somber music [reporter 1] 20 year old swimming Star Brock Turner [reporter 2] the 19 year old former high school allamerican swimmer [reporter 3] the star swimmer at Stanford University [reporter 4] contender for the olympics [reporter 5] raping an unconscious woman [reporter 6] intoxicated and unconscious woman [reporter 7] passed out behind a dumpster [reporter 8] drunk behind a Stanford Dumpster somber music [chanel miller] your honor, if it is all right, i would like to address the defendant directly. You dont know me, but youve been inside me and thats why were here today. The victim made headlines by Releasing A Heart Wrenching letter detailing the rape and its aftermath. [reporter] its gotten over 15 million views on buzzfeed alone. You dont know me, but youve been inside me. And thats why were here today. I was found unconscious with my hair disheveled, long necklace wrapped around my neck. My bare skin and head had been rubbing against the ground behind a dumpster while an ere
for survivors. should there be recalls a all? i personally don t thin there should i mean, we have seen a recal of trustee butane in san francisco after he was voted in, precisely to reform the justic system they are trying to recal krasner in philly. i believe, in l.a. as well and, i feel like, and this i my personal opinion, tha people get angry when they don t see changes quickly. and they feel, you know, i these cases with these prosecutors, that crime is they are suffering crime i their city is overrun with crime, which needs to be looke at to, at how real tha actually is and then there i lots of money that is put into recall people and say they are not doing the job that the should be doing. and it is much more comple