around baltimoree..///. ááglisteningáá./ as. the ain./ aaready. áásoonáá. that. rain./// will. bee.. snow.//. hello,. parnd. and i m karen parks. and we re lready bracing for year. here s. gracey.. for. a look./ at. the. / snowy.// skywatch forecast. 3 they re getting ready to kkep you safe on the roads tonight and into the weekend. weekend. tte plows are in position and the warehouses are filled to crews are on call and ready to gg forrthe year s first snowfall. 3 we are talkkig abouttsnow in october, the amazing thing is that sha is ready, we think about snow 4/7 335 days a year they re taking eetra steps to be ready to cllar bbanches off the roads, since the weight of theesnow with the leaves still on branches coold take out a lot offtrees. 3 3&stayyahead./ of. the storm. with. breaking nnws./ updates./ from. fox-45.//. ááheadáá. &p to,. the app store./ on. your. smart-phone./ and./ search./ fox 45.//. ááalsooá find. the link./ at./ foxxbaltimmr
barnd. and i m karen parks. breaking news in jessup tonight. there s./ been .a murder./ at. clifton t. erkinss. hospital./ for. the./ criminally ins. insane. jannce park./ live. outside the hospital./ ááwhereáá. are. ust startiig./ too.. surfaae./ janice. janice.maryland state police are inside 33 investigating as ww speak &ppolice tell us one patient killed another about 7pm. now this hospital is where criminals go iistead of jail if they are ruled insane.. 3 once again we know state police continue to investigate inside. they believe one person issdead from what looos like a patient on in jessup, janice park fox45 news at ten. pthhs. is. the second murrer ./ year ./ at. clifton. perkins. patient./ - at the. hospital./ was. found deaa.. in her bed./ september, ./ last year.// áásaladináá also. a patient ./ wass.. chargee .in her./ death.//.áátayloráá and sachs./ were both convicted murderers who were placed at perkins./ ttey. weee found./ not. ácriminallyá. r
3 3 police shoot an armed man in south baltimore after they say, he refuses to put down his weapon. weapon. joel d. smith is live at the home where it happened with more on why police were called in the first place. good morning joel d. 3 good morning megan. we re here in the 3600 block of saint victor street, and the shooting happened in that home over there. police say a resident in there called police because his roommate was armed and he was concerned for his safety. now that armed man is in critical condition. police say they were called to this home around 8:45, and when they got here they found a man between 40 and 50 years old with a gun. they say they attempted to end the situation peacefully, but the situation attempted to end they say they gun.years old with a between 40 and 50 found a man between 40 and 50 years old with a gun. they say they attempted to end the situation peacefully, but the man would not let that happen. 3 1727 officers identified themselves, as
3 map fiber map 3 police shoot an armed man in south baltimore after they say, he refuses to put down his weapon. joel d. smith is live at the home where it happened with more on why police were called in the first place. good morning joel d. 3 good morning megan. we re here in the 3600 block of saint victor street, and the shooting happened in that home over there. police say a resident in there called police because his roommate was armed and he was concerned for his safety. now that armed man is in critical condition. police say they were called to this home around 8:45, and when they got here they found a man between 40 and 50 years old with a gun. they say they attempted to end the situation peacefully, but the man would not let that happen. 3 1727 officers identified themselves, asked numerious times that he drop the weapon, the suspect did not cooperate with officers commands, turned towards the police officers, at which time they fired at least one defensive shot, th
friday, february 18th it s friday and that means it s your turn to sound off on our facebook page about anything you want. want.let us know what s on your mind and your response could air in our facebook feedback segment. segment.just go to facebook dot coo slash foxbaltimoreeto become a fan ann join the cooveesation. 3 3 3 deadly violence in northeaat baltimore. seven murders in just seven weeks. weeks.megan gilliland is live from city police headquarters downtown, where the search for ssspects is underway. underway.good morning,seven muders in seven weeks. and while police say they are working with some strong leads. there are zero suspects in custody this mornin. morning.the first deadly shooting happened, january 2nd on plymouth road.and the lastest murder was just this past wednesday night on east 31st street.when officers arrived, they found a 22-year- old man inside a home on the block.the killing is the seventh in the city s northeast district this year and the sec