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is that ? well, apparently the valdeld shooting wase your fault. so you're going to pay. the price. the media applauded this so f democrats went even farther yesterday they unveiled their plan to seize firearms from american citizens who have not been convicted of a crime even though under normalir circumstances it would be instantlybe obvious that is unconstitutional in our system you have to be convictedd before you can be punished. but in the hysteria that understandably follows a tragedy this horrible politicians know hor that they t can suspend civil liberties and it's not justhe democrats by the republicans in the senate immediately signaled they're on boardna with more gua control. mitch mcconnell, who at the agec of 80 hasal adopted political views that are strikingly similar to joe biden's loti liberal announced that he stands with chuck schumer against you . i am hopeful, mitch mcconnell, said that we can come upth witht bipartisanh solution that's directly related to the facts of this awful massacre, th directly related to the facts. what sound sensible but since we're passing new federal laws, it is worth asking what areas the facts here? well, yesterday texas governor greg abbott appeared to press event to relayen the main fact, which isfo that law enforcement on the scene did allav they coud to save those children. that's the first thing's to know what reason it was not worse is because law enforcement officials did what they do. they showed amazing courage by running toward gunfire for the singular purpose of trying to savepo lives. law enforcement showed amazinged courage by running toward gunfire for the singular purpose of trying to save lives and quote and we heard that and we wanted to believe most of the time we admire law enforcement. it took an awful lot of abuse to do a hard and essential jobay for not much pay if you. think you need the police, go aheadm and defund them and see what happens. soe that explanation sounded good to us . but was it true ? according to the texas department of public safety, it was in factt true . spokesman called eric estradaol told us that a school resource officer assigned tod rob elementary and uvalda exchanged gunfire with the suspect beforeh a suspect entered the school. in an interview with cnn,nn estrada stated, the gunman, quote, engaged the school resource officer and duringac that shootout the gunman dropped a black bag containing ammunitionk . he the director of the texas department of public safety, steve mccraw, affirmedliha that this happened. quote, the bottom linepp b is lw enforcement was there. macross said they did engage immediately. so that was the story.. and again, weag were happy to believe it, but it doesn't seem to be true. a witness called one carranzad who lives next to the school said he saw everything that happenedhe. kronstadt said to the associated press he had watched ramos' crashed his truck outside the elementary school, take a rifle and shoot two people atb a funeral home nearby. ramos' then began shooting atl a school building before running inside the school about 10 minutes later. according to carranza, there s were no police officers at the schoolen who engaged ramos' ramos into school and began shooting. when police finally did arrive, carranza said they didn't do anything at all for about an hour. in fact, parents had to to beg the police to save their children. go in there. go in there. one woman said it was a shocking story. it was the opposite of what authorities hadit told us for more than twenty four hours. so whose version is true on the last day videos have emerged corroborating carranza's version of events. those videoss h of police offics with rifles and body armor . anding outside the school it's not clear if the gunman was still shooting at this point, but we dos know the gunman is still alive. and yet instead of going into the school, the police insteadar work to keep parents out of the school for a full hour. >> watch. really no, no, no, no. i'm going with them. yeah, i will pay for that as you go. they'redi just standing on my oude. i just keeptside. in this till i don't know what kind of danger or half you think you do they want to go into without this without to get to it. >> but it seems to parents and whenn that video was shot, the gunman was still alive with the firearm in a schoolil with children in the school. now a texas official later suggested on camera that while all of this was happeninghi, some members of law enforcement in texas went into the school to get their ownth children out. is that true?ue if? it is true , it's a moral crime at the veryy least. in the meantime, we know that police are forcibly keeping parents away from the building. at one point an officer held a taser at his side. >> watch this for taser, of course, aimed at the parents. now one parent called angela rose gomez told the wall street journal that as soon as she heard about the shooting, she drove 40 milesmi to the school because she had two sonsnd enrolled and she wanted to save them. do quote, the police were doing nothing. she said they were just standing outside the fence. they weren't going in there or running anywhere. now she immediately complained about this and when she did, federal marshals put gomez in handcuffs. ultimately they freed her , at which point has quote made her distance from the crowd, jumped the school fenceol and rn inside to grab her two children. she then ran out of the school with her children. in other words, this mother was cuffed, freed , ran into the school and stillsc had time to get her kids out as the police stood outside. now, if that's true , it'sy a scandal. th police c today the police called the press conference try to explainerer all of this . victor escalon with texas dps began by explaining that it mightng be just a rumor i that parents were urging police to go insidens the building once 75% parents of the you just referred to the police while you were waiting for it go even though some parentste drove all the way to make a controversial public school heardve that information. but we have not verified that yet. y so haveet to verify we have not verified that a true statement or not o or is it just rumor out there? oh , it's a rumor except it's on video. so it's not at all a rumor. it's a fact. now that officer did admit that there was no school resource officer after all the one we were told had quote engaged. the gunman didn't exist once it was reported that a school district police officer confronted the suspect who was making entry ped t not accurate. he wanted undisruptedth initially. so from the grandmother's house to the bar to the school into the schoole , he was not supported by anybody to clear the record on that. sont the point is not to pointpe fingers or blameop people. nobody wants the school shooting. everyone heart is broken by it,l but the authorities are not allowed to lie to us in the aftermath of an event like this and our federal officials are not allowed to take an event like this , ignore the facts and then use it to take our constitutional rights away. so what arets? the facts? but here's the news story from texas dps at eleven twenty eight a.m. the shooter crashed his truck outside. he then pulled a gun and began shooting indiscriminateehi two people at a funeral home that confirms what the witness carranzaza said. to he also shot the school building during that time. as you'd expect, people aredu calling the police twelve minutes later at eleven 48 and the shooter went inside the building that happened then four minutes after that , the police finally went insidee the building. so when all there wasas16 a 16 minute gap until the police showed and responded. d so why did that take so long? that is a fair question. in fact it's a critical question. even the parkland's school shooting when police staged outside students were being murdered w w . e police wound up inside the building 11 minutes after the shooter. but in this case it was sixteen minutes. why was that ? we have a right to know. but today police wouldn't say yeah, well, so you got2 understand eleven thirty is the information we have at this point. we can confirm eleven thirty . you we have the you get the wet a crash. a man with a gun everybody officers that's what it is. it is twelve minutes from eleven thirty to forty . that'se the information we have right now. look at the other day our job is to report the facts and have those answers. . >> we're not there yet. so the second the shooting starts anywhere at any time things get very confusing needs to call the fog of war .ar it's entirely real. it's hard to figure out exactly what happened when people startk getting killed. but on the big questions, it'ss very obvious immediately. was there a school resource officer who exchanged fire with the gunman? that's not something youth wouln imagine that either happened or it didn't and you would know right away if it happened orit a it didn't happen, d but they said it did happen. that's a lie hap. li why did they lie? police did say that officers went inside the school foror for minutes after the suspect, but then they were outside t the school and then police didhe not reenter the school for another hour. during that time they sayp, they were waiting for backup, including for some reason for multiple crisis negotiators. what officers were there? the initial officers,ve they received gunfire. they don't make entry initially because the gunfire they received. but we have officers calling for additional resources. everybody that's in the area, tactical teams, we need equipment. we need specialty equipment. body armor. me we need precision rifleman negotiators. now no matter how pro law enforcement are, we are there's only so much b.s.ch you can take in the face of a tragedy like this . we're waiting for specialized equipment of an eighteen year old with a firearm and little kids being killed. what kind of specialty equipment do you need?at negotiators really as children being murderedor? old child says she smeared herself with a friend's blood to convince the gunman she had already been shot to death. another fourth graderherviv surs the shooting said that police told kids inside to call out t for help while the shooter was still shooting. then the gunman killed gunfo a student who followed police instructionsll and called out fr help. so if you're wondering why police waited an hour for negotiators to talk to a gunman is indiscriminately murdering . ildren you're not the only one . they were asked about this atay the briefing today. wass the door really barricaded or was it just locked at police wouldn't respond to a simple question like that . watch what forty four point1: twenty five . got you, mr. behind you guyst have said that he-- was barricaded. can you explain to us how he was barricade and why youuy guys cannot reach that door? so i ask all your questions in consideration. >> we will be doing updates. we will be doing that to those questions. so two days afterut this massacre, authorities are slowly admitting that everything they told us washoslyt in fact there was o school resource officer. they're not even sure the door was barricadedve. these matter these questions if you wanted to stop mass shootings in the future, figuring out how this happenedri would be the place to start. but of course, there's nothing in joe biden's latest executiven order on policing in the memory of st i george floyd. the address is anything related to the shooting and nothing under consideration foror mitchr mcconnell who tells youes he cares about the facts. above all, we'll do anythinggny to punish police officers who hide both children die because the point of this is not to protect childrenecau. us obviously you may have figureds out it's to blame you for what happened in your family because you dare to exercise your constitutional right. and if you doercition exercise your constitutional rights according to msnbc, you're complicit c c in mass murder. >> the truth is not by policy dissent but by design, by design of the republicanny, party in this country, every kid in every classroom is exposed and vulnerable to a shooting. >> absolutely as part of them becausear there's one party that's refusing to pass gun laws. the fact that we leave the kidso go through the rituals you're talking about vulnerable to this to this kind of slaughter is a political decision. please stop thinking that there is some body count, some level s of brutality and carnage that will move them. these republicans and or democrats that the rivers oft blood will one day run deep enough. >> these ghouls drawing politically convenient conclusions, accusing people who have no connection whatsoever to this massacre of murder on the basis of noid evidence. and then when the evidence emerges and it doesn't a comporn with the politically convenient story they want to tell, they simply, th ignore it. but the rest of us should notr ignore it. we should not a murder case. weeman should demand a truth. we should demand to know what happened to children who are murdereddn deserve at least that in a month we're going to speak to our friend who happens to be the mayor of dallas, texas, tom mclaughlin. but first we're going to speak to ryan petit. he is the author of the fatherhe of elaina petit who was murdered at the parkland school shootings. also a commissionerrpa, the marjory stoneman douglas public safety commission which investigated that massacreren and a member of the florida state board of education. mr. perry, thanks so muchh for coming on tonight that as we just tried to explain, there's a lot that we don't know, butw we do knowth that the initial version was so f far from the apparent truth that it makes it makes you wonder, tucker . you know,ucno i'm i'm sitting hs listening to you describe the timeline of events and what we think we know and i'm getting angry and i hear the anguish in the voices of those parentssh that were beggig law enforcement to do something. and i i rememberr back to parkland and learning that the school resource officer of parkland stoodav outside for 48 minutes and i'm having flashbacks to what happened then. look, we're early in thend investigation. i understand we don't know everything. but when storieser don change as radically as they have over the past two days and law enforcement can't give us a straight answer about their response, people should be angry. my heart goes out. my heart breaks for these families. el >> well, yeah, because i mean,ng we're being told that we need to turn america's elementary schools intome a checkpoint at the gaza strip border. we need to militarize them. a but what's the point of any of this if the people in charge ofg keeping our kids safe refuse to engage with an active shooter? i'm appalled at what i believe has happened or at least f what we think has happened so far. the fact that look for 12 minutes the shooter was outside shooting and then he went into the school and four minutes later police respond but they were ill prepared for the attack.dy they didn't have a body armor. it doesn't appear like they had rifles and the ability to get into the classroom and stop the killing. so they sat outside for what appears to be 40 minutesg waiting for a tactical response team to come fe in and address the threat. this is this is this is appalling. they should have been prepared. first of all, this shooter should have never gotten onto the campus walking intong what appears to be an unlocked door, unchallenged w by anyonee and able to breach securityto and no sro on that campus.ca i can'tn' believe after all, we know all of these attacks that there were so many failures yet again. anybody. what a s story.mu thanks so much for joining us . appreciate. >> thank you . so at the heart of all of this is the town of uvalde in texas, about 60 miles frome' the mexican border as it happened, we didn't see. do we know the mayor there?n it's o a really nice place and it's been at the center of the national immigration story for the last couple of years.h he valdese been through an awful lot and it'st' going through even more now. mclaughlin is the mayor ofto that town and he joins us . mr. mayor, thanks so much for coming on . and our ourur genuinely goes ouf to you and to the people of your town. it must be bewildering to see you valde at the center of this tragedy but also havena a center of a national debate t over gun control and all these bigger issues tucker . i mean, my heart breaks for these families. you know, i don't even know what to say. this senseless should have never happened. our hearts are broken. our community this tragedy is senseless. it should never have happened. it does seem like from and i know that you're caught up in what's happening in your town, the unimaginable thing that just happened. but outside of you, valde, what has happened there is now being used as aa as a kind of football and in the in the game of politics. are you are you aware of that ? do you have a sense of what people are usingge this tragedy for in washingtondy ? you know, tucker , that this situation is bad enough.atrt my heart breaks for these families to have this . you know, there may need to be a discussion on gun control d or gun rights and different things. but this country is so divided right now because we have two parties, a republican and democrat in both partiesat have taken marriage to eitheriv my way or the highway we elected to go to washington and sit down at the table and negotiate and get nobody isa going to get 100% what theynd want and we can come upp with good commonsense laws. you know, tragedies likee this should never happen in america. it should never happen. and it's so so sad and heartbreaking. aren you able in your position as mayor of the town to get a straight answer about what happened? because it's been veryyus hard r the rest of the country to learn even the basic timeline, for example, where parents are told by police the video seems to suggest that they wereue that they were not allowed to go inside to rescue their own children. well, tucker , i can tell youd this . i mean, as soon a as i found out we had an active shooter, the school campus, i wentde there. there were parents outside but as far as the law enforcement, there were parents who wantedene to go into the school and that there was a large presence of law enforcement. when i goti there was dpas, there was border patrol agents of the police officers, there were sheriff deputies. you know, at this point i don't know all the answers is still the investigation. we've talked to them we but we haven't got the answers yet. but but you know, i can telll you that school has six hundred and twenty kids. and what i did see was officer childrenee themselves and bringing kids out of classes in this timeline was h truly an hourou acceptable. like i said, it's just it's so tragic. well, if you're the mayor ofst the town, you can't get straight answers just yet. then yet we're all in the same boat. but i assume that we will know.l mr. mayor, thank you so much for joining us . and again, our deepest, most sincere sympathies. thank you . godou bless you again. so sorry for this family. thank you . soee gas prices are the highest they have ever been. it's not an accident, of course, the administration hasui wanted that for quite some time now a federal agency is warning that we will see blackoutshe across the country this summer. , no more iscity one of the most misunderstood periods in american history. everything about the conventional view is wrong and it could have been one of 50000 focused on political warfare once people decided that they needed to find culprits who are the extent to which real enemies is actually being not so bad. freedom from liberating versus tyranny. the effects of the vietnam war still resonate today. there's much more to come. we'll put together the missing piece in the unauthorized history of the vietnam war streaming now exclusively on fox station. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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