the judge giving the homework assign meant, three i think is he will spaced, to the department of justice answering a question that frankly i thought he had no business asking. exactly right. three pages, single spaced, that was the assign meant. you call it homework. have you this judge, and to quote you, this guy has a hissee fit, down in texas, hearing the whole other case and orders the justice department to explain what the president meant on monday and from what i am hearing the justice department followed through, yes? they did, and they did answer the letter today signed by eric holder, the attorney general, and they basically said what was completely obvious from what i thought the president was saying, which is the position of the department of justice is that the health care law is constitutional. it is the right of the supreme court of the united states to declare that law unconstitutional and that s been true since 1803 and the famous case of maher berry ve