The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested the 11th accused in connection with the brutal killing of 54-year-old Umesh Kolhe, a chemist shop owner in Maharashtra s Amravati, who was allegedly murdered for supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested the 11th accused in connection with the brutal killing of 54-year-old Umesh Kolhe, a chemist shop owner in Maharashtra's Amravati, who was allegedly murdered for supporting suspended BJP .
A team of National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials has arrived at Amravati in Maharashtra to probe into the case of murder of Umesh Prahladrao Kolhe, a chemist shop owner who was killed for supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
A team of National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials has arrived at Amravati in Maharashtra to probe into the case of the murder of Umesh Prahladrao Kolhe, a chemist shop owner, who was killed for supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma.
A team of National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials has arrived at Amravati in Maharashtra to probe into the case of murder of Umesh Prahladrao Kolhe, a chemist shop owner who was killed for supporting suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur .