Lunar Eclipse 2022: If you have any kind of question related to lunar eclipse in your mind, then you can ask our expert astrologer Acharya Indu Prakash related questions related to it. You can ask your queries by sending them on WhatsApp number - 93505 93505 or
Lunar Eclipse 2022: In India, Kolkata as well as other parts of the country will be able to witness the last Chandra Grahan of 2022. Know the timings in New Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and other cities.
This season s first-ever Blood Moon was seen on May 15-16 intervening night, along with a lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan. Twitter is now full of mesmerising images of the Super Flower Blood Moon and you really need to have a look at all of them. 👍 Chandra Grahan 2022 Photos: Twitterati Share Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Snaps and They Indeed Are Stunning!.
Lunar Eclipse 2022 will occur on Monday, 16th of May, and will be visible throughout South America and the eastern parts of North America. The total Lunar Eclipse also called Blood Moon, occurs when the Earth lines up between the Moon and the Sun. 🔬 When Is Lunar Eclipse 2022? Know Date, Visibility in India, Timing – Everything About Year’s First Chandra Grahan Falling on Buddha Purnima.