Prime Minister Narendra Modi collaborated with fitness influencer Ankit Baiyanpuriya to promote cleanliness and physical well-being as part of the Swachhta Hi Seva campaign. Modi and Baiyanpuriya were seen participating actively in a cleanliness drive, emphasizing the importance of blending fitness with cleanliness. Baiyanpuriya, known for his dedication to fitness, shared his daily routine and discussed his 75-day fitness challenge that gained significant attention on social media.
The inaugural programme will witness participation of about 3,000 panchayat and block level people s representatives and functionaries from across the country in Bharat Mandapam. In addition, about two lakh people including block and panchayat level functionaries, farmers, and persons from other walks of life, will join the programme virtually.
India News: India's Union rural development and panchayati raj minister, Giriraj Singh, has proposed the use of human hair generated by salons and human urine for
New Delhi [India], April 6 (ANI/NewsVoir): Mission Swachhta Aur Paani - the Sanitation for All campaign by Harpic and News18 is all set to mark World Health Day with a special event on 7th April 2023
A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MLA in Assam, Mrinal Saikia organised an inter-village and tea garden cleanliness competition in the Golaghat district on Thursday with the aim to making his constituency clean and plastic-free.