No, iain and lucy. I can tell you that is sheer luck because people say that there were actually people sitting outside this restaurant. They had just left a few moments before this happened. Take a look behind me. You can see police have taped off the area where pieces of the roof fell. Now, this happened at for petes sake at front and christian streets. You can see where the roof caved in. A dozen people were inside at the time eating lunch having drinks when they suddenly felt the building start to shake. Everyone jumped up and ran outside. Theyre all okay but it was no doubt a close call. I was inside having a drink and all of a sudden felt like an earthquake, and the building started shaking and all the employees grabbed us and wept out through the kitchen and the back door and out to the sidewalk. Reporter what we also learned out here this evening is that work was being done on the second floor of this restaurant at this time were still waiting on the official cause. Back to you - The greatest selection of Hardcore Bodybuilding Articles, Contests, Workout videos, Community forums, Exercises, and Supplements to help you achieve your best physique!
Muscular Developments coverage of the 2019 Joe Weider Mr. Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend, Fitness Figure, Women s Physique , Men s Physique and Bikini.
The sport of bodybuilding is more than lifting weights, proper nutrition, and cardio: it’s also learning how to skillfully display your God given physique to its fullest potential on a competitive stage. Mastering the skill of posing can increase a competitor’s chances of receiving higher placements from the judging panel. A well-choreographed posing routine will generate praise […]
Muscular Developments coverage of the 2019 Joe Weider Mr. Olympia Fitness & Performance Weekend, Fitness Figure, Women s Physique , Men s Physique and Bikini.