Sensex, Nifty fall 2 per cent each; dragged by auto, banks : Rashtra News Benchmark indices fell over 2 per cent today with Sensex falling over 1,200 points and Nifty trading below 17,400. The Sensex was down 1,221.49 points or 2.05 per cent to trade at 58,414. The Nifty was down by over 350 points or
A benchmark index of Indian equities markets Tuesday was trading flat at 8.96 points or 0.03 per cent down as banking stocks dropped. Good buying was observed in IT and healthcare sectors, while selling pressure was seen in banking and metal sectors. The 30 scrip Sensitive Index (Sensex) of the S&P Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), which
Ahead of this week s scheduled review meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC), market watchers and investors are keen to know the timeline for India s rate easing cycle. However, the texture - and driver - of India s robust economic growth rates suggest their wait will perhaps be of some duration.
The index closed at 108.09 on January 16. MC BudEx has risen 2.65 percent in the last six sessions. Since its base date of December 1, the index is up a little over 8 percent.