Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday joined his counterpart Sheikh Hasina to remotely unveil the first unit of Maitree Thermal Power Plant, which was built at Rampal in Bangladesh with concessional financing by India. Modi and Hasina unveiled the 1320 MW coal-fired power plant after a meeting at Hyderabad House in New Delhi. The power plant was set up at an estimated cost
Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi on Sunday shared a candid picture of her getting a hug from Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina who is on India visit. Priyanka said that she received an “overdue hug†from Hasina whom she met after a long time.
Tripura, Meghalaya CMs plan to send return gifts after receiving mango from Bangladesh PM
Sun Online Desk
10th July, 2021 12:31:49 PM
India s Northeastern states of Tripura and Meghalaya have taken to food diplomacy showcasing their states best products in response to a gift of mangoes that their chief ministers received from Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh.
While Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb, plans to gift the states Queen variety of pineapples, to Bangladesh s prime minister, Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma, said on Friday he would be sending Meghalaya spices, turmeric and organic products as his return gifts, PTI reports.