The Dickinson Public Library board met on Tuesday to continue discussions related to a controversial teen sex book. During public commentary, area residents rose to address the board in their support and condemnation of the book. The meeting ended without a formal decision being made on the matter, and calls for both sides of the argument to reach a compromise.
Accusations levied against incumbent Stark County Sheriff Corey Lee and his opponent, Fern Moser, surfaced this week in an anonymous letter posted to multiple public social media pages in Dickinson. Both men agreed to speak with The Press to address the accusations confirming some and refuting others.
An audit by the North Dakota State Auditor’s Office, completed in December of 2020, found six areas for improvement. Stark County has continued their efforts to fix all findings, under the guidance of county auditor Karen Richard and Stark County commissioners.
As controversy surrounds Stark County Auditor and Election Official Kay Haag, residents of the county attended a special meeting of the county commission, Monday, to hear the decisions it would make about the upcoming election.