New Delhi [India], September 23 (ANI/PNN): Cyber Media Research and Services Limited (CMRSL), engaged in ad tech and data analytics business, brings its IPO of 780,000 shares worth Rs 14.04 crores. The issue opens on September 27 and closes on September 29, 2022, and will subsequently be listed on NSE Emerge. At a face value of Rs 10, the price per share will be Rs 171 to Rs 180 per equity share and will be sold in lots of 800 shares. Out of 780,000 shares, 3,69,600 shares will be reserved for the QIB quota, 2,60,000 shares will be for the Retail quota,1,11,200 shares will be for the HNI quota and 39200 shares will be for the Market Maker Quota. The lead manager to the issue is Swastika Investmart Limited and the registrar of the issue is Link Intime India Private Limited. The net proceeds from the issue will be utilized towards the following: i. Funding the working capital requirements ii. Funding investments in new projects and general corporate purposes iii. To Meet the issue Expens