Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Monday thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for making an impossible task possible by bringing back Karnataka student Naveen s mortal remains from war-torn Ukraine.
The body of Indian student Naveen Shekarappa Gyanagoudar, who was killed in shelling in Ukraine's Kharkiv on March 1 amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, arrived at Bengaluru airport here on Monday.
Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai with his cabinet colleagues reached the Bengaluru International airport and paid homage to Naveen. Speaking to reporters, Chief Minister Bommai stated that a country`s strength and might is known at the time of crisis.
Mortal remains of Indian student Naveen Shekarappa Gyanagoudar, who was killed in shelling in Ukraine's Kharkiv on March 1 amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, arrived at Bengaluru airport here on Monday.