Or crumbling. Live got new information from the city licenses and Inspections Office. They tell me it appears 239 chestnut, the Main Building for this fire, is a total loss and they are declaring it imminently dangerous. I can tell you which building that is, it is the one with red on bottom. You can see the 239 on the door. You can see the fire escape, lni tells me they are ordering the owner to take down the fire escape hoping thathaf the build. This was an intense fire that had fire crews fighting hot spots for hours. Juerthat fire started but also the ones next door. Now dozens of people were evacuated from their homes and from a nearby hotel. Today that Fire Fighting may be over but crews old city is drawing people here to take a look. One man used to work in the area and called the site here mind boggling. Im surprised the building really is standing seeing the amount of fire that was in the building yesterday and the amount of water poured on the building that the structure is S