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friday, february 18th it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our facebook page about anything you want. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your response could air in our "facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot coo slash foxbaltimoreeto become a fan ann join the cooveesation. 3 3 3 deadly violence in northeaat baltimore... seven murders in just seven weeks. weeks.megan gilliland is live from city police headquarters downtown, where the search for ssspects is underway. underway.good morning,seven muders in seven weeks... and while police say they are working with some strong leads... there are zero suspects in custody this mornin. morning.the first deadly shooting happened, january 2nd on plymouth road.and the lastest murder was just this past wednesday night on east 31st street.when officers arrived, they found a 22-year- old man inside a home on the block.the killing is the seventh in the city's northeast district this year and the second in two weeks. (guglielmi) "what we can say at this point is none of the cases appear related. these spark up a lot of them from t drug activity andn other various factors. but we've decided to do is focus in on some areas of interest in the district that will be increassng patrols pretty heavi" heavily.."the northeast is one of nine police districts in baltimore...but it's the site of about a third of he city's homicides so far this year. while the search for killers is on... police say they will continue to beef up patrols in the area... some consoluation for residents there who are worried and scared.megan gilliland, fox45 morniig news. a man is stabbed to death at a busy bus stop in east baltimore. north and greenmount avenues - early thursday afternoon. police say two men gottinto an argument over a woman... and one was stabbed in the neck. the victim ran to a nearby right-aid, where he collapsed... he died a short ttme later at hopkins. pooice are reviewing camera footage and speaking to witnesses. talks are grinding to a halt over the 61-billion dollars republicans want to cut from áthis yearsá federal budget... bbth sides are talking about one more thing.a government shutdown.wwthout some sort of deal...the federal government will shut down marrh 4th. house speaker john boehner says he wiil only accept a spending plan that includes deep cuts. some lawmakers are asking the government to put the breaks on nascar spending. 3that's because the army is spending ámillionsá in taxpayer ddllars... o sponsor the "39" car.congresswoman betty mccollum of minnesota is the the one who introduced the bill... calling nascar spending a big waste of money. but other lawmakers argue she's missing the point. frelinghuysen says: 'nascar sponsorships have proven to be a very important recruiting tool. with some estimating for every dollar the government puts in nascar sponsorship it gets four dollars in equivalent in advertising in television, merchandise and other outlets." outlets."the deeate has triggered any ugly response. congresswoman mcccllum says she received death threat via &pfax. maryland republicans have a bone to pick with governor o'malley... about health care. governor's administration is moving too quickly... to implement the federal reform that's being reviewed by the courts.but lt. governor opposite is true... that republicans are choosing to put politics ahead of peoples' health.brown says he hopes to cut the number of uninsured marylanders in half... by the year 2020. maryland's black cauccs is backing a bill that woull ease marijuana laws. the measure would deeriminalize possession of small amounts of pot. pot. anyone caught with less than an ounce would get a citation...instead of being arrested. they could face a fine of up to one hundred dollars... but keep it off their record for the first and second offense. 3 save energy.... save poney. that's the rally cry from the state comptroller this weekend. maryland is waving its sales tax for many appliances this weekend, in an effort to boost buying. but is it really worth it? joel d. smith is live in pikesville to find out. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib) during the shop maryland energy weekend, air conditioners, clothes washer, furnaces, heat pumps, standard size refrigerators, ccmpact dehumiddfiers, and programmable thermostats that pave been deeignated as meeting or exceeding the applicable energy star efficiency requirements developed by thh u.s. environmental protection agenny and the u.s. department of energy ill be tax-free. 3 3 3 energy will be tax-free.the u.s. department of energy will be tax-free. 3 3 a wild scene on a florida bus... after a woman gets angry at the driver.take a look. look.woman screaming screaming the woman isn't able to pay the fare... and is sked to get off the bus... is but she refuses.when the bbs stops to let another passenger off... the door touches herras it opens... and she erupts in anger. after demanding the drivvr's name... she finally gets off the bus.police are now looking for the woman. 3 some contestants on american idol can do much more than ontestant... casey abrams... ppoved he could just that... on last night show's. show's.singing w/ cello cellocasey became thh first person ever... to bring a stand-up base onto the show. and the judges ate it up. randy: great baby, that was great. being a base player, i love it! want to come play randy? later, next time. i love it though thoughyou can caach all new wedsnesdayyand thursday nights at 8 right here on fox45. coming up in our hometown hotspot...tap into nature. where you can go... to explore the history of maple sugaring you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 3 3 mappfiber map wilkens map 895 we're getting a sweet, sugary hint of spring this can celebrate by heading out to oregon ridge nature center for a maple sugar weekend! courtney peed is live with the details on this morning's hometown hotspot. --what goes on at maple sugar weekends?--can the whole family participate?--how do you make maple syrup? syrup? mappe sugar weekends at oregon ridge nature center are thii weekend and ext weekend from 10am to 4pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot coo slash morning. "totem" by cirqueedu soleil is the exciiing tale of the evvltton of's coming to baltimore april 7th.. and tickets are on sale now... but and we want to get you into he show.. for free. free.text "tttem" to 45203 and you could win 4 ickets to "totem" by cirque du soleil. you can also buy tickets.. at cirque du soleil dot com. coming up... does delta airlines discriminate against passengers with disabilities? yes. and one man's discomfort leads to an alarming discovery. what doctors found inside his head. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. stocks continued to climb almost 30 points, while the nasdaq gained 6...and the s&p 500 added 4 points. it's tte largeet penalty hat the deeartment of transportation has ever brought against a ssngle airline in a consumer prrtection case.the government is fining delta airlines 2 million dollarr for failure o meet regulations that protect passengers with disabilities. the investigation says delta did not help passengers who need assistance getting on and off the plane -- and didn't always respond to customers' complaints on the can use part of the money from disabilitiis.the report is in and jooless claims are áupá. more than 400 thousand americans filed first-time claims for unemployment benefits last week. that's up 25 thousand from the week before.while economic growth may rise this year -- the unemployment rate is expected to stay around 9 percent. meanwhile, missed mortgage payments are declining. the number of u-s households laae on house payments has fallen to ts lowest level since late 2008. the mortgage bankers association says while fewer americans are behind -- foreclosures are still rising. for business brief, i'm coming p... up...president obama's 2012 budget proposal has some lawmakers up in arms.what critics have to say about it. and later... something you may want to consider next time you go out to eat.what a new study shows about how often rrstaurant employees come to work're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) (( [ male announcer ] achievement: embraces mondays. ♪ achievement: loves working capital. ♪ achievement: puts receivables to work. ♪ achievement: expects a lot of itself. cfo: cash flow options, helping business achievers better manage their cash flow. pnc. for the achiever in us all. helping business achievers better manage their cash flow. president obama layed out the details of his 2012 bbdget this week. republicans say the 3-point-7 trillion dollar proposal can't be serious. they criticize not enough spending cuts ... not enough reform for medicare and social security and not enough to reverse the rising debt. debt. our d-c insider... and political commentator, armstrong williams... joins us this morning for our washington wrap. -the president says this will save 1-trillion dollars over the next decade ...he's made income community proggams to conservative projuects .... is that not a start -mix of tax 3&pincreases on rich and 5-year &pfreeze increases on rich 3and 5-year freeze on domestic programs ....-president wants 3to work with republicans on plan for entitlement programs like social security and medicare-senior citizens are consistent voters ... they don't want a lot of change to a progrrm they've paid into ... so changes there will be hard for dems r reps -republicans want to slash 61-billion dollars from this years budget ... cuts to hundreds of prgrams .. in order to keep the governmmnt running past march 4th ... will there be a shutdown -presideet says he's open to some of the gops request comiig up... one man's discomfort leads to an alarming discoveryy what doctors found insidd his head. ((megan livv tease)) ((joel live tease))you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) ♪ [ female announcer ] starbucks via is planted the same... ♪ ...harvested the same... ♪ ...and roasted the same as our other premium coffees. it only makes sense it would taste the same. so, try it for yourself. buy a pack of 100% natural starbucks via ready brew. we promise you'll love it or we'll send you a bag of starbucks coffee. it's the starbucks via taste promise. look for it where you buy groceries. it's the starbucks via taste promise. security at the state house. why a bbttle over access is heating up.3 3 3 3 3 map fiber map 3 phe search foo multiple killers... is on in northeast baltimore.there have been seven murders... in just seven . weeks.megan gilliland is live downtown, with more on where police believe the violence is stemming from. from.good morning,seven muders in seven weeks... and while police say they are working with some strong leads... there are zero suspects in custody this morning. morning.the first deadly shooting happened, january 2nd on plymouth road.and the lastest murder was just this past wednesday night on east 33st street.when officcrs arrived, they found a 22-year- old man inside a home on the block.the killing is the seventh in tte city's northeast district thii year police say none of the cases appear o be related. neighbors, concerned for their safety are now just frustrattd. (mcdannel) "you can't deal with a whole lot of trashy people.. druggies and all that.."(mcdaniel) "when it get this all violent and like that, somebody ain't doing their job...." baltimore...but it's the site of about a third of the city's police are now beefing up partrols in the area, with both uniformed and plain clothhs detectives. violence, is drug related. megan gilliland, fox45 mmrning news. months after a mental patient is murdered by a mental patient is months after a mental patient is murdered by a fellow inmate.. he head of the clifton t. peekins hospital center steps down. down.sheilah davenport will leave at the end of the month... afttr a recent report faulted employees for their handling of the death of susan sachs.sachs was found strangled to death.. and 46 been charged with her murder. taylor and sachs lived on the same floor of the facility. both had been placed at the state hospital after being found not criminally responsible for murder. 3the former pentagon official.. whose body was found in a landfill on new years eve... will be laid to ress at arlington national cemetery. john wheeler's funeral.. whichh will include a prrceesion in a horse drawn carriage.. is set for the end of april. april. surveillance ameras show wheeler wandering around before his ody was found. earlier this week investigators seerched whheler's home for clues into his death. they left with a large paper bag and several manilla envelopes. a woman suspected of snatching an infant from a new york hospital mmre than 0 yeaas ago... has been indicted. indicted.ann pettway... is charged with one count of kidnapping... for the abduction of arlina white.the 23 year-old was reunited with about pettway... the woman .- who raised her... after learning she coull not provide her with a birth certificate. if convicted... pettway could face life in prison. 3the baltimore police helicopter unit is honored for its hard work... after helping catch two suspects who led police on a wild chase this wee. week.the suspects... desmond mc-coy and frank richardson... were arrested... after bailing from a stolen car innwest baltimore. what started assa car-jacking... quickly suspects took off... hitting cars along the way.foxtrot tracked them frrm the sky... while directing officers on the ground. anthony brown: "this is a prime example of the necessity for the aviation unit. the helicopter unit orchestrated this following for the apprehension of two very dannerous criminals." criminals."the suspects face several charges... including robbery and carjacking. it should be a busy weekend at appliance ssores in marylaad. many energy- ssar appliances are tax free starting tomorrow. so what should you know, before you go? go? joel d. smith is live at cummins appliance in pikesville to show us how to maximize those savings. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lii) 3 3 after four years of terrible headaches.... doctors in china finally found the reason for one maa's long term discomfort. he didn't even know was there. he got in a fight years ago and never reelized a blade broke off in his head --- but had severe headaches ever since. coming up... something you may want to consider next time you go out to eat.what a new study shows abouu how often restaurant employees come to work sickk heee's a live look of 95 at 198... just moderate volume here.but there is some trouble on 97.i'll tell you all about it coming up in the traffic edge report. you're patching fox 45 morning n& amazing new video released by nasa... shows tiny eruptions on the sun's surface... called solar flares.the flares you see here... have been nicknamed the valentine's day flare... because the sun produced its strongest flare cupid's day.nasa officials worry thh flare's electric magnetic pulse ácouldá interfere with the arth's power grids, satellite communications, and radio traffic... as it passes by earth. (toss to weatherr) p(ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map ffber map 195 map 895 map 3 coming up... new ways for facebook users to announce their relationship status... whattchange... the social networriig site is making. and love eating out?why aanew study may have you thinking twice... about the food you eat at restaurants. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. 3 new this marks tens years... since the death of dale earl earnhardt junior. the nascar legend was killed in a crash during the last lap of the daytona 5-hundred.this weekend... race organizers at daytona will hold a silence for fans during the third lap... in honor of earnhardt's racing racc number... three. here's something to consider... next time you ttink about eating out.a new study finds one out of every 8 restaurant workers has come to work sick at least átwiceá... in the past year.that's 12 percent of all workers. employees said they feel they have to go to work while sick... beccuse many restaurants don't have paid ssck leavee facebook users now have two new ways... to describe their relationship status.the social the gay community.users can now choose status updates such "in a domestic partnership." legaliiing same sex marriage clears its first hurdle.and ass john rydell tells us from the state house.. the bill has now picked up even more support. 3 always believed they had enough votes to get this bill outtof committee and plenty of lively debate on this controversial issue." same sex couples and their spent...plenty oftime in they've been trying to convince endorse same sex marriage. that deeate the senate judicial proceedings committee.supporters...say the definitton of marriage would stay the would just be same sex ccuples. (gladden) "i think it's first a vote for history. this is about changing what we have done for hundreds of years to include everybody." but opponents... take a more traditional view of aunion...only between a man...and a woman. word which should be, is the same today as it was yesterday. that doesn't and that's what you saw today." anddby a vote of 7 - 4...the committee approved the measurr. prince george's county senator james rosapepe...has revealed he plans to vote for that bill...when it reaches the full senate..e joins the 23 othee senators...who's have already committed to supporting the measure...which guarantees its passage. (brochin) "do we give the same rights to everybody in maryland, are same sex couples families? i think they are family, if their families we have to give equal protections under the law."(rydell) "this bill now goes to the floor of the senate,,debate is expecttd to begin next week. if it passes the general assembly, opponents are vowing to petition that issue to referendum to allow the voters to decide in the 2012 election. in annapolis, john rydell, fox 45 news at ten." opponents say they don't have enough votes for a filibuster but they say the debate.. iinnt over yet. coming up... a look at some of the hottest movies hitting theatres this weeeend.candace dold gives us a look in the lowdown. and later in our hometown's one of winter's sweetest events.what you'll find at oregon ridde nature center's... mapll syrup're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. ll mornnng. ((break 7)) if you didn't see a movie with your valentine lastt weekend.. then you could go out to catch a new release this weekend.candace dold is here with the options. we'll kick things off with "i am number four", aafilm that critics are comparing to a fun, longer version of "smallville." and if you're a gleek, look will find one of the glee cast members. 3 (((pkg)))the director of "disturbia" and "eagge eye" brings us "i am number four."a young man with super powers is forced into hiding from enemies out to destroy him. they already took out three just like him, which makes him... well you ssould be able to figure that out for yourself.along the way he encounters his first love, playeddby glee's dianna agron. (sot dianna agron) "i am number four" is rated pg-13.liam neeson's also on the run in the thriller "unknown."after a car accident, he awakens to find that his wife no longer remembers him and thht another man has assumed his identity. the search to find the truth could dessroy hisssanity. the film is rated pg-13.and finally even martin lawrence is keeping his idennity under wraps. he dons the big momma suit once again for "big mommas: like father, like son". after his stepson witnesses a murder, the tto go undercover at a girl's school rated pg-13.killer.the film is - 3 this is noel this is noel turner.. a former american idol contestant who studies at johns hookins noel is making music and eaching out. the petit family... the mother and two daaghters were killed by home invaders in two thousand seven.the father, doctor wwlliam petit is the only survivor. you can hear noel's music and find out how he's helping to raise money for charity coming up in our 8 oclock hour.i'm candace dold and that's your lowdown when you're a paid your job when you fall in love with your intenned victim. victim. that's what happens in the british comedy "wild target". bill nighy and emily blunt star in the film. so does rupert grint.. you might remember him as ron in the harry potter films. wild target is on video now.. and 20th century fox sent us copies to give away. away. youucan the 4th or 5th caller at 410- 481-4545. hour...a day care mix-up... our- sends a child home with the wrong person.we'll tell you how it hhppened. ((megan live tease)) ((joel live tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 8)) ♪ it's a new day i'm loving weight watchers new pointsplus program and the edge it's giving me. ♪ and i'm feeling good go on, join for free. weight watchers new pointsplus. because it works. now on fox45 morning news.. a shift in crime.. in the city. city.(mcdaniil) "you can't deal with a whole lot of trashy people.. druggies and all that.." that.."where most of it has changed police strategy. strategy., referee raises girl's arm in victory, victory,how this wrestler won a match without stepping into the ring....nd why it's making . headlines.buyya new appliance tax free.we'll tell you how... 3&pfriday february 18th 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 deadly violence in northeast baltimore... seven weeks.megan gilliland is live downtown, where the search for suupects is underway. underway.good morning,seven muders in seven weeks... and while police say they are working with some strong leads... there are zero suspects in custody this mornin. morning..he first deadly shooting the first deadly the first deadly shooting happened, january 2nd on plymouth road.and the lastest murder was just this past wednesday night on east 31st street.when officers arrived, they found a 22-year-old man inside a home on the block.the killing is the seventh in the city's northeast district this year and the second in two (guglielmi) "what we can say at this point is none of the cases appear related. these are individual incidents that spark up a lot of thee from drug activity andn other various factors. but we've decided to do issfoccs in on some areas of interest in the district that will be increasing patrols pretty heavi" heavily.."the northeast is one of nnnn olice districts in baltimore...but it's the site of about a thiid of the city's homicides so far this year. while the search for killers is on... police say they will continue to bbef up patrols in the area... some consoluation for residents there who are worried and scared.megan gilliland, ox45 morning news. months after a mental patient is murddred by a fellow inmmte.. the head of the clifton t. perkins hospital center steps down. down.sheilah davenport will leave at the end of the month... after a recent report handling of the death of susan sschs.sachs waa found strangled to death.. and 46 year old saladin taylor has been charged with her murder. taylor and sachs lived on the same floor of the facility. both had been placed at the state hospital after being found not criminally responsible for murder. the former pentagon official.. whose body was found in a landfill on new years eve... will be laid to rest at arlington nationallcemetery. john wheeler's funeral.. which will include a procession in a horse drawn carriage.. is set for the end of april. april. surveillance cameras show wheeler wandering around wilmington delaware two days before his bodd was found. earlier this week investigators searched wheeler's home forrclues into his death. they left with a large paper bag and several manilla envelopes. a federaa appeals court rules a maryland strip club law.. unconstitutionaa.the law restricts the attire and conduct of performmrs in strip clubs.two adult clubs in p-g county challenged the current law.. saying it's so restrictive that it essentially outlaws adult entertainment.a u-s ccrcuit court judge panel agreed.. and upheld a lower court injunction. maryland republicans have a bone to pick with governor some lawmakerr say the governor's administration is moving too quiccly... to implement the federal reform courts.but lt. governor the anthony brown says the opposite is true... that republicans are choosing to put politics ahead of peoples' health.brown says he hopes to cut the number of uninsured marylanders in alf... by the year 2020. 3 save energy.... save money. that'' the rally cry from the state comptroller this weekend. mmryland is waving its sales tax for many appliances this weekend, in an eefort to boost buyingg but is it really worth it? joel d. smith is live in pikesville to find out. good morning joelld. good morning patrice, (ad lib) during the shop maryland energy weekend, air washer, furnaces, heat pumps, standard size luorescent light bulbs, programmable thermostats that have been designated as meeting or energy star efficiency requirements developed byythe u.s. environmental protection agency and the u.s. department of energy will be tax-free. 3 a wrestler in iowa 3 a wrestler in iowa forfeits a state tourrament... after finddng out he's up against a girl. in a statement... cassy herkelman says wrestling is a combat sport that can get violent.he cites conscience and faith... as his reasons for not competing against a &pgirl.the athletic director stands by herkleman's decision to back ut.the girl ended up winning... just by showing up... and was one of just two... to ever make it to the state tournament. coming up... a controversial status update. the new options facebook is adding... to its relationship s. statuses. youure watching fox 45 you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 1)) ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪ shouldn't be hard work or cost more money. now there's simple nutrition, only at safeway. green tags throughout the store call out what matters most to you. ♪ there are 22 different nutritional benefits highlighted. ♪ and with our low prices, now safeway makes bringing home the right choices easier than ever. that's simple nutrition. ♪ that's ingredients for life. safeway. that's ingredients for life. 3 3 3 3 map fiber map 895 ap proviodence "totem" by irque du soleil is the exciting tale of the evoltion of's coming to baltimore april &p7th.. and tickets re on sale now... but and we want to get you into the show.. for free. free.text "tottm" to 45203 and you could win 4 tickets to "totem" by cirque du soleil. you can also buy tickets.. at cirque du soleil dot com. still ahead.. how a grrndfather managed to get all the way home.. without realizing the daycare had given him.. the wrong kid. kid.and.. the president's budget forr2011 includes billions of dollars in cuts.. but some republicans say it's still not enough.congressman elijah cummings weighs in.. next. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all pocal.. all morniig. p((reak 2)) 3 new this morning... a man is stabbed to death at a busy bus stop in east baltimore. this was the loody scene at north and greennount avenues early thursday afternooo.police say two men got into an argument over a woman... and one stabbed the other in the neck. the victim ran to a nearby rite-aid, where he collapsed... he died a short time later at johns hookins hospital. police are reviewing camerr footage and speaking to witnesses. a woman suspected of snatching an infant from a new york hospital more than 20 years ago... has been indicted. ann pettway... is charged with one count of kidnappinn... for the abduction of carlina white. the 23 year-old was reunited with her birth mother last month.white says she grew suspicions about pettway... the woman who raised her... after learning she could not certificate. if convicted... pettway could face life in prison. president obama is taking heaa from republicans for hii proposed 2012 budget. but the president says the 3-point-7 trillion dollar proposal made tough choices about which programs to cut and which to give a financial boost in order to move our ccuntry forward. congressman elijah cummings joins us this morning with a look at the plan.-federal stimulus money paid for social security data center .. should have gone to baltimore county .. instead went to frederick county..what went wrong -president's budget ... being criticised for not enough cuts ... republicans say spending grew over last 2 years .. so cuttinn only that increase instead of igginggfurther won't help us-social security and medicare ... should president be doing more there -town hall meeting meeting the weathering the storm in tough economic times conferences are &phappening throughout the mont of march. for locations, dates and more information, log onto our website at fox baltiiore dot com. still to come.. she's joining the ranks of christy brinkley and tyra banks.we meet the cover model of this year's sports illustrated swimsuit edition. editiin.and next.. same sex marriage clears a big hurdle in maryland.a lawmaker against the legislation.. weighs in. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) same sex marriage moves out of committee aad now has the votes to pass in the full senate. a key senator threw his support behind the measure yesterday...ensuring the debate over the controversial issue will continue.. delegate don dwyer joins us this morning wwth a look at the issue and what happens next.-reaction to how much momentum this has gained ...looks like a done deal-the bill repeals the definition of marriage as between man and woman ... and definition of marriage .. but expand it-expected to ppss the senate and then house ... petition for referendum for voters toohave final say -enough protections for groups ... or individuals ... who don't want to be held to it for religious reasons-you said same sex couples were offered all of the benefits last year .. without the title they walked aaay .... if you were the benefits .. why not the title -how do you coming up.. doctors remove a knife bllde from a man's many yyars.. it was stuck in there. there. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((ad lib horoscopps)) ((break 4)) security at the state house. why a bbttle over access is heating up. ñ3 3 3 3 3 &p3 the search for multiple killers... is on in northeast baltimore.there have been seven murderss.. in just seven weeks.megan gilliiand is attcity police headquarttrs downtown, with mre on where police believe the violence is stemming from. from. talks are grinding to a halt over thee61-billion dollars republicans want to cut from áthis yearsá federal budget... budget......and that means both sides are talking about one more thing.a government shutdown.without some sort of deal...the feddral government will shut down march 4th. house speaker john boehner says he will only accept a spending plan thaa includes deep cuts. some lawmakers are asking the government to put the breaks on nascar spending. that's because the army is spending ámillionsá in taxpayer dollars... to sponsor the "39" car.congresswoman betty mccollum of minnesota is the the one who introduced the bill... calling nascar spending a big waste of money. but other lawmakers argue she's missing the point. frelinghuysen says: 'nascar sponsorships have proven to be a very important recruiting tool. with some estimating for every dollar the government puts in nascar sponsorship it gets four dollars in equivalent in advertising in television, merchandise and other outlets." outlets."the debate has triggered any ugly response. congresswoman mccollum says she received deatt threat via fax. a fight on valentinns day.. leads to nine players being suspended by the mid-eastern athleeic conference.members of wommns basketball teams from both maryland eastern shore and bethune-cookman were suspended after an internal investigation.. including a review of tte game's footage. no word on what started the fight. a day care mix-up in ohio... sends a grandfather home with he gets home... that he realizee the boy is not his grandson.luckily... the family calls the center right away... and gets their child back.the day care center says it realizes the seriousness of its mistake... and iss investigating the incident. it should be a busy weekend at appliance stores in maryland. many energy- star appliances are taxxfree starting tomorrow. so what should you know, before you go? go? joee d. smith is live at cummins appliance in pikksville to show us how to maximize those savings. good morning joel d. good morning patrice, (ad lib) 3 3 after four years of terriile headaches.... doctors in china finally found the reassn for one man's long term discomfort.doctors removed knife blade lodged in his skull ---- that he didn't even know was there.he got in a fight years ago and never realized a blade broke off in his head --- but had severe headaches ever siice. stiil to come.. tap into a sweet treat.where &pyou can go to make youu own maple syrup.. in our hometown h. hotspot. you're watchiig fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((brrak 5)) spring!you can head out to oregon ridge nature center for a maple sugar weekend!courtney peed is live with the details pn this morning's hometown hotspot.--what goes on at maple sugar weekends?--can the whole family participate?--how do you make aple syrup? syrup? maple sugar weekends at oregon ridge nature center are this weekend and next weekend from 10am to 4pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map fiber map 895 map providence still ahead... ahead...the cover modeelof this year's sports illustrated swimsuit edition... takes us behind the scenes of her photos.'re watching fox 45 morning news.. all 3 local.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((question of facebook users now have átwo more ways to describe their inccude the gay community.the website added the updates: 'in a civil union' and 'in a domestic partnership' on thursday. facebook has not commented on the additions.but a national gay rights group applauded the website for setting a standard of inclusion for social media. nicole collins joins us live from washington ith the latest on the new options.. good morning nicole. nicole. 1) for ttose ho don't know - how does one change their relationship status on facebook?2) this isn't the first time facebook and glaad have worked together, is it? we posted about ,3 is it?worked together, glaad have facebook and first time 2) this isn't the facebook? status on their relationship does one change don't know - relationship status on facebook?22 this isn't the first time facebook and glaad have worked together, is it? we posted about this story on our facebook page.. and here's some of your facebook feedback... feedback... genevieve - "i love it... they deserve to have the same things as we do!" do!!joy - "next, i hope they add step-children and step-pare" parents."karen - "why ssould ttere be special titles for those who want equality? they could just use eithee the married title or the in a relationship title. why does the title have to indicate pour exual preference?" preference?"chrisss- "unnecessary! if they proclaim to be normal like everyone else why can't they use the "in a relationship" option?" option?" coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. nn divas allowed... on group week. week.singing nats nats our american idol expert.. weighs in on this week's misses.and next.. don'tthate her becauue she's beauittul.we meet the cover model of this year's spprts illustrated swimsuit edition. you're watching fox 45 morning morning. ((breek )) (((pat)w christy brinkley, tyra banks, marisa miller, and brooklyn decker.they're all womeon whose careers were launched by sports illustratee. now, one more woman is hitting the over of the magazine's illustrated is making cover model irina shayk and sports illustrated editor diane smith avaiiable to talk with us this morning.--what does it take to be the cover --what does it take to be the cover model?--what is the shoot like?--what are we going to find in the --what are we going to find in the 2011 swimsuit edition?///tag///the sports illustrated 2011 swimsuit edition is on shelves now. coming up in our 8 o'clock hour.. is today's warm weather inspiring you to start planning your spring break? this yeaa's hhttest tourist des. destinattons. you're friday, february 18th 3 3 map fiber map deadly violence in northeast baltimore... brings the number of murders to seven... in just seven weeks.police say they are working with some strong leads... but so far there are zero suspects in custody. custody.the first deadly shooting happened, january 2nd on plymouth road.the lastest murder happened this past wednesddy night on east 31st streetwhen officers arrived... they found a 22-year-old man inside a home on the block.the killing marks the seventh in the city's northeast district this year... and the second in (guglielmi) "what we can say at this point is none of the cases appear related. these spark up a lot of them from drug activity andn other various factors. but we've decided tt do is focus n on some areas of interest in the district that will be increasing patrols preety heavi" heavily.."while the search for killers is on... police say they will continue to beef up patrols in the area. a man is stabbed to death at a busy bus stop in east baltimore. this was the bloody scene at north and greenmount avenues early thursday afternoon. police say two men got into an argument over a woman... and one stabbed the other in the neck.the victim ran to a nearby rite-aid, where hee collapsed... he ied a short time later at johns hopkins hospital. police are eviewing camera footage and speaking to witnesses. a woman suspected of snatching an infant from a new york hospital more than 20 years ago... has been indicted. ann pettway... is charged with the abduction of carlina white. the 23 year-old was reunited with her birth mothee last month.white says she grew suspicions about pettway... the woman who raised her... after learning she could not provide her with a birth certificate. if convicted... pettway could face life in prison. a new report finds fewer maryland residents are facing foreclosure. the report... released by the mortgage ankers association... also finds fewer people areebehind on of distressed loans in the fourth quarter was at its lowest level since 2009. 3 save energy.... save money. that's the rally cry from the state comptroller this weekend. maryland is waving its sales tax for many aapliances this weekend, in an effort tt boost buying. joel d. smith is liie in pikesville to find out. good morning joel d. good morning patriie, (ad lib) during the shop maayland energy weekend, air conditioners, clothes washer, furnaces, heat conditioners, clothes weekend, air maryland energy during the shop 3 here's something to consider... next time you think about eating out. outta nee study finds one out of every 8 restaurant workers has come to work sick at least átwiceá... in the past year. that's 12 percent of all workers.employees said they peel they have to go to work while sick... because many restaurants don't have paid sick leave. a burglar caught on tape... stealing from a florida retirement communiiy.and it's but áhowá he stole itt.. that has residents ttlking. take a look...surveillance this guy strolls into a kitchen... completely naked. residents foond out about the burglar... fter they noticed a stash of sausage went missing. "you know, when you get to 55+, you don't get a whole lot of this is great!" the suspect now faces several charges. coming up in our hometown hotspot... tap into nature. explore the history of maple sugaring. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morningg ((bump out)) 3 ((break 1)) 3 what's the sweetest thing you can do now that we're getting a taste of spring?head out to oregon ridge nature center for a maple sugar weekend!courtney peed is ive with the details on ttis morning's hometown hotspot.--what goes on at maple sugar weekendss--can the do you make maple syrup? syrup? maple sugar weekends at oregon ridge nature center are this weekend and next weekend from 10am to 4pm.for more information, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. 3 3 map fuber nap provdience map 895 3 map 895nap provdience map 895 "totem" by cirque du sollil is the exciting tale of the evoltion of's coming to baltimore april 7th.. and tickets are on sale now... but and we want to get you into the show.. for free. free.text "totem" to 45203 and you could win 4 tickets to "totem" by cirque du soleil. you can also buy tickets.. at cirque du soleil dot com. coming up... exercise does more than keep you in shape... it also hells with your postpure.celebrityyfitness trainer monte sanders gives us some tips... next. and later... the contestants who wowed the judges... in this week's round of american idol. what helped this guy... stand out among the''e watching fox 45 morninn news.. all loccl.. all morning. ((break 2)) ((bump in)) [ male announcer ] verizon believes that no small business should be invisible, so we decided to help a real small business make it easier for customers to find them. my name is elizabeth heinz, we're at isabella's boutique in rockville center, new york. do me a favor, and search for your business. alright. ♪ what did you find? nothing. i mean, if you don't have a website, you're basically invisible. [ male announcer ] 40% of small businesses don't have a website. but with verizon websites powered by intuit, it's so easy you can do it yourself, and so powerful it can make any small business more visible. add photos... and then, we'll hit "publish." i have a website?! you have a website. oh my gosh, i can't believe it was that easy. [ male announcer ] verizon can put your small business on over 100 search sites so customers can find you, with a personalized business e-mail address that connects with your site. visit me at [ male announcer ] small business owners, don't be invisible. call today and get a 6 month free trial of verizon websites powered by intuit, when you sign up for verizon's reliable high-speed internet & phone for business, just $84.99 a month with no term contract required. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities verizon. the hardest working network in business. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. reassn people work out is to look better ... but another added benefit of exercise is being stronger ... and better able to go about your daily routines. one example of that .. is with your posture. our b-more healthy expo is coming up .... and celebrity fitness trainer monte sanders is one of the experts who will be there helping you reach your goals.'--ow does exercise help your posture posture 3 fox 45 is stepping up to make your 2011 the healthiest year yet. the b-more healthy expo will be hhld at the baltimore convention center ...saturday march 12th. learn about exercise ... eating right and get health screenings. go to b-more healthy expo dot com for more information. fox 45 is stepping 3 information. com for more healthy expo dot commfor more information. scott mcreary mcreary the nerres and the drama overwhelm the american idol wannabees during the group and solo rounds.buttas the contestants quickly learned... the show must go on.and for 100 contestants.. the journey does music managing editor and american idol expert, lyndsey parker is joining us via skype to wrap up the week. week. --this round is always filled with emotions.. and one person who had to deal with them is jacee badeaux. for the viewers who didn't see it this week--let me tell you he was kicked out of a group.. but he did pull it together and sing. lets listen.-talent? what do you think about him crying? -when it comes to talent.. i think most people will agree casey abrams definitely has audition...-casey-standup bass, an idol first-jacob lusk--amazing audition--lets hear it one more time. judges said he's a tough act to follow...i agree. but my question is why haven't we seen more of this guy??? spa concierge you can see american idol next wednesday at thursdaa nighhs at 8-pm here on fox45 coming up... new ways for facebook users to announce their relationship status...what change... the social networking site is making. you're watching fox 45 morninn news.. all local.. all morning. ♪ it's a new day i'm loving weight watchers new pointsplus program and the edge it's giving me. ♪ and i'm feeling good go on, join for free. weight watchers new pointsplus. because it works. weight watchers new pointsplus. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 p895 maps 3 here are tte stories we are following this morning... months after a mental patient is murdered by a fellow inmate.. the head of the clifton t. perkins hospital &pcenter steps down.sheilah davenport will leave at the end of the month... afftr a recent report faulted employees for their handling of the death of susan sachs. death.. and 46 year old d to - saladin taylor has been charged with her murder.taylor and sachs lived on the same floor of the facility. both had been placed at the state hospital after being found not criminally responsible for murder. the legalization of same sex maariage.. seems as if it will senator james rosapepe of prince george's county now says he will vote n favor of the bill.. giving supporters 24 votes.. enough votes to pass it in the state senate. (brochin) "do we give the same rights to everybody in maryland, are same sex couples familiess i think they are family, if their families we have to give equal protections pnder the law." law."(jacobs) "i line up with god's word which shhuld be, is the same today as it was yesterday. that doesn't change. publii opinion changed and that's what you saw today." today." debate on the bill is expected to begin next week. if it ppsses the general assembly, opponents are vowinn to petition that issue to referendum to allow the voters to decide ii the 2012 election. facebook users now have two new ways... to describe their relationship status.the social petwork site is now including the gay community.users can now choose status updates such as "in a civil union"... or "in a domestic partnership." it shouud be a busy weekend at appliance stores in maryland. many energg- star appliaaces are tax free starting tomorrrw. so what should you know, before you go? go? joel d. smith is live at cummins appliance in maximizeethose savings. good morning joel d. good orning patrice, (ad lib) 3 today's weather has many of us excited forrspringtime!and the end of winter than to plan a spring break trip?jay ellenby of ttavel leaders in owings mills is here to tell us what's áhotá this year. --travel is on the rise: there is pent up desire to take a trip or go on vacation. --what are the top destinations for travel? mexico, florida, the caribbean...why those places? --you say flexibiiity is important when booking your trip. why is that? --package deals available for area travels travelers for more information, log for more information, log on to fox baltiomre dot com slash morning. coming p... up...a warning for parents... regarding some of the top-selling childrens' medications.what risks they could be posing. 3singing singing and later... a former american idol 3& contestant pays tribute to a ffmily... whose mother and two daughters were killed during a home his song is helping william petit... the sole survivor... cope with the're watching fox 5 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. you'll get a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record shows in one room and watch them in up to six other rooms. call now. offer ends soon. there's no term contract required. you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers superior picture quality, more hd; plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. don't wait. this incredible offer ends soon. call 1.866.680.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.680.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. amazing new video released by nasa... shows tiny eruptions on the sun's surface... called solar flares.the flares you see here... have been nicknamed the valentine's day flare... because the sun produced its strongest flare in more than four years, on cupid's day.nasa officials worry the flare's electric magnetic pulss ácouldá interfere with the earth's communications, and radio praffic... as it passes by earth. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 p3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 meteorolooist))((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 meteerologist))((ad lib earth. to weather)) 3 ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3 3 meteorolooistt)((ad lib ((toss to weather)) it passes by earth. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 high school can be tough enough... without being harrassed by the popular . girls.. it can be a real challenge when you try to stand up to them. that's what up to try to stand challenge when be a real it can popular girls. girls.harrassed by the without being tough enough... school can be high 3 3 map wilkens map providence high school can be tough enough... without being tough enough... school can be high high school 3 can be tough enough... without being harrassed by the popular . girls. ittcan be a real challenge when you try to stand up to them. that's what happens in the movie "mean girls 2". it's on video now.. and paramount sent us copies to give away. away. the 4th and 5th callers at 410- 418-4545 win the movie on dvd. coming up... some of the most common pediatric medicines on the market... ácouldá be harming your children.what information parents need to know. 3singing singing but next... a former american idol contestant with local ties... sings a ouching tribute to a family who lost it won't wann to miss this story. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((break 6)) we always hear about what's happening with the former american idol inners and frontrunners.. but what about the contestants who didn't make it as far? far? this morning candace tells us what's happening with noel turner who tried out last year. year. turner goes to school at johns hopkins university and and has relatives in connecticut. he wrote "wherever you are" for the petit family... whose mother by home invaders in two illed - thousand seven. doctor william petit was the sole survivor. hhre is the touching tribute. tribute. 3 3 3 3 3 ten percent of the proceeds of the song go to the petit family foundation. if turner gets picked up by a record label, he plans to give all the ppoceeds to the available on itunes. coming up... up... a warning about some of the top-seeling pediatric they could be harming your children. and later in our hometown's one of winter's sweetess events.what you'll find at oreggn ridge nature center's....maple syrup're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)) no walk in the park. and that's why many parents look to over-the-counter medications to ease symptoms. but as dr. mallika marshall exaplsin... a new study reveals some potentially dangerous problems with those m. medications. lower third (faad in): dr mallika marshall" vaccinations: faulty labels mallika::about one-third of emergency room visits for children under 12 involve over-the-counter medication. 1 and now a new study may reveal part of the problem.00:00:08:26 to00:00:10:16dr mallika marshall transition mallika: researchers examined 200 top-selling pediatric liquid cold, allergy and intestinal instructions that didn't match measuriig cups, spoons or syringes provided with the product 00:00:20:2200:00:28:09 lowee third ((ade in): in 2009, the food and drug administration tried to reduce the risk of unintentionall overdoses due to bad directions of faulty measuring devices. mallika: in 2009, the food and drug administration tried to reduce the risk of bad directions of faulty measuring devices. yet those guudelines to00:00:39:25full screen ttxt over video:a study in the journaa of american one in four liquid drugs examined did not contain a dosing device.mallika: the new study in the journal of american meddcal association found: 1,3one in four liquid drugs examined did not contain a dosing device, such as a cup, dropper, or syringe. 00:00:40:05lower third (fade in): nearly 100 percent of medicines with a ddsing device, had markings on it that were inconsistent with the label instructions. with the label it that were inconsistent with theelabel instructions. mallika: nearly 100 percent of those that did contain a dosing device, had markings on it that were inconsistent with the label instructions. 00:00:46:15lower third: more than half the medicines did not use standard abbreviations for terms such as teaspoon or milliliter. mallika: more than half the medicines did not use standard abbreviaaions for terms such as teaspoon or milliliter. mallika marshall transition - mallika: if you're nclear about what the instructions or dose markings on your child's pedicine mean, dooble-check nurse. coming up on good day baltimore... women eating dog f? food?"this is chicken. this happens to be my favorite for s" snacking." what point they're trying to prove. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break )) [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. you'll get a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. record shows in one room and watch them in up to six other rooms. call now. offer ends soon. there's no term contract required. you can cancel anytime with no early termination fee. fios is a 100% fiber-optic network that delivers superior picture quality, more hd; plus the fastest internet in the u.s. why keep paying for cable? get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month -- plus a multi-room dvr free for 12 months. don't wait. this incredible offer ends soon. call 1.866.680.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.866.680.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead.

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New York , United States , Johns Hopkins Hospital , Maryland , Baltimore County , Pikesville , China , Florida , Delaware , Minnesota , State Hospital , Oregon , Washington , District Of Columbia , Connecticut , United Kingdom , Oregon Ridge , Ohio , Mexico , Rockville , Iowa , New York Hospital , Frederick County , Town Hall , Baltimore , Marylanders , Americans , British , American , Mallika Marshall , Marisa Miller , Nicole Collins , Nats , Don Dwyer , Frank Richardson , Megan Gilliland , John Wheeler , Candace Dold , John Boehner , Elizabeth Heinz , Lyndsey Parker , Betty Mccollum , Armstrong Williams , Anthony Brown , Casey Abrams , Dianna Agron , Diane Smith , Monte Sanders , Martin Lawrence , Joel D Smith , Noel Turner , Clifton T Perkins , Dale Earl Earnhardt , Brooklyn Decker , Desmond Mc , Susan Sachs , Saladin Taylor , Harry Potter , Christy Brinkley , Elijah Cummings ,

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