Aloha Petroleum, the gasoline marketer for the Shell brand in Hawai’i, is donating one cent per gallon of fuel to the Make Lemonade Project, aiding cancer patients through grants and support programs.
we need to get there, find them, assess them to know whether it s really meaningful or not. on day 13 of history longest civil aircraft disappearance, what appears to be the break, the satellite images of two possible breaks from the aircraft. australian prime minister said they believe they may have spotted debris in the south indian ocean. this is in the general zone identified by the ntsb as a search grid that they should focus on. then the announcement of another image of possible wraj in the same remote area from a chinese at sat slight and soon an image from a france satellite too. the depths of the water exceed two miles. there is no radar and it is truly the middle of nowhere. the turbulence of waters close to an art ka means tracing