mystery goes on. clirn, thank you. thank you. and straight ahead, flying below the radar of, did the malaysian airlines descent ascend to dangerous altitudes and drop to dangerous altitudes to hide from detection? that s next. the pilot s political ties. is it significant to the fate of the flight he commanded? the latest is coming up. predicting the future is a pretty difficult thing to do. but, manufacturing in the united states means advanced technology. we learned that technology allows us to be craft oriented.
i agree. but i m not sure if the pilots were military pilots in those regions because as military pilot we are trained to fly low level missions below radar coverage. that s a possibility. the other thick is they had to know where they were going to take the airplane. and i would think they would have mapped that route out beforehand and know exactly where they were going to and how they were going to evade that radar, the radar system. what matt, what do you think? no, i don t think they possess the knowledge. that s classified knowledge amongst all of these countries. they keep those black areas and the limitations of their radar rays under lock and key. very little people know about these things. if they flew seven more hours and apishtly they had the fuel and flew for 1175,
number one and how much study would you have to do to do that. one of the theories. trying to figure out like how difficult is that and do you have to study hard? what do you you have to know? it s a great question that there is no way the layperson without any training can get up there and do. this especially turning off the transponder, let alone just finding the transponder n. all of the instrument banks, et cetera. then he would have to have some rudimentary radar in existence and operational in the various countries. highly involved. very systematic take place here to conduct this. jesse, how about you? if i gave you a couple months. six months. radar in that region? it were first of all you have to realize that once
they turn out over the water, once you get 200 to 300 miles offshore, there is no radar. airplanes are not typically under radar control once they are out 200 or 300 miles over the ocean. that radar starts jent generally within 200 or 300 miles of reaching land. at that point the land based radar picks up up. once you are out over the water there is no radar. typically any radar system is as good as the equipment, which many times in these countries equipment is not as sophisticated as it is in the united states. and the radar controller. and any land based radar has blackout spots behind mountains, behind hills that the radar would not paint. i mean, in listening to you, jesse, you have got to get lucky that you can get those blackout spots so you can be a certain distance, some level of skill and knowledge in order accomplish it. can t blindly fly and hope
this is a fox news alert. did the missing malaysian airlines jet make a stealth move before it vanished into thin air? a malaysian newspaper reporting the 777 dropped to altitudes as low as a thousand feet to avoid radar detection. officials telling the newspaper the plane may have mugged mountainous areas to avoid radar very dangerous move. matt robinson and former 777 pilot dickson. that newspaper report in any way ring true for you? we will see. i m very skeptical, greta. at night, hugging the terrain, even in a military aircraft is is a varsity move here. it takes a lot of training, a lot of experience and practice to do that and pull it off successfully. without training, in an aircraft of this size, good luck to you. jesse, let me ask you specifically about the 777. as i understand it, from talking, doing research, it has two elt, emergency locater transponders which will send a signal to a