Barreling toward the location where the Oil Production goes on. Energye about the oil space, what the 2020 policy has to do with that. We are going to turn our attention to the fed, the big event this week. The markets are watching the annual market symposium in jackson hole tomorrow. It will be virtual and the theme is navigating the decade ahead. The kansas city president Esther George spoke with michael mckee. I will offer you from my perspective this has been a useful process, process that really asks of ourselves to look at what we have learned over the past decade, to try to think about how the economy may have changed, and think about how we communicate to the public. The process in and of itself has been a useful one, and i will leave to the chairman to talk. Michael you have been considered an inflation hawk. Where are you on average inflation targeting . Is to bee my focus true to our price stability target, that our 2 really has to represent what is happening in the real eco
Good morning, and welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority meeting for today, tuesday, april 25th, 2017 i am the chair of the ta, aaron peskin. And mr. Clerk, could you call the roll . Breed . Present. Cohen . Present. Farrell . Absent. Fewer . Absent. Kim. Absent. Peskin. Present. Rohnen. Absent, safahir. Tang, present. Yee, is absent. We have a quorum, commissioner would like to make a motion to excuse commissioners farrell, ronen yee and fewer. Motion made by commissioner safahi, is there a second for that seconded by breed. Without objection this has been a big month, with the passage, that will provide, 52 million for the road transit and biking and walking facilities through a combination of gas, and diesel fuel, taxes and the vehicle fee increase, and truck weight restoration and we join with the cities and counties up and down the state for thanking the senator, and assembly man, phraser from the Transportation Committees in the legislature as well as Govern
Oracles. Okay just to be clear shall we be choosing supervisor tang. Make a motion at your discretion and supervisor kim and seconded by supervisor peskin 0 without objection item one please item one ordinance for the downtown support special use district to authorize a contribution inlieu fee to satisfy the open space requirement excludes feature fraefrnz from the gross square and spent foreign the lighting on victoria manolo draves park okay. Thank you this was sponsored by supervisor kim im going to turn it over to her. Thank you chair farrell the International Congressional hotel approaches my office as privately owned public space in the hotel on the 4 and 6 floor are their interesting in figuring out an alternative for low usage by the public given the floor and offered their interests in renting out this space for private use when the popo was required on the abruptly Congressional Hotel during a time he we were go developing a concept of a usable and privately open space this w
I am just going to start giving that time is of the essence. There we go. Good morning and welcome to the San Francisco county Transportation Authority meeting for today, tuesday march 21st. Mr. Clerk, could you call the roll . Roll call, commissioner breed . Breed is absent. Cohen. Present. Farrell. Absent. Fewer. Present. Kim. Present. Peskin. Present. Ronen. Present. Safai. Present. Sheehy. Absent, tang absent. Yee, absent zeshgs quorum. I am sure that the alarming President Trump federal budget is not a surprise, but nonetheless they remain disturbing in stark contrast to invest in infrastructure, he has proposed the budget of 16. 2, billion reflect as a 13 percent cut, with major impacts to transit, and hitting urban and Rural Community as like, the budget proposes eliminating all future funds for grants that we know as the new starts program when are not a part of the signed full Funding Grant agreements. This will effect several major transit projects that have undergone years o
Be grantcouncilmember chow is a asked if i would be kind enough to chair this meeting to proceed with the many important items today we will call to order roll call please. Councilmember pating. Present. Mayor lee. Present. Councilmember sanchez. Present. Councilmember chung. Present. Councilmember karshmer. Present. The approve of the minutes of march 7th. 2017. no audio . [audio cutting out] motion to approve. Second. Any discussions or questions if not. Call for the motion. All in favor, please say, aye. multiple voices aye. Any opposed . Approved. Next item. Directors report. Good afternoon commissioners we have great information and i wanted him to take questions and comments from you. Good afternoon. I wanted to lel you now on march 20th. 2017 i received a letter that officially notified us the San Francisco public of Health Commission is an accredited health department. [applause]. Out of 3,000 Health Departments in the country less than 200 are accredited within california we h