Sarah Ketterer (Trades, Portfolio), the CEO and fundamental portfolio manager at Causeway, has recently filed the firm's 13F report for the second quarter of 2023.
said in. s 67% of studenttus say that studen t loan debt is not a concern. 17% say it smajor a majorconceo and 16 percent say it s a minorn the ones that say it s so between the ones that say it s not a concern or a minor concern, three and one is eighty three . literally put and joe biden decides to letterer, put america inat s a hole and make us pay for their student loan. yeah, i , i think that s goingoo to die because it is theft. a a i want to go back to what youlei they always say that war is aa r meat grinderai, college is a brain grinder. put a nice little brain in thercoe, comes out. it s completely mulched, mangle. it s mangledcause we because wel incentivize mental illness, we reward anti intellectual behavior. right. behavio we cater to the worst anti westr ,provoke ideas. most of the stuff is all tiedd o together with with an underlying hatred for western ideas. western ideals. r that
history has ever done that and no president has ever celebrated it, which ist thi what this administration did. all of those people shouldd be gone beginning with austin and mellie, the secretary of state, the national security adviser, all of them should be gone. so no,fide i do not have confide in them. i do noti have confidence in tht president who clearly is not fit to lead and we have got toe make a change in the american people are going to have a chance this november. yeah,ye i mean, again, china ready for struggling, struggled against the taliban. ll now you re up to the doj the following please respond to this letterer with a full accout of why our office didn t immediately arrest those who illegally flocked aroundlo cavanaugh s home on june eight hours after the assassination attempthe and also why you re dragging your feet on arresting criminals for firebombing the pregnancy resource centers across the country. any responsere tonight ,ns senator ? no, nond response. and of