Delhi Minister: Saurabh Bharadwaj further in the video said that he had called a meeting on Monday in his office but the Health Secretary didn t turn up. "The other officials came. I am surprised that the Health Secretary has been missing for three days. This news is being published in the newspapers. Everybody knows but neither the Health Secretary has called nor he has messaged."
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Tuesday targeted Health Secretary Deepak Kumar for disappearing after the Vivek Vihar fire incident that claimed the lives of seven newborns. India News | Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj Targets LG for Remaining Silent on Health Secretary's Absence.
Bharadwaj issues directions to Health Secretary and Chief Secretary. The tragic fire at an East Delhi hospital late last night that claimed the lives of.
The Health Minister has ordered a speedy inquiry into the incident. Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bhardwaj has ordered an inquiry into the tragic death of.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Sunday directed Health Secretary Deepak Kumar and Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar to ensure compensation to the family of the deceased in the Vivek Vihar fire incident that claimed the lives of seven newborns. India News | Vivek Vihar Fire: Delhi Health Minister Directs Health Secretary to Ensure Compensation to Families of Deceased.