware. now, of course, because we're talking aboug biden and not about trump, none of these discoveries were made during a surprise early morning raid. no. instead, biden's doj very politely negotiated what was a search of these propertiesf rn with biden's legal team giving visielenty a warning befor each visit. now, we saw the same thing 2016. with hillary clinton in 2016. her home was never raided by the fbi. those 33,000 emails were top sec classified top secret materialse on them. you know, the ones on unsecure servers, privateervers, of her that we believe were hacked by our enemies before clinton, then, of course, destroyed 33,000 emails. we'd never heard of bleach bit before. but that's wden you aske and wash your hard drives and your service clean. we never heard about age. that's right. they took hammers to blackberries and iphones ham sim cards were removed. hmm. where i grew up, that migh.t o be called obstruction of justice. and despite this mountain of evidencjustice e that hillaryn clinton mishandled all of this top secret materia thisl and justice. well, james comey, the fbi director at the time said no reasonable prosecutor would ever prosecuter wo case against the democratic nominee for president. this is importanim e-ma >> it is relevant. depa a look from the group of 30,000 emails returned to the state department in 2014 ,110 emails in 52 email chainssd have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information. at the time they were sent or received. op secre eight of those chains contained information that was top secre t at the time they were sent.os 36 of those chains containedt secret information at the time ,and eight containede. confidential information at the time. althalthough there is evidence of potential violations of the ial violstatutes regarding the g of classified information. our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. therhie is this is a dual justi system. >> again, if you're you're aa d you mishandle classified documents. well, you just get a sternyo lecture. if that if you're donald trump, you get your house turned upsidege down and more than, what, three dozen stack felony charges designed to put you in prison for the rest of your life rtunatel. but unfortunately for biden, well, his legal woes are not over despite the doj's best. efforts. dehaveand senate republicans now have uncovered a paperncoved trail that is a mile longt that shows the entire biden family syndicate and theithr to foreign cash.tens we're talking about tensmillions of millions dollars equity, lavish gifts, other funds or let's see, loans with no interest rates that are all ofs forgivable. all this money passed through shell corporations identified by james colmer from foreign countries. let's see. chin chia, ukraine, kazakhstan, romania. and thesn ane are among the mosr corrupt countries in the entire world. and they wer world ane all sending money to the biden family. but here's the questioto the bn? what did they do for that money? the bidens were providing that.n we all we can see is little in return for tens of millionsu of dollars other than, of course, they got access to acy. ig gu and coincidentally enough, by the way, the family finances were very very much co-mingled with hunter allegedly paying pop s bills, complainingme t about having to give half hu his income to pops. and, of course, james biden cutting a huge checks to joe bid biden. it all reeks of nothing but public corruption. that's why's w we call it the jy biden bribery and money laundering scandal . in alleiven the egregious nature the hese shady financial practices and the tarnished reputation of biden'sl prac weaponized and politicized doj, well, the justice departmenttitb they may just be looking for a sacrificial lamb. accog to fake news cnn,ial co the special counsel has now impaneled a grand juryunl no asi of their investigation into zero experience. expeunter an and they're now seg documents and testimony from in, includingesses joe biden's brother, james. remember, joe biden said to as a candidate, he said it as a president. i never once talked to my a hunter, my brother or anybody for that matter, about their farm businesn busines deals.seen and meanwhile, house republicans, they are seekin g an interviewy with hunter, so-called sugar brother guy by the nam e kevin morris, who always seems to rescue hunter whenever doll few million dollars here, a few million dollars there to pay his taxes or othero bills, or he needs a new car. now, tonighthunter, i don't knof hunter is going to actually be thrown under the bus by his father's doj dojcertain . but i am certain of this that the big guy will never face single charge as long as we have a corrupt department of justice led by a corrupt a.g. by the name of merrick o garland, who's now runningf cour the show at the doj. and of course, we know hatred for donald trump. it runs deep. this is the sad naturen politi of america's justice system today. it has been politicized., ha it has been weaponized. here with reaction, harvard professor alan dershowitz and the author of a bran derd new book, the u.s. constitution and other patriotic documents that h u.s. e, our friend and colleague, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. al good to see you both. thanks for having me.o, ball right. so, by the way, you all can. clap. it's not like the other room here allows. okay e pretty b we have a pretty bigd here. the professor dershowitz, you wrote a book, a bestseller. it was called get trump. okay you know the facts in thebiden hillary clinton case. you know the facts in the joe biden case f. p secret you know about four locations, top secret classified documents . why did donald trump getma mar-a-lago ratedr-a-lawhy di ant they get the same treatment? they should have all gotten the same treatment. none of them should have been indicted. ute ththisats neve is a statuter applied to former fake documents, a home with themak unlesse docu, and it's never hat in history. they have shown them or show thehey've om to the foreign enemies. you must have a single standard of justice. d of and the single standard of justice doesn't say that we have to indictdoesn' hillary cl and joe biden. it says you cannot indicjot, prosecute donald trump. now, people who want to prosecute him say it's different. >> it's cross-border. turn these things over. that's not a crime. that's the american way. that's tyou don't necessarily ce with people who want to put you in jail, who are out to get trump. you fight back. no., you hire lawyers. you challenge everything. and so i think that the cases are every case is different. of course, but they're roughly equivalent. they should not have been in the prosecutionthere sht he on classified material. and by the way, i think that's the case that he may win because it's in a district where he might get a fair trial, unlike the district of columbia,w new york andha fulton county, georgia. so although he should never have been prosecutedve for a what some people have called a smoking gun, i call to smoking cigarette, but just there's nothing to it. ted, butand i don't think he shd have been prosecuted, but i think he may very well th in the florida case because he didn't do anything to compromise the national security of the united statehe at shouls. 'r that should be the criteria. you know, you're you'reofesso a democrat, professor dershowitz, and what you're saying should be chilling to everyr ch american. and i agree with you. i do not believe in new york city that donald trump can get a fair trial. i don't believe he can get a fair trial in d.c.eve he crial . i don't believe he can get a fair trial. i lived in georgia, in fulton county, georgii lid ina. >> am i wrong?, georgi you're absolutely right. and they purposely brought those cases in those districtsn to get him convicted, knowingtr that there's a very strong likelihoodonll b they'll be revd on appeal. but that would be after the election. the purpose opose is t get them convicted, influence the election and then say, look ,we're sorry we made mistakes, y but it's too bad because the election, wh, we'r was now . that is so, so against the spirit of constitution. >> is this is donald trump greg jarrett? is this what he claims to be election interference? look at the timeline in the case in new york. we're back to talkink, wg stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. 201? were we talking about that in 2016? in the casase ine in new york, , example, with alvin bragg? aryou know, are we going back x number of years if these crimes were so horrible or if you want to go back to january six, 2021 ,why did they wait to charge until 2023 if it was so egregious and such a such a slam dunk case? why did they wait so that these trials would take place during an election year and unfriendly venuesn un and any chance to win on appeal or to get a fairge hearing would be in? a non-election year to take the choice away from the american votero take, and tt is election interference. >> this will be perceive interdn as a double standard unequal justice. >> you'v you've ge two presidents, thi trump and biden, who essentially both did the sameclassifi. b >> they retain classified documents, but one gets chargenh and the other doesn't. yes, there are differences betweeer n the two cases, but sean, try to explain that to the american voter who's already convinced s likelythat trump is likely a r of election interference any drivencall indictments, while joe biden is the beneficiary, a protection racket run by his own attorney general, department of justice and the fbi. and as you pointed out out, rob, her, the special counsel, says, well, you know, i'm going to be given a tongue lashing. critrtedlytongue to joe biden, s going to be sharply criticalu po that hine is, as you point out,' taking a page out of james comey's playbook. it's comey 2.0 and the hillary clinton case in which he stood in front of cameras. you the clip and he said she committed crimes, recklessness, negligenced crimes, classifiedus documents, those are crimes. >> and then he did this magica.l pirouette. >> no reasonable prosecutor would bring such reasona case, h is utterly laughable y laughaand ludicrous. but it did have a negative impact on hillary clinton. people thought she got away with it and she lost that election. so, you know, joe biden may be in clear legally, but politically, this could legae consequences on his reelection bid. on your >> by the way, congrats to you b on your new book. wewe'll put it up again. gregg jarrett, your analysishere of documents, our constitution and others are so critically foi and you give a great analysis. we thank you forus being with us also, professor dershowitz, thank you. all righ ning ut. now joining us with more, she is the host of alt kicks, tomi lahren, fearless.earl tomi lahren is kind of like a hometown crowd for you. itess.a and i have to tell your audience at home that we are in nashville at the patriot awards, which is why i'm dressed like a showgirl. i normally wouldn't come triot aw on. i'm getting a show guy, you know? all right, you can laugh. wennity fois some rhinestones fo nashville next time, but i want to preface our very serious conversation with why i'm wearing rhinestones. we here are in nashville, tennessee, and we love justice in nashville, tennessee. and we'd love to see this president get a dose of it. but unfortunately, i don't nessee going to happen. while i agree with what greg said about how the left ppened tlooked at what happenedh to hillary clinton, and i think that they replicated that with tr trump. you know, donald trump hadoked that famous line, crooked hillary, crooked hillary that i stuck to her, and she lostse largely in 2016 because of that, that label, crooked hillary. t bel, "crthey saw that.. and they're smart and they've been waiting for their chance. if we can make it crooked onump, then maybe we can win not just one election.runs maybe we can win another one when he runs again. and jobidee biden, he's coddled and comforted by the fbi, the doj, you name it. >> he's got a bubble wrap around him. so if greg jarrett is righhe's t and professor dershowitz is right and i'm right, and that donald trump can'profen get a fair trial in new york ort d.c. or fulton county, georgiaoh and there's a conviction before the election, maybe people that don't live, breathe, sleep, politics the way we all do. >> independent voters do, indthat often decide elect, how will they react when they read all donald trump was convicted of a felony form likely will be overturned b . >> for example, bob mcdonnell, former virginia governor, he had 11 convictions. the same special prosecutor,. right. the supreme court vacated every one of them,k thre but it took three years for that to happen. >> we have to get the messaginga correct, though, by the way, unanimously. the average american, though, all they're goinven, all g to hearit wou is crooked trump. so it would be reverse. wht they don't care revee. they have the perception. i don't want the circus. well, what if i vote for this tey anguy, ends up in jail?. is my vote wasted? and that's why the democrats are so my vote smart. they're evil, but they're smart. they're not dumb. joe biden is not dum b. biden hunter biden not dumb. none of them are dumb. they've worked the system ththl know. oe >> i don't think joe is dumb. i just don't think he knows what day of the week it is. what and i don't think he's qualified to be a walmart greeter. >> no, but i think that's our stronger message to the american people. i love the fact that house t republicans are going after joe biden and hunter biden. i love the fact that they're .t subpoe out subpoenas right and left. they want to get these people under oath. themt to get some that's great. but i think our strongest wayat. to get the american people tocor turn this country around is to talk about the fact that, hey, fae edging closer to morend you disasters in the middle east and you want this guy at the controls wan. >> i think that's a far better argument. all right. no discussew, we've just discusseds a lot. the issue of whether or not to n to november of 2024. >> and i've kind of vacillate a little. let's assume it's trump versusb. biden. okay. and america has a choice between a whose economicmi policies have failed his immigration policiesgratio r a disaster. his energy policies are a disaster. looking in the i cannot think of a single thing that he hase h done that has made this countryf better or this world safer. er.i think our enemies are emboldened and we see what the world looks like when an american president abdicates america's leadership role worl stage.ds lead >> how does he win? well, the polls are showint trg' us that trump right now in 5 to 6 swing states, he's doing well. >> but that all changethat ahant there's a trump conviction. >> that's why they're so smart. does it change? because hasn't he defied chang all conventional political gravity? he gets indicted, his polls go right, he gets arraigned, his polls go up. aper, uld hayou woulved never t. i would never have believed that. i worry. i worry. but i do say this. the polls also show that a generic democrat gavin newsomm gavin newsom could bea ct trump by eight points. n tell and that's why i mean, i think the writing is on the wall. i've been telling you this for a while, but gavin newsom goes to israel. >> gavin johnson. trump well, he's told me over and over again, i've interviewed him. we have the great state debate coming up with him and ron desantis. governor desantis. s, he said over and over again that the next person in line would be kamala . you think she's going to get out of the way and say, gavin, you take it. kai doubt it. >> i think when the democrat party tells you what you're going to do, you listen and i think if the democrat party tells kamala, hey, we don't think you're right fort t even trying to revamp her image, it's not working. >> how's their base going to react to that? going toat?i think it's got to e her idea. >> maybe maybe the obamas step in. step ini think that's the mostw drawing venn diagram. >> yeah, that she loves so much that a school bus, they get something better in her mind that's better. they tell her, hey, listen, you'd lose this election if we put you up.l a, so we'll give a good gig. see, the obamas, they've got podcasts. they're making milliona podcasts . they convince kamala, that's a better route. gavin steps in for kamal his coy . he gets the panda bears back from china. everyone thinks he's a great th guy. and there we are with >>president newsom that makemaks sick california refugees. >> i'm sure that makes it very interesting to watchsting this debate. you have two of the biggest governors in the country the coupowith opposinsingg ide, ideological differences, opposing political views,ating. and to hear the different governing philosophies. i think it's going to be rhininatinu're to wearg. >> you're welcome to wear rhinestones in new york anytime you want. next time, coming to new yo york. in rhinestones. >> thank you for allowing us to visit your state. wee you hee it so much. bin up next, osama bin lad laden's despicable disgusting letter actually justifying the 911ktok terror attacks has gone viral on tiktok. we'ring to tele going to tell yy this is extremely troubling as we continueue introducing a revolution in pain relief. new absorbing junior pro, the strongest numbing pain relief available. it's the only solution with two deep penetrating relief absorbing junior pro, nothinthih numbs, pain, more meat. >> goldman daily healing 7& 3 va a powerhouse solution that moisturizes heals and smooths dry skin with moisturizers and three vitamins and new gold bond healing sensitive clinically shown to heal and moisturize dry sensitive gold bond friends for 25 years, "fox and friends" starts right about now. we've made every morning count. i'm really we have a good here here's to the future what does this show come to what are you nuts? 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america, which he used justify the killing of, let's see, 2977 of our fellow americans. nine 1101 and the terrorist attack that took all our ack that fellowhere i american lives. >> here's just one example i need everyone to stopgo what they're doing right now and go read. >> it's literally two pages. go read a letter to america and please come back here and just let me know what you think, becauseu think like i' i. i'm going through like an existential crisis right now. and a lot of peopleople e are.>> >> so i just need someone elseea to be filling this jobn:. espond now, this user responded to thee backlash that she received and saidived , well, you're not very smart if you think that she was praising she bin laden. tiktok also quickly responded, sa, quote,ainst videos clearly violate the rules against promotinm ang terrorismn and that they were aggressively he. ving the content here with reaction, former speaker of the house fox news h. tributor newt gingricx ne you know, mr. speaker,on't und one thing that i don't r understand thereight a is and w, there is moral clarity. we were a victim on nine 1101 i october 7th, israel wass a victim of terrorism, but yet in the halls of congress, of college universities, all over europe, all over other continents, we hear this virulent anti-semitism. and now this can. ain how you explain how it is that people are so distortele d their moral compass, so twistedr . sure, it's not complicated i fif people are passive, if afraid they're timid, if they're afraid, evil dominates.l this is no domint complicated. e all when good men and goodd up women refuse to stand up for the truth, evil dominates. so let's look at a couple things. first of all, as my suggestedidi it said in the newsletter, tiktok should either be banned s or they should sell itho to an e american company. but the idea of having a chinese communist propagandayn system in the united states is just crazy. dstatessecond, we need to learny to young people this wrong. you are stupid. we nee d to stand up forcivili civilization and not be timizade and, not be confused whens babies are beheaded. g. >> it is evil. it's not confusing. it's not complicated. osama bin laden was a terrorist whose goal wasun to destroy the united states. let'snow, let's you know, thisa is why i think we should go back to havin eg the pledgewe of allegiance in every classroom, every morning. we need to re-instill in people a sense of patriotism. this country is unique.s valu it is valuable. it human rights at a level nobee country has ever had before. and we have to be prepared to defend it. and todao ndy, our elites are sd confused that they're dominated by people who are basically mentally illically. t what when you look at what amountsam to somewhereounts estimated toe senator ron johnson thinksis it's about 8 million illegal immigrants that have come into this country unvetted under joe biden, including the god of waves. but now noticing thousands coming from the middle easthe m hunt hundreds and hundreds from syria and iran tens of thousands from china and russia. why are they coming to our southern border? why that amongstare li that group? there are likely a lot of people that havkethate nefaro intentions for us inns our country. well, you have and thearty democratic party o on the left, a group of people who don't believe in america want . they want open borders because they want to drown america with foreigners. they also, frankly, don't believe american patriotism. they don't believe in america as a unique civilization. so this is a fact. that's a reality. andand the biden administratiod is trapped by these people intoo a series of policies that, by any reasonable standard ny saneare insane. the fact is that we havel over to have of our borders. but beyond that, there her are students who are here who have been demonstrating for anti-semitisti-semitm, demonstrg for in israel. thos should all behave a deported, period, whether they have a student visa or whatever kind of visa they have. they have no have no right to bn america if they're in favor of evil. and i would regard the kind of things we saw hamas dotober on october 7th as pure evi7tl and therefore worthy of standing up to it. >> sea yeah. speaker gingrich, we always appreciate you being with us, especially when we're out of new york and we're in a great placn e, a free state like tennessee and a great city like music city, usc citya and nashv thank you for being with us. all right. miining us now, missouri senator josh hawley. he weighed in last night, calling tiktok calling a, quoter of terrorist propaganda and the most effective surveillance tool a foreign government ever inventedrveillan. sena senator hawley joins us now. senator, if that's the castoe, i i believe you know a lot more about this than i do. if that's the case i, why do we allow americans to even download it? why aren't stopping itn allo? >> we should be stopping it, sean. we should ban it. listen, i think communisstent ca right now is just laughing. i mean, you've got joe biden whois bowing and scraping and begging xi to be nice t to him while china walks mel over us and then you've got tiktok, which is basically the social media arm of the chinese communist, and they're spewing this anti-american propaganda, this virulent anti-israel, anti-semitic propaganda. and i think they're just sittin meticg back. they can't believe that we're letting them get away with it. we shouldn't be letting them heget away with. john, here's the deal on tickit tock. it tracks everything you d tro on your phone. it tracks everywhere you go. every text messagext messa you,s every email you write. and it's all that informationfos all of it's available to the chinese communist party. it's an espionage tool. it's a propaganda machine. bad we ought to ban it. >> i know i'ven heard people like you say it. and i'll be honest, senator, i have so much respect for you.c i don't know as much about it. believe it or not, my staff doesit o trust me with my owncim social media, and i have no access to it. edi got into too many fights with alec baldwin and jimmy kimmel t and many other famous people. so i don't even know the passwords to my account at this point. but in all seriousness, if we know thi passwors, that would ba clear and present danger to our national security just like joe's open borders is a clear and present danger to ouri national security. these are basic, simple, goveamental that our government ought to be doing. and they'ro be doie doing it. tl they seem to want to talk more about climate change than anythingk e changee. >> yeah, i mean, you think about this. joe biden here, he wants to bego china to be nice to him becauses he's so focused on trying to destroy this economy. he's so focused on allo fo the foreign wars that he's embroiled in. >> so here he is begging china. he doesn't want to get he is crosswise with them. joe biden also doesn't want to offend thesh them.e i mean,,h the increasingly radical fringe frement in this country that are his base. i mean, this pro-palestinian pro haman ths people, you see tm rioting at the dnc. that's the new base of the democrat party. he's desperately party afraidhig to offend them. so he doesn't want to do anything about any of thist ands >> and the truth is, sean, we rt ought to be standing up here for what is true, what isca t right, and also, frankly, what is good for america. it is not good for america tocon have a spy app out there whereis the chinese communist can tracks everything we do. and i'll just point this out. you know, united statesnned military, all branches of the armed forces have banned membservice members from having tiktok and using tiktok. it's because it's a security threat. it's because they don't want them tracked by communist chin ina.a . >> we should protect our kids in the same way. we ought to ban this thing sean:. >> senator, then can you explain why evercay u.s. senator, every congressman, every elected official is not united? if that's the case, how come that's not being accomplished? h >> well, i think a lotas of itok has to do with money, if you want to be honest, john. i mean, tiktok, like all these otheompaniesr tech companies has a powerful, powerful lobby in washington, d.cwerful l. you. this goes follow the money always. and what you've seenou'v is ticn tock has spent millions and millions of dollart and mig to say, oh, no, actually,lly it's okay. we don't we don't really spyspoa on you. we protect americans data. it's all false. we've had whistleblowers's. come forward from tiktok and say america's personal informationrl . our personal information is available and accessible in china members, that members of thet t chinese communist party can access it. i don'for my kids.t want that f. i don't want that for any american. and we ought to take a stand here and ban this thing. >> we appreciate it. senator josh hawley, always great to have you, sir. we appreciate you being with us from nashville. now straight ahead, secretary of state win and tony blinken caught on tape visibly displeased with his boss, president joe. we're going to show you the tape as we continunext as e fro. nashville, tennessee. >> thank you for joining fox nation. >> a must in your medicine cabinet call coming on. zach cam is the number one cold shortening brand. highly recommended people love zach cam's unique zinc formula . it shortens colts zach cam shorten that cold are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer. jacuzzi, bath remodel. we're waiving all installation costs with no interest and no payments for one year. jacuzzi has been making water feel great for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bath remodel at a price you can afford with no stress and no mess. i've been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. >> i called and they didn't 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>> yeah, i think you're.ordinary right. no, it's truly extraordinary. and, you kno w if there is any sort of sweet justice in all thatof this, it's that joe bideb that guy right there has beeeeny the expert when it comes to foreign policy in all i washington for 50 years, this this current relationship that we have with china, that man is the greatest architect of this relationship. and in all the ways that we are losing to china today can be blamed on the foreign policy positions of that man and the fact that he's president right now, as this becomes so obvious on the world stage that we's as as the last world's last remaining good superpower fallss prey to china, the fact that he is the one that is is president, when that happens i think it's kind of sweet justice. the thing where he goes dog starts talking about the dictator again in washington, a gaff e is when a politician accidentally tells the truthe. and. joe biden accidentally told the truth there. he didn't mean than to and his staff went bananas. they went nutsent nuts over it h the last thing they want to do is tell truth to theseand subm people because they want to be in bed with china and submitllyt to china. prinell, they just basicallymake want to make money and theyd it don't care about the principles behind it. you know., brian bromberg, n a friend of mine, is a brilliant guy and i won'amt give his name or his company, but he became the inventor of the year by a very prestigious group. >> the amount of intellectual lr property theft of his patents have literally cosalt thist thio hundreds of millions of dollars. onhe's one this is happening to inventorsdp and companies and people with patents all over our country. great innovators are being robbed blind and they never get confronted on it. >> what's the impact to the economy on this? it's hundreds of billion>> it'np of dollars, sean, and your friend is a great example. but look, look at what president g did. he came to the united states. we rolled out the carpet. he spent a little bit of time with biden, didn't careraight about because biden's irrelevant. he went straight for the guys with the money fuys nd t and the technology and he went after them hard and he. wooed them and and they fell for it. he wants their money and theirhr tech in china. why? because he wants to usemoney that moneygy and to develop hisa technology and he wants to use their patents to buildhe on the back of he knows what he's doing. that's the keyoint her point he. biden doesn't know what he's doing. he can't find his way of the stage. she knows exactly what he's doid have ng. this p should have never had this meeting with the president in this positioose only hn. thin the only thing he did i right this entire meetingxi is the one thing he got in trouble for, and that is call xi a dictato dicr and hs feckless foreign policy team hated it. t s and was the only beginning, the only true thing we sawe mee: the entire meeting from biden. exit questio, n. c will joe biden, charlie hurtt ev the democratic nominee in 24 ? to keep my record going of giving you a different answer every timtime you ae youe i'm going to say that he's still going, that hel be will be the nominee, but and he's going to get beat likee a chea a chea. >> and brian, you get the last t word. i can i can't arguehe ndo with charlie think. he's going to be the nominee. i do think he's going to lose. and that's the best newst news, the way that american business will have in a very long time. all right. thank you both, brian, appreciate it. charlie, good to. you you. sur up next, surprising admissions from dwayne the rockions johnsog and snoop dogg, the great jimmy fallon. >> next i'll play boston 1773, one of the most daring and consequential events in american history is about to take place. this was the spark that lit the torch of liberty in two months. >> and that team is on the docks. the british will have their boots firmly planted on our necks. this is bigger than us and this is bigger than boston is anyone willing to take a stand for liberty. their defiance galvanized a rebellion and their story is now the stuff of legend. enjoy your freedom while it lasts. i'm rob lowe. i'm rob lowe. this is liberty or death. >> boston tea party coming soon to fox nation travel. it he it. dancing is my passion. but with my moderate to severe eczemau can cl, it hasn't been c now i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heahat can l skit within so you can have clearer within so you can have clearer skin and noticeabl nblems, serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. telld d pains, your about new om worsening eye problems such as including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. infection. don'k pixent without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about dupixent. >> hey. hey. check it out. team jackets. oh, nice. these are sick days. love. >> weight wise, mind. say a little baby cake, because that's your. i'm ace toms. rhino. i'm rhino. dragon. and obviously you're a little baby cake. >> yeah. i'm not going to be a little baby cake. they printed up the jackets. it's a done deal. >> it does take a little baby cake. you can't argue with the jacket, little baby cake. >> what's gotten into him? 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the white house? now, yesterday, the actor mets c with lawmakers on capitol hill about boostingap recruitment. and earlier this month, he saidb that he was approached by multiple parties last year about running forle president. and the actor also claims he has no intention of running foe r president in 2024. but he is throwing shade at biden after endorsing him in 2020. take a look. it's the craziest. i have friends who support f trump. i have friendsriends w who suppd biden. >> do you really have friends who support biden? come on. no, no .. he, no, no, no. you why do. i have i have friends. than k you. that's a good check. because that's important. this is important context for the democratic party. >> i have friends who are loyal to the party. ean:right.oss amer all right, here now with reaction, fox across america. host our buddy r budd jimmy failla is here. >> okay, so i got to give it props. i'm >> yeah, we're at the patriot awards. i mean, one of the front tables, not the front table, but i'm watching you d'mo your thing. >> i mean, this guy kills it on stage. jimmy, have it up, and it's your one hour stand up special. it's coming out on fox nation. it'll releas ie january eighth. if one of you watches it, you'll double my ratings. it's a big deah itl. an no, i'm kidding. it was a hot crowd, a high honor to go on stage at the patriot awards. there's nothing like telling a dirty joke in fronnothint of 0 people and seeing your boss in the corner of the room. >> i'm like, do i still have my taxi license? i might have to get out of here. it was amazing. by the wayn th, he was once a nk york city taxi driver. true story. i drove. i drove a taxi c in new york ciy full time. if you guys if you guys ever yow york, it's the only city where you signal after you've already made it into the next lane. like anywhere else, go left. you put on your blinker to telol you're going left. but if you do that in new york, they block you. so instead you go left. thenpeopyou're you put on your , like, haha, screw you, i made it. yhow? great stuff. what did you think of the rock? what is the thing about tht do rock. okay. do i smell what the rock is cooking? yes. and it's better than what biden'sell what cooking ins pants. can i have everybody get that? but haven't we had enough sniffing out of this president that we have. to smell what the rock is cooking? but the reality is there's a market for someone like him t to dive in. as ae as an independent, maybe a democrat, because no one wants to watch this again. you know democ one wan, don't hu years of biden in us. he's not governing our 46th president. he's governing like our last president. prest t like? gotsaying yeah. like and i wouldn't doubt if the rock got in there. all righ sean: allt. in? we'll wait and see. you all think he's going to get in anybody? no see. ng you don't see it happening. all right. well, the rock is dipping his toe into politics. othes to sit around. and complain about the election. and heren about th is what the o lovely and gracious barbra streisand had to sayus barba ab4 earlier this week. >> how do you feel about the specter of a second trump administration? adi move.ountry i can't live in this country i f that's if he became president.go >> where would you go?y where would you go? probably to england. mm-hmm. i like a lot for an hour's worth free labor to help her. ha ha ha. i think that's nice of me. forgive, but my first reaction to seeing that video is how did colberw t land an interview with sam kinison? oh, wow. oh, man. i saw. i love sam kinison, but that took me back, man. she's filming a sequel to funnyz girl. crazy girl. what's going on right now? she has a lo ot of issues. it's like she sang the theme song from cats. yeahsang the, but kind of comesw like a cat lady. >> you know what i mean? but i don't know the crazy,y. crazy cat lady. there's plenty of good cat ladies there'sy of. okay? but in the history of electoral politics, no one has ever left the country. when the guy won, they didn't. you didn't they tell us that in 2016? oh, they all say it. you know, my favorite part, the celebrity fraud of 2016, is they were trying to say trump wafraud ofing to ss againr wanting to build a wall. remember that? i remember they were lik againr eying trump, is a racist if he gets elected, i'm moving to canada. and i was like, dude, mexico, mexico's right there. but none of them wanted to g >> s right. >> and that's the scam. they're all full of it, man. all right. and in i other celebrity rapper snoop dogg who builtbuil his branhid about his love of ad certain plant called weed marijuanrijuana,a, whatever youp to call it. he announced on x today that he's giving smoking forlean his grandchildren. leaving fans disbelief. no way he can quit. well, not really , but i think to th you've misread that. so what? he's giving his weed to the grandchildreeandchildn.n. it's. they're all going to be highhe'n as heck. >> oh, no. i'll tell you what i thought i was. tell me. mokingwhat di read he's not smo. >> uh huh what does that mean? you're going to tak t it. ll eat he's going to say you can't eat an edible. exactly. it's like when an:ctly. guy say, my doctor says i can only have one drink a day. so he brings a glass thiis doct. not good. but this is the thing. i mean, if he does it, it's commendable because longchi beach, he's from long beach is the weed capital of the world. like a cop me in long he's like, he's smoking marijuana. i was like, no. he's like, well, her i sae you go! then. >> you know, it's a different animal. so good. it a >> quit. i don't know that he pulls it off. i don't think i just i i'm anti-drug. yes. and i think it's a gateway drug. i mean a, i'm kind of old fashioned on this stuff. and i know a lot of people do it. lotf peopand want to believe i. yeah, but i think it just leadsg to so many other problems. and now the weed is so strong. they're saying the kid,ying esp especially young men, are becoming like schizophrenic, using too much. >> yeah, i mean, they're weird zophreniuch. ,mean, you know, we have h a drug problem. when the democrats pick up seats in the midterm pe know what i'm saying? people are crazy. okay, but i don't. oddl y enough. kno you probably wouldn't know this from looking at me. >> snot a drunk drug user. okay? i drink a little bit. you're just high on life. yeah, i am. i'm highe on life. and i dress like an overweight figure skater. you know what i mean dre? so people just. i don't have time to drink because they stop me. and i'm like, i love what you divepeopled at olympics. you know, the great jimmy fallon we love is great to see you, man.. all right. i'm quarter. that's all the time we have left this evening. thank you fo evbeing with us. don't forget, set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever, everis an episode of hannity for news. anytime, all the time, every time. hannity .com.r and in the meantime let not your heart be trouble. why? greg gutfeld standing by. grutfeld she'lr.ile on you face. hae a great nigh

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