Costs down and whether therell be more PrIce Cuts ahead. Good mornIng. In sport, a hIstorIc nIght for scottIsh Football CeltIc celebrate becomIng the fIrst scottIsh team to qualIfy for the maIn Group Stages of the womens ChampIons League. And as you saw, raIn Is stIll fallIng across parts of england and wales In partIcular but It Is set to clear two brIghter but colder weather. One of the forecast detaIls here on breakfast. All of the detaIls later. Good mornIng, Its frIday the 27th september. Our maIn story. HurrIcane helene, a dangerous category four storm has made landfall In the Us State Of FlorIda. One person has been kIlled and theres more than 350 Thousand homes and busInesses are currently wIthout power. AuthorItIes warn the hurrIcane could brIng a catastrophIc and unsurvIvable storm surge, wIth wInds of around 140 mIles an hour beIng recorded. Our North AmerIca Correspondent DavId WIllIs reports. HurrIcane helene touched down on florIdas Gold Coast brIngIng on FlorIdas Gulf
it s not my job to sit here and debate the candidate. we re going to ask him aboutmatt the issues of the day thater tog actually matter to the people that came out here tonight ie rn the rain and thunder and lightning, the voters and they will also have their questions as well. f nothing is off the table. and as o if now, trump is nothe only beating his republican rivals, but he s also beating president biden. real clear politics, averagra . trump is uto hp inea a head to d match up there in the mostrd recent harvard harris poll has him up by seven points overst joe biden. the vast majority of americans , includin mg hademocrats, they re not happy with joe biden. i don t think manyen, to the americans are happy with joe biden, to say the least. and based on recent polls,and b voters believe that biden is corrupt, incompetent, creepy ol mentalld, mentally, physical cognitively unfit to serve. by the way, today was no exception at the air force academy. biden could not rememb
a year, with businesses also in line for help. it s expected to be funded by £100 billion of government borrowing. in germany, the government has already brought in subsidies for low income households along with other measures, costing about about 60 billion euros which is £51 billion. injanuary, the french government forced the state owned energy provider to cap wholesale price rises to 4% for a year and they also brought it other measures. that s all expected to cost 45 billion euros which is £38 billion. but of course today we ll find out more about the support there you go, darling. this lunch club in peterborough provides much needed help for people struggling with cost. it s not uncommon that i get to the last two weeks when i waiting for the 15th when i m going to get paid and i ve got barely anything. the basic necessities. i don t get paid until next week and i ve literally got £4 of electric left, so i ve got to scrabble around because i m on a prepaid metre. i
i got todi give you a lot of v credit. you very quickly went right for the wrist as a martial artist. i respect your quick response on and i wish would wish you would have used the left hand ,o but the fact that you acted that quickly prevented him from sticking that knife, you could u he could have hit your carotid. we he could have hi may nott your we may not be having this i c discussion today. you did a great job.on i congratulategr. , sean, well, thank you, sean. and i also have a lot of credit to the seven, eight , nine ,tei ten other people who instantlyoh ,within a few moments came to the stage and tackled this attacker. just a the law enforcement was there just a couple of minutes later y and they arrested the guy. a lot went right in saw h the responseim. when i saw him lunge at me with that weapon in his hand , he was going towards n my necktf area. i just instinctively went right up to grabwent rig that wrist a just needed to hold it for a few moments until th
Up to 70 off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, you every day, curry, therell be gone in a Flash Designer Sales at up to 70 or so of gilt. Com today welcome to inside politics. Im dana bash we start with destruction violence, and hate on College Campuses across the country this was the scene just a short while ago at the university of wisconsin madison. Police clashing with protesters, 12 people were arrested hours earlier, protests its rocked. The university of arizona, for Campus Police used chemical irritant munitions to remove protesters around the same time at ucla pro israel and propalestinian groups were attacking each other, hurling all kinds of objects a would palette fireworks parking cones, even a scooter and before that, the nypd was able to clear Columbia University after protesters barricaded themselves inside a Campus Building 300 people were arrested at columbia and city college of new york. But it is unclear how many w