The Puri-New Delhi Purushottam Express was running at a speed of 130 kmph when the driver applied the emergency brake to stop the train after the overhead electric wire fell on it
The incident took place in Jharkhand's Koderma district, reported news agency PTI. The officials added that the accident occurred near Parsabad between Gomoh and Koderma railway stations at 12.05 pm. After an overhead electric line fell on the Puri-New Delhi Purushottam Express, the driver used the emergency brake to halt the train., India News, Times Now
Dhanbad: Two passengers died on Saturday following a sudden jolt after a Delhi-bound train stopped as an overhead electric wire snapped in Jharkhand’s Koderma district, East Central Railway.
'As electric supply stopped all of a sudden, emergency brake was applied to stop the train, and two persons died due to jerk,' Senior Divisional Commerce Manager of Dhanbad Railway Division Ameresh Kumar said