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primetime tonight. not h >> and we're not here friday. they were not here saturday. sundy. day.ot here sunda they were not even here monday.o they came back on tuesday. so to ask that questio to asn is actually incredibly irresponsible. >> well, loo actualk what we have here. that's the white house cocaine>> . a homeless bomb blows up the l.a. freeway. why did you stop the ballots? one, there's surveillance video stopping the ballots. if anythinbag, today we found the stuffer. >> plus, who won the civil war? the patriots. >> not the patriots. oh. >> oh, you sure about the patriots? >> fox news alert. picter have the pictures of the white house cocaine courtesy of you can see the cocaine in a locker in the west wing. there it is, next to a rulernext for scale. another phot to shows the baggie next to a test kit that concluded the powder was indeede ba cocaine, not another white powdery substance like anthraitx. >> documents from a lab show the coke was cut with baking soda and caffeine. so who's ever coke? it was got ripped the cocaine was found july 2nd. so why are these images comingw out now? >> are the secret servicaresee h agents sick of getting bitten by biden's dog? >> we don't know. the story still doesn't add up. the cocaine was found on a sunday. >> first, they said it was in the library. si we heard it was outside the situation room. >> then they said it was in a cubbturoom and ay. >> was it found somewhere first and then moved int ando the cub? why would there be any confusion about where exactly cocaine was found in the white house? why woulthere bethe white houseg construction workers for bringing the blow, but construction workers don't have access to the west wing. only white house staff, first family and family and friends. that's i andt. >> the secret service and fbi closed their investigation day after 11 days. narcotics left in the white house. secret service said there were 500 suspects. nobody suspe was interviewed. and then they closed the investigation. the secret service says therewa was a blind spot where cubby number 50 was okay. cubby number 50 is right smacke in the middle of the cubby wall. it's verof cy interesting. intee >> blind spot. and we followed the footage and the secret servicestblind said that's classified. >> and the keye to locker 50 is missing. now, if you find the key, you find your man or woman. did they do the coke with the key? we don't know. but secret service didn't want to know either. clbecause they sent the bag of coke to quantico. dusted it for prints and dna.sad said they found nothing and they blew it up. how were there no fingerprints on that baggie? .are they saying the smuggler was wearing gloves in july when he put it there? >> did the tape show anybody wearing gloves walking towards the cubbies? >> i mean, come on. and how many agents blow up evidence 11 days after the crime? >> they have evidence lockers bursting at the seams at everyen agency in the nation, going back decades. >> i think you know what i'm thinking. i'm just asking you againon to just think once and for all whether or notce and the coe belonged to the martin family. they were not here friday. they were not here saturday. they were not here sunday. they were not even here mondaye . they came back on tuesday. so to ask that question is actuallturdayndaytoy incrediy irresponsible. >> but that's not true under mar here's hunter walking to marinen one r spending whi a whole day at the white house. funny backpack, isn't it? >> and you remember this moment. how could you forget hunter on the white house balcony ite hous on the fourth? >> looking extremely patriotichn . now, we're not hunter. we don't roohut for relapses. >> but circumstantial evidence would make any detective ask for a sit down. but that's a big no no, because antial eective ar gets popped, n violation of his plea agreement. thosped,e are real consequences. and we all know how jo e biden feels about drugs.bide >> if you have a piece of crack cocaine, no bigger than thisholn quarter that i'm holding in myit hand. you're caught with that. you go to jail for five years, you get no probation. >> you get nothing other than five years in jail. >>years in judge doesn't have a >> no baggie, no suspect, no suspect, no arrest. protecting the bidens has hebecome quite the adventure for the secret service. last nighte , agents protecting joe biden's granddaughter, nami biden. hunter's daughter opened they at three carjackers. they say three males were attempting to break into a secret service agents vehicloe outside of naomi biden's house in georgetown. very nice neighborhood. d and an agent fired arounda at him. and the secretroun service saysv they don't believe anybody was shot, but they aren't suree . e so maybe the secret service agent missed. whicice h isn't so great.t an >> or maybe he didn't. and there's a dead or injureds carjacker somewhere in d.c., courtesy of naomi biden, secret service agentesy ot. and these three guys are still at large. our sources s tell primetime that secret service agents don't fire gunstill ats to prott property. they have strict shot accountability. and naomi biden wouldn't have been in the car because anr agent would have been in there with her and the carjackerens wouldn't have smashed a window a a vehicle to steal itkers wou with two people in it. >> secret service protocol two requires agents to onlypeop discharge their weaponle is if the protectee or themselves are facing imminent and seriou s injury or death. and sources say agents are trained to almost never discharge their weapon close to their protectee. it can do a number on their eardrums, for one, but there could be a misfire. >> or you could invite return fire using deadly force to stop a car from being stolen in the middle of georgetown. do doesn't a car make any sense. there's something they're not telling us about this incidentes . so we avoid the secret service for all relevant materialsweal related to this situation. carjackings are now so common in d.c., the mayor is giving out free tracking devices. you know, little. airtags so people can find their car after it gets stolen. >> and the police are tellinge residents to drive like they're in a war zonpolice teler follow these tips. zo the centerrive in lane. drive with the door locked . down yo don't roll down your window. no matter how nice it is,er how only a nt the drive thru.t driv don't drive alone. you have to carpool. when your life could be in danger. and when you come to a stop you leaving off room between cars to escape criminals. >> yeah. and never and i mean never stopr on the road to help somebody. oathey say it's probably a trap. that's right. you see a woman with a flat tire and a chilly december morning, she's probably bound to stick you up. mor so drive like you're in afghanistan. not even the president's granddaughter safe. e likes the secret service goes, what a stupid distraction from stopping real assassination attempts. they're having to deal with family dogs., cocaine and carjackers. >> now, if biden doesn't start treating these guys right, those fingerprints on the bag might show up . >> let's bring in bobby mcdonnell. he's a former secret mcdonald. e agent. >> bobby, i don't understand this round being discharged at carjackers in georgetown. >> i what happened here? pened >> well, good evening, jesse. nice to be with you. i think we're missing a couple >> jof pieces of the puzzle her. you know, federal agents are not going to be pulling outu their weapons and discharging their weaponlls in a free form flow with respect to different diffe happening. one my guess is that potentially one or more of the three perpetrators either brandished a weapon or was holdinratorsbrag some type of item that may have been used as a weapon and thatwl the agent felt in danger of his life and or his partnerss in a that were in and around the area. i think that this investigationn is going to continue. an investigation is a reconstructiontigation of the past. you're going to have a number of agencies involved in this. and i think we're going to find some pieces of the puzzle that we don't really have right now that may lea havayd up figure out why he had his weapon out and ultimatelon s discharged around. >> i mean, do you think he was bashing in the side window with a pistol? i mean, i wouldn't do that. i'd probably knock i t with a crowbar or something hard. well, it may have been a crowbar. it may have been something that and a furtive movement was ay have made towards the agent n he identified himself. i think there's, again, a lot of unknowns here that are going to have to be investigated. and look, any time a federal u v agent or any police officer just charges around, inere's an investigationany tiel and there needs to beer a transparency of that information as te needo what acy happened here and why it happened. this is a very serious eventene. . >> when around is just charged by a police officer or federally and they don't even know if they hit the carjacker or where it landed, which is even weirder. icer ol so go back to the cocaie so we have pictures of it. it's sittingy do right out there in a locker locker number 50. only certain people have access to it. how do they not dust cocai it fr prints or dna? >> well, again, for whatever reason here, the secret service felt that the criminal investigation invet a wall youhi and didn't continue. i certainly agree with you. and actually and said on this outlet awhile back, the optics of this whole situation are horrible. the communication with respect to it didn't go very.e comm wel. and it just looks bad that this type of item could get into the white house and ultimately cause us t causeo be asking alle questions that we still don't have really any answers to. >> you but you know about print you can't drop a bagca withoutn getting any dna on that unless you're walking aroundthat i with medical gloves and you're not doing that in the white house and you're not wearingot gloves in july. so someone's not telling us thte truth and we're going to geti d' to the bottom of it. i don't care. i need to knowt . whose it was. it's an obsession. wah. thanko muc >> y and thanks for your servic. thank you. thank you, sirur.. was the >> well, it was the political shot heard round washingto nto obama world telling biden to buy out of but joe obviously didn'tt th get the message. instead of stepping down, biden spent the weekend embarrassing the dnc. e >> patience has run thin.ha so for the second weekend in a row, obama world sent out their chief political strategist, david axelrod, to send joe another messag se. >> but one number in the polling that was concerning. and in the cnn poll that followed after the newge york times poll had to do with age. that'sne thingand that's one tht reverse. no matter how effective and no e joe biden is behind the scenes in front of the cameraes, what he's projecting is causing ting ipeople concerns and that s worrisome. >> so word got back to biden that obama world said he was too old to win. is aroundoe is going washington calling axelrod a word that rhymes with bric wo >> the president called you a word that because we are liveleo in london, i am not allowed to say on televisiona , but ito starts with a p and ends with k. your responsve television, be? . >> well, he wouldn't be the first, i guess, in my manyt i years in politics. listen, i understand he was irritated becausmanye i raised concerns that many, many democrats haoncerns d. and again, you know, my feeling is either get out or get going . >> but calling axelrod a word that rhymes with barack doesn't help his reelectioallingn. biden's base is leaving. hispanics sa y they miss trump.ey mis >> are you happy with your vote for joe biden? well, i didn't seee somethingik like really change right now. i work in three jobs because i have to, like, pay more things like my house is more expensive. p wa you know, i'm ready to say when john was a president, we don'twn have high gas or inflation of the food. >> plus, melania didn't call you tacos like jill did. yo >> and now "the washington post" says biden shouldn't run. >> quote, if biden wereif wer the first woman lgbtq person or. person of color as president, there would be a stron e would g cased to reelect him. >> there's not that kind of symboliof c or cultural casend term for his second term either. >> and joe knows it's true. >> which is why he's been identifying as a black jewish puerto rican who loves dylan. >> so biden has one choice. transition or lose. the only way democrats get behind him is if way biden becomes a . >> he doesn't even have to get the surgery until the second term. just promise to do so. so, mr. president, how bad do you want it? >> kayla mcgee is the editor of the washington examiner. >> hailey, what's she going w to do? >> we will see. but every clip of him, jesse is like a live taping of the walking dead. it would actually be funny ifnful t it wasn't so painful to watch. but what's really interesting is his numbers among minorities, some of the hispanics that were intervieweg d. one recent poll from the new york times found that in allrvit six major swing states, his lead over trump in a genera tl hypothetical, is in the single digits among hispanic voters. a this is a demographic that democrats normally win demc by 30 plus points. so again, we have kamalara hars to thank for another failure of that vice president presidency. remember, she was the minority candidate. she was supposed to help itden pull theseshe was voters >> she's really not doing that anymore. so it's really remains to be seen what he's rseen going to do to make up for this massive gap in support from some of his keny demographics. >> well, what he's going to do is you're going to call axelrod a word that rhymescs.e's goin w. >> yeah. and axelrod isn't wie only democratic establishment figure that you see coming out against biden. i don't think that it's a's a e. coincidence that we're seeing obama out in public much more hillary much mo clinton out in public, much more bill clinton. there is clearly more.gnal tha in establishment led effort to signal that biden's time is over. his main draw in 2020 was this0a idea that hes was the strongest candidate to beat donald trump. he no longer has that going for him. and i got to say, it's a little bit funny to watch axelrod and these other folks wake up to the fact that biden is the oldest president to ever be elected and that he has he somehow is supposedy to sera another five years. >> it's a joke. all right. well, the joke'sno on thank you so much. >> well, johnny found wonder. the stuffeund wandr. >> introducing a revolution in pain relief. new absorbing junior pro. the strongest numbing pain relief available. it's the only solution with two max strength anesthetics for deep penetrating relief absorbing junior pro. >> nothing numbs 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out how you can improve your skin at armani. luxe led aecom. we all love magic. behind every great trick is a great magician. >> pete celibate saw a womanmagi in half. the human pincushion shoves swords. through his body. and, you know, david copperfield made the statue of libertswordsy disappear. >> and then came gavin newsom, the houdind i of california. because in just hours, newsom made san francisco's vagrants disappear. >> city leaders are making sure the city shines. bart doubling down by deep cleaning their overnight t more often. scrubbing and power washing is happeningheir all over the c. it's noticeable how clear the streets lookwash and how few homeless encampments there are on major thoroughfares. public. is installing decorative crosswalks in north beach and chinatown and the webster street pedestrian bridge in japantown was recently repainted. >> so when san franciscans woke up this morning, the wase transformed like that. poof. instea d of crackpots, they were now flower pots. instead of open drug markets.ea >> there were walls. wh y do we need barricades? w when international leaders visit san francisco, is it notur safe enough in our city? as you can see, they've got it blocked off. i'm no i'm not a big fan of thesefa barricades. >> sad or country's not safe enough. so gavin erected a wall to keepe us safe. wait a second. i thought walleps didn't work.wl >> 2000 mile wall is a monument to stupidity, not just but vanity to stupidity. >> but gavin's trip to china changed him. seeing that great wall put a smile on his face. now that she's coming to san francisco. >> he wants to put a smile on his face. hi know folks say, oh,. they're just cleaning up this place because all those fanc y leaders are coming into town.adr that's true. >> because it's true.e but just likale all magic tricks ,newsom's creating an illusion. >> gavin didn't really clean newsom up san francisco. he just hid the mess. sure, there are some flowerpots pots, but what's in them? >> well, here's one guy taking a nap. newsom's creating the illusionhs that his house is in order. but just because one room looks clean doesn't mean the whole hous in l.a.. a homeless bomb exploded one of the busiest highways in california. the i-10doesn' the burst into f0 weekend after a kerosene tank blew up in a homeless tent city that had been left to fester in the freeway underpass for decades. crblew80,000 square feet burnt a crisp. traffic backedisp. up for hours. this is a road that carries over 300,000 drivers a day. it's the mai0 driva n arteryly r in southern california, not only for commuters, but for comcommercial trucks. >> and it's shut down indefinitely. how were people getting anywhere for thanksgiving? >> how are businesses getting deliveryng? ng >> nobody knows. it's a good thing mayor pete's monitoring the situation from ukraine. newseanwhile, newsom's trying to blame it on arson. >> a preliminary determination . there was malice intent that this fire occurred within the fence line of the facility you see behind me that it was arson and that it was done and set intentionally. was dothat determination of who is responsible is an investigation that is ongoing. >> we didn't hear gavin sayybe e the word homeless. maybe we missed it. must md it embarrassing for him. you know, you hide the homeless in l.a. and then they blow up in. freeway i guess she's not going to catch that lakers game after all. freedo but we all know the way to fix things in california is to have she visit. so if we could detour china's president from san francisco to l.a., gavin will have that freeway fixed in 24 hours. >> here now, darren markar stalker, san francisco resident and founder of world peaceresidp movement. >> darren, where is everybodeay now in san francisco? thank you for having me, mr. waters. always a pleasure to be >> thaw here. long story short, all the homeless and finn got swept under the rug into surrounding neighborhoos and downtown san francisco is sparkling clean. so they pushed everybody th cide the downtown perimeter . yes, sir. .and unfortunately, local residents were able to see through this smoke and mirrorsol trick. as you may know, everything in california that glitters is not gold. t 3000 plus people have died fr0 fentanyl in san francisco between the years 2019 and 2023. we are seeing a homeless crisis, a phenomenal in our community. and every day residents we've been begging local leaders daysg upon end and upon weeks upon months to please do something about our, you know, the state of our community. >>of our you know, it's become uninhabitable. and you know what story short, you know what's crazy is thaty more people died of fentanyl than covid. >> and also crazy is the fentanyl came from china. and then gavin's cleaning upg up the fentanyl addicts. the chinese leader can't see it. >> it's very ironic, actually. you know, fentanyl does come from china through the southern border into san francisco. is $3 gram cheaper than a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, a gallon of gasoline. and the leader of chinaof is coming into town for the asian pacific economic cooperation conference and metal barricade is are established to hurt us like cattle. >> all right. well, listen , tear down those walls. that's what they tell you to do, right? don'. t get anybody into i'm sure everything will be back to normal oncwille she lea. >> and thanks for all your service. you really appreciatr service o. the fentanyl ization of san francisco will happen almost yese overnight as soon as the n pacific economic cooperation conference is over. >> it sureof sanncisco w will. >> and that's a sad thing. have a great night. thanksicerence i for having me. >> well, where's wanda? we found her. start your day with nature. me? the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> it's true. contacts are great until they get dry. so we created bio true hydration boost for contacts for a boost of moisture 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she nice lady. yes, somewhat. very nice. what do you mean? some people sashnds >> iy she's. oh, well, i've heard that, too. wanda wawis court stuffing ballots in a ballot box. how do you feel about that? diwad she get caught? she got caught on surveillance camera. is she arreste d? t on >> she's on administrative leave. well, then, let's not do? process when they catch you. >> that's a big no no. s.the proof is in the pudding. >> there's a lot of shenanigans going on in this town, it seems like. oh, yeah? well, like any other town.gans >> lot of stuff in the closet we don't know about. did you vote? >>. w >> didn't want to vote for youa? no, not that you know of. >> i don't know.e now wele learn fro more from cam the people who didn't want to talk on camera because they were scared of wande they one guy told johnny that wanda is a cool chick, but she should be locked up for stuffing. and you better not mess with her. you don't want to be on wanda'os bad side. another person told us that wanda goes into the mini mart. ba. all the time to play the lotto. she loves to gamble, just not with elections. she wants those to be sure.s to thanks. the only way to stop wanda b waa and all the wanda's out there is to harden our elections. voter i.d.. >> close the drop boxes. stop the harvesting and you got to have stricter rules for absentee and signatures. but the governor of connecticut, he doesn't see a problem with their elections at all. >> i don't think that early voting absentee ballot is the cause of some of these cases of potential corruption. >> i i think it's -- it's peope do the corrupting. >> so which people are doing the corrupting? wanda or her boss, the mayor who's served seven years for corruption. u thin >> do you think that joe ganim has anything to dok ? e the videos that we all saw? i don't thine k soall . >> campaigns are big, busy, messy placesaigns ar. at >> yeah. so the system is broken and the democrats don't want to fix itot because the system's working for them. so it's up to us to shine a light on corruption. that's why we sent gianni to see wanda. >> how's it going? from fox. how are you? how are you? nice to se.e you, wanda. why did she stop the ballots? wanda, why didba you stop the ballots? why did there surveillance video of you stopping the ballots? do you have anything to say? wanda? why do what do you want to sayof to the people of bridgepor brid you. you got so wanda plead the fifth just like she did in court. we're not letting thisletting t. last weekend, palestinian demonstrators vandalized the white house. but joe biden didn't notice because he was in delaware. so this weekend, the palestinians took the protests to the place where he actually spends his time. you know, the real house, too the one in delawark e, which we tried to identify. >> netanyahu and biden are war criminals and should be brought. up on charges. well, if they really wanted >> , they'd attention spray paint free gaza on his corvette, you know, like they did the squad cars here in new york. but they didn't get close d k. enough to make that happen. >> so so-called journalists are egging the m on now, confronting senator chris on amtrak. >> senator, i'm sorry to put you on the spot, but why not call for a cease fire in gaza on the journalism things in that time when a call forve 0 a ceasefire in gaza have 36,600 children killed? 46.apolog i know it's a quiet, calm. i apologize for reason. i understand. ildren abut children are dying. children are dying to. it's a crisis right now. i bought this. you know, he's father. bei he's dying. they were massacred when babiens in incubators are dying because the fuel is being cut. i'm going to have you thrown thr is. off this train. >> will they stop doing this? all right. so the mostly peacefulrs protesters are also showing up in texas and in new york. >> these aren't really angry commuters you're looking at. that's a pro hamas mob shaking grand central station and ripping down american flagc> .th this is a new york city police department. you are unlawfully in the roadway and obstructing vehicular traffi ithc. guess how many protesters weres arrested? thiswere is six department.x. the police arrest more people after a knicks game. >> and don't worry, no one spent the night in jail jails only for people like daniel penny, who saved lives on the subway. so the hamas six got summonses and were released that night. >> now, what would happen if thousands of american visitors or immigrants were in another country and rampaged around this violently happens climetr their precious monuments, ripped down their flags and replaced thean m with ours. >> it would be an international incident. they'd be detained . e the state department would probably have to come in and save them. . e stbrittney griner was detained in russia for a dime back. >> this is going beyond free speech and free expression. this feels like a hostil e takeover. millions of people across the country crawling out of theo shadows and screaming about jews. >> and no one'uts really curious about where this movement came dr. . >> dr. sheila nazarian is a pro-israel activist and joins me now. >> so, doctor, where did all this hatred come fropro-ism wh jesse, i really strongly believe the hatreder has always been here. it's just that people are emboldenedi believ to share loud. and honestly, i'm pr o letting them share all of those feelings and just letting us hold them accountable afterwards. >> what we're not they don't even get arrested when they do. they walk out like it's a parking ticket. they're shakin andg our crazy, they're tearing down our flags thy painting the white h house. maybe those people at that protest didn't get held accountablousee. but i assure you, manyon on college campuses, many professorsge, many professionals have been held accountable. and we just haveprofes to do a job now. depends on who's doing .the accountable as you noticed in all the protests that have been happening over the lastroto two years from multiple causes, those people weren't held accountabl ce either. and really it's about askinge our politicians and the d.a.'s in certain states and certain cities, why aren't theseg people getting held accountable? yeah, because we don't care if you yell free palestine, you get all that all day. we don't care. but if you're going to throw haymaker s in the middle of the street and you're going to throw paint on our property and climb our monuments, f the i don't like that. and you have to enforce the lash strictly, no matter who does it and what they look like ore what. >> very interesting. it's interesting. itnterestiey wouldple leftining. their countries where they would never have the right to protest, would not havee th the right to free speech. and they come to america where those beautiful rights exist, and they're using it to turn our country into the countries that they left, which makes absolutely no sense. >> and if you're a conservative and yo f u protesyou't,onservat you get audited. >> so go figure. protk >> thank you.>> tha the wankr on christmas is starting early this year,thao but there are some things that go better together. burger and fries, soup and salad. thank you.choices like your workplace benefits and retirement savings with voya considering all your financial choices together can yo for a more confident financialu future. >> hey, is hand a bicycle and you can't do that by yourself. >> oh yeah. well planned, well invested, well protected. the fox nation patriot awards are back and better than ever because this year we're in nashville. the only awards show that matters takes over the grand ole opry house. and you can only watch it live on fox nation. join pete hegseth and the rest of the fox family to honor our nation's true heroes and celebrate the spirit of our country. these are real awards to real heroes, and it reminds you why america is so special. sign up at fox nation .com for 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south and the midwest. >> never saw it coming. in georgia, a gut.y runs a healh care company named june simply is canceling christmas eve.a cop it's no longer a companyany holiday because it's notuitable. equitable. he's replacing it with juneteenth in wauwatosa, wisconsin. >> but you didn't think i'd say that? >> colored lights are canceled. deputy city administrator melissa cantera told city workers to not put up any christmas related decor on public property. quote in our up christ ongoing r to foster a more equitable and inclusive community, we kindly ask that departments refrain from using religious decorations solelyn associatedo with christmas, such as red and green lights. angreee suggestions. >> winter wonderland. snow people, not snowman. snow people. >> joining us now, host fox across america, jimmy value. so people i mean you could>> a snowman if you. i mean if you wanted to create the room wanted to get creative you knew what the snow thing identified as correct. >> but if we'rngntified e goingt there you got to cancel frosty completely y. he has two eyes made out of coal. destroying the planet. oh, i mean, are you kidding me?m and she suggests what a winterad wonderland is an alternative.gon >> are you going to feel safe around all that white snow? i mean, hunterg tod would. thank you. hey, yo. there it is. but seriously. ine. e has a pip >> i cf we were going to keep this in christmas terms after hearing about this, my grandma o ge wants to get run over by a range. >> this is on this time. >> there's ever been. what about red and green? now, do you associatdeer.e red t green with only christmas and christmas? only because on mys ?. >> i have plenty of colors. oh, absolutely. we're all over the map. but thisth where it's so performatively stupid. okay. and this the biggest problem facing the country . woke white people have become cultural arsonists. facingthey set fires where noboy cared just to show the rest of us how enlightened they are by putting out the blaze. but what was her argument? her argument h? g well, people come to city hall during christmas to pay their property taxristmas billl okay. so what's the deliverable for the guy who's now selling feed packs? becauss the taxes are so highy l and it's the only way he can make ends meet. >> oh, but you won't seee the color red when you come to city hall. but what if you have a menorah next to the tree? >> does that just balance it all out? not. not according to them. yothey said no religious observances. but i have a feeling the red and green, if you were to show up in support of hamas, she doesn't seem like that that palestinian flags fight. >> well, you're good here. what are we talkinnext t?g abou? >> all right, jimi, are you the best? we've got a veterans day quiz next we have. who won the civil war?civil wa you an introducing a revolution in pain relief. >> new absorbing junior pro, the strongest numbing pain relief available. it's the only solution with two max strength 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veterans day always to honor thosemporta that served our country and remember their sacrificenth but when johnny went to quiz americans, we found out not everybody remembers the hugeamen holiday this weekend. what is it? thanksgiving. >> hr. iving. >> veteran's day. kwanzaa kwanzaa. valentine's day. somebody call the situation room because things are about to get hot. >> who did? >> america fight in the revolutionary war in the revolutionary war? >> no idea. the irish great britain. great the french? frenc >> no. why do they call it new the revolutionary war? >> making new country. it's kind of a revolutionary idea.. oh, my god. how do you say that? not the british. what d not tho you say.thing. >> you know the. you know the thing. oh, on the civil war the. >> the patriots. not the patriots. oh, you sure about the patriots ? >> i'm blanking. ,i knopatriotsw. that. >> something about that. the south. the north did canada. >> do you want a hint? yeah. >> give you a hint. aliens. id >> and why they call it i the civil war. >> there was a a local war. ty se on the local like this.ou'r >>e now you're on national new. hey, allieon who won the cold war? >> the french. col the good guys won.>> t i know that everybodhey. i know that everybodhey. except i can't sing worth a . russiathworth a . russia. if russia won, we wouldn'truss be here right now. we didia won. >> china. what are you talkingdid. about?a >> china. why do they call it the cold war? i think about the datellt this squareas a on december 1st and cold. there wa ceas a cease fire. there couldn't be a ceasefire if no shots were fired. >> oh, they never actually, like, fought because it's chilly. >> duh. tell m e about the korean war. you know, i'm kind of high right now, so it's the korean war. >> okay. that's when fought the koreans.' oh, okay. w i that >> this man is a genius. a genius who bombed pearl harbor. pearl harbor?? oh, the chinese. the vietnamese. >> japan. the states>>. >> that would not be my first choice. >> what do you think about joe biden? and you think he's going to bring us to war? aren't we already kind of in one? >> i >> so i have to just assume that he knows. you know what happen knows ass when you assume. >> yeah. my >> and zimbabwe agreement on veterans day. what message do you want to send to our veterans? thank you for your service. you it's highly commendable and amazing. america appreciates. >> thank you. we lovthane you. >> come watch the show live in nashville. we'll be at the grand ole oprye. house on thursday if you want to go to fox nation .com slash patriot awards. you'll be able to find some tickets . >> let's do some tax. and from rock hill, south carolina does the coke beg for prince? maybe that why commander's soiss ornery. >> kelly from apple valley, california. johnny may have gotten further with wanda had he offered cas. henda had he offered >> i mean, it was t the chivalrous thing to do. >> chris from mahwah, new jersey. what's in wanda' fros? they look stuff pretty high. probably just vegetables. >> sue from and richard from inglewood, florida. >> no such thing as a bad pet, jesse. just glewood, a bad owner. shame on you for getting ride oy of your doodle. okay, here's truth. the dog was not the right fit for the family. g was ght i did not kill the do i did noput put the dog out to pasture. >> i loved the dog and had some medical issuee s. we have a young family.'t it didn't fit. it's now in a better place.ike >> not in, like, a heaven thing, but it's with owners who love that. >> okay, stop accusing meing my of murdering my dog. >> what do you think i am? i'm actually at do yo that you would assume i would do something like that. so. that. >> very loving person.wa temy mom even think i shot it. >> my own mom. i'm waters. and this mom is my

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,Four ,Fentanyl ,Covid ,Gallon ,Leader ,Chinese ,Fentanyl Addicts ,Milk ,Bread ,Loaf ,Southern Border Into ,Cleaning Upg , ,3 ,Town ,Chinaof ,Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference ,Gasoline ,Cattle ,Metal Barricade ,Service ,She Lea ,Fentanyl Ization ,Don ,Normal Oncwille ,Night ,Thanksicerence ,The N ,Sureof Sanncisco W Will ,Contacts ,Boost ,Supplement ,Pharmacist ,Nature ,Moisture ,Vitamin ,Bio True Hydration ,8 ,Job ,Protecto ,Kinds ,Bio ,Gush ,Keys ,Leak Underwear ,Everybody ,Protection ,Escaping Ody ,Help ,Contours ,Leak ,Heaviest ,Core ,Zero ,Weight ,Comingi Have A Back ,Galo ,Discreet ,80 ,0 ,Cha ,Sl ,Release ,Who Losesff ,138 ,38 ,Nine ,Goal ,Leg Pain ,Numbness ,Lifestyle Change ,Restlessness ,Coldness ,Tingling ,Change ,Itchiness ,Pro ,Size ,Circulation Booster ,Warning Signs ,Continuous Automatic Leg Movement ,Exercise Pro ,Leg ,Track ,Blood ,Creating Constant Movement ,Home ,Calm ,Ankle Joints ,Flex ,Knee ,Combination ,Therapist ,Ankles ,Health Condition ,Age 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,Elections ,Nba ,Sure S To Thanks ,Mini Mart ,Wanda B Waa ,Voter I D ,Lotto ,Cause ,Problem ,Governor ,Absentee Ballot ,Cases ,Signatures ,Absentee ,Rules ,Harvesting ,Voting ,Drop Boxes ,Corrupting ,Peope ,Potential ,Seven ,Anything ,Corruption ,I Don T Thine K Soall ,Videos ,Campaigns ,Saw ,Joe Ganim ,Messy Placesaigns Ar ,System ,Democrats Don T ,Working ,Fox ,Shine A Light On Corruption ,Fix Itot ,Didba ,To Se E You ,Nice ,Surveillance Video ,Bridgepor Brid You ,Thisletting T Last Weekend ,Court ,Fifth ,Joe Biden Didn T ,Protests ,Demonstrators ,Palestinian ,Notice ,Delaware ,Delawark E ,War Criminals ,Netanyahu ,Gaza ,Spray Paint ,Squad Cars ,Journalists ,Charges ,Corvette ,New York ,Chris ,Ceasefire ,Cease Fire ,Spot ,Journalism ,Amtrak ,Gaza Have 36600 Children Killed ,Forve ,36600 ,Children ,Quiet ,Father ,Ildren Abut ,Bei He S Dying ,Protesters ,Thr ,Cut ,Incubators ,Train ,Fuel ,Babiens ,Peacefulrs ,Texas ,Aren T ,Hamas ,Mob ,Ithc ,Broadway ,Grand Central Station ,New York City Police Department ,American Flagc ,Thiswere ,Immigrants ,Thousands ,Visitors ,Subway ,Worry ,Knicks ,Daniel Penny ,Got Summonses ,E The State Department ,Monuments ,Flags ,Incident ,Thean M ,Russia ,One Uts ,Dime Back ,Speech ,Expression ,Millions ,Hostil E Takeover ,E Stbrittney Griner ,Theo Shadows ,Jews ,Activist ,Dr ,Doctor ,Sheila Nazarian ,Hatreder ,Hatred Come Fropro Ism ,Feelings ,Pr O ,Cloud ,Emboldenedi Believ ,Didn T Get ,Flags Thy Painting The White H House ,Parking Ticket ,Crazy ,Accountablousee ,Shakin Andg ,Depends On ,Accountable ,Professionals ,College Campuses ,Manyon ,Professorsge ,States ,Politicians ,People Weren T ,Care ,Causes ,Cities ,Aren T Theseg ,Accountabl Ce ,D A ,Askinge ,Paint ,Haymaker S ,Street ,Property ,We Don T Care ,Lash ,Ore What ,Palestine ,You Yell ,Countries ,Rights ,Havee Th ,Itnterestiey Wouldple Leftining ,Yo Fu Protesyou T ,Wankr On Christmas ,Conservative ,Protk You An ,Onservat You Get ,Tha ,Thao ,Benefits ,Workplace ,Fries ,Burger 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,Georgia ,Notuitable ,Equitable ,Christmas Eve ,Wauwatosa ,Flights ,Melissa Cantera ,Christ ,City Workers ,Decor On Public Property ,Wisconsin ,Snow People ,Red ,Snowman ,Departments ,Decorations ,Suggestions ,Winter Wonderland ,Solelyn Associatedo ,Angreee ,Jimmy Value ,Snow Thing ,Wonderland ,Planet ,Eyes ,Winterad ,Coal ,We Rngntified E Goingt ,Alternative ,Cf ,Snow ,Run Over ,Grandma O Ge ,Hearing ,Hunterg Tod Would ,Line ,Thisth ,Colors ,Orange ,Mys ,Map ,Red T Green ,Argument ,Noboy ,Arsonists ,G Well ,Blaze ,City Hall ,Facingthey Set Fires ,Becauss ,Taxristmas Billl ,Color Red ,Deliverable , Seee ,Feed Packs ,Taxes ,Menorah ,Ends Meet ,Yothey ,Observances ,Green ,Talkinnext T G Abou ,Jimi ,The Civil War Wa ,Veterans Day Quiz ,Bass Pro Shops ,Cabela S ,Words ,Commitment ,Freedoms ,Salute Discount ,Stands ,Gratitude ,Beyod ,Legendaryvs ,Foa ,Chance ,Aneurysm ,47 ,Life Insurance ,Selectquote ,Peace Of Mind ,Trust Me ,Coverage ,Policy ,Visits ,Bath ,Exam ,Whatcom ,A Million ,2 Million ,Fact Baths ,Fit ,Fiction ,Bathroom ,Tub Solutions ,Tab Area ,Tempo ,Repairs ,Water Damage ,Intercom ,Consultation ,Premier ,Expectations ,Warranty ,Opportunities ,Life Skills ,Knowledge ,Level ,Book ,Textbooks ,Practicality ,School ,Identity Thieves ,Ways ,Magnesium ,Specialist ,48 ,Muscle ,Bone ,Nerve ,High Absorption ,Cunard ,Kuna ,Test ,Reality ,Let S Go ,Oh ,Game Show ,Catches ,Special World ,Mondays At Nine On Fox ,Hulu ,1549 ,Games ,Nfl Plus ,Touchdown ,Nfl Network ,Teeth ,Plans ,Star Streaming Nfl Plus Today ,Cooking ,Red Zone ,Nfl Redzone ,Hi ,Scott Hansen ,699 ,Reset ,Life Changer ,Kit ,Cost ,Dental Implants ,Fraction ,Impression ,Com ,Dentist ,Mouth ,Escalation ,Israel ,Hezbollah ,Military ,Attacks ,Challenges ,Proxies ,Artillery ,Updates ,Stay ,Iranian ,Saturday ,Thosemporta ,Sacrificenth ,Hugeamen ,Veteran S Day ,Kwanzaa ,Hr ,Iving ,Valentine S Day ,Revolutionary War ,French ,Frenc No ,Great Britain ,Irish ,What D ,Say ,Hint ,South ,North ,Blanking ,Canada ,This Ou R E ,Aa Local War ,Cold War ,Aliens ,Ty Se ,Allieon ,Russiathworth A ,Everybodhey ,Sing Worth A ,The Good Guys ,Col ,Ti ,Cold ,Talkingdid ,Datellt ,Squareas A On December 1st ,1 ,December 1st ,There Couldn T ,Korean War ,There Wa Ceas A Cease Fire ,Genius ,Pearl Harbor ,Koreans ,One Ne ,Japan ,Vietnamese ,Zimbabwe Agreement On Veterans Day ,Veterans ,Grand ,Tax ,Fox Nation Com Slash Patriot Awards ,Ole Oprye ,Henda ,Commander ,Prince ,Cas ,Rock Hill ,Coke Beg ,South Carolina ,Soiss Ornery ,Apple Valley ,Kelly ,Vegetables ,Mahwah ,New Jersey ,Fros ,Sue ,Richard From Inglewood ,Owner ,Pet ,Doodle ,Shame ,Noput ,Florida ,Just Glewood ,Ride Oy ,Owners ,Heaven Thing ,Family T It Didn Fit ,Pasture ,Issuee S ,Better Place Ike ,Mom ,Accusing Meing My Of Murdering Dog ,Person Wa Temy ,My ,

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