barnd. and i'm karen parks. breaking news in jessup tonight. there's.../ been ...a murder.../ at... "clifton t. erkinss... hospital.../ for... the.../ criminally ins. insane. jannce park.../ live... outside the hospital.../ ááwhereáá... are... ust startiig.../ too.. surfaae./ janice. janice.maryland state police are inside 33 investigating as ww speak &ppolice tell us one patient killed another about 7pm. now this hospital is where criminals go iistead of jail if they are ruled insane.. 3 once again we know state police continue to investigate inside. they believe one person issdead from what looos like a patient on in jessup, janice park fox45 news at ten. pthhs... is... the second murrer .../ year .../ at... clifton... perkins... patient.../ - at the... hospital.../ was... found deaa.... in her bed.../ september, .../ last year...// áásaladináá also... a patient .../ wass.. chargee her.../ death...//.áátayloráá and sachs.../ were both convicted murderers who were placed at perkins.../ ttey... weee found.../ not... ácriminallyá... responsible...// 3 weeare tracking another breaking news ssory in west baltimore. a man was shot on the street just over two hours ago. it happened along woodbrook avenue. police quickly surrounded the area and homicide detectives have been called to the scene. tonight we know the names of the elderly victims in aa afternoon murder suicide.john and margie igmon were found dead in their middleeriver home. homm.they are both around 85 years old. neighbors say they'vv lived heee for more than 55 ears. a family friend tells us the husband had a stroke and apparently the husband was a proud man who was having a hard time dealing with the disability. ben whaley: took me by surpise but i know when people get ill they get dis diliriousscott sutton: very nice people lived hereelong time always waving u neighhors say hey are shocked tonight becauue the couple seemed very much in love and could be seen sitttng on their porch every night. police .../ iddntify.../ po death... inna parked car. found.../ 3 21-year-old.../ ernest ...'bo' galee .../ on...// salt... lake drive... inn pikesville.../ after... 11... lasttnight...///. áátheáá... investigation...// is...pending...// 3 3he was found guilty of murder even though police never found a body. body. a ballimore county jury found jason gross guulty of murder. the victim was 16-year-old rochelle battle. she left home one day in 2009 to go shopping, but has never bben seen again and no remains have ever been found. it.../ as... the brain--hild...// of a... vengeful wife...//// ended...// in... murdee. murder. that... prosecutors...// ááináá... the... "murder for hire"... case... of.../ p waater bishop.../// - áábishop'sáá accused... of... gunning doww .../ ray porter.../ at... the... hess gas station.../ he &powned .../ on... joppa road... in towson....// áápposecutorsáá... saa... porter's wiie.../ paid bishop.../ 300--dollars...// to... kill porter.../// march... 20- 10...///.áátheáá trial's... expected to last.../ aaout ...two weeks it was a murder that shocked residents offcharles village...and beyond..oons hopkins researcher stephen pitcairn...was fattlly stabbed &pwhilewalkingghhme. as john rydell reports...the man convicted of that murder...has nowwbeee sentenced... sentenced... in charles's a crime that still haunts many residents. two days before his 24th biithday...hopkins researcher stephen pitcairn...was fatally stabbed. it happened last he was walking from penn station to his the time...he sseaking with his mother...on his cellphonee(sharpley) "that she has to think about that every day, i meen that's like of."earller this yearr..a jury found 35-year old johh wagner...guilty of murder.and today...theevictim's a chhnce to address the court. pitcairns' mother...was too upset to speak on camera..ut gwen pitcaarn...told the judge...words cannot describe the pain...of hearing your child murdered...while talking... on the phone. (rydell) "in a brief statement, john wagner said he coold not apologize to the pitcairn family because he didn't do it. but he judge wasn't buying that claim and he told wagner 'i'' going to show yoo the same mercy you showed to stephen pitcairn, and with that, wagner was sentenced to life in prison &pplus 20 ears."prosecuuors ar satisfied with thh outcome...but they say pitcairns' family...has nothing to celebrate. (felsen) "it's hard for them because hey ave o move on with their lives at this point without their son and their brother, so i ffel justice was done, it's a proper sentence for the crimm."in charles village...some can only &pimagine what the mother of stephen going through. (ricci) "i mean it just gave another mother something that she's going to have to get uppevery day and pretend she's okay and she's relieved that the man convicted of his crime...will spend most if not all of this john rydell, fox 45 news at e, - &pten. wwgner's merritt...pleaded guilty to her role in the roobery...she''l be sentenced... november 7th. 3 3... baltimorr are... charged.../ with... a sex act.../ at.... milford mill... academy. academy. it... happened ... thursdaa morning..../ in... theeauditorium.../ while... class was in session.../ and... a substitute teacher.../ was... áiná... the room..../áá2áá... males... nd a female ../ 17.../. ááareáá charged... wwth.../ a... perverted sex actt../ and... indecent exposure. 3&"there were rumors and report that there was a video tape made of this sexual activity. our police officer invvstigated that, thhy conducted a serach but so far there has been no video surfaced norrhas thhre been any upload suufaced. surfaced.police say.../ it... appears... it... was consensual. meantime...// police... investigatt.../ a... video... / of.... wo... young teens.../ áneará... douglass high.../// ááfox45áá will... ánotá... show... the video... / áábecauseáá even... ááiewingá it.../ is... illegall..///. ááwho-everáá.... taped... the incident.../ and... posted it... on the web... / áácouldáá... face... child porn.../ charges (fred berlin)"the consequences here in my judgment need to be proportionate to what has been done.. and whether we want o give kids life time conssquences such as felonies and on the sex offender registry it seems to me that ooght to be looked at pretty ca" carefully" the... incident... took place...// on... school ooerated property.../// president obama declares an end to the war in iraq....aying all troops will be home by year's end. end.after months of teese talks with iraq's leaders...the presidenn says he and the iraqi rime minister agreed on total withdrawal.the announcement comes nearly 9 years after the war began...forrally ending a war that's claimed nearly 45-hundred american lives. obama: "here at home, the coming months will be another season of homecomings. across merica , our service men and women willlbe reunited with say that our troops in iraq will definitely be home for the holidays." the president is planninn to withdraw u.s. troops from afghanistan which he hopes to compleee by 2014. do you agree with the president's plan to withdraw all u.s. troops frommiraq this year?a lot of you are responding...join in at facebook dot com slaah foxbaltimore and click on the "inside fox 45" tab to comment. as ermain cain's popularity grows as a goo presidential prontrunner...friendssand conservative can reel in black . voters.the georgia businessman is blunt about his views.he's said openly that the poor should take responsibility for not being rich...and that africannamericans are "brainwashed" to support democrats.but back in georgia...some say the formerr godfather's izza ceo may be opening minds in the black community. ddrley says::"i think thee see him asssomeone who is carrying a banner for a party that is the african american rable to - community." towery saas: "from polling that i've seen, i hhve &preason to believe that herman can take, not a sizabbe slice of the frrcan american vote, no republican is going to do that. but perhaps a siiaale amount." coming up in our late edition...the percentage of the black vote analysts say cain can get... and the experience friends think pushed tte usinessman to consider a run for president. 3&ptiny... were... flying ... toddy.../ in sparks...//// ááálláá... for a great cause! áámyrandaáá stephens here.../ with.../ more... on.../ workers... giving back.../ by... goofing off..../ with... gourds...// jeff, what better way to spend a friday evening after work... than to hurl ppmpkins across the office parking lot? that's what ome local technology workers did today to serve those who've served our country. nats of shake and bake guythey flew. nats of ccowd on ground? and they flopped.. more nats tiny pumpkins soaring across an office parking lot... for a good &pcouple days practtcing tossing, and you know, it's been fun 40 workers at k-c-i technologies in sparks - spent their friddy evening launching little gourds to raise money for war veterans returning home. amy 0044 mostly through walter reed 45 butt butt butt phem with moneyyfor family of counssling they need 52 the workers foomed teams of five... to see whose pumpkins couud propel the farthest. nnts of ladders team??some got creative with their homemade something that can throw a r pumpkin with anything hat wee can find in our basement 22 while others... tim 5:42 even though we're chunkin a pumppin we wanted to go ahead and uh, represent big ben's throwinggarm 49 just little girl 21:49 do we like them? noo 51in the end... it wasn't big ben that got the big win. nats 30:53 would like to present you with this trophy 55but team shake and slingshot. nick 31:44 slingshots were the key. myranda: you guys knew that? guess. but look how it worked out? llughs 52 the truth is, they're all winners. last year, the charity. myraada stephens, fox45 news at ten. 3 the governmenttgame offgtocha must be addressed at every opportunity. 3& youu guitar could land you in federal prison.why rock and rolllii being forced to fight back against the pbama administration. the budget crisii &pis getting deeper. the ea- house sent half a billion dollars to a car-maker ii finland. could the face oo city haal be changing? why there may be a leadership shakeup in baltimore city. century...// old... being... áselectivelyy... enforced.../ by.../ the... president...// to... turn.../ guitar owners ...// into.../ felons....//// áámanyáá wonder... why.../ the... white house...// is... wasting resources.../// on... a.../ áseeminglyá psmall matter....// in... nashhille. nashville. the 1951 artin dd28 guitar is aa enviabll instrument, but the brazilian rosewood from which it's made, makes it potentially illegal."most people never had any idea that guitars could technically be illegal," says u.s. rep. jim cooper, d-5th district of tennessee.congressman jim cooper is talking about the laceyyact, which bars the import of endangered plants and animals. the federal law is t the center of an investigation into the type of pased gibson guitar."it's very law," says rep. jim cooper. cooper joined congressman marsha blaccbbrn in sponsoring the retailers and entertaiiers laccy implementation and enforceeent faarness (relief) act. the bi-partisan bill would exempt products like old &pguitars and antique furniture madeefrom endangered wood, and protect their owners from legal jeopardy."the relief act is designed to address those unintended consequences," says u.s. rep. marssa blackburn, r-7th district of tennessee. the new proposal would have no effect on tte ongoing investigationnat gibson guitar and would still prohibit importing illegal nashville's gruhn guitars, the relief act would give ooners of vintage instruments peace of mind whenever they travel. "it eeds to be done in such a manner that is comprehensible and sensible," says owner george gruhn.a coalition of music, usiness, and manufacturing groops also supports rolling back the regulations."government's game of gotcha should be addressed at every opportunity," sayss jim brown with nnib. conggessman cooper agrees with preeent illegal logging, bbt he can see no reason why a 60 year old instrument should lead to a felony charge or its owner."this is a &pgovernmenttof the people, by the peopll, and for the people, and i think people want this fixed," 3 the... justice department .../ will... not... say why.../ they... áonlyá... targeted... gibson guitars.../// áásinceáá... other companies... use .../ the... exact same wood. 3 worse..../// ááafteráá...// - dollar.../ solyndra... debacle...// áátheáá... white house...// used... theeásameá.../ loan program .../ to... send... half a billion.../ to.../ an... electric car... company.../ whose factory .../ is... in inla. finland. the...// white house...// gave... the green light.../ to... fisker corporation...// áátheyáá make.../ 80--thousand... dollaa.../ electric cars.../ &pcalledd.. "the karma".../// ááfiskerrsáá... jobs... are.../ in finland. finland. ááoneáá... of... the company's... biggest investors.../ is... al gore...////. join... our waste watch. ááifáá... waste../ áácalláá... our hotline.. &pááoráá... go to rawlings blake won a decisive - victtry in the mayoral primary..... there's news that city hall could bb in for a shake-up... jeff bell showw us why the mayor is raising a lot of questions. questions. at city hall these days....the questions are flying.... the mayor...grilling er cabinet members and searching for answers. (5:16:20) (mayor) "im very focused on growing our city and in order to do that we have to &pconntantly re-invent ourselve coostantly look for new efficiencies...." as thee mayor prepares for her first full term..... the current cabinet members are under the microscope. they're completing a questionairre about their goals....and meeting one on one with the mayor. (abell) (9:55:03) "the mayor has appointed sevvral department heads of her own since she took over twenty months ago. but several others are hold-overr from the pheila dixon aaministration." (3:39:33) (dedie) "in many ways, she had to inherit what sheila dixon had iicluding her people and now she'll take a brrom in and set her own agenda...." political scientist john dedie says how the mayor shapes her cabinet will be critical to baltimore future. (3:41:02) (dedie) "i think she has to look and figure out what am i ginggto do to bring the citt back because the last thing baltimore needs to do is be the detroit of this era...." cabinet heads aren't required to re-apply for their positions. but tteir fate &pcould be far from secure. jeff abell, fox 45, news at ten. on the mmyor's are being asked whicc programs deserve to be cut...and which deserve more funding. 3 a huge event will have a majjo impact on traffic in baltimore county ttis eekend. candace dold has the details and what you need to know to get around this weekend. 3pweekend. what's the weather looking like as weeget closer to the race this weekend? &pweekend? hopefully... some more... nice fall days. days. meteorologist emily gracey has with your skywatch forecast. forecast. 33 a disturbing turn n thh in missouri. why police believe the parents are lying about what happened to the p15 ish (1:42:28) "and she kept coming...."(nats punching) (112:30) "and she kept coming...."(nats punching) punching) fighting her way to the top. we'll take you &pbehind the scenes with one baltimore boxer as she prepares for the fight f her life and chance at olympic tonight's cover story, stay 3 jay z and kanye westtare coming to baltimore.your chance to take to survive these tough economic times....? for many peopll, it means finding a second job....or cancelling a v. vacation. but.../ in... tonighhs cover story, .../ áájeffáá abell... finds.../ a... baltimooe woman.../ a... new extremee../ ááandáá won't... go down.. without a fight. figgt. 3 3 3 (wide city sunrise)its a few minutes before the morning rush...and downtown..... (25:23) (mops floor)(22:10) (shakes bag)(26:58) (unwraps cups)this on crews control.(27:54) "call me crews has ssent the past three years brewing a cup of joo.... (44:28) (quick nats) (coffee pours)for anyone on the go. (7:42) (crews) "i give the people what they needd give em their fix...but its legal...." but the job is also her fii. these hard economic times have hit home.(11:47) (crews) "i work two jobs and i'm still not eligible for health insurance." crews is a single mom.....who's helping her own moo fiiht back.....from a near-death connition.(1:17:42) (crews & mom) "your legs still hurting? no...thee're not hurting now...."franchon has never been one to ssep down from a fight....(1:22:11) extinguisher at somebody..." when she was bullied at douglas highhschool....13-year old franchon settled the score. (18:59) (franchon) "i just remember getting out of thee chair, snatching him down off the stool and.....(motionn)) (1:22:30) (mom) "and there went the fire extinguisher..." (1:25:42) (franchon) (photo) "this is me....."fighting forred her to graduate from an alternativeeschool....where franchon found a whole new &pvoice.(franchon sings) (from you-tube)franchon had a gift and a talent coach encouraged her to share it.....but wouldn't come wiihout a price. (4:52) "he was like, if you wanna sing, you have to lose weight...."(1:34:30) (wide shot uuar boxing)the road to weight loss took the aspiring singer....into the umar boxing center.....(1:41:10) (mcdowell) "so the boxers told her, yeah, you can lose five pounds in one day!"ss franchon went from swinging.....but when she stepped into the ring the first time....there was resistence..1:42:06) (mcdowell) "take these gloves off, i don't wanna o this no morr. so i kept ttasing her, &pah, you're nothing but an old chump. don't come back. so i llok round.....there she is...."it wasn't long before franchon discovered her other gift....not only could she carry a tune.....but she could also pack a punch....(1:42:28) &p"and she kept coming...."(nat punnhing)(142:30) "and she kept coming...."(nattspunching) (1:42:32) "and he kept called her a 'naturall....and convinned compete... but her mother cclled ii a violation of her personal beliefs....(1120:42) (mom) "she knows that jehovah don't appreciate violence...""ut -fr fiiht was for her familyy.... (1:22:22) (mom) "i tell her she's doing it for herself because we're going to matter what...." (1:24:46) (franchon) "sometime we don't have. we make endd &pmeet but i'm just trying to get comfortable. i don't wanna be riih...."six years ago, she won hhr first national title. noo....with 44-wins under her belt....franchon crews could soon make olympic history...... she's favored to compete at next years olympic games...where, for the first pime, women's boxing becomes an olympic sport.(1:47:37) (mcdowell) "she's determined, she don't wannaalose..." p1:13:35) "and if i don't train tooay one of the other girls is training trying to beat me...but that ain't gonna happen..."(fighting nats) franchon is fighting to thee finish....the woman with the golden voice has found a golden glovv. (1:46:39) "baltimore known for all this crime and drugs but ww always have a shining light think she's the one...."jeff abell, fox 455 news at ten. on sunday,.../ crews... will be fighting.../ the... pan american games.../ ii exico...../// though she's already a national champion, hee paltimore waitress is fighting for funding to insure she can continue to travel....and go for the gold. if you'd like to help, juut go to our website, fox and click on news links....where you'll find more information pbout baltimore's umar bbxing c. centerr 3 3 band full natz 4 secs secs taking "i quii" to a inspired performance that has see a new standard in walking off the job. an ominous discovery in the bedroom of tte parents of a missing infant. what police found that dashed their hopes of finding the baby. search... the home.../ of... a... missouui coople.../ .áá who'sáá.... from her crib...// nearly...// 3--weeks ago....///// ago..../////áádeboraháá bradley... and... jeremy irwin...// say.../ their daughter... / áá11áá -month-old... lisa.../// áádisappearedáá while... átheyá... were asleep....///áábutáá during... the search... / ááaáá,...// k--9...// reacted the scent .../ of... a dead person.../ on... the floor.../ pneará... the parents bed...///.ááttdayáá.... / took.../ items.../ ááincluding áá... a... carpet. a georgia police officer under &pfire tonight... after pulling over a speeding driver... who was rushing his wife to the hospital.the confrontation was caught on tape. "she's having a heart attack we're trying to get to the doctor and you're writingga ticket.""ok. the ambulance is on the way sir." is a stage-four breasttcancer patient... and was exxeriencing chest pains whhn he was caught speeding.but the intenss... when the officer ccntinues writing the tickee...asking for "sir, i tried to explaii everything to you and get some documentation or sooething.""i tried to show you my body. what else do you want me to show you?""do you want her to you?""that's not what i want." &pwant."though the officer called for an ambulaace... the woman says she didn't want to pay for it because the hospital was only two miles away. roswell police say their officer followed procedure.. but admit the situatioo could have been handlld differently. 3 &p3 well dare we say we're already phinking of what inter will look like. like. i bet meteorologist emill gracey has a much better idea, but if i had to guess i'd say cold, with some snow... more informed answer. a much pnswer. p3 it's like sseaking a foreign language. coming up in consumer reeorts, the best way to choose your health care options to get the most bang for your buck. band full natz 4 secs secs iffyou're going to go out.... go out with a bang. the stylish goodbye one man offered his tyranicallboss. ñ> when new provisions of health reform take effect next year... it will be much easier to compare health plans. insurers will have to use a standdrd form ttat describes costs in plain english... costs like co-pays and deductibles. but as patrice harris explains in toniggt's consumer reports... until that happens... choosing a healthh plan remains quite diificult. ((pat on cam))consumer reports just analyzee data on hundreds of plans and has advice n how to find a good one. (v/o) jaci herschfeld says she found shopping for health iisurance a real chore.(sot: jaci herschfeld)"a lot of health insurance had holes. i wasn't wanted. a lot of it waa very, very expensive." (v/o)consumer reports analyzed 830 health-care plans raakee by an independent, nonprofit organization called the national committte for quality assurance. (sot)"there's differences in how well these &pplans perform managgng chroni conditions, like asthma or heart disease, and also how well they perform oo delivering preventive care like cancer ssreenings or immunizations."(v/o)like jaci... many people have the option of choosing an h-m-o or a p-p-o. (sot: nancy metcalf) "ppos typically cost a bii more and have higher deductibles. hmos have low or often no deductibles. however you are usually limited to the hospitals and doctors within the hmo's neework." (v/o) opt for a plan with a high to - deducttble, often paired with a health savings account. (sot: nancy metcalf)"with these plaass there's a trade-off. the premiums are lower, but the deductibles can be as high as ffve-thhusand dollars or even ten-thousand dollars if you're buying a plan on your own."(v/o)as for jaci... after mucc research.. she decided to go with an hmo. (sot: jaci herrchfeld)"no health-care plan out here is perfect. you just got to weigh tte ros and the cons and make pest."((pat on cam)) and remmmbee to keep smaller insurers in mind. in consumer reports' analysis... some of the top-ranked plans were ith smaller companies.patrice harris, fox45 news at ten. ever.../ feel... like.../ telling... yoor boss.../ to....take this.../ job.../// and... well.../ you know ...// ááááá... rhode island... hotee worker .../ resigned.../ from... a muuiial event... / ááandáá... / it,... made him... / an... internet... star.../.áácarrieáá peirce... has more in.,.. tonight's word on the w. web. 3 for annone who's had a bad boss...this one's for you. you. if you're mad at managgment... they hated meeand i hhted them and you waat to quit your job as a hotel room server, band and seeving this to your boss.... guys what is this? you guys, all of you out right now! jared, i'm here to tell you i'm quitting. (band plays) joey defranceeco says he had just finished his last 13-hour day at the marriott renaissance in providence, rhode island--after 3 and a half years of butting heads with bosses and helping to organize a union... hey treat us like (bleep) here. he decided to live hii fantasy... to tell their boss to shove it or to push back in this big way. jooy's a member of a access ode to bring a dozen or so bandmembers through the employee entrance to stake out &phis boss's office. (mussc) an now "joey quits" is a you tube sensation...(music) joey's hotel sources told him aater called police, but no action's been taken against him. i waan't going to get a reference anyway, ooggnizing aa union, they ate me anyway. 3 joey already has a new job. though his new boss doesn't want him to say where. but it's a job where is college degree in history could come in handy.i'm carrie peirce and that's yourrword on the web. 3 and once hit by injuriis... the ravens secondary... getting good news today on the injury front. which corners are back on the praatice field...and who's out there for the irst timeesince week one. normally advertising for your busiiess is a good thing. the sales flyer that could land six people in prison. coming up in 15 minutes on the late edition: breaking news in jessup... a murder at maryland'ss hospital for the criminally insane.the new ddtails emmrging frrm the investigation.. aad the plans the lingerie football leage is connidering......that has some parents asking a lot of questions.for these ssories and more...join us tonight at p1. ttlk about an easy drug bust. bust. oregon... police.../ arrest ...six people.../ tied... to an alleged.../ drug house/ house..../// a.../ mystery... neighbor.../ flyer.../. ááboodlyáá saying.../ "heroin for sale"../ .ááandáá... it... lists.../ ááasáá... a... result...// áápoliceáá...// ggns, .../ and cash. - 3 the ravens .../ wrapping up... gaae preps... for the biggess stage.../ in tte league... / monday night football. football.baltimore heads to jacksonvvlle.could the ravens morgan adsit has the answer in sports unniiited. unlimited.coming up tonight on sports unlimited... unlimited...good news on the injury front...fiid out which raven is back on the prrctice ffr the first time since week one..we knowwthe ravens defense an stop the run...but leftton the schedule, jacksonville's maurice jones- drew....and it's a baltimore city battleeon he grid iron in our high school game of the week.can poly snap dunbar's 7 game win streak....

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United States ,Iraq ,Tennessee ,Missouri ,Baltimore County ,Maryland ,Afghanistan ,Brazil ,Rhode Island ,Finland ,Georgia ,Oregon ,Nashville ,Iraqi ,Brazilian ,American ,Patrice Harris ,Rawlings Blake ,Jeff Bell ,Ben Whaley ,Nancy Metcalf ,Jim Brown ,Jim Cooper ,Maurice Jones ,Ray Porter ,Nancy Metcalf Ppos ,Emily Gracey ,Stephen Pitcairn ,Deborah Bradley ,Baltimore Umar ,Candace Dold ,Jeremy Irwin ,Jeff Abell ,Saladin Taylor ,Towery Saas ,Al Gore ,Carrie Peirce ,Walter Reed ,John Wagner ,Sheila Dixon ,

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