Amid the heavy rains in Tamil Nadu, 500 train passengers are stranded in the Thoothukudi district of the state and are waiting to be evacuated. IMD has also issued a red alert in four districts, schools and colleges have been closed.. - Tamil Nadu Rains: 500 Passengers Stranded In Thoothukudi District, IMD Issues Red Alert
Several trains have been cancelled for today due to the heavy rains in Tamil Nadu; flight operations have also been affected as four districts are on Red Alert by IMD. Know all about it.. - Tamil Nadu Rains: Trains Cancelled, Flights Diverted As State Is Flooded, Check FULL LIST
Tamil Nadi Rains Latest Update: The Met Department has predicted heavy rains in isolated places in Tamil Nadu on Thursday (November 10) and the showers, with thunderstorms and lighting, are expected till Sunday.
Tamil Nadu weather: With the northeast monsoon set to hit the state by the third week of October, the Public Works Department is conducting the stormwater drain works on a war-footing. The sudden sporadic rains in Chennai and other parts have put a slight deceleration in the stormwater drain works.