Repeat offenders can see charges of up to $500. (Shutterstock)
WELLESLEY, MA Drivers can now face a $15 fine for idling more than five minutes in Wellesley. The Select Board passed the new traffic regulation last year, but now you can receive a ticket.
Drivers can also face a $100 citation for a second offense and a $500 citation for a third offense, according to Massachusetts law. Look this isn t about the money, Chief of Police Jack Pilecki said in a video. It s about saving our planet and clean air.
He said idling cars contribute greenhouse gases, and encouraged people sitting in the car talking on the phone or waiting to pick up their kids to just turn the car off.
Wicked Local
Nominated by: Town of Wellesley department heads (Executive Director Meghan Jop, Asst. Executive Director Amy Frigulietti, Superintendent David Lussier, Assistant Superintendent Cindy Mahr, Chief of Police Jack Pilecki, Deputy Chief Scott Whittemore, Fire Chief Rick DeLorie, Asst. Fire Chief Jeff Peterson, DPW Director David Cohen, MLP Director Don Newell, Facilities Management Department Director Joe McDonough, Library Director Jamie Jurgensen, Finance Director Sheryl Strother, Treasurer Rachel Lopes, IT Director Brian DuPont, Inspector of Buildings Michael Grant, Chief Assessor Donna McCabe, Planning Director Don McCauley, Town Clerk KC Kato, Director of Recreation Matt Chin, NRC Director Brandon Schmitt, COA Director Heather Munroe, Youth Commissioner Maura Renzella, ZBA Executive Secretary Lenore Mahoney, Deputy Veteran Service Officer Nancy Blanchard, and Retirement Administrator Lynn Whynot.)