heard about the shooting, she drove 40 milesmi to the school because she had two sonsnd enrolled and she wanted to save them. do quote, the police were doing nothing. she said they were just standing outside the fence. they weren t going in there or running anywhere. now she immediately complained about this and when she did, federal marshals put gomez in handcuffs. ultimately they freed her , at which point has quote made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fenceol and rn inside to grab her two children. she then ran out of the school with her children. in other words, this mother was cuffed, freed , ran into the school and stillsc had time to get her kids out as the police stood outside. now, if that s true , it sy a scandal. th police c today the police called the press conference try to explainerer all of this . victor escalon with texas dps began by explaining that it mightng be just a rumor i that parents were urging police to go insidens the building once 75% parents
0 against my property i didn t know about. we got it fixed right away. and if you call in the next 15 minutes and mentioned promo code, you ll receive your first thirty days absolutely free. do your property. i mean, there s no point i can go or call now 1-800- nine three eight four four one five . good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. two days ago, as you know, a mentally ill teenager called salvador ramos murdered nineteen children and two teachers in an elementary school and uvalda, texas. the crime was so awful, so completely unimaginable and shocking that it was about 24 for most hours people thought to ask exactly what had happened. how was most able to get inside the school? why did no one stop him as he methodically executed so many h children over about an hour? where was law enforcement? those aren t just fair questions. so they are their essential question the. if you want to prevent similar atrocities, you need details. you ve got to find out t what exactly