After criticizing ABC's handling of her short-lived sitcom, Alonzo was labeled 'difficult' and stepped away. Now she's back with a new Netflix special.
that is made us, the language we speak, the faith we follow, almost basic acts of respects is inviting others into your home. you know, as we close out immigration heritage month, and start our nation s fourth of july weekend, i can think of no better way to honor each occasion than by welcoming all of you into the white house. the people s house, i might add. designed by an irishman. a nation shaped by the immigrant s heart. i look forward to standing with you as embrace your rights as american citizens and as generations have done before you. welcome, my fellow americans.
culture that has made us, the language we speak or the faith we follow one of the most basic acts of respects is inviting others into your home. you know, as we close out immigration heritage month and start our nation s fourth of july weekend, i can think of no better way to honor each occasion than by welcoming all of you into the white house. the people s house. i might add designed by an irishman. for real. in a nation shaped by the immigrant s heart. i look forward to standing with you as you embrace your new rights and responsibilities as american citizens and as generations have done before you. so, welcome, my fellow americans. now before we take the pledge of