New Delhi: Cyber-security specialists have cautioned that fake Telegram Messenger apps are currently attacking devices, including PCs, with Windows-based malware that can put your information at risk since it evades installed anti-virus systems.
Fake Telegram Messenger apps are currently hacking devices, including PCs, with a Windows-based malware that can put your information at risk as it evades the installed anti-virus systems, cyber-security researchers have warned.
Fake Telegram Messenger apps are currently hacking devices, including PCs, with a Windows-based malware that can put your information at risk as it evades the installed anti-virus systems, cyber-security researchers have warned.According to a .
The Windows-based malware Purple Fox was first discovered in 2018. It comes with rootkit software, a type of malware that is designed to remain hidden on your. 04.01.2022, Sputnik International