The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested the 11th accused in connection with the brutal killing of 54-year-old Umesh Kolhe, a chemist shop owner in Maharashtra s Amravati, who was allegedly murdered for supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
The chemist had been allegedly murdered for a social media post supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma who had made objectionable remarks on the Prophet.
Umesh Kolhe was murdered on June 21 while on his way home after closing his chemist shop in Amravati for sharing on social media a post purportedly supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma over her controversial remarks.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested the 11th accused in connection with the brutal killing of 54-year-old Umesh Kolhe, a chemist shop owner in Maharashtra's Amravati, who was allegedly murdered for supporting suspended BJP .