counterintelligence division of the fbi. and it s an unusual thing. you can can csee this letter isd two weeks after he was notified the justice department wanted to talk to him and it s essentially a certification for boente that a certain set oof notes that he took, hand written notes that were marked by a justice department employee as top secret, those are not actually top secret at all. check it out. quote dear mr. boente and then you see the you. i think that means this is unclassified. this letterer serves as conformation under my authority as an fbi official excuse me fbi original classification authority, that your hand written notes from your conversation with former
to him to do what he needs of to have done, it s just that i totally agree with you the scope of what he has to do is very, very broad. molly: yeah, just seems like such a big job. we got the details about this investigation earlier in the week when this letterer was sent from attorney general jeff sessions to some congressional leaders. one of the big takeaways, of course, that everyone s talking about is he says there s no need for a special counsel. but he says he receives regular updates from mr. huber, and upon conclusion of his review will receive his representation as to whether any matters not currently under investigation should be opened, whether any matters require further resources or whether any matters merit the appointment of a special counsel. so it doesn t seem to be a closed issue. there s still this potential for a special counsel. is this the right road towards that potentially happening or never happening? in other words, we re putting a lot on mr. huber right now.
he claims that s why jim come hays to be fired. it s not believable. it simply couldn t happen. i want to bring in the rest of our panel. what he said. i think it is. i think it s bazar and an earthquake and i think rosenstein may well believe everything he wrote in this memo because lot of people believe that comey misdehamisbehaeved d the election. that he shouldn t have sent that letterer that sent the election upside down. but then you have to ask the question and i was hearing from somebody geving me the spin from the white house on this basically saying this is the deputy attorney general s recommendation and they sent it
she wasn t investigating but she was the acting attorney general. this is obviously a fig leaf and the president was looking for a reason to fire james comey but he gave him a reason. everybody s focusing on last summer but last week s testimony gave additional reason. he had the opportunity to say whether he was wrong for having done what he did and whether his motivation was in furtherance of the fbi or some type of tav for him personally and the letterer i saw today and my take on it is that they were focusing obthis particular point in time and don t get me wrong.
concurthat you re not able to effectively lead the bureau. the white house is explaining the firing because the director had lost the confidence of the bureau. the deputy atutorney general ha made this recommendation to the president. but in their memorandums and letters, all of them are talking about the clinton investigation. they say director comey did not handle himself directly. in the president s letter he brings up his own investigation, the russia investigation trying to make a point on that. this is not the end of the story. it seems just the beginning of yet anothier chapter in washington, another controversy. as astonishing as that paragraph in the letterer is, it s astonishing to say they