Mumbai, Apr 8 (UNI) The BSE Sensex on Monday rallied 399 points to 74647 in the opening session as buying was seen across the board. The Nifty of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) rose 95.75 points to 22,609.45. The Sensex registered intraday highs and lows at 74,648.95 and 73,410.07 pts respectively. The Nifty registered intraday
Mumbai/UNI: The BSE Sensex on Thursday smartly recovered by 537 points to open at 74413.82 on the strength of industrials, IT, telecommunications, and utilities stocks.
Mumbai, Apr 3 (UNI) The BSE Sensex on Wednesday lost another 599 points at 73604 in the opening session as selling was seen in real estate, technology, and consumer durable stocks. The Nifty of the National Stock Exchange (NSE) fell 81.95 points to 22,371.35. The Sensex registered intraday highs and lows at 73757.23 and 73,540.27