Building upon smart infrastructure investments supported by State Sen. Mike Halpin (D-Rock Island), the Illinois Department of Transportation Friday announced an investment of nearly $500 million in road and bridge improvement projects for western Illinois. “Andalusia Road isn’t even in the district I represent anymore, but I am committing to seeing safety improved there with […]
said in. s 67% of studenttus say that studen t loan debt is not a concern. 17% say it smajor a majorconceo and 16 percent say it s a minorn the ones that say it s so between the ones that say it s not a concern or a minor concern, three and one is eighty three . literally put and joe biden decides to letterer, put america inat s a hole and make us pay for their student loan. yeah, i , i think that s goingoo to die because it is theft. a a i want to go back to what youlei they always say that war is aa r meat grinderai, college is a brain grinder. put a nice little brain in thercoe, comes out. it s completely mulched, mangle. it s mangledcause we because wel incentivize mental illness, we reward anti intellectual behavior. right. behavio we cater to the worst anti westr ,provoke ideas. most of the stuff is all tiedd o together with with an underlying hatred for western ideas. western ideals. r that