Transcripts For CNNW Inside 20240703

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Up to 70 off designer brands, it has the designers that get your heart racing had inside a prices, you every day, curry, therell be gone in a Flash Designer Sales at up to 70 or so of gilt. Com today welcome to inside politics. Im dana bash we start with destruction violence, and hate on College Campuses across the country this was the scene just a short while ago at the university of wisconsin madison. Police clashing with protesters, 12 people were arrested hours earlier, protests its rocked. The university of arizona, for Campus Police used chemical irritant munitions to remove protesters around the same time at ucla pro israel and propalestinian groups were attacking each other, hurling all kinds of objects a would palette fireworks parking cones, even a scooter and before that, the nypd was able to clear Columbia University after protesters barricaded themselves inside a Campus Building 300 people were arrested at columbia and city college of new york. But it is unclear how many were actually students New York City mayor eric adams warned this morning that professional outside agitators are getting involved there was a movement to radicalize young people and im not going to wait until its done. And all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it. This is a global problem that young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children. And im not going to allow that to happen as the mayor of the city of new york many of these protests started peacefully with legitimate questions about the war. But in many cases, they lost the plot. Theyre calling for a ceasefire. Well, there was a ceasefire on october 6, the day before Hamas Terrorists brutally murdered more than a thousand people inside israel and took hundreds more as hostages. This hour, ill speak to an american israeli family whose son is still held captive by hamas since that horrifying day that brought us to this moment, you dont hear the propalestinian protesters talking about that. We will now protesting the way the Israeli Government, the israeli prime minister, is prosecuting the retaliatory war against hamas is one thing. Making jewish students feel unsafe at their own schools is unacceptable and it is happening way too much right now im a ucla students. I deserve to go here. We paid tuition. This is our school im not letting me walk in my class is over there. I want to use it that entrance well, i can think will you let me go in . This can be over in a second. Just let me and my friends go in again. What you just saw is 2024 in los angeles harkening back to the 1930s in europe. And i do not say that lightly. The fear among jews in this country is palpable right now i want to go to cnns gabe cohen at Columbia University. Gabe, whats happening right now dana its a quiet de here at columbia, but obviously it was a chaotic night. The center of this Police Activity that we saw last night was Hamilton Hall right here where we saw a huge crowd of officers enters through the second story window. Here, eventually arresting more than 200 protesters who are here in the building and outside in that encampment that had lasted here for days and now in the last few minutes, we have gotten this new letter in from columbias president talking about that decision, why it is that they called him the nypd last night to clear out the protesters in this letter, the president writes this drastic escalation of many months of Protest Activity mainly talking about those protests are storming Hamilton Hall, pushed the university to the brink, creating a disruptive environment for everyone and raising safety risks to an intolerable level. She adds over the last few months, we have been patient in tolerating unauthorized demonstrations, including the encampment. But of course that now dana has changed here. Would that action from the nypd last night and now we are seeing a Large Police Presence today. We know that the school has as a pd to stay here at columbia until may 17 after graduation, there is a lot of confusion because its a restricted campus right now. We know behind us that those are students, Faculty Members trying to get onto campus, but only Essential Faculty and students who live here can get on. We have also heard concerns day anna from Student Journalists here, i spoke to one who was here covering the protests last night. They were the only ones allowed on the campus other than the protesters. Mainstream media has generally been forced this outside the campus students though, who were covering it, were on campus, but this member of the Student Press told me that he and the other members of the Student Press were forced to leave by the nypd before they made those arrests. They had to leave to a point where they could not actually see the protests unfolding. Take a listen to the concerns he raised me just a little while ago. Footage that we have from last night is very spares and that footage already raised some troubling questions about the nypds conduct on the campus. If we add more journalist as Student Journalist, we would have known much better what actually unfolded in front of hamilton hello. Meant as were seeing it today. But of course, we have not been on the campus yet today to see it with our own eyes certainly a lot of questions remain after that nypd activity, the vision hes rules that we have seen as that Student Journalist raised concern with those or visuals that are coming either from the nypd or the protestors themselves . So a lot of questions still lingering today. Okay. Thank you so much for that report and we thank all of the journalists, especially the Student Journalist, for help, for helping us tell the story. When to go now to the west coast where violent clashes erupted on the campus of ucla overnight, cnns Stephanie Elam joins me now, live from the campus. Hows it looking this morning . Stephanie things are very calm at this hour. Now, dana, i can tell you this is where we saw a lot of the malay that was happening overnight. Now security just coming back out here at 9 00 a. M. Local, coming back out. But as you can see, this is the area of contention last night where these barricades were set up like this with this walkway in between. But you can see they were broken down and you could see that in the video looked like people from this sayyed, were breaking down the encampment from the propalestinian side last night, throwing objects in there as well as looks like some sort of maybe pepper spray or something coming from the other side over here you saw the security and middle trying to keep it safe, but there is visible images of that. There was violence. It looked like blood on the ground here. You could see it on the grass around where we are standing now and we have a new update because of all of this using tla, just tweeting now due to the violence last night that they are closing, or im sorry canceling class of classes today and asking students to stay away from im this area of the campus after those clashes where you saw fireworks being deployed . We just saw that it was uncomfortable and dangerous. We heard from some of these dude and journalist who actually said that worked for the daily bruyne saying that some of their people were hurt. And so you see some of those signs out here now still and theyre asking for the ucla leadership to be accountable and to do something to make it safe for the students that go here. Dana yeah. And i just earlier this morning saw a statement from the Jewish Federation of los angeles saying that they are appalled at the violence that took place last night. And even including actions by protesters who do not represent the Jewish Community or our value. So jewish organizations, taking responsibility and distancing themselves from those who are not acting appropriately the nice to see that on all sides of this. Thank you so much, stephanie, appreciate that important report. I want to talk now to my panel about the politics of all of this. Cnns jeff zeleny, Jackie Kucinich of the boston globe. And its olin counter youngs of the new york times. Thank you so much. All of you for being here. I want to start with what we have heard. So far from the white house. This is a statement from andrew bates. Hes the deputy Press Secretary, quote President Biden respects the right to free expression, but protests must be peaceful and lawful. Forcibly taking over buildings is not peaceful. Well, it is wrong and hate speech and hate symbols have no place in american now, just keep that up for a second. Andrew bates good guy. Im not this is nothing against andrew bates, but he said deputy Press Secretary, he certainly not the president who we havent heard from. Hes not the communications director. We havent heard from me is not the Press Secretary who we havent heard from this is very telling that this is what we have so far with everything thats going on from the white house and the president of the United States, i mean, last week, i was traveling with President Biden when he was going to new york. And you would think obviously, but just the location and the destination of that. I was going into it thinking out hes kind of make a statement here. Hes got to come over and talk to the press about what were seeing, unraveling and we didnt see that he didnt come over. Now, i dont think thats going to be able to last. This is how weve seen in them message on this. So far statements that clearly condemn antisemitism and dont condone violence, calling for peaceful protests. But again, its written statements and now youre entering also adulation season to present biden is slated to speak, get to graduation ceremonies. You would think that he is going to have to address this as well as reporters youre going to keep asking about this, but there are Navigating Turkey politics here. Usually you would see its usually republicans attacking democrats for being a party of crime or disorder. Youre starting to see though democrats in congress as well as republicans concerned about whats going on, is it tricky though i mean, listen, youve covered joe biden for very long time as have is since he was in the United States senate we know how he feels about this and my understanding is that there is a lot of debate inside the white house about how he should come out. But by not coming out, just on the rob politics of this ive talked to some democrats who say that theyre worried that he, he looks week and that is one of the central concerns for all bidens supporters in the west wing and beyond about his candidacy for the next six months. Is he going to be a strong leader . I was talking to someone whos a Longtime Biden Ally who was trying to explain the context of this and they said this is sort of a confluence of events here where he needs to be a strong leader, but he also normally plays this empathetic role and those two are very much at odds in this matter here, its complicated without question is you just laid out there are no simple solutions, but if you use history as a guide our friend peter baker at the times this morning reminded us of what joe biden was doing in the protests in 68. He was just finishing she law school. And he said, i wear a suit coat. Im not a protester. We know that he does not like these images of a disorder, but that is a central worry. Just some democrats facing his president ial campaign, is he going to be a strong leader here . Are these images of disorder when its sort of overtake this or in any, even if he does run out the clock on these student protests, because graduation, as you pointed out, is soon perhaps there wont be as many students on campus. These protesters these protesters, but there have been protesters at many of joe biden events, many democratic events at the white house Correspondents Dinner this past weekend, there was a huge amount of protesting. The fact it until theyre able to do something perhaps blinken gets a ceasefire or Something Like that. Hes until that happens, hes going hes going to have to deal with it. And jeff. Yeah absolutely. And jeff, i want to read a part of a letter that you obtained that was sent yesterday to both President Biden and president obama, signed by many, many, many hundreds. It looks like of not highranking officials, but officials who worked for obama and biden that speak to perhaps why he is has not said hed president has not said anything yet. President biden, you, not committed not uncommitted voters or thirdparty candidates are risking a trump presidency. And our democracy by Defending The War Crimes and agenda of a foreign farright government. You are ignoring the growing majority of democratic voters who recognize israels war in gaza as genocide and demand that immediate an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Now, i just want to say this that was pointed out to me by a high ranking democrat that, you know whats not in here theres no mention of october 7. Theres no mention of what started this. Theres a sort of a Passing Reference to the hostages, including six americans believed to be held in inside gaza. And that is one of the perhaps that puts in stark relief the challenge here, because the, as you said at the beginning of the broadcast, october 7 was not that long ago . But it is largely fallen out of the immediate conversation that is happening on some of these College Campuses and protests. But what this letter is, its the latest in a series of letters. The last one came in november, i believe. And but whats different about this . Its calling for an end to funding for the Israeli Military operation, which is not likely to happen given what funding was just a passed in congress, but its also calling for an immediate ceasefire. But what this speaks to is just the really the descent and war within the democratic of Progressive Left movement here unlike anything weve seen this this has been a divide with this is just this is exacerbated. It and weve never and then youve course had this happening in the middle of a very intense president ial campaign. And donald trump is not just letting this happen in a vacuum, he is engaging, he did so last night listen to what he said biden is supposed to be the voice of our country and its certainly not much of a voice is the voice that nobodys heard. And if you look, i dont think hes i dont think hes able to do it. I dont think hes got what it takes to do it, but hes got to hes got hes got a strength that up, but hes got to be heard weve seen this playbook before, even in 2020, i remember when there are protests in portland as well outside of our courthouse, we started to see criminal justice protests breaking out. Trump trying to say, look biden is overseeing this disorder and chaos. Biden trying to push back on that by showing sort of his police and crime bona fides and law and order bona fides. I think thats the message youre probably going to see moving forward, but again, the reason why this is challenging here is rhetoric only go so far. And unless you have a legitimate ceasefire, unless you have the president coming out and forcefully talking about this unless the reality on the ground changes, i dont know if the pressure will relent. All right. Everybody coming up with everything that weve been talking about, everything going on. You may have missed a big announcement this morning from congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene that she does plan to force a so to try to oust House Speaker mike johnson, when will that happen and how will it go down . Will tell you up next a florida man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax sunday. This became the bureaus number one crying to solve. How would really happen with jesse . Martin sunday at nine on cnn in here, you can expect to find Crystal Clear audio expansive display space endless entertainment and all comfort for everyone. But even with all we still left room for all the unpredictability spontaneity, and unexpected things. Youll find out here. The new 20 in 24 grand cherokee jeep. Theres only one nothing comes close to this place in the morning. Im so glad i can still come here. You see i was diagnosed with Obstructive Hcm and there were some days i was so short of breath. 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I know ive been telling everyone how many people did you tell only pay for what you need like. One second, grandma disguised going to buy my car. Okay. Do you need car bomber entering plate number . No accidents, right . No generating offer. Guard mama can pick it up tomorrow thats an amazing offer. Sell your car the easy way with carbonic at Morgan Stanley old School Hard Work meets ball, new thinking to help you see untapped possibilities. And relentlessly work with you to make them real im Elizabeth Wagmeister in los angeles and this is cnn new this morning, congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene says, she is moving forward with her plan to oust House Speaker mike johnson. Shes mainly citing his vote to send aid to ukraine, but the vast majority of her party is against her and Top Democrats say they will vote to save him if it comes to that Jackie Kucinich and jeff zeleny are here now. I just start with that. Jeff zeleny, that it kinda got lost with all of this news. But hakeem the top democrat coming out of this meeting yesterday saying, okay hes got our back. And this is something that theyve been planning quietly, but have never said so explicitly out loud that Marjorie Taylor greene is sort of using that by as a reason for shes doing it instead, i cant wait to see all the chaos and democratic primaries across the country. But i think the bigger point this statement from Speaker Johnson on those spawning to this, he said wrong for the country or wrong for the house. Well see what actually happens with this. I dont know if for bluff can be called or not, but well, manu raju is now with us, who of course has been talking to members of congress all morning long. Manu, what are you hearing yeah, ive been thinking a lot of republicans, those most of the republicans are opposed to this effort. In fact, even just talk to congress when matt gaetz, who was, of course the ringleader of that First Successful effort to oust Kevin Mccarthy in the fall. He does not support this effort to house. Mike johnson believes it is coming at the wrong time politically for his party, and thats really what allow those hardliners who do not support i was doing mike johnson. They said that they may not support some of his deals, that he has cut, but they certainly do not support the timing of all this worry that it could be a backlash against them politically. Now there is some division though, within the ranks. One republican, Warren Davidson of ohio told me that he will support actually advancing and because theyre first we a procedural motion next week to try to kill this measure that is with the democrats plan to vote in large numbers to kill, to kill it in the first motion warrant davids tobi, he would vote to advance a so arent you tell green has a handful of republicans who may vote for on the actual first motion, but ultimately she will fail overwhelmingly because democrats enmasse with most republicans final vote to kill it on that first vote, actually i mean, what, what a story, what a moment. Thank you so much. Mono for that reporting up next, a new interview with donald trump that would be shocking unless youve been paying attention to donald trump on the campaign trail, were going to talk to the reporter who did the interview and wrote the cover story, quote, if he wins were here to get your side of the store. A bribery prostitution. Why do we keep it . Ending up here . 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Com today this is cnn the worlds news you want to spend some time now on an insightful and telling interview with donald trump about his plans for a potential second term. He spoke for more than an hour to Time Magazine about how hed govern if voters s send him back to the white house. The headline, if he wins he is promising a massive deportation operation and says hed be willing to use the military to do it, which would be against the law still, trump said, quote, if i thought things were getting out of control, i would have no problem using the military per say. We have to have safety in our country. And he made clear hed have no problem putting his finger on this gales of justice question. Would you fire a us attorney who didnt prosecute someone you ordered him to answer it depends on the situation. Honestly, questions. So you might answer. It would depend on this situation. Yeah. On the other hand, he said he considered pardoning every january 6 rioter question. Would you consider pardoning every one of them . Answer. I would consider that, yes. You would . Yes. Absolutely. Does he expect violence if he loses the election . His answer quote, i dont think were going to have that. I think were going to win. And if we dont win, you know, it depends. It always depends on the fairness of an election and he was asked, do you see why so Many Americans see language like that . You know, dictator for a day suspending the constitution, trump responded, i think a lot of people like that eric quarter, lisa, is the reporter who did that interview and joins the discussion. Now. Thank you so much for being here wow. Take us inside of this conversation. And what you think the takeaway should be for voters. Well, i interviewed donald trump at maralago on the friday before he was selling but to become the first former and possibly future president to go on criminal trial and what really struck me from these interviews was that donald trump is planning to seize power in a way that he wasnt able to in the first term, he has a team of disciplined, conservative advisors who are drawing up plans to consolidate power in the office of the presidency and remove the guardrails that hindered his ability to carry out his agenda in full in the first term and jeff zeleny, the other part of this is not just from hearing it from the candidates own words, which is obviously the most important, but also some of his advisers, kellyanne conway, i dont think its a big mystery. What is agenda would be, steve bannon. I keep telling people watch these speeches when you look at the content of what hes putting out there, he couldnt telegraph this any more clearly. I mean, as as weve long sea and he says the quiet part out loud of phrase, weve used at nauseum since he came and do politics, his, his rallies and speeches are often so long and cluttered with a bunch of different things. Its easy to overlook this, but he has been saying this directly, but just say it directly in an interview is also more striking because she knows the valued real estate of the Time Magazine cover and this is what he believes is a selling point. He believes this is a strong point and now just amplified by what he calls a need for strong leadership. I think its even more poignant what were seeing this week. And jackie, im going to put up on the screen more information that you got from the former president candidate for president of what, a second term would look like. And were just starts with allowing states to prosecute women who violate abortion bans. Weve talked about immigrants, us attorneys january 6. It all goes down to refusing. This is a big one to come to the aid of nato allies who dont quote, pay up. This is, i think one of the differences between what we know, new trump and his first term, and what could potentially be his second term. He knows where the levers of power are in, in the federal government and he has people working to figure out how to bypass those and how to relax some of these things. So he can do what he wants to do. Everything you saw there. I dont think other than because roe was still in place, other than punishing women who receive abortions in states where theyre not allowed a lot of any tried to do during the first term. And so this would be a very much a continuation is what hes talking about here he had guardrails of people who said no to it and most of those people have either no interest or would not be allowed to go back in. I mean, that was another thing that youve got. He said that he would make it a litmus test if somebody said that they thought the 2020 election was fair, and joe biden won, they would not work in his administration, but i also want to ask you about abortion because you have the current president and Vice President out very strongly talking about abortion. They believe that that is what is going to rally democrats to vote. And privately, donald trump doesnt disagree agree with them. Having said that, when you asked about whether states should monitor womens pregnancies, so they know if theyve gotten abortion. He said, i think they might do that again, you have to speak to the individual states. What was his sort of the vibe that you got from him on this issue . Well, he knows its extremely delicate. He knows its a potential vulnerability for him. Hes he takes credit on the one hand for installing three Supreme Court justices who had a major hand in overturning roe, but doesnt want to alienate the vast majority of American Voters who think that Abortion Rights should be protected. Donald trump is right now staking out a position and where he thinks this is a states rights issue and hes going to try and leave it at that as much as he can. When i asked him, sir, are you comfortable with red states monitoring womens bodies to know if theyve gotten an abortion and pass the band. He said they might do that when i said, are you comfortable with states punishing women whove gotten abortions after the ban. He said, its irrelevant. I think because its up to the states and their determinations. He didnt say he wanted states to do that, but basically said he would allow each state to make their own policies visavis abortion. And i think thats the ground hes going to try and beyond for the coming months before the election. And jackie comments that he made to eric that as you said, weve heard a lot about it and he tried some of it that i think any objective way to look at it would be Borderline Authoritarianism how much our voters tuned into this, particularly when poll after poll, sees that looking at the trump four years in the Rearview Mirror there are some rosecolored glasses there i think when when youre talking about the economy, there isnt rosecolored glasses when it comes to trump, but i think the open question and what youre hearing a lot from the biden campaign, theyre definitely pointing to this as what could potentially be the future. Now whos going to win out . Well have to wait and see. I think voters are, i think the summers, usually when people start plugging in, this is a different race because its the same two people. But certainly democrats are going to be elevated comments like that. Here erika especially you really important issue and the fact that donald trump has another Time Magazine cover, im sure were going to see that at all of his golf course lets definitely one of his favorite things we know. Thank you. Thanks for having me after six months since october 7, more than 100 hostages remain captive, including several americans, one family praying every day for the safe return of their son will be right here in the studio next good day to cough. Oh, no bob, i call later Chest Congestion. Hello, 12 hours of relief wow no coughing. Its not moving past next joe, not coffee mucinex, dm 12 and controls them for 12 hours. Its come back season. Stubborn Chest Congestion dry mucinex well this is carbonic and this is how you can sell us your car visit carbonic. 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October 7, the day Hamas Terrorists murdered more than 1,000 innocent people and israel and took nearly 250 more as hostages. And today, 207 days later, 129 people are still believed to be, held captive in gaza. That includes side gate deco, kohn a 35yearold american Israeli Citizen and father of three children the youngest was born after tsugi was kidnapped joining me now is to his father, jonathan deco hen and stepmother, gilliane kaye. Thank you so much for being here. Both of you i mean, it is impossible for any parent any human fat them what you all have been going through 207 days and its been such a Roller Coaster when negotiations going and coming and going and coming can you tell us your understanding talks well to the degree that we understand it any more than the media. What i think is quite certain is that this is a watershed moment. The moment when hamas leadership is going to decide whether it wants to move towards some kind of resolution here. By way of a hostage deal or whether it wants to condemn and not just the hostages to what might be a horrible end, but also 1 million citizens of gaza more to continue bloodshed, continued suffering. The only way for a better tomorrow, obviously for our loved ones who are still in captivity, but also for the people of gaza who have been through horrific, horrific months of conflict is to move forward on this hostage deal. And that right now is in hamas court. We all await their answer. And gilliane, the israeli prime minister, has said repeatedly, the idf will enter rafah and eliminate hamas battalions there with or without a deal. Weve seen protests grow inside israel by people who are saying, youve got to focus more on getting hostage. Hostages, including your son out before going into rafah and eliminated come loss what are your thoughts on its what i think. I mean, weve been saying it since the beginning. Whatever it takes, we need until now, just get the hostages out. Nothing is more important. Nothing is more of a priority. And weve said it many times that the country itself cannot continue. It will be broken if the hostages dont come back, whatever the other thing is absolutely theres no question. The hostages need to come home. That is that nothing else matters. We need that deal. Now, thats it. Yeah and inside israel part of the argument of Pushing Rafah saying that hes that hes going to go into rafah is putting pressure on hamas its sort of a political maybe leverage. And also perhaps trying to appease netanyahus right flank in his coalition are you getting any indication at all from the Israeli Government just turning it back to your son that they have any idea . Where he is the only thing we know and many other families know for sure is through Proof Of Life. In our case, the last Proof Of Life was in late november, early december by way of testimonies from the hundred or so hostages who came out at that time during that First Tranche of, of, of negotiation and we know he was alive, wounded, but alive at that time we do not in most, the vast majority of hostage families still do not know if their loved ones are alive. We have gotten notifications from arguable. Its kibbutz narrows, that of the 39 remaining hostages from our community alone. At least 12 or are dead. They were murdered either on october 7, their bodies taken by hamas into gaza, or they died as a consequence of october 7 so we do not know and and hence, it is clear that there is no time to waste. Conditions are horrific. Weve always known that and look, we recognize that not just for israel for the region and perhaps the world, hamas needs to be destroyed. Theres no question. I dont think they will find someone in israel that would argue that point but it cannot come at the sacrifice of these. What remain alive of the, uh, hundred and 33 hostages. And those who have already passed and their bodies need to be returned to their families. We were talking before coming on about the fact that you are a professor inside israel. You are very well aware of the culture of College Campuses. Obviously israel, not the us you were a Student Activist high well, in the 80s, you said at barnard fighting against apartheid in south africa, i occupied Hamilton Hall. You did it did you are Hearing Calls and accusations that israel is an apartheid government. Since you know about apartheid, can you get a fact check here you know, im gonna hedge a little bit on it because we were fighting a avowedly racist government that talked about a system called apartheid. That it was using to a press the majority black population. And that is not in south africa. Whats happening is certainly not what were looking at and israel, but the issue is, as we were saying, its its complicated because there every day playing out on our tvs is destruction and starvation and a horrific images coming from gaza. Yep and the gods and people people are press, i mean, there is no question about it kamaz is suppressing the gazan people all of these things can be true at once. And yes. And i appreciate you both coming on. And most importantly, keeping the focus on your son and the father of your grandchildren say gay deco khan, Hot Tsugi Deco can and we do, of course, pray for his safe return. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Well be right back not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine new science shows. Listerine is five times more effective than plus ev reducing flats above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this three, feel the work good data, cough. 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So where is this hape come from . And how is it connected to the propalestinian protests . We see raging on College Campuses . Joining me now are noah tisby in a manual ocho, they are the coauthors of a new fascinating and very important book, Uncomfortable Conversations with a jew. Thank you. Both of you for being here. No. Are you spent much of this book explaining the roots of antisemitism, how it shows up in nearly every day rhetoric were now seeing a lot of that language on College Campuses. Im guessing youre not surprised by that no, sadly, im not surprised by that because we have been talking about the connection between antizionism and antisemitism for a very long time. The thing to understand is that antisemitism is not to simply who racism. Its a shapeshifting Conspiracy Theory and it shifts every few generations is something new. And now it shifted to antiisraeli rhetoric. So i do believe that this book couldnt have come at a more appropriate moment in our culture. Because sadly, it is very uncomfortable to be a jew these days and im so thrilled that emmanuel reached out to me wanting to write this book together and be a true ally to the Jewish Community, we cant do it alone. And emmanuel, this book was born out of two people. The two of you with very different Life Experiences showing up to have a difficult conversation multiple conversation about jewish judaism and jew, hey, now, right after october 7, noahs message to you was to check in on your jewish friends. Talk about the impact that that had on you and your view of antisemitism and quote, unquote antizionism yeah, dana, well, i believe that proximity, it breeds care and distance at breeds fear and a large part of the problem in society right now is were not close enough to one another. How could i be empathetic towards my jewish brothers and sisters if i wasnt educated on what broke their heart, how could i be empathetic towards my palestinian brothers and sisters if i was not educated on what broke their heart. And so really the purpose of the book was to educate myself, what does antisemitism even mean . Is there a semite group that you can be anti, no, theres not. So if i dont know what antisemitism is, how can i avoid being antisymmetric . So the purpose of the book, the purpose of knowing is conversation was itd be a reflection to society about what we can do to bring fourth piece, bring forth unity, bring forth love, educate yourself, having uncomfortable conversation with education can come im empathy and no, it did. Did you both talk about some of the pain that im hearing from jewish liberals that they marched not only in the 60s with africanamericans, but even a couple of years ago during, after george floyd, that they dont feel that same camaraderie unnecessarily today yeah, the Jewish Community feels very isolated and very much alone. And both emmanuel and i are very concerned about the schism that has been created between the black and the Jewish Community. The unity and the partnership between the blacks and the jews is unparalleled In American Healing History and the history of the world, the things that we were able to achieve together are extraordinary and neither manual nor i are willing to let that schism continues. So this is really first step in recreating that relationship reimagining that relationship, because when two marginalized communities are pitted against one another, the powers that be when we cant let that continue anymore. And thats one of the greatest commitments that we want to achieve from this book is this black and jewish unity. Yet again, in america manual do a quick add to that before we go to break, i will add very quickly. I will quote James Baldwin in the 1968 article of the new york times. And he said, the crisis in the heart and minds of black people anywhere, everywhere is not caused by these star of david, but rather the Old Rugged Roman Cross On whom christian dms most prized jew was murdered and not by jews as a son of a pastor myself, i found that quote to be the most profound as it pertains to the dilemma right now, between the black and Jewish Community and manual noah. Thank you. Both the three votes are going to continue this conversation. Well be posting it this afternoon online. Thank you, both. And thank you for watching inside politics, Cnn News Central starts after the break we live our lives on our homes fabrics. 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