it is not all about resources. you seen all the commercials from bloomberg all over the nation, it does not resources help get the message out, there s no doubt about it. it is the message that matters. for the further le connect with 2546.eration of h.r. will the gentleman from connecticut, mr. courtney, kindly take the chair. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2020] the hair: the house is in committee of the whole house on the state of the union for urther consideration of h.r. 2546 which the clerk will report by title. the clerk: a bill to designate the state of in colorado as components of the national wilderness preservation and for other purposes. the chair: when the committee of the whole rose earlier today, in dment number 12 printed house report 116-395 offered by from e gentlewoman washington offered by the gent
Rebels. [ chanting ] andals World Leaders lead to the g20 summits. Protesters march in the streets of brisbane its been a difficult often bitter relationship for years with each country accusing the other of harbouring rebel fighters and undermining stability, afghan president ashraf ghani has been holding talks with pakistans Prime Minister nawaz sharif in islamabad. Its Ashraf Ghanis First Official visit to pakistan since taking office. Scott heidler joins us life. Both leaders have been speaking with the media, and both are at pains to reassure each other that they were supportive. Indeed. The afghan president summed it up by saying 13 years of mistrust was removed by a couple of days of talks. That shows the progress they have made. The pakistani Prime Minister reassuring his count part that it is important. He stressed settlement should be afghan led and owned. Pakistan is ready to play any role it can to bring peace to afghanistan. However, the changes are great. Everybody knows
From member nations to contribute more to military spending. This comes at the same time as congress under current u. S. Law looks for ways to reduce americas defense at it. Our focus for the first 45 minutes here on washington journal. When in on the conversation. With growing threats, should the Defense Budget be increased . Host the u. S. , launching a fresh series of airstrikes yesterday input Defense Department officials described as a mission to stop militants from seizing an important game on the Euphrates River and preventing the possibility of floodwaters being released words baghdad. Towardscks were aimed military fighters in iraq and syria known as isis. According to officials the operation represented another expansion of the limited goals that president obama set out when he announced last month that he had authorized airstrikes in iraq. That story this morning online and on the front page of the New York Times. Where are we at in terms of defense spending . You can see th
Said they should pay. Well go through all of his comments with you one by one. We will explain what he said and what they could mean. And we will start with President Trump saying he is going to send troops to guard our nations southern border. We have very bad laws for our border. And we are going to be doing some things. I have been speaking with general mattis. We are going to be things militarily until we can have a wall and proper security. We are going to be guarding our wall with the military. Its a big step. Big step. Shepard the pentagon is scrambling to come up with a smawns tresponse to the big ste. We dont have specifics on what President Trump is even talking about and neither does the pentagon it reports. Big question can the president of the United States send troops to the border . The answer is yes. Under the insurrection act of the early 1800s, the president can deploy troops anywhere in the United States to execute federal law. Our chief White House Correspondent joh