The incident took place in Jharkhand's Koderma district, reported news agency PTI. The officials added that the accident occurred near Parsabad between Gomoh and Koderma railway stations at 12.05 pm. After an overhead electric line fell on the Puri-New Delhi Purushottam Express, the driver used the emergency brake to halt the train., India News, Times Now
The tenure of Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) Y K Sinha has ended, during which he reduced the number of pending cases before the transparency panel by over 50%. His successor has not yet been announced. The Central Information Commission is currently functioning with one CIC and four information commissioners (ICs), and with Sinha leaving, it will be left with just four ICs whose tenure will also end by November.
India News: NEW DELHI: The Centre has sought applications from eligible candidates for the post of the Chief Information Commissioner in the Central Information C.
The government is seeking applications for the post of Chief Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission (CIC). Current head Y K Sinha is due to complete his tenure in early October. The Right to Information (RTI) Act stipulates that the Chief and Information Commissioners must be a person of eminence in public life with experience in law, science and technology, social service, management, journalism, mass media, governance or administration.