The mortal remains of Naveen Shekharappa Gyanagoudar arrived in Bengaluru and before reaching his home town of Chalaegri on Monday, with the CM, heads of religious institutions and others playing their last respects to the deceased medical student. Russian forces continued to bombard the besieged coastal city of Mariupol on Sunday and were also deporting thousands of residents
Mortal remains of Indian student Naveen Shekarappa Gyanagoudar, who was killed in shelling in Ukraine s Kharkiv on March 1 amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, arrived at Bengaluru airport here on Monday.
The mortal remains of an Indian student killed in Russian shelling in war-torn Ukraine, arrived in Bengaluru on Monday. Naveen Shekarappa Gyanagaudar, a final-year medical student at Kharkiv National Medical University, was killed in the conflict zone on March 1. Naveen belonged to Haveri district in Karnataka. Basavaraj Bommai, Karnataka Chief Minister, and a member of
Russia Ukraine War Latest Updates Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has warned that if negotiations with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin fail then that would mean that this is a third World War
Mortal remains of Indian student Naveen Shekarappa Gyanagoudar, who was killed in shelling in Ukraine s Kharkiv on March 1 amidst the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, arrived at Bengaluru airport here on Monday.