Oscars 2023: The Academy doesn’t let you go empty-handed if you make it to the awards ceremony as a nominee. Every year, The Academy gives out these special gift bags worth thousands of dollars so that you don’t sulk if you win (or you sulk after getting a few thousand rich). Popularly called the “Everybody Wins” gift bag, this year’s Oscars goodie bag is worth a whopping six-figure and contains many luxurious products.
Who gets the Oscars gift bag?
"We are excited and proud to once again be creating what is known worldwide as the ultimate swag bag. While our gifts may be famous for being fun, fabulous,.
/PRNewswire/ Distinctive Assets, the LA-based entertainment marketing company credited with catapulting the promotional craze of celebrity swag into a pop.
Over many centuries, journals have served as tools for recording history, as emotional outlets, and as creative stimulants. In the current age of self-care and self-optimisation not to mention digital overload logbooks are resurging, this time as a means of supporting one’s mental health.
Guided notebooks that borrow principles from cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness are aiming to put mental-health tools in the hands of the people.