roosevelt rooseveand what went 30s it s fear, smear, and innuendo that would have made joe mccarthy proud. look, the black church there are so many layers of bigotry in this. the black christian church in america has been a powerful shaping influence on our history, was the point of the lance of the civil rights movement. it s where martin luther king came from. now i d say that to rush limbaugh, i d say that to glenn beck, and i d discover they don t like him either. there s something else that ought to be said here. colin powell said it on meet the press eloquently the week before the election. barack obama s not a muslim. he s been a christian all his life. what if he was a muslim? i mean, are we going to start applying these religious tests in american public life? that s had john kennedy fought against. okay. and it also is i want to go back to josh. it is part this crazed way of looking at the situation in egypt.
people. for us to say all we have to do is love america and it will solve all our problems is not accurate. we ve got to think through the deals and find out the ones we re proud of and are essential to our interests and then try to work through the tricky stuff. your thoughts, bob? well, i have two problems with what we just heard. one was the question. we don t get to decide whether egypt is going to deal with the muslim brotherhood. the government s talked with them for years and years and years at the same time that they ve suppressed them. secondly, we don t run egypt. and the president has actually done a very good job here, i think, of walking a fine line, trying to achieve change. but at the same time not go down into chaos. when you listen to these people, you know when the republican party is going to fall off the far right edge when it nominates a presidential candidate in 2012. you know, maybe we shouldn t have recognized china. keep acting like they re not there. i don
does it matter in he you don t know? here we go again. what do you mean you don t know? he s a christian. let me answer this. if he s a christian, i don t like the brand of christianity he went to in chicago for 20 years with benjamin wright. you ve given me two answers. the first is i don t know if he s a christian, he might be a muslim. the second is you don t like what you see as a too left african-american church s. he an african-american church or maybe, maybe a muslim? which is it? it doesn t matter to me as long as he would cut government, cut security at the borders, it doesn t you re playing this game. i m not playing any game. only he can tell you what he is. he said he s a christian. then he s a christian then. that s fine. you know, one thing he can t deny and i heard you ridiculing people on the rasmussen poll there. one thing is president obama certainly has a soft spot in his heart for islam. he s gone his first speech was in egypt. he s reached o
region a region are paracisitical. we know that. they weren t elected by the people. for us to say it s somehow all we have to do is love america and we can solve our problems is not accurate. we have to think through these deals that were made and figure out the right ones we re proud of and are essentially to our interests, and then try to work our wait through the tricky our way through the tricky stuff. last word, bob. i had two problems with what we just heard. one was the question. we don t get to decide whether egypt is going to deal with the muslim brotherhood. the government has actually talked with them for years and years at the same time they have suppressed them. secondly, we don t run egypt. the president has done a very good job here, i think, of walking a very fine line, trying to achieve change, but at the same time not go down into chaos. when you listen to these people, you know why the republican party is going to fall off the far right edge when it nominates a pr
how many of you think that he should not he should state clearly, knows the implication in egypt, there should be no outreach to the muslim brother. who agrees? then what is the solution? what do you do? i would just like to see him be proud of america, represent america, our history. you guys agree with that? i just want him to be proud of who we are and have the ability to point out all the positives this country has represented. what do we have to be sorry about? he runs around apologizing all the time. we prospered as a nation, we pay for things and give relief to other countries. i don t know what to say. these people will not read the. these are tricky situations, we re trying to figure out what to do with the million people in the streets yesterday. do we talk to some of them? do we not talk? do we let them all vote? push for a real democratic election? i don t know what. it s very tricky.