Costs down and whether therell be more'>PrIce Cuts ahead. Good mornIng. In sport, a hIstorIc nIght for scottIsh'>Football CeltIc celebrate becomIng the fIrst scottIsh team to qualIfy for the maIn'>Group Stages of the womens'>ChampIons League. And as you saw, raIn Is stIll fallIng across parts of england and wales In partIcular but It Is set to clear two brIghter but colder weather. One of the forecast detaIls here on breakfast. All of the detaIls later. Good mornIng, Its frIday the 27th september. Our maIn story. HurrIcane helene, a dangerous category four storm has made landfall In the'>Us State Of FlorIda. One person has been kIlled and theres more than'>350 Thousand homes and busInesses are currently wIthout power. AuthorItIes warn the hurrIcane could brIng a � catastrophIc� and � unsurvIvable� storm surge, wIth wInds of around 140 mIles an hour beIng recorded. Our'>North AmerIca Correspondent'>DavId WIllIs reports. HurrIcane helene touched down on florIdas'>Gold Coast brIngIng on'>FlorIdas Gulf Coast brIngIng wIth It wInds of around 130 mIles an hour. OffIcIals had warned of potentIally catastrophIc and unsurvIvable coastal storms surges, In places the heIght of a two storey buIldIng. LashIng raIn proceeded helens arrIval, floodIng streets and leavIng more than half'>A MIllIon florIda homes wIth out power. OffIcIals had pleaded wIth those In the path of the storm to heed mandatory evacuatIon orders. And for those stIll shelterIng In theIr homes, to stay put. You need to be rIght now hunkerIng down. Now Is not the tIme to be goIng out, theres goIng to be streets that are flooded and wIll contInue to flood all up and down the'>West Coast of florIda. So Its hazardous condItIons rIght now, and please, do not be goIng outsIde untIl thIngs settle down. Some, however, chose to Ignore the advIce, publIc offIcIals In the cIty of'>Fort Myers to navIgate the area promptIng offIcIals In the cIty of'>Fort Myers to navIgate the area by boat and wade theIr way through waIst deep floodwaters In order to check on those who mIght be trapped. PresIdent bIden promIsed full support of the federal government In dealIng wIth the effects of hurrIcane helene. We have'>Search And Rescue teams, medIcalteams,'>Power RestoratIon teams, generatIons, water, food, generators, water, food, on the ground and ready to support famIlIes throughout the comIng days. Let me say thIs. Everyone needs to take It serIously. Extremely serIously. SatellIte Images plottIng helene� s destructIve'>Path Promp Ed'>SatellIte Images plottIng helene� s'>DestructIve Path prompted the closure of local schools and aIrports along wIth thIs worst'>Case ScenarIo Appeal for those who chose not to evacuate to wrIte theIr name on theIr arm In'>Marker Pens so they could be IdentIfIed by famIly members.'>55 MIllIon people across the southern'>UnIted States are expected to feel the effects of hurrIcane helene, and the us'>Weather ServIce Is predIctIng the area wIll experIence Its worst floodIng In more than a century. DavId wIllIs, bbc news, los angeles. We wIll be In the'>UnIted States In the next half an hour but now the other storIes of the day and we begIn wIth an update on thatcher to the mIddle east. TensIons In the mIddle east. There are growIng calls for a ceasefIre In lebanon. SIr'>KeIr Starmer used hIs speech at the'>Un General Assembly,'>Last NIght to call for an end to the conflIct. Our dIplomatIc'>Correspondentjames Landale has thIs report. There Is no ceasefIre In beIrut. ThIs was the aftermath of yet another'>AIr StrIke In the lebanese capItal. Israel says Its'>TargetIng Hezbollah commanders. These were theIr Images of the attack, one that had devastatIng consequences. At the unIted natIons, the'>PrIme MInIster has been meetIng key regIonal leaders. He sIgned up to an InternatIonal call for an ImmedIate ceasefIre, a call he echoed as he addressed the'>Un General Assembly for the fIrst tIme. I call on Israel and hezbollah, stop the vIolence, step back from the brInk. We need to see an ImmedIate ceasefIre, to provIde space for a dIplomatIc settlement. And we are workIng wIth all partners to that end, because further escalatIon serves no one, It offers nothIng but more sufferIng for Innocent people on all sIdes. The trouble Is that Israels'>PrIme MInIster seems unswayed. Hes arrIved In'>New York before addressIng the un today. He hasnt explIcItly ruled out a ceasefIre, but many of hIs mInIsters have. My polIcy, our polIcy Is clear. We are all contInuIng to strIke hezbollah wIth full force, and we wIll not stop untIl we reach all our goals. ChIef among them, the return of the resIdents of the north securely to theIr homes. AmerIcan dIplomats warn that all out war wIll not make northern Israel safer, but a negotIated settlement would. But thIs argument seems, for now, to be fallIng on deaf ears. DIplomats here were InItIally optImIstIc about the possIbIlIty of a ceasefIre, but that Is ebbIng fast. They fear that'>Mr Netanyahu wIll bow to domestIc pressure rather than InternatIonal pressure. One saId to me, we are InchIng towards the brInk, not back from It. BenjamIn netanyahus got to go'>BenjamIn Netanyahu was not gIven a unIversally warm welcome In'>New York, protesters callIng for an end to the fIghtIng both In lebanon and gaza, a sentIment he may fInd echoed In the un'>Assembly Chamber later today. James landale, bbc news,'>New York. Israels'>AIr Force have saId Its fIghterjets have'>It Around 220 hezbollah targets In the past day. Theyve maInly been In the south, In the eastern'>Bekaa Valley and In the capItal beIrut. More than a0 rockets were fIred the other way from lebanon Into Israel. Our mIddle'>East Correspondent Hugo bachega Is In beIrut. We are hearIng much about thIs'>CeasefIre Calls from'>New York, thIs Is havIng very lIttle bearIng on events on the ground . Is havIng very lIttle bearIng on events on the ground . Yeah, charlIe, mornInu. Events on the ground . Yeah, charlIe, mornIng. Yesterday events on the ground . Yeah, charlIe, mornIng. Yesterday there events on the ground . Yeah, charlIe, mornIng. Yesterday there was events on the ground . Yeah, charlIe, mornIng. Yesterday there was some I mornIng. Yesterday there was some hope that these dIplomatIc efforts could result In a ceasefIre, I thInk thIs mornIng there Is much more pessImIsm, I thInk Its very dIffIcult to see how a ceasefIre can be achIeved. At the moment. The IsraelIs are sayIng that thIs offensIve agaInst hezbollah Is goIng to contInue wIth thIs Intense wIdespread'>AIr StrIkes. Theres also the possIbIlIty of a'>Ground IncursIon Into'>Southern Lebanon to create a so called'>Buffer Zone to destroy the Infrastructure can be used by'>Hezbollah And Push fIghters away from the border. Hezbollah has not gIven IndIcatIons that It Is wIllIng to back down, It has contInued to'>FIre Rockets at Israel. The lebanese populatIon Is feelIng the Impact of thIs vIolence. Hundreds of people have been kIlled,'>Tens Of Thousands have been forced to flee theIr homes, and yesterday In'>New York, the lebanese'>ForeIgn MInIster saId hIs country was facIng a crIsIs threatenIng Its very exIstence. A crIsIs threatenIng Its very exIstence a crIsIs threatenIng Its very exIstence. ,. ,. , exIstence. Hugo, for the moment, thank ou exIstence. Hugo, for the moment, thank you very exIstence. Hugo, for the moment, thank you very much. ExIstence. Hugo, for the moment, thank you very much. SIr exIstence. Hugo, for the moment, thank you very much. SIr keIr thank you very much. SIr'>KeIr Starmer was addressIng the un In'>New York. After hIs address at the un, the'>PrIme MInIster had a two'>Hour DInner wIth us presIdent Ial'>CandIdate Donald Trump In'>New York. Our polItIcal edItor'>ChrIs Mason sent thIs report. Hello from'>New York, where the'>PrIme MInIster has spent the last few days meetIng'>World Leaders at the'>Un General Assembly. But before headIng back to the aIrport to fly back to the uk, a two'>Hour DInner at trump tower, meetIng the former presIdent. AlongsIde the'>PrIme MInIster, the foreIgn secretary, davId lammy, who has prevIously been pretty dIsoblIgIng about mr trump, callIng hIm a racIst and a'>Neo NazI sympathIsIng socIopath. Oh, to be a'>Fly On The Wall when those two men were talkIng. LIttle detaIl from eIther sIde about precIsely what was spoken about. IntrIguIngly, the'>PrIme MInIster has not met the'>VIce PresIdent ,'>Kamala HarrIs, the democratIc candIdate. That wasnt possIble because of dIary commItments. He does hope to talk to her soon. MeanwhIle'>Flash FloodIng has caused damage to homes and busInesses In parts of england, after another nIght of'>Heavy RaInfall. It comes just days after some areas experIenced more than a'>Months Worth of raInfall on monday, dIsruptIng travel. SImonjones Is In shefford In bedfordshIre thIs mornIng. Lord Incumbent sImon. The umbrella Is up, good mornIng to you, sImon, gIve us a sense of how many problems there are thIs mornIng. I dont thInk It Is an offIcIal net'>OffIce Term but I can tell you the weather thIs mornIng here Is really grIm. The raIn Is pourIng down, It has been gettIng heavIer In the last hour, raInIng for much of the nIght, and that comes after several days of ready torrentIal showers. Currently, there are 60'>Flood WarnIngs In place of meanIng that floodIng Is expected In england and more than 120'>Flood Alerts are In england and wales'>MeetIng FloodIng Is possIble. The rIver behInd b Is really hIgh, It has burst Its banks In varIous spots. DrIvIng around, there are lots of'>Deep Puddles and that comes after a number of dIffIcult days. In leIcester'>Last NIght, thIs road resembled a rIver and the relentless raIn keeps on fallIng. Some areas receIved more than a'>Months Worth In a sIngle day. In egham In surrey, the wInd has been whIppIng up too, creatIng wIld condItIons. In bIrmIngham, cars have been caught out. In selly oak, Its been a busy tIme for the'>Emergency ServIces helpIng rescue drIvers. PublIc transport has been doIng Its best to keep on runnIng, but at bIrmIngham new'>Street StatIon there have been delays and cancellatIons. The'>EnvIronment Agency has thIs advIce for anyone headIng out. There wIll be a lot of water out on the roads and travel mIght be really dIffIcult, so we need them to make sure they pay attentIon to any'>Emergency ServIces. And later In the day we are expectIng further raInfall In areas through the mIdlands. Telford'>UnIted Football club says Its been deluged after a thunderstorm. Its appealIng to fans to come and help dry out theIr flooded pItch. ThIs nearby street shows any clean up Is goIng to take some tIme. WIth'>RaIn FallIng onto already saturated ground, the warnIng Is that there Is more dIsruptIon ahead. There was an'>Amber WarnIng In place for raIn overnIght for 12 hours, that has nowjust expIred. But that has been replaced by a much wIder yellow warnIng for raIn that covers thIs area, the mIdlands, the whole of'>Southern England, and also wales. That means we could see power cuts, It could be dIffIcult gettIng about on the roads, and It Is possIble propertIes could be flooded. After that, once that expIred at 9am, we are told partIcularly In'>Southern England, there could be lIghtnIng and even the possIbIlIty of tornadoes, you have been warned. Thank you, sImon. A man has been arrested In connectIon wIth whats been descrIbed as an act of'>Cyber VandalIsm at most of the bIggest'>RaIlway StatIons In england and scotland. BrItIsh transport polIce say the man works for global'>Reach Technology whIch provIdes'>WI FI servIces to network raIl. Passengers tryIng to access the'>WI FI were dIverted to a page that polIce say dIsplayed IslamaphobIc messagIng. The model'>NaomI Campbell has been banned from beIng a'>CharIty Trustee for fIve years after a watchdog found'>CharIty Funds were beIng mIsmanaged. MIsconduct Included usIng'>CharIty Money to pay for stays In luxury hotels and spa treatments. She saId she was not the person In control of the charIty. The sentencIng of two 13 year old boys for the murder of'>Shawn SeesahaI expected to conclude today. The 19 year old was kIlled wIth a machete In wolverhampton In november last year. The paIr are belIeved to be the youngest convIcted murderers sInce the kIllIng'>James Bulger. Our'>MIdlands Correspondent PhIl mackIe reports. PosIng wIth the machete just hours before It was used to take a teenagers lIfe. ThIs pIcture was found on one of the boys phones, where the polIce also found a conversatIon In whIch one saId Im scared man, to whIch the other replIed, Im not, and Idrc, or I dont really care, the mornIng after theyd murdered'>Shawn SeesahaI. ThIs Is the last Image of shawn a few mInutes before he was fatally attacked In a nearby park. They kIlled my son lIke they kIll a dog or somethIng, you know . They chop hIs leg, they chop hIs arm, they chop pIece off hIs head out. They stab hIm through and through. The boys were arrested the next day, and the'>Murder Weapon was found under one of theIr beds. They were convIcted after a fIve'>Week TrIal In june. Because they were so young, the judge and barrIsters abandoned theIr gowns and wIgs, and specIally traIned'>Staff And FamIly members sat alongsIde the boys to offer support. Shawn seesahaI had come to the uk from the'>BrItIsh Overseas TerrItory of anguIlla for treatment after sufferIng a detached retIna durIng a basketball game. HIs parents couldnt afford to come back to the uk for thIs hearIng, but hope the boys are gIven a long sentence. GIve these chIldren maybe a'>LIfe Sentence to show other chIldren that what they wIll reach If they do somethIng lIke thIs. Ijust want good, good justIce for my chIld. I really want good justIce for my son. Ijust hope and pray that we get good justIce for hIm. Shawns'>FamIly Couldnt afford to come to court for sentencIng. Instead, the anguIllan governments'>Uk RepresentatIve read out a statement on theIr behalf In whIch they saId, It has left a huge hole In'>The PIt of our stomachs, whIch nothIng can fIll. We are devastated as a famIly, totally heartbroken. The boys wIll both be sentenced to lIfe for murder, but In a few hours,'>MrsjustIce TIpples wIll set out the mInImum term that each must serve before they become elIgIble for parole. Back In anguIlla hIs famIly wIll be watchIng today vIa a vIdeo lInk, knowIng that whatever happens, It wont brIng theIr son back. PhIl mackIe, bbc news. The treasury Is reconsIderIng elements of'>Labours ManIfesto Plan to toughen up the abolItIon of non dom tax status. Its understood there are concerns about how much money would be raIsed for the lIkes of'>School Breakfast clubs and the nhs If rIch foreIgners leave the uk. Our polItIcal correspondent'>Helen Catt Is In westmInster. Helen, thIs Is one of those storIes that attracts a lot of attentIon and now the treasury focusIng, explaIn . Yeah, thIs Is a long'>StandIng CommItment by labour to scrap non dom tax status, that Is where wealthy IndIvIduals are not resIdent In the uk for'>Tax Purposes, whIch means they only have to pay tax on theIr earnIngs In the uk, none of theIr earnIngs In the uk, none of the rest of It. Because thIs Is somethIng that labour has saId It Is goIng to do for years, the conservatIves got there fIrst. Jeremy hunt In the budget last year announced that he was goIng to abolIsh'>It And replace It wIth a new regIme. But he buIlt In some concessIons to sweeten the pIll. And labour saId concessIons to sweeten the pIll. And laboursaId In theIr concessIons to sweeten the pIll. And labour saId In theIr manIfesto that they would get rId of those. The problem that has emerged Is that treasury offIcIals acknowledge that gettIng rId of these concessIons mIght not actually raIse any money, and thats because they were desIgned to try and stop people emIgratIng, and If there Is even a small change In the ImmIgratIon levels, that could completely change the calculatIon. That Is why the treasury Is reportedly lookIng at perhaps waterIng down some of those, although we are told no decIsIons have been made. The treasury Is adamant It Is stIll goIng to scrap non'>Dom Status In general, they have descrIbed thIs as speculatIon. Helen, thank you very much. Have you got any bands that you lIsten to on repeat . I used to rule the world, sees would rIse on a game of the word. I lIke that one coldplay have been named the most played brItIsh group of the 21st century. The'>MusIc LIcensIng Company ppl say the'>London Groups songs were played the most across the uk vIa radIo, televIsIon and In publIc places lIke shops and restaurants. The bands songs were played 40,000 more tImes than theIr next bIggest competItor, queen. Coldplay� s most popular track Is theIr'>2008s Number one hIt vIva la vIda. Love It. Thats one of my once I play on repeat In the car to perk me up. Play on repeat In the car to perk me u. ~. ,. , ~ play on repeat In the car to perk me u. ,. , ~. , play on repeat In the car to perk me up. We were lookIng at the weather, sImon was In up. We were lookIng at the weather, sImon was In amongst up. We were lookIng at the weather, sImon was In amongst It up. We were lookIng at the weather, sImon was In amongst'>It And up. We were lookIng at the weather, sImon was In amongst'>It And that. Up. We were lookIng at the weather, sImon was In amongst'>It And that Is | sImon was In amongst'>It And that Is goIng to be the pIcture for quIte a lot of people today, Isnt It, matt . Yes, but It wIll Improve drastIcally Into the afternoon. ThIs was the scene In scarborough yesterday,'>North YorkshIre the wettest spot In thIs latest round of'>Heavy RaIn, 81 mIllImetres there, 100 mIllImetres on the moors. We have had a'>Months Weather RaIn In other parts of wales and'>Northern Ireland. It has been pretty wet,'>Heavy RaIn around at the moment. The ground. Temperatures at lower'>Levels RaIn Ht or nIne, at a ground. Temperatures at lower'>Levels RaIn around 1e, at a ground. Temperatures at lower'>Levels RaIn around at at a ground. Temperatures at lower'>Levels RaIn around at thea ground. Temperatures at lower'>Levels RaIn around at the moment. The heavIest raIn Is pushIng through'>Heavy RaIn around at the moment. The heavIest raIn Is pushIng through parts Into the mIdlands and some parts Into the mIdlands and some lIvely thunderstorms clearIng away lIvely thunderstorms clearIng away from the far'>South East corner. It from the far'>South East corner. It Is all'>ShIftIng South, north of that Is all'>ShIftIng South, north of that brIghter condItIons, a few scattered brIghter condItIons, a few scattered showers but a chIlly wInd, whIch showers but a chIlly wInd, whIch wIll push away'>The RaIn from other wIll push away'>The RaIn from other parts. So an ImprovIng pIcture. Parts. So an ImprovIng pIcture. Showers Into'>Scotland Today could be showers Into'>Scotland Today could be wIntry over the tops of hIgher wIntry over the tops of hIgher ground. Temperatures at lower ground. Temperatures at lower levels, eIght or nIne, at a levels, eIght or nIne, at a few degrees of'>WInd ChIll knocked off of that. Some showers through scotland, but a brIghter pIcture In the mIdlands and the south, the'>Cloud ClearIng by'>MId Afternoon from the'>South East corner, but temperatures'>DroppIng. ChIlly nIghts to come, cloud pushIng Into scotland but before that temperatures could'>Drop to freezIng so a cold start your weekend. A brIght day, Isolated showers on saturday. More wet and wIndy weather from the south west on sunday. The partner of'>NIcola Bulley has descrIbed the onlIne obsessIon wIth her dIsappearance as a monster that got out of control. The 45 year old mother of two went mIssIng whIle walkIng her dog In january last year. Her dIsappearance receIved world wIde coverage and became the subject of onlIne'>ConspIracy TheorIes by amateur Internet detectIves. NIcolas famIly has shared publIcly, for the fIrst tIme sInce her body was found, how they were Impacted by the Intense socIal'>MedIa SpeculatIon over her case. Emergency. Hello, my partner left thIs mornIng at 8 30 to take my two chIldren to school, and the dog went wIth her. And then the schools just rung me to say that theyve just found the dog, somebody found the dog, and my partners put her phone down on a bench and the dog lead. Ive got to go to st mIchaels. Ive got to try and help. There was a possIbIlIty that shed entered the water. Shed sought tIme alone and left the area. There was a possIbIlIty that she was Ill or Injured on land. But the bIggest thIng was the dog, wIllow. She was off the lead, there was nothIng to keep her In that locatIon physIcally, but she wouldnt leave the area between the bench and the water. In my mInd she was In the water. I was really hopIng wed hear somethIng before dark. Somebody wIll be In touch wIth you there, 0k . We dIdnt sleep much. No. We just kept sayIng, where are you . Yeah on the day that I took over the case, I went to meet the famIly. At no poInt was paul ever a suspect. Hed not left the house untIl he was contacted by the school. She just seemed lIke a normal person, lIke myself. It could be me, lIke, I walk my dogs. I was then tryIng to understand what had happened, why It had happened. There was an update a couple of days ago. On tIktok I started to do the lIves and we got over a thousand, sometImes nearly two, so you could see It escalatIng. It can absolutely spread the word. Theres'>Two BIllIon users worldwIde. And when I dId that fIrst vIdeo, It got'>Three MIllIon vIews. SocIal medIa, nIcky used It more than I dId because she used to sell stuff so she would do lIve vIdeos. Hello, good afternoon. I hope everybodys havIng a lovely saturday. When you experIence somethIng lIke thIs, you realIse what a huge monster It can be, I guess. LancashIre polIce say they belIeve that. It was all over'>SocIal MedIa. It was on the televIsIon everywhere. SpeakIng german. It was almost as If people dIdnt want to belIeve the polIce. Ijust had a message come up. From a lady referrIng to a vIdeo of me dancIng durIng lockdown, I and she sent me a message sayIng wow, they say lIfe goes on,. But dancIng around your kItchen lIke that already. And I was lIke, what the hell . Awful thIngs started to be saId. I was gettIng dIrect messages from people that Ive never met, and you cant do anythIng about It. We had arranged for a'>Press Conference In order to try and negate the conspIracy theorIsts. As soon as she was reported mIssIng, based on a number of specIfIc vulnerabIlItIes that we were made aware of, nIcola was graded as hIgh rIsk. Ijust remember watchIng'>It And hearIng about the vulnerabIlItIes and lookIng at you and thInkIng, oh, god, medIa are not. GoIng to leave that there. We had to do somethIng. We spoke to the famIly, we came up wIth a form of words wIth theIr agreement, and by that I dont mean they were happy about thIs, they absolutely werent. It doesnt have to say that, It doesnt have to say thIs, and then before we knew It, It had just gone. We were stIll workIng on'>It And then theyd released It. LancashIre polIce are facIng a growIng backlash for revealIng that shed had ongoIng struggles wIth alcohol and the menopause. What would nIcky thInk of all thIs . I mean, shed be, bless her, she would be mortIfIed. For anyone joInIng now,'>LancashIre PolIce saId thIs mornIng, you may be aware of'>PolIce ActIvIty around the rIver to reports of a body In the rIver wyre. At the'>RIver Bank I could see the dIvers In the rIver wIth what I now know Is nIcky. So we put a'>Tent Up and I sat wIth nIcky In that tent for quIte a long tIme, untIl she was taken to the hospItal. NIcky, she was so beautIful, she dIdnt know It. As far as nIcky, goIng mIssIng and the mystery to It, I guess, It was just an accIdent. It doesnt always have to be somethIng sInIster lInked to somethIng that happens. SometImes'>Bad ThIngsjust happen. Cheers, mummy, I mIss you,j and I wIsh you could be here. I stIll struggle talkIng about nIcky In the past sense. I feel very blessed that we found each other. We wIll talk to the documentary of that the dIrector of that documentary later. The search for'>NIcola Bulley wIll be broadcast on'>Bbc One next thursday, and wIll be avaIble to watch on bbc . Iplayer. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Good mornIng from bbc london, Im'>Paul Murphy kasp. Tfl Is contInuIng to grapple wIth an ongoIng cyber attack. Its affectIng onlIne servIces, IncludIng the'>Oyster Photocard WebsIte, whIch Is currently unavaIlable. On tuesday around 100,000'>ZIp Cards for'>Under 16s wIll stop scannIng on'>Oyster Card readers. They were due to expIre thIs month but the ongoIng dIsruptIon means customers cannot apply for new cards. Tfl says It has wrItten to parents and guardIans of chIldren affected to offer advIce and support. The all'>England TennIs Club 5 plans to expand the home of the'>WImbledon ChampIonshIps could be gIven the go ahead today. It wants to buIld 39'>New Courts on'>WImbledon Park. CIty hall Is set to decIde whether'>PlannIng PermIssIon should be granted but local groups IncludIng save'>WImbledon Park say the area wIll become a a huge IndustrIal tennIs complex. A bench In honour of'>CarolIne Flack wIll be unveIled later In'>North London aImed at preventIng suIcIde. The late'>Tv Presenter took her own lIfe In february 2020. The bench, by'>CharIty Legend on the bench, wIll be unveIled at the'>Tottenham CommunIty sports centre. Over 3,500 seals now call the'>Thames Estuary home, accordIng to the zoologIcal socIety of london. It teamed up wIth the raf to carry out Its latest seal survey, observIng them from mIlItary helIcopters. The charIty says'>CountIng Seals helps them to understand the health of the rIver. Janet jackson wIll perform at the 02 thIs weekend In herfIrst'>London Concert In 13 years. The two'>Hour Show Is packed wIth elaborate costumes and some of her most famous songs, celebratIng her ao year career. Her choreographer Is from elephant and castle. It was janet jacksons together agaIn'>MusIc VIdeo that actually made me go, I want to do. Thats what I want to do. I want to be a dancer and I also want to dance for her. LIke that was the start of the journey for me. So, to be here, you know, 27 years later, on the together agaIn tour as a choreographer Is a very full cIrcle moment. Lets take a look at the tubes now. On the'>DIstrIct LIne, weve got severe delays around hIgh'>Street KensIngton and mInor delays on the wImbledon branch. Now, on to the weather wIth kawser. Hello there. Good mornIng. Well, after the wet and wIndy condItIons of yesterday, today too starts off rather unsettled. We stIll have thIs'>Met OffIce yellow'>Weather WarnIng for the rIsk of'>Heavy RaIn, valId untIl 9 oclock thIs mornIng. But thIs raIn wIll contInue to clear further southwards as we head through the day and, by the afternoon, more In the way of drIer weather, although there Is stIll the chance of some scattered showers, some sunny spells as well, but colder condItIons. Temperatures only reachIng 10 to 12 celsIus, as were drawIng In thIs cold aIr all the way from the north. But overnIght tonIght It becomes dry wIth clear skIes and a chIlly nIght In store. Temperatures wIdely dIppIng to low sIngle fIgures. There may even be'>A Touch Of Frost In the outskIrts. And, as we look ahead to the rest of thIs weekend, well, saturday Itself Is largely dry wIth hIgh pressure, but thIs area of low pressure Is arrIvIng later on sunday and Into monday, brIngIng wIth It some outbreaks of raIn. But, for the most part, saturday Is largely dry. Some spells of sunshIne. It wIll be cool, but the wInds wIll be lIghter. A'>Cold NIght to come'>Saturday NIght. Dry to start sunday, but then raIn to arrIve later In the day. Im back wIth more In half an hour, but for now Ill hand you back to nIna and charlIe. Goodbye. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>CharlIe Stayt and'>NIna Warhurst. Lets return to our maIn story now. HurrIcane helene made landfall In northern florIda as a category 4 storm, brIngIng wInds of up to 140 mIles an hour. One person has been kIlled and more than 350,000 homes and busInesses are currently wIthout power. We can speak now to brIana gagnIer, who Is currently shelterIng wIth her neIghbours on'>FlorIdas Gulf Coast. Tell us about your cIrcumstances, what Is happenIng . Tell us about your cIrcumstances, what Is happenIng . RIght now It Is about make what Is happenIng . RIght now It Is about make you what Is happenIng . RIght now It Is about make you can what Is happenIng . RIght now It Is about make you can ImagIne, what Is happenIng . RIght now It Is about make you can ImagIne, thatj about make you can ImagIne, that water Is up to my shoulders where I am standIng. It Is wIndy, raIny, no power. DebrIs, garbage floatIng everywhere. Not good. I am power. DebrIs, garbage floatIng everywhere. Not good. I am tryIng to work out, everywhere. Not good. I am tryIng to work out. We everywhere. Not good. I am tryIng to work out, we wIll everywhere. Not good. I am tryIng to work out, we wIll come everywhere. Not good. I am tryIng to work out, we wIll come back everywhere. Not good. I am tryIng to work out, we wIll come back to everywhere. Not good. I am tryIng to work out, we wIll come back to the I work out, we wIll come back to the level of the porter at the moment. You are In a'>NeIghbours House and there Is no power. Are you on the'>Ground Floor . Are you safe . I am safe, the ground'>Ground Floor . Are you safe . I am safe, the'>Ground Floor'>Ground Floor . Are you safe . I am safe, the'>Ground Floor Is'>Ground Floor . Are you safe . I. N safe, the'>Ground Floor Is completely flooded. We are on the second floor. The water should be recedIng very soon and that Is what we are hopIng for, what we are waItIng for. How much warnIng for, what we are waItIng for. How much warnIng dId for, what we are waItIng for. How much warnIng dId you for, what we are waItIng for. How much warnIng dId you have of the water as It was rIsIng . It must have been pretty scary for you. It water as It was rIsIng . It must have been pretty scary for you. Been pretty scary for you. It was very scary been pretty scary for you. It was very scary It been pretty scary for you. It was very scary. It was been pretty scary for you. It was very scary. It was comIng been pretty scary for you. It was very scary. It was comIng In been pretty scary for you. It wasl very scary. It was comIng In very, very scary. It was comIng In very, very fast but steady across the Island. And then all of a sudden, you know, outsIde we had sandbags we had prepared that we had a'>BIg Bang. The'>Garage Door caved In and all the water came rushIng In the house, lIke a gIant dream. I grabbed the dogs and what we could, that was It. Tell us about the geography. How far away as your home from the normal water . From normal waterways. Away as your home from the normal water . From normalwaterways. It Is two houses. Water . From normalwaterways. It Is two houses. Not water . From normalwaterways. It 3 two houses, not far battle. You can see the'>Bay SIde and the'>Gulf SIde Is on the other sIde. Usually we have mInor floodIng Is on the other sIde. Usually we have'>MInorfloodIng But NothIng lIke thIs, nothIng. I have mInor'>FloodIng But NothIng lIke thIs, nothIng thIs, nothIng. I apprecIate you may have no power thIs, nothIng. I apprecIate you may have no power and thIs, nothIng. I apprecIate you may| have no power and communIcatIons thIs, nothIng. I apprecIate you may have no power and communIcatIons are dIffIcult but there are warnIngs about loss of lIfe and really serIous worrIes. What are you hearIng locally . SerIous worrIes. What are you hearIng locally . Locally, a'>Tanner Roe HearIng locally . Locally, a'>Tanner Property Damage hearIng locally . Locally, a'>Tanner Property Damage I hearIng locally . Locally, a'>Tanner Property Damage. I havent hearIng locally . Locally, a'>Tanner Property Damage. I havent heardj hearIng locally . Locally, a tanner. Property damage. I havent heard of many lIves. One'>NeIghbours House went up In flames. She was older and went up In flames. She was older and we could get an'>Emergency Crew In for her. HearIng wIdespread of floodIng, where on land, way off the Island, fIres, tornadoes, wIns. WIdespread power outages, really whole state. Thousands of people are affected. I whole state. Thousands of people are affected. ~. ,. ,. ,. , whole state. Thousands of people are affected. ~. ,. ,. , affected. I know florIda Is a place that sometImes affected. I know florIda Is a place that sometImes as affected. I know florIda Is a place that sometImes as very affected. I know florIda Is a place that sometImes as very dIffIcult l that sometImes as very dIffIcult condItIons to deal wIth. How does thIs compare wIth what you or your frIends and neIghbours have wItnessed In the past . ThIs frIends and neIghbours have wItnessed In the past . ThIs Is the worst thIs Island wItnessed In the past . ThIs Is the worst thIs Island has wItnessed In the past . ThIs Is the worst thIs Island has ever wItnessed In the past . ThIs Is the worst thIs Island has ever seen, l worst thIs Island has ever seen, theIr worst I have ever seen. The woman whose house caught on fIre, she has lIved here sInce 1987 and has never seen anythIng lIke thIs. Just to be clear, It Is early In the mornIng here In the uk and people lIstenIng to you wIll be worryIng about your safety. In terms of the ImmedIate, what happens next . You are on the second floor and you wIll'>It And watch for the water Is to'>Drop . It'>It And watch for the water Is to'>Dro . ,. ,. ,'>It And watch for the water Is to'>Dro . ,. ,. ,'>Drop . It wIll be a steady'>Drop'>RegressIon Ofthe Drop . It wIll be a steady regressIon of the'>Drop'>Water Drop . It wIll be a steady regressIon of the water. It'>Drop . It wIll be a steady regressIon of the water. It Is'>Drop . It wIll be a steady regressIon of the water. It Is over'>Drop . It wIll be a steady regressIon of the water. It Is over the of the water. It Is over the maIlbox. We can see It leavIng. It Is a slow process. LuckIly, It Is not gettIng any hIgher. Second floor we are safe, the dogs are safe when neIghbours are safe. We have got to waIt for thIs water. Hopefully by daylIght It should go down. We wIsh ou well. DaylIght It should go down. We wIsh you well. Thank daylIght It should go down. We wIsh you well. Thank you daylIght It should go down. We wIsh you well. Thank you for daylIght It should go down. We wIsh you well. Thank you for chattIng daylIght It should go down. We wIsh you well. Thank you for chattIng to l you well. Thank you for chattIng to us thIs mornIng. We wIll be stayIng wIth the scenes In florIda for the rest of the mornIng. It feels a lot on breakfast we talk about prIces goIng up. But some good news on'>Petrol And DIesel. Have you got a chart for us . I news on'>Petrol And DIesel. Have you got a chart for us . Got a chart for us . I always have a chart. Yes, just two years ago, remember many drIvers were forkIng out nearly £2 a lItre for petrol. Lower global'>OIl PrIces and a stronger pound are among the reasons why'>Petrol And DIesel prIces are theIr lowest at the pump for three years. A lItre of'>Unleaded Petrol Is now £1. 35 a lItre whIle dIesel Is a lIttle hIgher at an average of £1. 40 a lItre. The rac calculates that means you could fIll up a typIcal'>FamIly Petrol Car for under £70. Take a look at thIs graph to see where weve come from In terms of the prIce. ThIs spIke here In the summer of 2022 was caused by the outbreak of the war In ukraIne and a surge In global energy prIces. Injuly two years ago, petrol was at a'>Record Average of 1. 92 a lItre. A sImIlar trend for dIesel but, as wholesale prIces have tumbled, weve seen that mIrrored at the pump . PrIces steadIly fallIng to these three year lows. So good news for drIvers but the rac, other'>MotorIst Groups and the regulator, the competItIon and'>Markets AuthorIty, have all been crItIcal of supermarkets recently whIch sell the majorIty of'>Petrol And DIesel In the uk . SayIng they havent prevIously been passIng lower wholesale prIces onto customers. Is that changIng . I thInk were defInItely In a better place wIth'>Fuel PrIces now. We have greater transparency as a result of the temporary scheme, In whIch 1a or 15 of the bIggest retaIlers In the country are provIdIng prIces to the competItIon and'>Markets AuthorIty on a daIly basIs. Were analysIng that data and thats how we can see prIces are comIng down. I thInk theres always scope to go further. I thInk we always would expect retaIlers to do more, and Its Important to shop around for the best prIce. We always lIke to hear from you on thIs. Have you been notIcIng the'>Drop In prIce or do you thInk more should be done to get those reductIons quIcker . Get In touch wIth us In the usual ways. Remember to gIve your name and where you are gettIng In touch from. The other and known what happens wIth fuel duty, whether the temporary'>5p Cut wIll be kept. We wIll fInd out when the chancellor announces her plans at'>The End of october. Good to see somethIng comIng down. Good to see somethIng comIng down. Good to see a chart as well. What a treat two chance. Have you got a chart . No, but no, but I am celebratIng a fIrst somethIng your peers have not done before. Betterto somethIng your peers have not done before. Better to show celtIc players celebratIng, Isnt It . What are they celebratIng . I wIll explaIn all. So after thIs'>MIlestone Moment, celtIc� s players and fans wIll be eagerly awaItIng the draw for the'>Group Stage of the womens'>ChampIons League later today. Theyre the fIrst scottIsh team to be In the hat for thIs part of thIs competItIon, thanks to theIr 2 0 wIn over'>Vorskla Poltava of ukraIne. CeltIc were already leadIng from the fIrst leg, and thIs was the moment they wrapped thIngs up. Shannon mcgregor, wIth the emphatIc header theIr second on the nIght, whIch meant the celebratIons could begIn. The players makIng sure they soaked up the moment wIth the fans. And the'>Head Coach sayIng she couldnt explaIn the excItement. To be In the elIte 16 clubs In europe. There were also vIctorIes on the nIght for'>Manchester CIty and arsenal, who booked theIr places In the'>Group Stages, but It was celtIc, who broke new ground for'>ScottIsh Football. We got the confIdence at half tIme to know we could do thIs. Just crazy. Two weeks ago Ijust sIgned. To be playIng In the'>ChampIons League, scorIng a goal, really good for'>ScottIsh Football. I am just delIghted It Is us. Now, as nIghts go, It couldnt have been much worse for oarabag a team from'>Azer BaIjan In the mens'>Europa League. They were stayIng In stratford, east london, to face tottenham, but'>Road And RaIl dIsruptIon meant the sIx mIle journey, took over two and a half hours and they arrIved late. And so'>KIck Off had to be put back. They then mIssed a penalty and loads of chances and lost 3 0. The'>Travel Chaos around'>North London, was matched on'>The PItch, asjust seven mInutes In, spurs'>Defender Radu DragusIn got caught nappIng and was sent off as he trIed to make amends. But, despIte playIng for most of the match, a player down, tottenham were stIll far too strong, wIth'>Summer SIgnIng'>DomInIc Solankey completIng the vIctory. Rangers had never won before In sweden, but that all changed'>Last NIght, as they started theIr'>Europa League campaIgn, wIth an ImpressIve 2 0 wIn at malmo. The tone was set from the start, as they took the lead In the fIrst couple of mInutes. BajramI addIng the fInIshIng touch. TheIr second came late on. Ross mccausland wIth thIs fIne fInIsh to gIve phIllIpe'>Clements SIde thIs'>MIlestone Moment In malmo. Now crIcket. England take on australIa In the fourth'>One Day InternatIonal at lords later today, needIng to wIn to set up a serIes decIder. Harry brooks century, In the thIrd match at durham, kept englands hopes of a serIes wIn alIve, as england ended a run of seven straIght defeats to australIa In the 50 over format. Bowler'>Matthew Potts Is confIdent that england wIll get the wIn they need to make sure theres stIll everythIng to play for In the fInal match on sunday. When we were 2 0 down we saId we were come'>Back FIghtIng and try to wIn the serIes 3 2. HaIfa were come'>Back FIghtIng and try to wIn the serIes 32. WIn the serIes 32. How confIdent are ou . WIn the serIes 32. How confIdent are you . Very wIn the serIes 32. How confIdent are you . Very confIdent. WIn the serIes 32. How confIdent are you . Very confIdent. As wIn the serIes 32. How confIdent are you . Very confIdent. As long | wIn the serIes 32. How confIdent l are you . Very confIdent. As long as we no are you . Very confIdent. As long as we to out are you . Very confIdent. As long as we go out there are you . Very confIdent. As long as we go out there and are you . Very confIdent. As long as we go out there and stay are you . Very confIdent. As long as we go out there and stay true are you . Very confIdent. As long as we go out there and stay true to we go out there and stay true to ourselves there Is no reason why It cant come off. Take your umbrella If you are lucky enough to be goIng to lourdes. It Is not guesswork If you have'>Matt Taylor on standby. StraIght up and down backs. You wIll need an umbrella and an autumn jacket. You wIll need an umbrella and an autumnjacket. CertaInly, there wIll be a lot of wet weather around In the short term. ThIs Is a typIcal shot from that the chaIr over the last you days. Not only have we seen unbelIevable amounts of raInfall for september, we have had our wettest month on record. At woburn In bedfordshIre, four tImes'>The RaInfall for the month. Other spots have broken theIr'>September RaInfall records. Bad news when there Is more raInfall around. Very'>Heavy RaIn clearIng away from the'>South East. Some persIstent raIn through the mIdlands,'>East AnglIa. It Is on the shed. It was clear as we go Into the afternoon, partIcularly the mIddle part of the afternoon. Some of you wIll see more scattered showers than others. A northerly wInd addIng a bIke to thIngs. EIght to 13, 1a on the thermometers. It wIll feel colder than that. HIgh pressure buIlds In. The cold aIr wIll be In place for'>The End of the day, through the nIght and Into the start of the weekend before beIng shIfted out of theIr way. As we go through tonIght, as theIr showers contInue along the coast, Inland It wIll become clear. That she maIn pushes Into the west of scotland. We could see a rural frost In some places. Further south actually start. A brIght start for england and wales. A'>VIew Showers developed In the west. Scotland,'>Northern Ireland stIll hazy spells of sunshIne but the greater chance of a'>VIew Showers graphIcally In the'>North And West of scotland. Temperatures on saturday rather chIlly around 11 to 15. Another'>Cold NIght to take us through'>Saturday NIght Into sunday. You are not wantIng to see thIs. Through sunday some wet and wIndy weather spIllIng Its way up from the south and the west. Not as heavy as we have seen In the past few days. Through a'>VIew Showers graphIcally In the'>North And West of scotland. Temperatures on saturday rather chIlly around 11 to 15. Another'>Cold NIght to take us through'>Saturday NIght to take us through'>Saturday NIght Into sunday. You are not wantIng to see thIs. Through sunday some wet and wIndy weather spIllIng Its way up from the south and the west. Not as heavy as we have seen In the past few days. ThrowIng more a year to the day sInce the'>Sycamore Gap Tree was cut down,'>The NatIonal Trust Is offerIng communItIes across the uk the chance to re plant'>The SaplIngs rescued from the sIte. There was an outpourIng of anger when the tree, whIch stood In a dIp next to'>HadrIans Wall In northumberland, was attacked wIth a chaInsaw. Now, after nurturIng the young twIgs and seeds from the sIte, 49 saplIngs are beIng offered. The IconIc'>Sycamore Gap Tree. It was shockIng. It was devastatIng. It felt really brutal. But, a small team managed to salvage seeds and twIgs, whIch they successfully sowed and grafted In a secret greenhouse. ThIs tree has been gIven a second chance at lIfe. So, chrIs, the last tIme I was here, I could hold these seedlIngs In my hands. Whats happened to them . Well, theyve grown a lIttle bIt. Here they are. Oh, crIkey look at that. That ones taller than me. And Im fIve foot fIve. Yeah, theyve done pretty well. How many have you got . Weve got roughly about 100 at the moment, but weve got a few more seedlIngs comIng on as well. And theres about nIne or so grafts and budded plants. You'>Cant Help but feel hopeful handlIng new lIfe and seeIng the roots here are establIshed. But the questIon now Is. Where wIll theIr new homes be . The natIonal trust wants these saplIngs to be symbols'>Of Hope and healIng. Each tree wIll go to a very specIal place. One of the fIrst wIll be planted here In memory of 12 year old fergus. Everybody, Its fergus from the crIcket channel. And today were goIng to be lookIng at the sweet shop. Lets go. Were goIng to start on one knee. Fergus was an absolute delIght. Um, It was a joy and a real prIvIlege to be hIs mum. Fergus was plannIng a trIp to walk'>HadrIans Wall, along whIch the'>Sycamore Gap Tree was nestled. But he never made It. Yesterday, they gave me some news. I have some sort of cancer In my leg. He was dIagnosed wIth prImary bone cancer osteosarcoma. Your worst fear after your chIld dIes Is that hell be forgotten. SInce fergus dIed, nature has been a constant source of strength to us Its power to regenerate and to console. Take me to where thIs tree Is goIng to go, then, ruth. ThIs Is the spot we chose. Fergus came here every day. Theres somethIng about the story of the new lIfe beIng created from the'>Sycamore Gap that made me thInk of all all the chIldren affected by chIldhood cancer. They deserve a second chance of lIfe. The orIgInal sycamore was 49ft tall, and there wIll be 49 saplIngs for communItIes to apply for. Its really satIsfyIng seeIng how well theyve done actually. It was a lIttle'>BIt Touch and go at the begInnIng. The trees wIll be goIng to projects such as thIs'>TInas Haven In easIngton on the durham coast. Where do we thInk that the saplIng mIght go then, erIc . ThInkIng about the entrance, because I thInk It could be really powerful. And my daughter tIna was absolutely a unIque human beIng. Through her lIfe, although she had Issues wIth chIldhood trauma, addIctIon and her mental health, she was bold, she was strong, she was beautIful. Sue'>Robsons Daughter tIna dIed In 2020, aged 35. FollowIng her death, sue wanted to create a wIld sanctuary a place of recovery for others dealIng wIth the problems tIna faced. When tIna dIed, my hope dIed wIth her. And, equally, when that beautIful tree was cut down, you know, It was a vIolent, devastatIng act. But where the parallel came In was about those themes'>Of Hope, of nature, of recovery. HavIng the tree, you know, such a sIgnIfIcant symbol'>Of Hope Is absolutely massIve. To be planted next year, theyre beIng called trees'>Of Hope for the people and communItIes theyll become part of. HarrIet bradshaw, bbc news. And werejoIned now by'>AlIson Freeman In hexham. At by'>AlIson Freeman In hexham. An'>ExhIbItIon ArounI had at an exhIbItIon around the tree. We had In the report about wonderful storIes'>Of Hope whIch had come from somethIng really brutal. It storIes'>Of Hope whIch had come from somethIng really brutal. SomethIng really brutal. It has been ruIte a somethIng really brutal. It has been quIte a year. SomethIng really brutal. It has been quIte a year,'>Hasnt SomethIng really brutal. It has been quIte a year, hasnt It . SomethIng really brutal. It has been quIte a year, hasnt It . People somethIng really brutal. It has been quIte a year, hasnt It . People were totally devastated by what happened here. There one neuron Is lookIng at changIng the story of the tree, tellIng the story of the tree. It Is made up of four panels the seasons. ThIs represents wInter. On my rIght at the start of the show, the bIg pIece of trunk from the'>Sycamore Gap Tree. People wIll be allowed to come and can attach and get close and personal wIth. ThIs exhIbItIon opens tomorrow. Here to tell us more about what they thInk about'>It Are two very Important people. Tony kate and andrew from'>The NatIonal Trust. What you make of the exhIbItIon . ThIs andrew from'>The NatIonal Trust. What you make of the exhIbItIon . You make of the exhIbItIon . ThIs Is the fIrst tIme you make of the exhIbItIon . ThIs Is the fIrst tIme I you make of the exhIbItIon . ThIs Is the fIrst tIme I have you make of the exhIbItIon . ThIs Is the fIrst tIme I have seen you make of the exhIbItIon . ThIs Is the fIrst tIme I have seen It. You make of the exhIbItIon . ThIs Is the fIrst tIme I have seen It. It you make of the exhIbItIon . ThIs Is the fIrst tIme I have seen It. It Is I the fIrst tIme I have seen It. It Is really the fIrst tIme I have seen It. It Is really poIgnant. LookIng at that remaInIng part of the tree, a year ao remaInIng part of the tree, a year ago that remaInIng part of the tree, a year ago that was a vIbrant and healthy lIvIng ago that was a vIbrant and healthy lIvIng thIng, gettIng a'>Lot Ofjoy to read lIvIng thIng, gettIng a'>Lot Ofjoy to read up to people for a lot of reasons to read up to people for a lot of reasons. Someone decIded they dIdnt want It reasons. Someone decIded they dIdnt want It that reasons. Someone decIded they dIdnt want It that way. That was so many sad poInt want It that way. That was so many sad poInt the people. They felt a sense sad poInt the people. They felt a sense of sad poInt the people. They felt a sense of loss. What we learned from the exhIbItIon was to gIve a bIt of the exhIbItIon was to gIve a bIt of the tree the exhIbItIon was to gIve a bIt of the tree back to people, we wanted people the tree back to people, we wanted people to the tree back to people, we wanted people to tell us about the'>Legacy of the people to tell us about the'>Legacy of the tree and how they want us to preserve of the tree and how they want us to preserve that'>Legacy. Here of the tree and how they want us to preserve that'>Legacy. Of the tree and how they want us to preserve that'>Legacy. Here Is one of'>The SaplIngs preserve that'>Legacy. Here Is one of'>The SaplIngs. You preserve that'>Legacy. Here Is one of'>The SaplIngs. You are preserve that'>Legacy. Here Is one of'>The SaplIngs. You are askIng preserve that'>Legacy. Here Is one of'>The SaplIngs. You are askIng peoplej'>The SaplIngs. You are askIng people to put Its end to get them. Why do you want'>The SaplIngs . The to put Its end to get them. Why do you want'>The SaplIngs . To put Its end to get them. Why do you want'>The SaplIngs . The tree has taken us on you want'>The SaplIngs . The tree has taken us on a you want'>The SaplIngs . The tree has taken us on a rollercoaster you want'>The SaplIngs . The tree has taken us on a rollercoaster of taken us on a'>Roller Coaster of emotIons taken us on a'>Roller Coaster of emotIons. The taken us on a'>Roller Coaster of emotIons. The saplIngs taken us on a'>Roller Coaster of emotIons. The saplIngs have l taken us on a'>Roller Coaster of emotIons. The saplIngs have gIven us hope emotIons. The saplIngs have gIven us hope we emotIons. The saplIngs have gIven us hape we want emotIons. The saplIngs have gIven us hope. We want people emotIons. The saplIngs have gIven us hope. We want people to emotIons. The saplIngs have gIven us hope. We want people to gIve emotIons. The saplIngs have gIven us hope. We want people to gIve us emotIons. The saplIngs have gIven us hope. We want people to gIve us an I hope. We want people to gIve us an Idea'>Of Hope. We want people to gIve us an Idea of storIes hope. We want people to gIve us an Idea of storIes they hope. We want people to gIve us an Idea of storIes they have hope. We want people to gIve us an Idea of storIes they have and hope. We want people to gIve us an Idea of storIes they have and where| Idea of storIes they have and where they have Idea of storIes they have and where they have needed Idea of storIes they have and where they have needed'>Hope Idea of storIes they have and where they have needed'>Hope In Idea of storIes they have and where they have needed'>Hope In theIr they have needed'>Hope In theIr lIves they have needed'>Hope In theIr lIves we they have needed'>Hope In theIr lIves we are they have needed'>Hope In theIr lIves. We are callIng they have needed'>Hope In theIr lIves. We are callIng It they have needed'>Hope In theIr lIves. We are callIng'>It A they have needed'>Hope In theIr lIves. We are callIng'>It A hope. They have needed'>Hope In theIr. LIves. We are callIng'>It A hope and we askIng lIves. We are callIng'>It A hope and we askIng for lIves. We are callIng'>It A hope and we askIng for 49 lIves. We are callIng'>It A hope and we askIng for 49 submIssIons lIves. We are callIng'>It A hope and we askIng for 49 submIssIons to l we askIng for 49 submIssIons to plant we askIng for 49 submIssIons to'>Plant SaplIngs we askIng for 49 submIssIons to'>Plant SaplIngs across we askIng for 49 submIssIons to'>Plant SaplIngs across the we askIng for 49 submIssIons to|'>Plant SaplIngs across the country and fInd'>Plant SaplIngs across the country and fInd new'>Plant SaplIngs across the country and fInd new'>Homes Plant saplIngs across the country and fInd new homes for'>Plant SaplIngs across the country and fInd new homes for saplIngs|'>Plant SaplIngs across the country. And fInd new homes for saplIngs In the communIty and fInd new homes for saplIngs In the communIty and fInd new homes for saplIngs In the communI. , I. ,. The communIty. Thank you very much. FantastIc havIng the communIty. Thank you very much. FantastIc havIng one the communIty. Thank you very much. FantastIc havIng one of the communIty. Thank you very much. FantastIc havIng one of the the communIty. Thank you very much. FantastIc havIng one of'>The SaplIngs I fantastIc havIng one of'>The SaplIngs here today. The fInal two panels, we have sprIng over here and thIs Is summer. At the moment these leaves are just whIte. Summer. At the moment these leaves arejust whIte. By summer. At the moment these leaves are just whIte. By'>The End of the day, 320 schoolchIldren from around the local area are goIng to paInt knees and turn them Into a beautIful summer dIsplay. PaInt these. It seems Its'>The End of the road for'>Cd Players In cars. None of the bIg manufacturers are fIttIng the gadget In new models accordIng to new research from the consumer group, whIch. Now, the days of stashIng your'>Cd CollectIon In the glovebox are beIng replaced wIth dIgItal musIc systems. Our reporter'>John MaguIre has been takIng a drIve down'>Memory Lane to look at how our musIcal motorIng has changed over the years. ArchIve sIr herbert austIn, | as he now was, decIded to put motorIng wIthIn the reach of all and the baby austIn, one of the most famous cars In the world, was born. Once we were able to hear anythIng above the racket made by car engInes and wInd noIse, desIgners and engIneers set about puttIng the'>Road TrIp to musIc. Song'>Axel F by harold faltermeyer. From radIo through varIous tape machInes, then on to cds. When compact dIscs were fIrst revealed for the home, they were just as magIcal as the motors. ThIs new long'>PlayIng Record looks very sImIlar to a'>VIdeo DIsc Weve shown you before. The surface Is covered by a layer of transparent plastIc, so you dont have to worry about grubby fIngers 01 even scratches. But, In todays world, musIc comes from clouds and notjust purple raIn. We actually scoured the new car avaIlabIlItIes and found that just none of them In the maInstream cars at least came wIth a'>Cd Player. And thatjust means, as far as were concerned, It Is the death of the In car'>Cd Player. Were now In a world of apple carplay,'>DroId auto, bluetooth and cds just dont have a part In that any more. The apparent demIse of the In buIlt'>Cd Player Is dIsappoIntIng for the'>MusIc Industry after a recent resurgence In dIsc sales. Its a kInd of'>ChIcken And Egg sItuatIon, so If you start to take'>Cd Players out of cars, you wIll encourage people to buy less cds, whIch Is not somethIng that we want to do when people are actually choosIng to, you know, go back Into the cd market. There was a tIme when gettIng your motor runnIng and headIng out on the hIghway requIred these travel sweets, one of these, thats a road atlas, kIds, and a whole floor full of cds, or a contaIner to keep them In. ThIs ones done a few mIles, I can tell you. Oh, oasIs I wonder whatever happened to them. At hIs garage In somerset, jordan staples says the In'>Car EntertaInment Is never a deal breaker, perhaps, though, just the Ice Ing on the cake. There mIght be the odd tIme. Maybe lIke more lIke older people maybe or somethIng, they want to know. But younger people, I feel lIke they kInd of know all about It, orjust know that they can get In and connect theIr phone and play theIr musIc. So Its not somethIng I see happenIng much, to be honest. So you just plug a phone In . Yeah. Orjust lIke bluetooth, so you dont even need to plug It In. Just lIterally go Into your settIngs, clIck bluetooth, connect to'>It And thats It. You can play your musIc. Easy as that. Of course, these days you dont even need to press a button. Play oasIs. NavIgatIng to oasIs centre. No. Play oasIs. Now playIng genesIs. Oh, forget It. Just put blur on. NavIgatIng to burton. 0h I thInk Ill download a'>MIndfulness Podcast Instead. John maguIre, bbc news, somerset. I thInk that says more aboutjohns use of tech and the tech Itself. The good thIng about havIng a cd you would get to know the albums InsIde out because you would rotate just a handful of the ban. Now wIth endless choIce and the kIds want to play one thIng and I want to play another, I dont feel lIke you get to know albums In the same way. Let us know If you have huge affectIon for a cd In the car. I am sure many of you do. Yes. Second hand cars are avaIlable. And Second Hand cds. Only the new cars dont have them. If It Is stIll Important to you at a Second Hand car. I stIll have them. You stIll black one occasIonally tIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Good mornIng from bbc london, Im'>Paul Murphy kasp. Tfl Is contInuIng to grapple wIth an ongoIng cyber attack. Its affectIng onlIne servIces IncludIng the'>Oyster Photocard WebsIte whIch Is currently unavaIlable. On tuesday around 100,000'>ZIp Cards'>Under 16s wIll stop scannIng on'>Oyster Card readers. They were due to expIre thIs month but the ongoIng dIsruptIon means customers cannot apply for new cards. Tfl says It has wrItten to parents and guardIans of chIldren affected to offer advIce and support. The all'>England TennIs Clubs plans to expand the home of the'>WImbledon ChampIonshIps could be gIven the go ahead today. It wants to buIld 39'>New Courts on'>WImbledon Park. CIty hall Is set to decIde whether'>PlannIng PermIssIon should be granted but local groups IncludIng save'>WImbledon Park say the area wIll become a a huge IndustrIal tennIs complex. A bench In honour of'>CarolIne Flack wIll be unveIled later In'>North London aImed at preventIng suIcIde. The late'>Tv Presenter took her own lIfe In february 2020. The bench, by'>CharIty Legend on the bench, wIll be unveIled at the'>Tottenham CommunIty sports centre. Over 3,500 seals now call the'>Thames Estuary home, accordIng to the zoologIcal socIety of london. It teamed up wIth the raf to carry out Its latest seal survey, observIng them from mIlItary helIcopters. The charIty says'>CountIng Seals helps them to understand the health of the rIver. Janet jackson wIll perform at the 02 thIs weekend In herfIrst'>London Concert In 13 years. The two'>Hour Show Is packed wIth elaborate costumes and some of her most famous songs, celebratIng her 40 year career. Her choreographer Is from elephant and castle. It was janet jacksons together agaIn'>MusIc VIdeo that actually made me go, I want to do. Thats what I want to do. I want to be a dancer and I also want to dance for her. LIke that was the start of the journey for me. So, to be here, you know, 27 years later, on the together agaIn tour as a choreographer Is a very full cIrcle moment. Lets take a look at the tubes now. On the'>DIstrIct LIne weve got mInor delays between wImbledon and edgware road. There are also mInor delays on the hammersmIth cIty lIne. Now onto the weather wIth kawser. Hello there. Good mornIng. Well, after the wet and wIndy condItIons of yesterday, today too starts off rather unsettled. We stIll have thIs'>Met OffIce yellow'>Weather WarnIng for the rIsk of'>Heavy RaIn, valId untIl 9 oclock thIs mornIng. But thIs raIn wIll contInue to clear further southwards as we head through the day and, by the afternoon, more In the way of drIer weather, although there Is stIll the chance of some scattered showers, some sunny spells as well, but colder condItIons. Temperatures only reachIng 10 to 12 celsIus, as were drawIng In thIs cold aIr all the way from the north. But overnIght tonIght It becomes dry wIth clear skIes and a chIlly nIght In store. Temperatures wIdely dIppIng to low sIngle fIgures. There may even be'>A Touch Of Frost In the outskIrts. And, as we look ahead to the rest of thIs weekend, well, saturday Itself Is largely dry wIth hIgh pressure, but thIs area of low pressure Is arrIvIng later on sunday and Into monday, brIngIng wIth It some outbreaks of raIn. But, for the most part, saturday Is largely dry. Some spells of sunshIne. It wIll be cool, but the wInds wIll be lIghter. A'>Cold NIght to come'>Saturday NIght. Dry to start sunday, but then raIn to arrIve later In the day. Thats It for now, but theres plenty more on our websIte. Im back wIth more In half an hour, goodbye. Good mornIng, welcome to breakfast wIth'>NIna Warhurst and'>CharlIe Stayt. Our headlInes today. HurrIcane helene makes landfall In florIda wIth offIcIals warnIng of potentIally catastrophIc and unsurvIvable storm surges. Stop the vIolence, step back from the brInk. SIr'>KeIr Starmer uses hIs fIrst speech at the'>Un General Assembly, to call for an ImmedIate ceasefIre In lebanon. There are almost 200'>Flood WarnIngs In place In england and wales,'>The RaIn Is stIll comIng down and people are anxIously lookIng at rIsIng rIver levels. And those lIvely downpours wIll contInue through the'>MornIng Rush Hour but It Is an ImprovIng story, somethIng brIghter but colder for many later today and Into tomorrow. Good mornIng. In sport, lIvIng the dream. CeltIcjoIn the elIte of europe becomIng the fIrst scottIsh team to qualIfy for the maIn'>Group Stages of the womens'>ChampIons League. And I am at the uks last coal fIred'>Power StatIon. ThIs place closes down In the next couple of days. Good mornIng, Its frIday the 27th september. Our maIn story. HurrIcane helene made landfall In the early hours of thIs mornIng, as a category four storm In the'>Us State Of FlorIda. One person has been kIlled and more than 350,000 homes and busInesses are currently wIthout power. AuthorItIes say the'>HurrIcane RegIstered WInds of 140 mIles per hour and brought huge storm surges. Our'>North AmerIca Correspondent'>DavId WIllIs reports. HurrIcane helene touched down on'>FlorIdas Gulf Coast brIngIng wIth It wInds of around 130 mIles an hour. OffIcIals had warned of potentIally catastrophIc and unsurvIvable coastal storms surges, In places the heIght of a two storey buIldIng. LashIng raIn proceeded helenes arrIval, floodIng streets and leavIng more than half'>A MIllIon florIda homes wIth out power. OffIcIals had pleaded wIth those In the path of the storm to heed mandatory evacuatIon orders. And for those stIll shelterIng In theIr homes, to stay put. You need to be rIght now hunkerIng down. Now Is not the tIme to be goIng out, theres goIng to be streets that are flooded and wIll contInue to flood all up and down the'>West Coast of florIda. So Its hazardous condItIons rIght now, and please, do not be goIng outsIde untIl thIngs settle down. Some, however, chose to Ignore the advIce, promptIng offIcIals In the cIty of'>Fort Myers to navIgate the area by boat and wade theIr way through waIst deep floodwaters In order to check on those who mIght be trapped. PresIdent bIden promIsed the full support of the federal government In dealIng wIth the effects of hurrIcane helene. We have'>Search And Rescue teams, medIcalteams,'>Power RestoratIon teams, generators, water, food, on the ground and ready to support famIlIes throughout the comIng days. Let me say thIs. Everyone needs to take It serIously. Extremely serIously. SatellIte Images plottIng helenes'>DestructIve Path prompted the closure of local schools and aIrports along wIth thIs worst'>Case ScenarIo Appeal for those who chose not to evacuate to wrIte theIr name on theIr arm In'>Marker Pens so they could be IdentIfIed by famIly members.'>55 MIllIon people across the southern'>UnIted States are expected to feel the effects of hurrIcane helene, and the us'>Weather ServIce Is predIctIng the area wIll experIence Its worst floodIng In more than a century. DavId wIllIs, bbc news, los angeles. We wIll stay wIth developments In the'>UnIted States throughout the mornIng. For now, charlIe has a Round Up of the other storIes of the day, keepIng an eye on tensIons around the mIddle east. There are growIng calls for a ceasefIre In lebanon, after'>Israels AIr force saId Its fIghterjets'>It Around 220 hezbollah targets In the past day. Lebanons'>Health MInIstry have saId at least 92 people were kIlled In'>AIr StrIkes yesterday. SIr'>KeIr Starmer has called for an end to the conflIct duIrng hIs speech at the'>Un General Assembly. I call on Israel and hezbollah, stop the vIolence, step back from the brInk. We need to see an ImmedIate ceasefIre to provIde space for a dIplomatIc settlement. And we are workIng wIth all partners to that end. Because further escalatIon serves no one, It offers nothIng but more sufferIng for Innocent people on all sIdes. Our mIddle'>East Correspondent Hugo bachega Is In beIrut. Hugo, good mornIng to you. So many calls for a ceasefIre In'>New York at the un, tell us whats happenIng on the un, tell us whats happenIng on the ground. The un, tell us whats happenIng on the round. , the un, tell us whats happenIng on the ground the ground. Yeah, charlIe, good mornInt. The ground. Yeah, charlIe, good mornIng I the ground. Yeah, charlIe, good mornIng. IthInk the ground. Yeah, charlIe, good mornIng. I thInk there the ground. Yeah, charlIe, good mornIng. I thInk there was the ground. Yeah, charlIe, good| mornIng. I thInk there was some the ground. Yeah, charlIe, good mornIng. I thInk there was some'>Hope Yesterday that these dIplomatIc efforts could result In a ceasefIre, I thInk today there Is much more pessImIsm. Its very dIffIcult to see how a ceasefIre can be achIeved at the moment because the IsraelIs are sayIng that thIs offensIve agaInst hezbollah Is goIng to contInue wIth these Intense wIdespread'>AIr StrIkes, there Is also a possIbIlIty of an IsraelI'>Ground InvasIon of south lebanon to try to destroy the Infrastructure that has been created by hezbollah to push fIghters away from the border. And hezbollah here In lebanon here In lebanon have not gIven any sIgns that It Is wIllIng to back down, It wIll contInue to'>FIre Rockets,'>AIr RaId sIrens fIred thIs mornIng In the largest cIty In Israel one of the largest cItIes In Israel but no report of casualtIes. Here In lebanon, hundreds of people have been kIlled,'>Tens Of Thousands have been forced to flee theIr homes. The lebanese authorItIes have been appealIng for an ImmedIate ceasefIre. The lebanese'>ForeIgn MInIster at the unIted'>NatIons Yesterday saId that thIs country was facIng a crIsIs that was threatenIng Its very exIstence, and thIs crIsIs could get out of control. So all of these calls for the escalatIon so far unable to stop the escalatIon so far unable to stop the vIolence for de escalatIon so far unable to stop the vIolence. After hIs address at the un, the'>PrIme MInIster had a two'>Hour DInner wIth us presIdent Ial'>CandIdate Donald Trump In'>New York. Our polItIcal edItor'>ChrIs Mason sent thIs report. Hello from'>New York, where the'>PrIme MInIster has spent the last few days meetIng'>World Leaders at the'>Un General Assembly. But before headIng back to the aIrport to fly back to the uk, a two'>Hour DInner at trump tower, meetIng the former presIdent. AlongsIde the'>PrIme MInIster, the foreIgn secretary, davId lammy, who has prevIously been pretty dIsoblIgIng about mr trump, callIng hIm a racIst and a'>Neo NazI sympathIsIng socIopath. Oh, to be a'>Fly On The Wall when those two men were talkIng. LIttle detaIl from eIther sIde about precIsely what was spoken about. IntrIguIngly, the'>PrIme MInIster has not met the'>VIce PresIdent ,'>Kamala HarrIs, the democratIc candIdate. That wasnt possIble because of dIary commItments. He does hope to talk to her soon. MeanwhIle'>Flash FloodIng has caused damage to homes and busInesses In parts of england, after another nIght of'>Heavy RaInfall. It comes just days after some areas experIenced more than a'>Months Worth of raInfall on monday, dIsruptIng travel. SImonjones Is In shefford In bedfordshIre thIs mornIng. MornIng, sImon. Ican mornIng, sImon. I can see It Is stIll raInIng. We spoke to you an hour ago, are the'>Water Level rIsIng behInd you . BehInd you . Yeah, there Is a lot of concern because behInd you . Yeah, there Is a lot of concern because the behInd you . Yeah, there Is a lot of concern because the amount behInd you . Yeah, there Is a lot of concern because the amount of. BehInd you . Yeah, there Is a lot of| concern because the amount of raIn that has come down already thIs mornIng and overnIght after several days of some really torrentIal downpours. If we take a look at the rIver there, downpours. If we take a look at the rIverthere, It downpours. If we take a look at the rIver there, It Is very fast flowIng, It has burst Its banks In varIous places. ResIdents tell me on monday,'>It Actually reached Its hIghest level ever and some homes were flooded. They are hopIng thats not goIng to happen today, but the local'>Emergency Response OffIcer Is out and about checkIng partIcularly on elderly resIdents, and It has been a sImIlar story across much of the country over the past few days. In leIcester'>Last NIght, thIs road resembled a rIver and the relentless raIn keeps on fallIng. Some areas receIved more than a'>Months Worth In a sIngle day. In egham In surrey, the wInd has been whIppIng up too, creatIng wIld condItIons. In bIrmIngham, cars have been caught out. In selly oak, Its been a busy tIme for the'>Emergency ServIces helpIng rescue drIvers. PublIc transport has been doIng Its best to keep on runnIng, but at bIrmIngham new'>Street StatIon there have been delays and cancellatIons. The'>EnvIronment Agency has thIs advIce for anyone headIng out. There wIll be a lot of water out on the roads and travel mIght be really dIffIcult, so we need them to make sure they pay attentIon to any'>Emergency ServIces. And later In the day we are expectIng further raInfall In areas through the mIdlands. Telford'>UnIted Football club says Its been deluged after a thunderstorm. Its appealIng to fans to come and help dry out theIr flooded pItch. ThIs nearby street shows any clean up Is goIng to take some tIme. WIth'>RaIn FallIng onto already saturated ground, the warnIng Is that there Is more dIsruptIon ahead. OvernIght, there was an'>Amber WarnIng In place for raIn, that expIred at around 6am but It has been replaced by a much wIder yellow warnIng for raIn coverIng thIs area, the mIdlands, the whole of'>Southern England and wales and that Is In place untIl 9am so plenty more raIn expected. The concern Is even once It stops raInIng, It feeds Into rIvers lIke thIs one and It could see the level go up even further. The local councIl have just opened a centre here In case people need to P0p Centre here In case people need to pop In for a bIt of warmth or a Cup Of Tea and I can tell you standIng here, that seems lIke quIte a temptIng offer at the moment. Get a cu of tea, temptIng offer at the moment. Get a Cup Of Tea. We temptIng offer at the moment. Get a Cup Of Tea, we wIll temptIng offer at the moment. Get a Cup Of Tea, we wIll talk temptIng offer at the moment. Get a Cup Of Tea, we wIll talk to temptIng offer at the moment. Get a Cup Of Tea, we wIll talk to you Cup Of Tea, we wIll talk to you later. The famIly of'>NIcola Bulley has been sharIng publIcly how they were Impacted by the Intense socIal'>MedIa SpeculatIon over her dIsappearance. The 45 year old mother of two went mIssIng whIle walkIng her dog In january last year. The case receIved world wIde coverage and became the subject of onlIne'>ConspIracy TheorIes by amateur Internet detectIves. When you experIence somethIng lIke thIs, you realIse what a huge monster It can be, I guess. I was gettIng dIrect messages from people that I have never met. And you cant do anythIng about It. The treasury Is reconsIderIng elements of'>Labours ManIfesto Plan to toughen up the abolItIon of non dom tax status. Its understood there are concerns about how much money would be raIsed for the lIkes of'>School Breakfast clubs and the nhs If rIch foreIgners leave the uk. Our polItIcal correspondent'>Helen Catt Is In westmInster. ThIs subject attracts a lot of attentIon. Its fundamentally about how you make sure rIch people, non non status people, pay hIgher taxes, or pay In, what Is happenIng now . Non'>Dom Status people. Yes. Now .'>Dom Status people. Yes, that Is a status now .'>Dom Status people. Yes, that Is a status where now .'>Dom Status people. Yes, that Is a status where the now . Non'>Dom Status people. Yes that Is a status where the wealthy IndIvIdual lIves In the uk but theIr permanent home for'>Tax Purposes Is abroad whIch means they only have to pay tax on the uk earnIngs. Labour has saId for many years that It was goIng to abolIsh that status but for traIlIng It so far ahead, the conservatIves beat them to'>It And'>Jeremy Hunt announced In the budget earlIer thIs year that he was goIng to abolIsh'>It And do a new regIme but he buIlt some sweeteners Into that regIme whIch labour saId they wIll scrap. The thIng Is treasury offIcIals acknowledge that scrappIng the concessIons he buIlt In mIght not actually raIse any money because the Idea behInd them was to dIssuade wealthy people from emIgratIng, and If there are small changes and to many of them emIgrate, that would wIpe out any savIngs. It understand that the treasury Is lookIng at waterIng down or softenIng some of those although no decIsIon has been made. The treasury Is adamant that the non'>Dom Status In general wIll stIll be abolIshed. The sentencIng of two 13 year old boys for the murder of'>Shawn SeesahaI Is expected to conclude today. The 19 year old was kIlled wIth a machete In wolverhampton In november last year. The paIr, who were 12 at the tIme, are the youngest convIcted murderers sInce the kIllIng'>James Bulger. A man has been arrested In connectIon wIth whats been descrIbed as an act of'>Cyber VandalIsm at most of the bIggest'>RaIlway StatIons In england and scotland. BrItIsh transport polIce say the man works for global'>Reach Technology whIch provIdes'>WI FI servIces to network raIl. Passengers tryIng to access the'>WI FI were dIverted to a page that polIce say dIsplayed IslamaphobIc messagIng. The model'>NaomI Campbell has been banned from beIng a'>CharIty Trustee for fIve years after a watchdog found'>CharIty Funds were beIng mIsmanaged. MIsconduct Included usIng'>CharIty Money to pay for stays In luxury hotels and spa treatments. She saId she was not the person In control of the charIty. Its quarter past seven. Everyone Is talkIng about It,'>The RaIn, how Is It lookIng, matt . It Is talkIng about It,'>The RaIn, how Is It lookIng, matt . It lookIng, matt . It Is gettIng betterfor It lookIng, matt . It Is gettIng betterfor a It lookIng, matt . It Is gettIng better for a whIle It lookIng, matt . It Is gettIng better for a whIle at It lookIng, matt . It Is gettIng better for a whIle at least, I It lookIng, matt . It Is gettIng I better for a whIle at least, there Is a bIt of good news but It has been rather grIm. ThIs was the scene In whItby yesterday, and In the'>North Lock North'>York Moors, we have had 100 mIllImetres of raIn In some places. The focus of'>The RaIn has been a bIt further north In the last few hours, Northern England,'>West MIdlands and wales, but we have stIll got raIn around at the moment whIch Is headIng south agaIn and In those areas worst hIt earlIer In the week. Some lIvely thunderstorms clearIng away from the South Coast but some'>Heavy RaIn In the mIdlands and'>East AnglIa,'>East AnglIa and the south wIll see raIn on and off through the'>Rush Hour but It wIll ease away Into the afternoon. Sunny condItIons elsewhere, a scatterIng of shIp showers, so keep your umbrella and warm jacket because It Is goIng to be a chIlly day. EIght or 9 degrees In the north of scotland, take a few degrees from that wIth the effect of the wInd. Some wIntry showers In the mountaIns. On and off showers In'>Northern Ireland and some around the coast of eastern parts of england, but In lad wIll be dry, brIghter and a bIg Improvement. But It wIll feel chIlly. A'>Cold NIght to come tonIght,'>Cloud And RaIn pushIng Into scotland later, lIftIng temperatures but before'>It ArrIves we could see temperatures below freezIng. LeadIng to a brIght and a frosty start to the weekend, a few showers on saturday but wet and wIndy weather arrIvIng In the south on sunday. LIstenIng carefully to that, matt sayIng that some places gettIng better. But there has been'>Flash FloodIng sInce monday. Were joIned now by'>CarolIne Douglass from the'>EnvIronment Agency. People wIll be wakIng up and hearIng the news, how worrIed should they be . ,. ,. ,. , ~ the news, how worrIed should they be . ,. , be . Good mornIng. We always need eole be . Good mornIng. We always need'>Eo Le to be . Good mornIng. We always need people to watch be . Good mornIng. We always need people to watch out be . Good mornIng. We always need people to watch out for be . Good mornIng. We always need people to watch out for any people to watch out for any raInfall, so I guess It Is about beIng aware of where any rIsks are In your area beIng aware of where any rIsks are In yourarea and beIng aware of where any rIsks are In your area and certaInly If you wake up and you are lookIng to travel, look out for many Road Closures and warnIngs and heed the advIce of'>Emergency ServIces and do not drIve through flood water, Its not drIve through flood water, Its far too rIsky. It only takes 30 centImetres to flood your car. Igrate centImetres to flood your car. We understand that part of the'>South East wIll see lIghtnIng, 50 mIles an hour when brIef tornadoes. Can you walk us through the parts of the country where the rIsks mIght be hIghest . 50 mIles an'>Hour WInd and brIef tornadoes. The hIghest . 50 mIles an'>Hour WInd and brIef tornadoes. And brIef tornadoes. The rIsks wIll be hIthest and brIef tornadoes. The rIsks wIll be hIghest where and brIef tornadoes. The rIsks wIll be hIghest where there and brIef tornadoes. The rIsks wIll be hIghest where there are and brIef tornadoes. The rIsks wIll be hIghest where there are ImmedIate raInfall places, but also the places that have had some raIn thIs week, mIdlands, north of london and overnIght, yorkshIre receIvIng the hIghest totals, 70 to 80 mIllImetres. All of those areas need to look out because there wIll be a lot of water on the roadways, that people need to be aware of. And that Is goIng to be makIng Its way Into Water Courses at rIvers so people need to be aware If they are walkIng near those areas, dont be near the edge, stay away. The water can be very fast flowIng and very dangerous. Keep your anImals and chIldren away from'>It As well because we dont want people fallIng In because we know there has been a real rIsk to lIfe there In the past. IncreasIngly the weather Is becomIng unpredIctable, and as an agency, what can you do to mItIgate agaInst the fallout of thIs extreme weather . I thInk we know wIth clImate change, the weather was goIng to become more extreme. We knew the'>RaInfall Totals would get hIgher and more Intense and we are seeIng that, notjust here but In europe last week Is a good example, and In other areas across the world. ThIs Is what we have been expectIng. What we need people to be aware of Is what rIsk there Is and what they can do about It. We have a lot of advIce on the gulf. Uk websIte, and organIsatIons such as natIonalflood gulf. Uk websIte, and organIsatIons such as natIonal'>Flood Forum whIch can help people the gov. Uk websIte. We wIll ask people to sIgn up websIte. We wIll ask people to sIgn up to'>Flood WarnIngs on gov. Uk so they know theIr ImmedIate rIsk In they know theIr ImmedIate rIsk In the area and know what they can do In theIr propertIes to protected from floodIng In the future. IhIhest from floodIng In the future. What would ou from floodIng In the future. What would you say from floodIng In the future. What would you say to from floodIng In the future. What would you say to those from floodIng In the future. What would you say to those who are lookIng outsIde and see warnIngs and sayIng, I need to get out, Im goIng to chance It . I sayIng, I need to get out, Im goIng to chance It . To chance It . I would say, go for a walk but stay to chance It . I would say, go for a walk but stay away to chance It . I would say, go for a walk but stay away from to chance It . I would say, go for a walk but stay away from standIng | walk but stay away from standIng water, stay away from rIvers, you are goIng to get wet. So take a brolly, but really take care and If you are not sure, stay home and safe and stay warm. You are not sure, stay home and safe and stay warm and stay warm. Sound advIce. UnderlInIng and stay warm. Sound advIce. UnderlInIng the and stay warm. Sound advIce. UnderlInIng the advIce and stay warm. Sound advIce. UnderlInIng the advIce on and stay warm. Sound advIce. UnderlInIng the advIce on the | and stay warm. Sound advIce. UnderlInIng the advIce on the gov. Uk websIte and we wIll have updates wIth matt throughout the mornIng. The royal voluntary servIce have sent out an urgent call for more'>Volunteer DrIvers after new research shows the scale of elderly people mIssIng medIcal appoIntments due to a lack of transport. The charIty has found that nearly half of people over the age of 70 who dont drIve have mIssed'>Health Care appoIntments due to a lack of transportatIon. Of those people, nearly all of them have mIssed more than one appoIntment. And two thIrds mIssed three or more. The study by the royal voluntary servIce found that mIssed appoIntments not only dIsrupts care for patIents, but costs the nhs hundreds of mIllIons of pounds every year. Dorothy Is one of the people who have benefItted from the'>Volunteer DrIvers servIce. Its made a bIg dIfference to me because I used to get my legs, Ive got ulcers, I used to get them dressed at home and then the crIterIum had changed so I had to go to the surgery to get them done. And I dont have any transport, so I got In touch wIth the voluntary, and they have been absolutely, all I can say truthfully, Is they have been great. I get a good conversatIon wIth the drIvers and everybody has been really good. And Its reasonably prIced, Its not a lot of money. And theyre always on tIme. A rIngIng endorsement from dorothy were nowjoIned by one of the volunteers, ruth orr, and the deputy chIef executIve of the royal voluntary servIce, sam ward. We wIll start wIth you, ruth. What does a day as a'>Volunteer Look lIke and how much of your tIme you have to gIve up . And how much of your tIme you have totIveu . ,. To gIve up . You gIve as much tIme as ou can to gIve up . You gIve as much tIme as you can gIve. To gIve up . You gIve as much tIme as you can gIve. So to gIve up . You gIve as much tIme as you can gIve, so each to gIve up . You gIve as much tIme as you can gIve, so each week to gIve up . You gIve as much tIme as you can gIve, so each week I to gIve up . You gIve as much tIme as you can gIve, so each week I gIve you can gIve, so each week I gIve once or twIce a week for me, other people can gIve much more. Its very much what suIts you. Much what suIts you. People lIke dorothy you much what suIts you. People lIke dorothy you are much what suIts you. People lIke dorothy you are seeIng . Much what suIts you. People lIke dorothy you are seeIng . Walk I much what suIts you. People lIke dorothy you are seeIng . Walk'>Usj Dorothy you are seeIng . Walk us through the vIsIt, who they are, what the chat looks lIke. Through the vIsIt, who they are, what the chat looks lIke. Yes, the coordInator what the chat looks lIke. Yes, the coordInator wIll what the chat looks lIke. Yes, the coordInator wIll send what the chat looks lIke. Yes, the coordInator wIll send me what the chat looks lIke. Yes, the coordInator wIll send me the'>I CoordInator wIll send me the InformatIon and I contact the person, and we arrange a tIme for me to pIck them up, and then I take them down to the hospItal, waIt for them down to the hospItal, waIt for them and pIck them up agaIn as soon as theIr treatment Is over and take them straIght home agaIn. LhIhest as theIr treatment Is over and take them straIght home agaIn. What do'>Ou Eno them straIght home agaIn. What do you enjoy about them straIght home agaIn. What do you enjoy about It . Them straIght home agaIn. What do you enjoy about It . Im them straIght home agaIn. What do you enjoy about It . Im a them straIght home agaIn. What do you enjoy about It . Im a retIred I you enjoy about It . Im a retIred nurse, you enjoy about It . Im a retIred nurse. So you enjoy about It . Im a retIred nurse. So I you enjoy about It . Im a retIred nurse, so I love you enjoy about It . Im a retIred nurse, so I love people you enjoy about It . Im a retIred nurse, so I love people and I you enjoy about It . Im a retIred I nurse, so I love people and carIng for people and so forth. So Ijust enjoy the chat, It gIves me an opportunIty of stIll carIng for people and helpIng them wIthout the responsIbIlItIes I people and helpIng them wIthout the responsIbIlItIes responsIbIlItIes I thInk Its great what'>Ou ResponsIbIlItIes I thInk Its great what you do responsIbIlItIes I thInk Its great what you do. Its responsIbIlItIes I thInk Its great what you do. Its such responsIbIlItIes I thInk Its great what you do. Its such a responsIbIlItIes I thInk Its great I what you do. Its such a wonderful thIng what you do. Its such a wonderful thIng Im what you do. Its such a wonderful thIng. Im fascInated, what you do. Its such a wonderful thIng. Im fascInated, you what you do. Its such a wonderful thIng. Im fascInated, you lIke I what you do. Its such a wonderful thIng. Im fascInated, you lIke the| thIng. Im fascInated, you lIke the chat thIng. Im fascInated, you lIke the chat , do thIng. Im fascInated, you lIke the chat yes do people thIng. Im fascInated, you lIke the chat yes do people sIt thIng. Im fascInated, you lIke the chat yes do people sIt In thIng. Im fascInated, you lIke the chat yes do people sIt In the'>I Chat yes do people sIt In the back, to vIsIt chat yes do people sIt In the back, to vIsIt next chat yes do people sIt In the back, to vIsIt next to chat do people sIt In the back, to vIsIt next to you . I chat yes do people sIt In the I back, to vIsIt next to you . DurIng covId they back, to vIsIt next to you . DurIng covId they sat back, to vIsIt next to you . DurIng covId they sat In back, to vIsIt next to you . DurIng covId they sat In the back, to vIsIt next to you . DurIng covId they sat In the back back, to vIsIt next to you . DurIng covId they sat In the back but I back, to vIsIt next to you . DurIng | covId they sat In the back but now people prefer to be the front. A lot of older people have dIffIculty wIth hearIng, so If they sIt In the back, they cant hear you very and you are concentratIng on drIvIng. So they prefer to be on the front. Ththd concentratIng on drIvIng. So they prefer to be on the front. Prefer to be on the front. And I dare say. Prefer to be on the front. And I dare say, ruth, prefer to be on the front. And I dare say, ruth, you prefer to be on the front. And I dare say, ruth, you get prefer to be on the front. And I dare say, ruth, you get to I prefer to be on the front. And I I dare say, ruth, you get to know prefer to be on the front. And I dare say, ruth, you get to know them a bIt, do yes, because they mIght have a sessIon of 20 treatments. 50 have a sessIon of 20 treatments. Sr maybe have a sessIon of 20 treatments. 5r maybe once a week or twIce a week you would get the same person. They lIke the contInuIty as well because they get to know you and It helps them physIcally and mentally, emotIonally, because a lot of them get quIte anxIous. Get quIte anxIous. Have you got an 0 ttenIn get quIte anxIous. Have you got an'>OpenIng LIne . Get quIte anxIous. Have you got an'>OpenIng LIne . When get quIte anxIous. Have you got an'>OpenIng LIne . When you get quIte anxIous. Have you got an'>OpenIng LIne . When you have I get quIte anxIous. Have you got an I'>OpenIng LIne . When you have someone new you are drIvIng, Is there an'>OpenIng Starter . New you are drIvIng, Is there an'>OpenIng Starter . Yes, there Is, but Its very IndIvIdual. OpenIng starter . Yes, there Is, but Its very IndIvIdual. Each'>OpenIng Starter . Yes, there Is, but Its very IndIvIdual. Each person I Its very IndIvIdual. Each person they are a character on theIr own. Everyone Is dIfferent. I do get really good enjoyment out of It. That touches on somethIng, sam, we are talkIng about the logIstIcs are massIvely Important gettIng someone to the appoIntment, but there Is more to thIs, Isnt there . LonelIness and talkIng to someone, someone you can rely on, those are really Important thIngs. Thea;r someone you can rely on, those are really Important thIngs. Really Important thIngs. They are really Important thIngs. They are really Important. Really Important thIngs. They are really Important. Just really Important thIngs. They are really Important. Just the really Important thIngs. They are I really Important. Just the example that ruth really Important. Just the example that ruth gave there. Its knowIng when that ruth gave there. Its knowIng when to that ruth gave there. Its knowIng when to talk and knowIng when to be quIet as when to talk and knowIng when to be quIet as well, quIte often'>Volunteer DrIvers quIet as well, quIte often'>Volunteer DrIvers are quIet as well, quIte often'>Volunteer DrIvers are takIng people to chemo, dIalysIs. DrIvers are takIng people to chemo, dIalysIs. It drIvers are takIng people to chemo, dIalysIs. It Is drIvers are takIng people to chemo, dIalysIs, It Is an anxIous tIme. I was dIalysIs, It Is an anxIous tIme. I was talkIng dIalysIs, It Is an anxIous tIme. I was talkIng to a lady In scotland last week was talkIng to a lady In scotland last week and she was sayIng that when last week and she was sayIng that when she last week and she was sayIng that when she was havIng her cancer treatment. When she was havIng her cancer treatment, she trIed to drIve herself treatment, she trIed to drIve herself and then she was so upset by the tIme herself and then she was so upset by the tIme she got there, she just sat In the the tIme she got there, she just sat In the car the tIme she got there, she just sat In the car and crIed and then she. Ot In the car and crIed and then she got a In the car and crIed and then she got a'>Volunteer DrIver to get her there got a'>Volunteer DrIver to get her there and got a'>Volunteer DrIver to get her there and It saId then she dId not have there and It saId then she dId not have to there and It saId then she dId not have to worry about It. So our volunteers have to worry about It. So our volunteers are amazIng but as you ust volunteers are amazIng but as you just saId. Volunteers are amazIng but as you just saId, we have got not anywhere near enough. find just saId, we have got not anywhere near enough near enough. And there are quIte serIous ImplIcatIons near enough. And there are quIte serIous ImplIcatIons for near enough. And there are quIte serIous ImplIcatIons for the I near enough. And there are quIte serIous ImplIcatIons for the nhs I serIous ImplIcatIons for the nhs people do not make appoIntments. DefInItely. People do not make appoIntments. DefInItel. ,. , people do not make appoIntments. DefInItel. ,. ,. , defInItely. CondItIons can worsen tuIte defInItely. CondItIons can worsen quIte rapIdly defInItely. CondItIons can worsen quIte rapIdly. Yes, defInItely. CondItIons can worsen quIte rapIdly. Yes, they defInItely. CondItIons can worsen quIte rapIdly. Yes, they thInk I defInItely. CondItIons can worsen quIte rapIdly. Yes, they thInk It I defInItely. CondItIons can worsen| quIte rapIdly. Yes, they thInk It Is a about £260 a about £260 mIllIon whIch Is the cost of a about £260 mIllIon whIch Is the cost of mIssed appoIntments to the nhs, cost of mIssed appoIntments to the nhs, but cost of mIssed appoIntments to the nhs, but If people cannot manage theIr condItIons and they lIve wIth longterm theIr condItIons and they lIve wIth long term condItIons and they dont. Et long term condItIons and they dont get theIr long term condItIons and they dont get theIr treatment as and when needed, get theIr treatment as and when needed, they are goIng to have bIgger needed, they are goIng to have bIgger InterventIons, they wIll be In hospItal admItted. So It Is a bIg extra In hospItal admItted. So It Is a bIg extra pressure on the nhs. Canl In hospItal admItted. So It Is a bIg extra pressure on the nhs. Can I ask ou extra pressure on the nhs. Can I ask you practIcal extra pressure on the nhs. Can I ask you practIcal questIons . Extra pressure on the nhs. Can I ask you practIcal questIons . People I you practIcal questIons . People mIght be lIstenIng to what ruth has been sayIng, thInkI, I wIll be out of pocket, what about my tIme, the petrol, all of that stuff, go through the basIcs. The voluntary sector as a through the basIcs. The voluntary sector as a whole, through the basIcs. The voluntary sector as a whole, Its through the basIcs. The voluntary sector as a whole, Its not through the basIcs. The voluntary sector as a whole, Its notjust'>I Sector as a whole, Its notjust'>R0val Sector as a whole, Its notjust royal voluntary servIce, It Is not ust royal voluntary servIce, It Is not just the royal voluntary servIce, It Is not just the nhs drIvers that we look after just the nhs drIvers that we look after as just the nhs drIvers that we look after as well, lots of drIvers charItIes after as well, lots of drIvers charItIes use'>Volunteer DrIvers so people charItIes use'>Volunteer DrIvers so people get expenses, they get mIleage back, they put mIleage In and they mIleage back, they put mIleage In and they receIve the money back. And'>Ou Tet and they receIve the money back. And'>Ou Net to and they receIve the money back. Mr. You get to meet lovely and they receIve the money back. AIc you get to meet lovely ladIes lIke dorothy. You get to meet lovely ladIes lIke doroth. ,. ,. , dorothy. Yes, we do. One of the thIns I dorothy. Yes, we do. One of the thIngs I would dorothy. Yes, we do. One of the thIngs I would say dorothy. Yes, we do. One of the thIngs I would say Is, dorothy. Yes, we do. One of the j thIngs I would say Is, monItorIng the traffIc and the'>Car Park, there Is a long queue to get Into the'>Car Park of the stress of that, thats another level of stress that people could do wIthout. You another level of stress that people could do wIthout. Could do wIthout. You are a very tood could do wIthout. You are a very good advert could do wIthout. You are a very good advert for could do wIthout. You are a very good advert for It. Could do wIthout. You are a very good advert for It. Do could do wIthout. You are a very good advert for It. Do you I could do wIthout. You are a very good advert for It. Do you put I could do wIthout. You are a very I good advert for It. Do you put musIc on . Is there a rule about that . Depends on the person, some people are happy wIth musIc, old people just lIke to chat. I are happy wIth musIc, old people just lIke to chat. Just lIke to chat. I lIke the sound of It, Its great. Just lIke to chat. I lIke the sound of It, Its great. FantastIc. I just lIke to chat. I lIke the sound| of It, Its great. FantastIc. I hope'>Ou Tet of It, Its great. FantastIc. I hope you get more of It, Its great. FantastIc. I hope you get more volunteers. Of It, Its great. FantastIc. I hope you get more volunteers. Where| of It, Its great. FantastIc. I hope you get more volunteers. Where would we be wIthout you get more volunteers. Where would we be wIthout the you get more volunteers. Where would we be wIthout the ruths you get more volunteers. Where would we be wIthout the ruths of you get more volunteers. Where would we be wIthout the ruths of the we be wIthout the ruths of the world, we be wIthout the ruths of the world, honestly stIll to come on breakfast. Its nearly 50 years sInce'>CelebrIty Chef RIck steIn opened hIs'>FlagshIp Seafood Restaurant In padstow, but hes as passIonate as ever for tryIng and makIng delIcIous brItIsh food. Hell be wIth us before eIght oclock to tell us about hIs latest'>Tv SerIes where he travelled the'>Length And Breadth of the country tastIng popular local dIshes. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Good mornIng from bbc london, Im'>Paul Murphy kasp. Tfl Is contInuIng to grapple wIth an ongoIng cyber attack. Its affectIng onlIne servIces IncludIng the'>Oyster Photocard WebsIte, whIch Is currently unavaIlable. On tuesday, around 100,000'>ZIp Cards'>Under 16s wIll stop scannIng on'>Oyster Card readers. They were due to expIre thIs month but the ongoIng dIsruptIon means customers cannot apply for new cards. Tfl says It has wrItten to parents and guardIans of chIldren affected to offer advIce and support. The all'>England TennIs Club 5 plans to expand the home of the'>WImbledon ChampIonshIps could be gIven the go ahead today. It wants to buIld 39'>New Courts on'>WImbledon Park. CIty hall Is set to decIde whether'>PlannIng PermIssIon should be granted but local groups, IncludIng save'>WImbledon Park, say the area wIll become a a huge IndustrIal tennIs complex. A bench In honour of'>CarolIne Flack wIll be unveIled later In'>North London aImed at preventIng suIcIde. The late'>Tv Presenter took her own lIfe In february 2020. The bench, by'>CharIty Legend on the bench, wIll be unveIled at the'>Tottenham CommunIty sports centre. Over 3,500 seals now call the'>Thames Estuary home, accordIng to the zoologIcal socIety of london. It teamed up wIth the raf to carry out Its latest seal survey, observIng them from mIlItary helIcopters. The charIty says'>CountIng Seals helps them to understand the health of the rIver. Janet jackson wIll perform at the 02 thIs weekend In herfIrst'>London Concert In 13 years. The two'>Hour Show Is packed wIth elaborate costumes and some of her most famous songs, celebratIng her 40 year career. Her choreographer Is from elephant and castle. It was janet jacksons together agaIn'>MusIc VIdeo that actually made me go, I want to do. Thats what I want to do. I want to be a dancer and I also want to dance for her. LIke that was the start of the journey for me. So, to be here, you know, 27 years later, on the together agaIn tour as a choreographer Is a very full cIrcle moment. Lets take a look at the tubes now. On the'>DIstrIct LIne, weve got mInor delays between wImbledon and edgware road. There are also mInor delays on the hammersmIth cIty lIne. Now, on to the weather wIth kawser. Hello there. Good mornIng. Well, after the wet and wIndy condItIons of yesterday, today too starts off rather unsettled. We stIll have thIs'>Met OffIce yellow'>Weather WarnIng for the rIsk of'>Heavy RaIn, valId untIl 9 oclock thIs mornIng. But thIs raIn wIll contInue to clear further southwards as we head through the day and, by the afternoon, more In the way of drIer weather, although there Is stIll the chance of some scattered showers, some sunny spells as well, but colder condItIons. Temperatures only reachIng 10 to 12 celsIus, as were drawIng In thIs cold aIr all the way from the north. But overnIght tonIght It becomes dry wIth clear skIes and a chIlly nIght In store. Temperatures wIdely dIppIng to low sIngle fIgures. There may even be'>A Touch Of Frost In the outskIrts. And, as we look ahead to the rest of thIs weekend, well, saturday Itself Is largely dry wIth hIgh pressure, but thIs area of low pressure Is arrIvIng later on sunday and Into monday, brIngIng wIth It some outbreaks of raIn. But, for the most part, saturday Is largely dry. Some spells of sunshIne. It wIll be cool, but the wInds wIll be lIghter. A'>Cold NIght to come'>Saturday NIght. Dry to start sunday, but then raIn to arrIve later In the day. Im back wIth more In half an hour, but for now Ill hand you back to nIna and charlIe. Goodbye. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>CharlIe Stayt and'>NIna Warhurst. Coal has been used to make electrIcIty In the uk for more than 140 years, but the countrys last coal fIred plant wIll shut down for the fInal tIme on monday nIght. Really tIme on monday nIght. Is'>The End of an era. The uk wIll be the fIrst'>G7 Member to completely phase out coal from Its electrIcIty mIx. Our clImate'>EdItorjustIn Rowlatt Is at the ratclIffe on soar plant for us thIs mornIng. MIxed emotIons In the area, I would ImagIne, justIn. MIxed emotIons In the area, I would ImagIne. JustIn ImagIne, justIn. Yes, there certaInly ImagIne, justIn. Yes, there certaInly are. ImagIne, justIn. Yes, there certaInly are. You ImagIne, justIn. Yes, there certaInly are. You joIn I ImagIne, justIn. Yes, there certaInly are. You joIn me I ImagIne, justIn. Yes, there I certaInly are. YoujoIn me here ImagIne, justIn. Yes, there certaInly are. YoujoIn me here at certaInly are. You joIn me here at ratclIffe on soar� s mIghty'>TurbIne Hall. Four gIant turbInes In here whIch can generate enough power for 2 mIllIon uk homes. Coal has been the maInstay of'>Uk ElectrIcIty rIght from the begInnIng of the electrIcIty era. As recently as 2012, almost half of'>Uk Power came from coal. That changed dramatIcally. Yesterday, the government publIshed some quIte surprIsIng new fIgures on renewable power. Renewable power generated In the three months tojuly 52 of'>Uk Power. If you add In nuclear power, whIch Is also low carbon, It takes to pIck up who 69 , more than two thIrds of'>Uk Power from low carbon sources, whIch explaIns why coal fIred statIons lIke thIs can now close. Take a look at theIrs. Youve almost certaInly seen ratclIffe on soar'>Power StatIon before. It Is rIght besIde the m1, just south of nottIngham. These mIghty coolIng towers have been a landmark here In the east mIdlands for decades, but you dont normally get a vIew of them quIte lIke thIs, do you . Now, they wIll be around for the next couple of years, but they are slated for demolItIon. Theyre goIng to be blown up. In fact, the whole sIte Is goIng to be cleared to be replaced wIth a zero'>Carbon Energy and technology park. New IndustrIes, newjobs for the east mIdlands. Its closure marks'>The End of an era for the uk. Coal made modern brItaIn, It powered the IndustrIal revolutIon, brIngIng jobs and wealth as well as keepIng our homes warm and our lIghts on. But the'>Boom Couldnt last. Plans to close less profItable pIts spurred the'>MIners StrIke In the mId 80s. The vIolent clashes faIled to keep'>The PIts open. It left a bItter'>Legacy of'>Unemployment And Poverty In the area. There Is a sense of grIm resIgnatIon among the workers here. Yeah, the emotIons are buIldIng as were gettIng closer to the 30th of september, and weve seen the coal go In and we know theres no more comIng In, so you know, that wIll we, wont we do one last wInter . Were defInItely not. ThIs place used to be runnIng most of the tIme, generatIng electrIcIty for 2 mIllIon uk homes. It used to employ 850 people. Now Its less than 200. And In the last few years, theyve only fIred the place up when the uk Is really short on power. I thInk Its just a shame that obvIously the'>Power StatIon Is havIng to close. Um, weve worked so hard to make It one of the cleanest. But obvIously, gIven the age of the plant, Its probably about rIght for us to close and make room for more renewable energy. ClosIng ratclIffe Is an Important step towards the'>Governments Target FossIl free electrIcIty by 2030. Some analysts say It cant be done In that tIme. And when you see the scale of thIs place, you get a sense of the sIze of the challenge It represents. GoIng fossIlfuel free wIll mean a bIg reductIon In'>Planet WarmIng emIssIons, but It wont be popular wIth everyone. It wIll also mean more pylons, more solar farms, and more wInd turbInes across the country. You joIn me back In the'>TurbIne Hall wIth the'>Plant Manager here. We were hearIng from some of the employees, there are mIxed emotIons. People are upset to see thIs place go up to 57 years of operatIon. Years of operatIon. Absolutely. MIxed emotIons years of operatIon. Absolutely. MIxed emotIons Is years of operatIon. Absolutely. MIxed emotIons Is the years of operatIon. Absolutely. MIxed emotIons Is the rIght years of operatIon. Absolutely. L mIxed emotIons Is the rIght thIng for the mIxed emotIons Is the rIght thIng for the people are facIng the prospect of leavIng here. Some'>People Prospect of leavIng here. Some people have worked here for 30, 40, even up people have worked here for 30, 40, even up to people have worked here for 30, 40, even up to 47 people have worked here for 30, 40, even up to 47 years. It Is a huge step even up to 47 years. It Is a huge step In even up to 47 years. It Is a huge step In theIr even up to 47 years. It Is a huge step In theIr lIves. 0n the other'>Hand Step In theIr lIves. 0n the other hand there step In theIr lIves. 0n the other hand there Is tremendous prIde In what hand there Is tremendous prIde In what everybody has delIvered here In terms what everybody has delIvered here In terms of what everybody has delIvered here In terms of keepIng the lIghts on role the sIte terms of keepIng the lIghts on role the sIte has played over such a long tIme the sIte has played over such a long tIme. ,. , the sIte has played over such a long tIme. ,. ,. , the sIte has played over such a long tIme. ,. ,. ,. , tIme. ThIs was a maInstay of'>Uk ElectrIcIty. TIme. ThIs was a maInstay of'>Uk ElectrIcIty, wasnt tIme. ThIs was a maInstay of'>Uk ElectrIcIty, wasnt It . TIme. ThIs was a maInstay of'>Uk ElectrIcIty, wasnt It . Do tIme. ThIs was a maInstay of'>Uk ElectrIcIty, wasnt It . Do peopleI electrIcIty, wasnt It . Do people understand why the tIme has come and whole needs to get off our grId . Absolutely. That Is really well understood. All the messagIng about clImate understood. All the messagIng about clImate change and the Impact of coal and clImate change and the Impact of'>Coal And Carbon dIoxIde Is well understood and has been well sIgnposted by the government. We have had sIgnposted by the government. We have had plenty of tIme to plan for thIs and have had plenty of tIme to plan for thIs and consult the staff and prepare thIs and consult the staff and prepare everybody for It. ThIs actually was prepare everybody for It. ThIs actually was the prepare everybody for It. Tn 3 actually was the cleanest coal fIred'>Power StatIon In the uk, wasnt It . That Is part of the dIffIculty of managIng thIs. We can clean dust, clean managIng thIs. We can clean dust, clean sulphur, oxIdes of nItrogen, we cannot clean sulphur, oxIdes of nItrogen, we cannot remove the'>Carbon DIoxIde and we cannot remove the'>Carbon DIoxIde ahd that we cannot remove the'>Carbon DIoxIde and that Is we cannot remove the'>Carbon DIoxIde and that Is the reason why we are closIng and that Is the reason why we are closIna. ,. ,. ,. , ~ and that Is the reason why we are closIn. ,. ,. ,. , closIng. ThIs Is a'>Landmark RIght up near the m1 closIng. ThIs Is a'>Landmark RIght up near the m1. Everyone closIng. ThIs Is a'>Landmark RIght up near the m1. Everyone wIll closIng. ThIs Is a'>Landmark RIght up near the m1. Everyone wIll have closIng. ThIs Is a'>Landmark RIght up l near the m1. Everyone wIll have seen near the mI. Everyone wIll have seen It drIvIng up. What happens to thIs place and the great coolIng towers you have got . Place and the great coolIng towers ou have not . ,. , , you have got . From october we step Into the decommIssIonIng you have got . From october we step Into the decommIssIonIng plant. You have got . From october we step Into the decommIssIonIng plant. We | Into the decommIssIonIng plant. We make Into the decommIssIonIng plant. We make the Into the decommIssIonIng plant. We make the place dark and safe and remove make the place dark and safe and remove chemIcals and gases make It ready remove chemIcals and gases make It ready for remove chemIcals and gases make It ready for demolItIon, so the towers wIll come ready for demolItIon, so the towers wIll come down. Ready for demolItIon, so the towers wIll come down. What happens to the sIte . I mentIon wIll come down. What happens to the sIte . I mentIon plans wIll come down. What happens to the sIte . I mentIon plans for wIll come down. What happens to the sIte . I mentIon plans for a wIll come down. What happens to the sIte . I mentIon plans for a clean sIte . I mentIon plans for a clean'>Energy Plaque on the sIte. ThIs sIte . I mentIon plans for a clean'>Energy Plaque on the sIte. ThIs Is a hue sIte. Energy plaque on the sIte. ThIs Is a huge sIte we'>Energy Plaque on the sIte. ThIs Is a huge sIte. We have'>Energy Plaque on the sIte. ThIs Is a huge sIte. We have been'>Energy Plaque on the sIte. ThIs Is a huge sIte. We have been workIng l'>Energy Plaque on the sIte. ThIs Is a huge sIte. We have been workIng a I huge sIte. We have been workIng a number huge sIte. We have been workIng a number of huge sIte. We have been workIng a number of years wIth stakeholders to prepare number of years wIth stakeholders to prepare local development whIch provIdes prepare local development whIch provIdes outsIde plannIng for the sIte provIdes outsIde plannIng for the sIte the provIdes outsIde plannIng for the sIte. The free port wIll helpfully drIve sIte. The free port wIll helpfully drIve economIc growth. We wIll not need drIve economIc growth. We wIll not need as drIve economIc growth. We wIll not need as an drIve economIc growth. We wIll not need as an'>Energy Company the full area of need as an'>Energy Company the full area of the need as an'>Energy Company the full area of the sIte. It Is an opportunIty for other'>Investment WIthIrr OpportunIty for other Investment wIthIn the regIon. WIthIn the regIon. Would you say there Is a sense wIthIn the regIon. Would you say there Is a sense of wIthIn the regIon. Would you say there Is a sense of optImIsm wIthIn the regIon. Would you say| there Is a sense of optImIsm wIth thIs bIg employer closIng down, theIr sense of optImIsm . ThIs bIg employer closIng down, theIr sense of optImIsm . There Is alwa s a theIr sense of optImIsm . There Is always a sense theIr sense of optImIsm . There Is always a sense of theIr sense of optImIsm . There Is always a sense of optImIsm theIr sense of optImIsm . There Is always a sense of optImIsm here. | always a sense of optImIsm here. Everybody always a sense of optImIsm here. Everybody Is proud of the role they played everybody Is proud of the role they played. We are now lookIng forward to what played. We are now lookIng forward to what we played. We are now lookIng forward to what we can do for the future. In terms to what we can do for the future. In terms of to what we can do for the future. In terms of decommIssIonIng, we dont see as terms of decommIssIonIng, we dont see as engIne can see as creatIng a new a see as engIne can see as creatIng a new a new see as engIne can see as creatIng a new a new future. New a new future. New begInnIngs here. The end ofan end of an era. Thank you. My kIds on the sofa. What do you have . MIke Is on the sofa. New'>BegInnIngs Today for the fIrst scottIsh'>Womens Team to have achIeved a major achIevement. Now that they are among the elIte, the top 16 clubs on the contInent and Indeed they are the fIrst scottIsh team to be In the'>Group Stage draw for the womens'>ChampIons League, later today, thanks to theIr 2 0 wIn over'>Vorskla Poltava of ukraIne. CeltIc were already leadIng from the fIrst leg, and thIs was the moment, they wrapped thIngs up. Shannon mcgregor wIth the emphatIc header, theIr second on the nIght, whIch meant the celebratIons could begIn. The players makIng sure they soaked up the moment wIth the fans. Shows what It meant to them all. And the'>Head Coach sayIng she couldnt explaIn the excItement to be In the elIte I6 clubs In europe. There were also vIctorIes on the nIght for'>Manchester CIty and arsenal, who booked theIr places In the'>Group Stages, but It was celtIc who broke, new ground for'>ScottIsh Football. Weve got the confIdence and at half tIme to know that we can do thIs. And, yeah, I thInk the second half we were really, really good. Just crazy. LIke, two weeks ago Ijust sIgned. So to now be playIng In the'>ChampIons League, scored a goal and really good for'>ScottIsh Football to have a team now In the'>Group Stage of the'>ChampIons League. And Im just delIghted that Its us thats managed to do It. Now, spare a thought for qarabag a team from'>Azer BaIjan In the mens'>Europa League. They were stayIng In stratford, east london, to face tottenham. But'>Road And RaIl dIsruptIon meant a sIx mIlejourney took over 2. 5 hours. They arrIved late, and so'>KIck Off had to be put back. They then mIssed a penalty and loads of chances and lost 3 0. The'>Travel Chaos around'>North London was matched on'>The PItch, as just seven mInutes In, spurs'>Defender Radu DragusIn got caught nappIng and was sent off, as he trIed to make amends. But despIte playIng for most of the match a player down, tottenham were stIll far too strong, wIth'>Summer SIgnIng'>DomInIc Solankey completIng the vIctory. Next, a'>MIlestone Moment In malmo for rangers, as they started theIr'>Europa League campaIgn, wIth an ImpressIve 2 0 wIn In sweden. The tone was set from the start, as they took the lead In the fIrst couple of mInutes. BajramI addIng the fInIshIng touch. TheIr second came late on. Ross mccausland, wIth thIs fIne fInIsh, to gIve phIllIpe'>Clements SIde theIrfIrst ever wIn on swedIsh soIl. Now, the'>AmerIcas Cup Is the bIg prIze In saIlIng, and Is saId to be the oldest competItIon In InternatIonal sport, datIng back 173 years. And once agaIn,'>SIr Ben AInslee Is tryIng to wIn the trophy for the fIrst tIme, for the natIon that fIrst hosted It. And they are one step away from havIng that chance. AInslee and the'>Ineos BrItannIa Crew are level wIth'>Italys Luna Rossa after day I, of what Is effectIvely the semI fInals the serIes of races that wIll decIde who goes through to challenge for the actual'>AmerIcas Cup next month. So Its 1 1, and Its the fIrst to seven wIth emIrates new zealand, the defendIng champIons, who awaIt the wInners In the fInal. The next race Is agaInst the ItalIans and Is tomorrow. Now, success for great brItIan thIs mornIng In chIna, In the world trIathlon serIes, as alex yee, the olympIc champIon, returned to hIs best to beat hIs great rIval. The parIs 2024'>Gold MedalIst had admItted to feelIng really mentally tIred, after recent defeats to new'>Zealander Hayden WIlde In london and chIcago, but early today, It dIdnt show, as yee produced a'>Master Class wIth a stormIng run to fInIsh to wIn by a huge margIn, 46 seconds, ahead of'>Leo Bergere of france. WIlde was nowhere to be seen. And a second place as well thIs mornIng for beth potter, In the'>Womens Race just a short tIme ago wIth'>Taylor Bronze takIng bronze. You may have been dIstracted by those bIkes. It Is to produce power, they get extra power. They have statIc bIkes. It Is perfectly legal. To create electrIcIty . Energy. Pedal power challenge.'>0k Stock dIdnt know that. 0k. Power challenge.'>0k Stock dIdnt know that. Ok. I dIdnt know that. FIrst tIme I have seen It. The number of stranded dolphIns and porpoIses on beaches across merseysIde has drastIcally gone up, a marIne'>LIfe Rescue CharIty has warned. Volunteer medIcs at brItIsh dIvers marIne'>LIfe Rescue provIde medIcal care for beached anImals untIl they can be safely released, as our reporter, molly brewer, has been fIndIng out. DolphIns, porpoIses, seals, turtles and even whales. These are just some of the creatures the brItIsh dIvers marIne'>LIfe Rescue In the'>North West have tended to In recent years. These marIne medIcs are traIned In health assessment, fIrst'>AId And Rescue technIques, and today theyre In the mIddle of a traInIng exercIse. Three, lIft. We fIll It full of water to replIcate the'>SIze And WeIght of the real thIng when were traInIng the guys up and doIng refreshers lIke today. So It would easIly take eIght adults to lIft that comfortably. The team used'>SpecIalIst EquIpment and practIce fIrst aId on the replIca as If It was a real rescue. Weve began the fIrst aId, whIch Is essentIally to keep the dolphIn cool, monItor Its breathIng, lubrIcate Its eyes and monItor all Its vItal sIgns whIle feedIng that back to head offIce. And the work that these guys do Is more Important than ever. The charIty says theyre the busIest theyve ever been. Theres always been porpoIse that have washed up, the odd one or two, but not wIth the frequency that Its happenIng now. The graph of how busy we are Increases every year. Its hard to say whether Its an Increase due to clImate change, Is'>It An Increase due to the fact that people become more aware of what we do, and they know who to call . The thIng Is, a lot of people dont know we exIst. I probably dIdnt know we exIsted untIl about three years ago when I found an Injured seal on crosby beach. These guys turned up, medIcs, who are you . I dIdnt know who they were. Thats how I became one. The organIsatIon traIns over 1,000 volunteers a year natIonwIde but the lIkelIhood Is Its not these medIcs that wIll come across the stranded marIne lIfe. Its members of the publIc. If you do come across one, keep your dIstance, rIng bdmlr, whIch Is the brItIsh dIvers marIne'>LIfe Rescue. So If you fInd somethIng on the beach, dont go near It. Dont start pokIng and proddIng and takIng photos. That Is the publIcs fIrst InstInct. 0h, lets go and have a look, lets take a photograph, Ive got to stroke the dolphIn. No, get on the phone, rIng the correct people, get us guys out. Molly brewer, bbc news. Lots of attentIon on the weather, there always Is, Isnt . Today for certaIn parts of the country worrIed about floodIng In some places. Yes. It has been about floodIng In some places. Yes. It has been a about floodIng In some places. Yes. It has been a horrendous about floodIng In some places. Jazz It has been a horrendous week for about floodIng In some places. 19 3 It has been a horrendous week for of us. ThIs Is from our'>Weather Watcher In the shetlands. There are a few shower counts around and It sums up what Is headIng to all of us later today. Sunny spells developed wIdely. StIll a few showers. The downsIde, It wIll feel colder as a northerly wInd develops. 0n the satellIte you can see what Is goIng on. There are the clear skIes I mentIoned. Here Is the cloud whIch has brought a huge amount of raIn over the last 24, 36 hours. The raIn wIll be on and off through the mornIng tIll lunchtIme grant early afternoon In the far south and'>East AnglIa. The brIghter skIes as we go through the mornIng and early afternoon. Showers draped around the coast. Showers In scotland wIll be wIntry over the hIgher ground. Temperatures eIght, 9 degrees. FeelIng colder In the breeze and out of the'>Sun ShIne as well. As the low pressure pushes away, follow the lInes back from the arctIc. Colder aIr wIth us all. Some of the coldest wIll be In the east It wIll make for a chIlly nIght tonIght. The showers wIll contInue around some coasts, some drIftIng Into north wales and the mIdlands. A bIt more cloud Into scotland and'>Northern Ireland wIth outbreaks of raIn. Before that arrIves a greater chance of a frost tonIght, certaInly In the aIr. In the countrysIde further saId there could be some on the grass and cows thIng tomorrow. England and wales, are welcome sunny, dry start. If you shower clouds buIldIng up In the'>North And West. A lot more cloud for scotland and'>Northern Ireland. Even here whIle there wIll be some showers but there wIll be brIghter ones as well. Another chIlly day wIth temperatures around 11 to 15. It does mean another'>Cold NIght saturday Into sunday. Not what we want to see as we see sunday start, a deep area of low pressure startIng to push Its way In. It wIll be a dry and brIght start for many. The best of the weather wIll be across parts of the weather wIll be across parts of scotland. Across Ireland, wales were parts of'>Southern England we wIll see when developIng wIdely wIth when strengthenIng. The area of low pressure wIll spread across england and wales as we go through'>Sunday NIght Into monday. AgaIn fallIng on saturated ground. It wIll move Into the east for the start of next week. Any further raIn Is not wanted. At least we have a dry spell to come In the fIrst half of next week. Back to you both. The fIrst half of next week. Back to ou both. . ~ the fIrst half of next week. Back to ou both. , I. A 20 year old from corby says he feels on top of the world after wInnIng the'>World Scooter champIonshIps In Italy. Jayden sharman was born wIth a'>Club Foot and started rIdIng as part of hIs recovery from an operatIon at the age of sIx. Hes been speakIng to our reporter, james burrIdge. HI, my name Is jayden sharman. Im 20 years old and I am the scooter'>World ChampIon. I was born wIth a'>Club Foot and basIcally where Its just poInted Inwards and I had to have an operatIon at sIx just to get It back to normal. And they took a tendon out, took a lot of thIngs out, whIch made'>It A lot weaker than It should be. Came out of the hospItal and was lIke, I want to rIde my scooter. So I was at an outdoor skate park at eIght years old, and then It reallyjust sort of grew from there. I thInk once I got Into It, you realIse actually how dIffIcult It Is and how dangerous It can be. And thats what excIted me. I thInk the'>AdrenalIne Part of It, the speed, the heIght. Um, yeah. Just the, the fear that somethIng can go wrong. But If It doesnt, Its just so achIevIng to land a new trIck or, I dont know, just [and a new skIll. Jaden started competIng when he was eIght, turned pro at 13, left school at 16 and In the space of 12 months became both the uk and european champIon. Then, at thIs months'>World ChampIonshIps In Italy, he went one better. It was very nerve rackIng, but that always produces the crazIest adrenalIne rush, so you just sort of lIke nervous to do It. You know, the moment I knew I was a'>World ChampIon, It was just so much weIght just left my shoulders. It was all the hard work, just sort of lIke was there In that moment. And Itjust, I dont know, It just felt so fulfIllIng. Um, I neverfelt anythIng lIke It before, but, yeah, Its somethIng Ill treasure forever. So, jaden, tell me about the scooter. I mean, how much does It weIgh . I mean, how much does It weIgh for a start . Um, thIs weIghs In, I thInk 3kgs. And Is It expensIve . If youre for people buyIng thIs kInd of thIng, what would. What would somethIng lIke thIs cost . Um, Id say thIs would probably come In around lIke £600. You can get a full set up for lIke £100 mInImum. Because for a lot of people watchIng thIs, you know, they teach theIr chIldren on these when theyre lIke two or three. And here you are In your 20s and youre now a'>World ChampIon. Its come a long way, the scooter, hasnt It . Yeah, It defInItely has. My goal Is to buIld the sport as well, because I thInk a lot of people dont know about It, and a lot of people dont know the possIbIlItIes that, you know, you can start from so lIttle wIth doIng so sImple trIcks. And you can grow to beIng the'>World ChampIon that I am today, whIch Is crazy to say, but Its all possIble wIth some dedIcatIon and hard work. That Is ImpressIve, thatjump. It feels a good tIme to start to talk about the need. WarnIng If you havent had your breakfast yet. Chef'>RIck SteIn has spent the last 50 years enjoyIng some of the best cuIsIne from around the world. HIs tv shows and recIpe books have taken us on gastronomIcal tours of Istanbul, france and mexIco. In hIs latest serIes, rIck travelled the'>Length And Breadth of the uk, samplIng the best food and produce, and to dIscover the human storIes behInd them. Lets take a look. To go wIth the meat, hes makIng a'>Mushroom ConfIt usIng the'>Tallow Or Fat from the deer. And Into that, a few shallots and a lIttle bIt of thyme. A lIttle bIt of garlIc In there as well. I mean, Id never have thought of usIng actually the anImal fat from the beast to cook It In, but of course It makes sense. I always got taught, the worst bIts are the best bIts. The worst bIts, I shall note that down kevIn foraged these amazIng lookIng mushrooms yesterday. He calls them dryads saddle, but I know them as pheasant back. These mushrooms are goIng to absorb all that tallow and just get really greasy and nIce. I love the way you say greasy and nIce. Well, lets be honest, It Is rIckjoIns us now. Why was that . What were you cookIng . I couldnt see. It why was that . What were you cookIng . I couldnt see'>I Couldnt see. It was a mushroom dIsh,'>I Couldnt see. It was a mushroom dIsh. Was'>I Couldnt see. It was a mushroom dIsh. Was It . I couldnt see. It was a mushroom dIsh. Was It . I'>I Couldnt see. It was a mushroom dIsh, was It . Ijust'>I Couldnt see. It was a mushroom dIsh, was It . Ijust caught'>I Couldnt see. It was a mushroom dIsh, was It . I just caught the'>I Couldnt see. It was a mushroom j dIsh, was It . Ijust caught the last dIsh, was It . I ust caught the last bIt. We dIsh, was It . Ijust caught the last bIt. We started dIsh, was It . Ijust caught the last bIt. We started to dIsh, was It . Ijust caught the last bIt. We started to ImmedIately dIsh, was It . Ijust caught the last| bIt. We started to ImmedIately talk about food when bIt. We started to ImmedIately talk about food when you bIt. We started to ImmedIately talk about food when you came bIt. We started to ImmedIately talk about food when you came In. BIt. We started to ImmedIately talk about food when you came In. We l bIt. We started to ImmedIately talk I about food when you came In. We lIke It on breakfast because well start to thInk we goIng to have the dInner . You have been around the around the uk. The food you brIng to the table It Is lIke theIr world comes to the uk. The table It Is lIke theIr world comes to the uk. That Is the poInt of feed storIes, comes to the uk. That Is the poInt of feed storIes, to comes to the uk. That Is the poInt of feed storIes, to set comes to the uk. That Is the poInt of feed storIes, to set out comes to the uk. That Is the poInt of feed storIes, to set out where l comes to the uk. That Is the poInt I of feed storIes, to set out where we are at In thIs country wIthout food. It all stemmed from a book I read In the early 2000 Is called Its all amerIcan food, whIch basIcally saId amerIcan food, whIch basIcally saId amerIcan'>Food Isnt about thanksgIvIng turkey,'>Gumbo Or Barbecue food, It Is about the ImmIgrant communItIes who have come Into theIr states over the years and I thought, we can do that here because that Is what our food Is lIke. The top ten dIshes the natIon loves, many of them are IndIan, ItalIan, turkIsh kebabs. We are very catholIc In our taste In food In thIs country and It Is quIte specIal, somethIng to be celebrated. That Is what the storIes many are about. . That Is what the storIes many are about. ,. , about. Are we gettIng better at celebratIng about. Are we gettIng better at celebratIng It . About. Are we gettIng better at celebratIng It . You about. Are we gettIng better at celebratIng It . You were about. Are we gettIng better at| celebratIng It . You were talkIng about goIng to france or spaIn and It Is fantastIc InItIally but by day sIx you are cravIng some dIversIty. In every town In the uk you have that range. Ill be gettIng better at recognIsIng It . In that range. Ill be gettIng better at recognIsIng It . At recognIsIng It . In belfast, In ma , I at recognIsIng It . In belfast, In may. I was at recognIsIng It . In belfast, In may, I was thInkIng at recognIsIng It . In belfast, In may, I was thInkIng at at recognIsIng It . In belfast, In may, I was thInkIng at that at recognIsIng It . In belfast, In I may, I was thInkIng at that tIme, belfast Is quIte far north. It was so cold and raInIng. We went to a'>ShIppIng ContaIner Pop up'>Restaurant Place In a demolIshed cInema, flat, demolIshed ground wIth a tarpaulIn over It, trestle tables. I met thIs fIlIpIno who kept'>Sunday Lunch fIlIpIno who kept'>Sunday Lunch fIlIpIno style. There were loads of banana leaves but that thIs Is In belfast. There are the banana leaves. The thIng I partIcularly loved, It Is called'>Pork Adobo. It Is cut down soy sauce, vInegar, brown sugar. It sounds weIrd but I had never tasted fIlIpIno food before. It brought the sunshIne Into belfast. I5 before. It brought the sunshIne Into belfast. . Before. It brought the sunshIne Into belfast. , , ,. , before. It brought the sunshIne Into belfast. . ,. , belfast. Is that the dIsh you are talkIn belfast. Is that the dIsh you are talkIng about . Belfast. Is that the dIsh you are talkIng about . That belfast. Is that the dIsh you are talkIng about . That Is belfast. Is that the dIsh you are talkIng about . That Is the belfast. Is that the dIsh you are talkIng about . That Is the pork| talkIng about . That Is the'>Pork Adobo. TalkIng about . That Is the'>Pork Adobo they talkIng about . That Is the'>Pork Adobo. They saId talkIng about . That Is the'>Pork Adobo. They saId to talkIng about . That Is the'>Pork Adobo. They saId to wIth talkIng about . That Is the'>Pork Adobo. They saId to wIth a talkIng about . That Is the pork. Adobo. They saId to wIth a mango pIckle. The thought of 30, 40 people havIng'>Lunch And Half of them were from belfast, half of them are fIlIpInos and It was thIs natural InteractIon between everybody. I thInk food Is a great brIng together are people really. You thInk food Is a great brIng together are people really. Are people really. You have that food cooked are people really. You have that food cooked by are people really. You have that food cooked by the are people really. You have that food cooked by the people are people really. You have that food cooked by the people who | are people really. You have that food cooked by the people who cook'>It And you go away and do your own versIon. WhIch has been the most challengIng . Where there dIshes you are lIke. That Is a bIt dIfferent, dIdnt know about that . I are lIke. That Is a bIt dIfferent, dIdnt know about that . Are lIke. That Is a bIt dIfferent, dIdnt know about that . I have been there and done dIdnt know about that . I have been there and done that. DIdnt know about that . I have been there and done that. The dIdnt know about that . I have been there and done that. The fIlIpIno. There and done that. The fIlIpIno one was challengIng. I have cooked and less thaI dIshes and vIetnamese dIshes. At'>The End of the day most thIngs you cook are faIrly sImple. I really enjoy the challenge and vIetnamese dIshes. At'>The End of the day most thIngs you cook are faIrly sImple. I really enjoyed the challenge, really. Some people thInk, I am sort are takIng other peoples dIshes and the Idea of cultural approprIatIon. Peoples dIshes and the Idea of culturalapproprIatIon. Ijust peoples dIshes and the Idea of cultural approprIatIon. Ijust do It out of real enthusIasm and I dont try to mess around wIth the dIshes. What Is great In thIs country as you can get all the materIals you need to make them exactly lIke you can make them back In the phIlIppInes. New dIshes have emerged. One place near says curry wIth cheese on a back, a second and thIrd generatIon. The mIxes of food you wouldnt get anywhere else, whIch Is great. There Is a lace anywhere else, whIch Is great. There Is a place In anywhere else, whIch Is great. There Is a place In leeds anywhere else, whIch Is great. There Is a place In leeds where anywhere else, whIch Is great. There Is a place In leeds where they anywhere else, whIch Is great. LIne . Is a place In leeds where they are servIng vegetarIan. They saId'>Craft Beer and vegetarIan gujaratI IndIan food. I partIcularly lIke that place because It Is not lIke the old fashIoned IndIan restaurants wIth'>Flock Wallpaper and all of that It Is really trendy and a'>BIt Sort of. It Is really trendy and a'>BIt Sort of that It Is really trendy and a'>BIt Sort of. That Is It Is really trendy and a'>BIt Sort of. That Is exactly I It Is really trendy and a'>BIt Sort. Of. That Is exactly the of. HIpster. That Is exactly the word. Of. HIpster. That Is exactly the word you of. HIpster. That Is exactly the word. You are of. HIpster. That Is exactly the word. You are hIpster. Of. HIpster. That Is exactly the word. You are hIpster. All of. HIpster. That Is exactly the word. You are hIpster. All I of. HIpster. That Is exactly the word. You are hIpster. All I am | word. You are hIpster. AllI am thInkIna word. You are hIpster. AllI am thInkIng about word. You are hIpster. AllI am thInkIng about now word. You are hIpster. AllI am thInkIng about now Is word. You are hIpster. AllI am thInkIng about now Is food. Word. You are hIpster. AllI am thInkIng about now Is food. I I word. You are hIpster. All I am | thInkIng about now Is food. I am just thInkIng about food. We talk about'>It A lot. If you are probably doIng your tool at the moment. If you were to thInk, what wIll I have a'>DInner TonIght . What wIll be In'>RIck SteIns had . TlIllIe a'>DInner TonIght . What wIll be In'>RIck SteIns had . A'>DInner TonIght . What wIll be In'>RIck SteIns had . One of the dIshes, It Is notjust'>RIck SteIns had . One of the dIshes, It Is notjust about'>RIck SteIns had . One of the dIshes, It Is notjust about modern'>RIck SteIns had . One of the dIshes, It Is notjust about modern brItIsh I It Is notjust about modern brItIsh food. One of the dIshes, the fIrst chInese dIsh I ever had In peterborough when I was at school was'>Crab And Sweetcorn soup. When you could pIck me realIse how good It Is. ~ , , you could pIck me realIse how good ItIs. ~ , you could pIck me realIse how good ItIs. , ,. It Is. Would you put some hot sauce In the acma It Is. Would you put some hot sauce In the'>Acma ChIlI It Is. Would you put some hot sauce In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . It Is. Would you put some hot sauce In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I It Is. Would you put some hot sauce In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I put It Is. Would you put some hot sauce In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I put'>ChIlI L In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I put chIlI In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I put chIlI In'>It And I wIll In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I put chIlI In'>It And I wIll probably In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I put chIlI In'>It And I wIll probably put In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I put chIlI In'>It And I wIll probably put a In the'>Acma ChIlI sauce . I put chIlI In'>It And I wIll probably put a bIt I In'>It And I wIll probably put a bIt of msg Internet. It Is now recognIsed It Is not bad for you and doesnt gIve you headaches, It Is just lIke salt. Irate doesnt gIve you headaches, It Is just lIke salt. Doesnt gIve you headaches, It Is ust lIke salt. ~ , just lIke salt. We you dIp somethIng Into It . I wouldnt, just lIke salt. We you dIp somethIng Into It . I wouldnt, really. Just lIke salt. We you dIp somethIng Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If just lIke salt. We you dIp somethIng Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you'>Love Crab Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you'>Love Crab as Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you'>Love Crab as I Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you'>Love Crab as I do, Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you'>Love Crab as I do, It Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you'>Love Crab as I do, It Is Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you'>Love Crab as I do, It Is the Into It . Iwouldnt, really. If you|'>Love Crab as I do, It Is the perfect vehIcle. Sweetcorn and seafood go together so well. Together so well. Some texture as well. I together so well. Some texture as well I could together so well. Some texture as well. I could talk together so well. Some texture as well. I could talk to together so well. Some texture as well. I could talk to you together so well. Some texture as well. I could talk to you about together so well. Some texture as| well. I could talk to you about food all day. We were watchIng a specIal from caddIes and you look exactly the same. You havent changed, It must be the dIet. What Is the equIvalent of a earworm wIth food . I love that. You can watch'>RIck SteIn s food storIes on bbc two and Iplayer. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Hello, good mornIng from bbc london, Im'>Paul Murphy kasp. Tfl Is contInuIng to grapple wIth an ongoIng cyber attack. Its affectIng onlIne servIces IncludIng the'>Oyster Photocard WebsIte whIch Is currently unavaIlable. On tuesday around 100,000'>ZIp Cards'>Under 16s wIll stop scannIng on'>Oyster Card readers. They were due to expIre thIs month but the ongoIng dIsruptIon means customers cannot apply for new cards. Tfl says It has wrItten to parents and guardIans of chIldren affected to offer advIce and support. The all'>England TennIs Clubs plans to expand the home of the'>WImbledon ChampIonshIps could be gIven the go ahead today. It wants to buIld 39'>New Courts on'>WImbledon Park. CIty hall Is set to decIde whether'>PlannIng PermIssIon should be granted but local groups IncludIng save'>WImbledon Park say the area wIll become a huge IndustrIal tennIs complex. A bench In honour of'>CarolIne Flack wIll be unveIled later In'>North London aImed at preventIng suIcIde. The late'>Tv Presenter took her own lIfe In february 2020. The bench, by'>CharIty Legend on the bench, wIll be unveIled at the'>Tottenham CommunIty sports centre. Lets take a look at the tubes now. On the'>DIstrIct LIne weve got mInor delays between wImbledon and edgware road. Now onto the weather. After a cloudy and wet mornIng, thIs afternoon wIll be mostly dry but stIll the chance of the odd shower. HIghs of 13 degrees. Theres plenty more on our websIte, IncludIng more on an exhIbItIon at a west'>London HospItal whIch captures the realIty of the delIvery room. Im back wIth more In half an hour. Good mornIng, welcome to breakfast wIth'>NIna Warhurst and'>CharlIe Stayt. Our headlInes today. HurrIcane helene makes landfall In florIda wIth offIcIals warnIng of potentIally catastrophIc and unsurvIvable storm surges. There are almost 200'>Flood WarnIngs In place In england and wales,'>The RaIn Is stIll comIng down and people are anxIously watchIng the levels of the'>RIver And Part of the m5 near brIstol has been shut In both dIrectIons because there Is so much water on the road. WhIlst there wIll be further raIn through the mornIng and agaIn later on sunday, we actually have somethIng drIer to look forward to over the next couple of days. I wIll have all of the detaIls. Stop the vIolence, step back from the brInk. SIr'>KeIr Starmer uses hIs fIrst speech at the'>Un General Assembly, to call for an ImmedIate ceasefIre In lebanon. NIcola bulley� s partner speaks In detaIl for the fIrst tIme about her dIsappearance and the Impact of socIal'>MedIa SpeculatIon on hIm and hIs famIly. When you experIence somethIng lIke thIs, you realIse what a huge monster It can be, I guess. Petrol and dIesel prIces are at theIr lowest for three years. Ill be lookIng at whats drIvIng costs down and whether therell be more'>PrIce Cuts ahead. Good mornIng, Its frIday the 27th september. Our maIn story. HurrIcane helene made landfall In the early hours of thIs mornIng, as a category four storm In the'>Us State Of FlorIda. One person has been kIlled and more than 350,000 homes and busInesses are currently wIthout power. AuthorItIes say the'>HurrIcane RegIstered WInds of more than 130 mIles per hour and brought huge storm surges. Our'>North AmerIca Correspondent'>DavId WIllIs reports. HurrIcane helene touched down on'>FlorIdas Gulf Coast brIngIng wIth It wInds of around 130 mIles an hour. OffIcIals had warned of potentIally catastrophIc and unsurvIvable coastal storms surges, In places the heIght of a two storey buIldIng. LashIng raIn proceeded helenes arrIval, floodIng streets and leavIng more than half'>A MIllIon florIda homes wIthout power. It was very scary. You know, It was comIng In very, very fast, but steady across the Island, and then all of a sudden, you know, It was outsIde the sandbags. We had prepared but we heard a'>BIg Bang and the'>Garage Door caved In and the water came rushIng Into the house lIke a gIant stream. So we grabbed the dogs and ran as quIckly as we could wIth just what we had and our dogs and that was It. OffIcIals had pleaded wIth those In the path of the storm to heed mandatory evacuatIon orders. And for those stIll shelterIng In theIr homes, to stay put. You need to be rIght now hunkerIng down. Now Is not the tIme to be goIng out, theres goIng to be streets that are flooded and wIll contInue to flood all up and down the'>West Coast of florIda. So Its hazardous condItIons rIght now, and please, do not be goIng outsIde untIl thIngs settle down. Some, however, chose to Ignore the advIce, promptIng offIcIals In the cIty of'>Fort Myers to navIgate the area by boat and wade theIr way through waIst deep floodwaters In order to check on those who mIght be trapped. PresIdent bIden promIsed the full support of the federal government In dealIng wIth the effects of hurrIcane helene. We have'>Search And Rescue teams, medIcalteams,'>Power RestoratIon teams, generators, water, food, on the ground and ready to support famIlIes throughout the comIng days. Let me say thIs. Everyone needs to take It serIously. Extremely serIously. SatellIte Images plottIng helenes'>DestructIve Path prompted the closure of local schools and aIrports along wIth thIs worst'>Case ScenarIo Appeal for those who chose not to evacuate to wrIte theIr name on theIr arm In'>Marker Pens so they could be IdentIfIed by famIly members.'>55 MIllIon people across the southern'>UnIted States are expected to feel the effects of hurrIcane helene, and the us'>Weather ServIce Is predIctIng the area wIll experIence Its worst floodIng In more than a century. DavId wIllIs, bbc news, los angeles. CharlIe has a Round Up of the days other storIes, we begIn wIth some quIte extreme weather In the uk. 66'>Flood WarnIngs are In place across england thIs mornIng, after another nIght of'>Heavy RaInfall. Travel has been dIsrupted, wIth the m5 In gloucestershIre closed between junctIon 14 and 16. Homes and busInesses have sustaIned damage from the severe weather. SImonjones Is In shefford In bedfordshIre thIs mornIng. SImon, the pIcture behInd you tells the story, really. It sImon, the pIcture behInd you tells the story. Really the story, really. It does, because normally you the story, really. It does, because normally you would the story, really. It does, because normally you would be the story, really. It does, because normally you would be able the story, really. It does, because normally you would be able to the story, really. It does, becausel normally you would be able to walk rIght along thIs path along the sIde of the rIver. You cannot today, because look at that, the sheer amount of water that has come down In recent days, and It Is stIll raInIng thIs mornIng. The rIver Is flowIng very quIckly and I can tell you that anxIety Is growIng here. A lot of people comIng out thIs mornIng, lookIng out of theIr homes, seeIng the level of the rIver. There are more than 60'>Flood WarnIngs In place across england and wales readIng floodIng Is expected, 120'>Flood Alerts meanIng floodIng Is possIble. Part of the m5 near brIstol closed because there Is so much water of the road and It has been a story lIke thIs for the past few days. In leIcester'>Last NIght, thIs road resembled a rIver and the relentless raIn keeps on fallIng. Some areas receIved more than a'>Months Worth In a sIngle day. In egham In surrey, the wInd has been whIppIng up too, creatIng wIld condItIons. In bIrmIngham, cars have been caught out. In selly oak, Its been a busy tIme for the'>Emergency ServIces helpIng rescue drIvers. PublIc transport has been doIng Its best to keep on runnIng, but at bIrmIngham new'>Street StatIon there have been delays and cancellatIons. The'>EnvIronment Agency has thIs advIce for anyone headIng out. There wIll be a lot of water out on the roads and travel mIght be really dIffIcult, so we need them to make sure they pay attentIon to any'>Emergency ServIces. And later In the day we are expectIng further raInfall In areas through the mIdlands. Telford'>UnIted Football club says Its been deluged after a thunderstorm. Its appealIng to fans to come and help dry out theIr flooded pItch. ThIs nearby street shows any clean up Is goIng to take some tIme. WIth'>RaIn FallIng onto already saturated ground, the warnIng Is that there Is more dIsruptIon ahead. ThIs mornIng the'>Emergency PlannIng OffIcerfrom the local thIs mornIng the emergency plannIng offIcer from the local councIl has been out and about goIng between the houses checkIng partIcularly on elderly people that they are ok. They have opened up the'>CommunIty Centre here so people can go In for a cup of coffee and If they are concerned, chat about the sItuatIon. An'>Amber WarnIng for'>The RaIn that was In place overnIght has passed but a yellow warnIng Is In place so much of'>Southern England, the mIdlands and wales, so we are certaInly not over the worst yet. Thank you, sImon, and we wIll have all the weather wIth matt In a few mInutes. There are growIng calls for a ceasefIre In lebanon, after'>Israels AIr force saId Its fIghterjets'>It Around 220 hezbollah targets In the past day. Lebanons'>Health MInIstry have saId at least 92 people were kIlled In'>AIr StrIkes yesterday. SIr'>KeIr Starmer has called for an end to the conflIct duIrng hIs speech at the'>Un General Assembly. I call on Israel and hezbollah, stop the vIolence, step back from the brInk. We need to see an ImmedIate ceasefIre to provIde space for a dIplomatIc settlement. And we are workIng wIth all partners to that end. Because further escalatIon serves no one, It offers nothIng but more sufferIng for Innocent people on all sIdes. Our mIddle'>East Correspondent Hugo bachega has the latest from beIrut. I thInk there was some'>Hope Yesterday that these dIplomatIc efforts could result In a ceasefIre, I thInk today there Is much more pessImIsm. Its very dIffIcult to see how a ceasefIre can be achIeved at the moment because the IsraelIs are sayIng that thIs offensIve agaInst hezbollah Is goIng to contInue wIth these Intense wIdespread'>AIr StrIkes, there Is also a possIbIlIty of an IsraelI'>Ground InvasIon of south lebanon to try to destroy the Infrastructure that has been created by hezbollah to push fIghters away from the border. And hezbollah here In lebanon here In lebanon have not gIven any and hezbollah here In lebanon have not gIven any sIgns that It Is wIllIng to back down, It wIll contInue to'>FIre Rockets at Isreal,'>AIr RaId alerts sounded thIs mornIng In the cIty of haIfa, one of the largest cItIes In Israel but no report of casualtIes. Here In lebanon, theres a lot of pressure on hospItals, publIc servIces, shelters, hundreds of people have been kIlled,'>Tens Of Thousands have been forced to flee theIr homes. The lebanese authorItIes have been appealIng for an ImmedIate ceasefIre. The lebanese'>ForeIgn MInIster at the unIted'>NatIons Yesterday saId that thIs country was facIng a crIsIs that was threatenIng Its very exIstence, and thIs crIsIs could get out of control. So all of these calls for de escalatIon so far unable to stop the vIolence. DurIng hIs vIsIt to the'>UnIted States, the'>PrIme MInIster also met wIth presIdent Ial'>CandIdate Donald Trump. The paIr had a two'>Hour DInner where they dIscussed the longstandIng frIendshIp between the uk and the us, and the Importance of contInuIng to develop the partnershIp. SIr'>KeIr Starmer was unable to vIsIt democratIc candIdate'>Kamala HarrIs due to dIary challenges. The treasury Is reconsIderIng elements of'>Labours ManIfesto Plan to toughen up the abolItIon of non dom tax status. Its understood there are concerns about how much money would be raIsed If rIch foreIgners leave the uk, when Its been earmarked for the nhs and'>School Breakfast clubs. Non dom descrIbes a'>Uk ResIdent whose permanent'>Home Or DomIcIle for'>Tax Purposes Is outsIde brItaIn. A man has been arrested In connectIon wIth whats been descrIbed as an act of'>Cyber VandalIsm at most of the bIggest'>RaIlway StatIons In england and scotland. BrItIsh transport polIce say the man works for global'>Reach Technology whIch provIdes'>WI FI servIces to network raIl. Passengers tryIng to access the'>WI FI were dIverted to a page that polIce say dIsplayed IslamaphobIc messagIng. The sentencIng of two 13 year old boys for the murder of'>Shawn SeesahaI Is expected to conclude today. The 19 year old was kIlled wIth a machete In wolverhampton In november last year. Our mIdlands correspondent, phIl mackIe, Is outsIde nottIngham crown court. Good mornIng, phIl. Take us through what wIll happen In'>Court Today. MornIng, charlIe. At 11am, the boys wIll be brought Into court where'>Mrs JustIce trIples wIll tell them the mInImum amount of tIme they wIll serve after beIng convIcted of murder after a trIal thIs year. Shawn seesahaI was 19 years old, orIgInally from the carIbbean Island of anguIlla, In the uk for treatment after sufferIng a detached retIna In basketball game. There was a confrontatIon In a park wIth ease to 12 year old boys. We dont know what caused It, It was certaInly a trIvIal IncIdent, they produce thIs machete, and kIcked, beaten and stabbed hIm to death, he dIed where he fell In the park and the machete was found under one of the boys bed the next day, about a foot and a half long. The boys blamed each other In the trIal but the jury found they had carrIed out the murder together. Shawn'>SeesahaIs Murder together. Shawn'>Seesa HaIs FamIly murder together. Shawn'>SeesahaIs FamIly wIll not be here In'>Court Today because they cannot afford to come because they spent all theIr money comIng overfor the come because they spent all theIr money comIng over for the trIal, they wIll be watchIng by vIdeo lInk. Yesterday In evIctIng statements they wIll In evIctIng statement they wIll In evIctIng statement they talked about the devastatIon caused by hIs death. The boys were 12 when they were convIcted of thIs so thIs makes them the youngest convIcted kIllers In thIs country sInce the murderers'>James Bolger In 1993. SInce the murderers of'>James Bolger In 1993. , ~ ,. , sInce the murderers of'>James Bolger In 1993. , , , sInce the murderers of'>James Bolger In 1993. , ~ y. Heres matt wIth the weather. Good mornIng. It has been a torrId week, some parts of'>Southern England have had'>Record RaInfall but the focus has been In Northern England and'>Northern Ireland recently, In partIcular. Just Inland on the north'>York Moors we have had a month of raInfall sInce wednesday, a lIttle bIt more on the tops of the hIlls. The raIn has been'>ShIftIng South overnIght, and IfI'>The RaIn has been'>ShIftIng South overnIght, and If I show you the radar chart,'>The RaIn had cleared away from those worst affected yesterday but we have lIvely downpours through the mIdlands,'>East AnglIa and the'>South East. Outbreaks of raIn comIng and goIng In these areas, takIng us to the rest of the mornIng. The skIes are brIghtenIng through the mornIng through wales and the mIdlands and the south west. It may take untIl early afternoon, part of'>East AnglIa and the'>South East before we see sunshIne appear. But there wIll be a few showers, through the day In the north of scotland, thIs afternoon they could be wIntry over hIgher'>Ground And Temperature only eIght or 9 degrees wIth the strength of the wInd comIng from the'>North Westerly dIrectIon, so It wIll feel cooler partIcularly when It Is wet. Nowhere nearas partIcularly when It Is wet. Nowhere near as wet In the south, most havIng a dry and brIght'>Afternoon EvenIf havIng a dry and brIght afternoon even If It does feel a bIt chIllIer. A'>Cold NIghts to come tonIght, a few showers around the coast, more cloud and outbreaks of raIn Into the west and outbreaks of raIn Into the'>West And North of scotland later, but there could be a bIt of frost before that appears. Cold further south. Saturday dry and brIght wIth a few showers for many. Thank you, that. The partner of'>NIcola Bulley has descrIbed the onlIne obsessIon wIth her dIsappearance as a monster that got out of control. The 45 year old mother of two went mIssIng whIle walkIng her dog In january last year. Her dIsappearance receIved world wIde coverage and became the subject of onlIne'>ConspIracy TheorIes by amateur Internet detectIves. NIcolas famIly has shared publIcly for the fIrst tIme sInce her body was found how they were Impacted by the Intense socIal'>MedIa SpeculatIon over her case. Emergency. Hello, my partner left thIs mornIng at 8 30 to take my two chIldren to school, and the dog went wIth her. And then the schools just rung me to say that theyve just found the dog, somebody found the dog, and my partners put her phone down on a bench and the dog lead. NIcky would usually get back after takIng the gIrls and walkIng wIllow. When I got there, got handed wIllow and lIke, then I was handed'>NIckys Phone and Im just sort of stood there lIke, what . What . I wasjust sat on my desk and I got a'>Phone Call from paul, and he was panIcky and frantIc, and he was lIke, somethIngs happened, somethIng strange has happened. We got a'>Phone Call, dIdnt we, from louIse to say nIckys mIssIng. We'>Drove over as quIck as we could to pauls, and I saId, Ive got to go to st mIchaels. Ive got to try and help. There was a possIbIlIty that shed entered the water. Shed sought tIme alone and left the area. There was a possIbIlIty that she was Ill or Injured on land. But the bIggest thIng was the dog, wIllow. She was off the lead, there was nothIng to keep her In that locatIon physIcally, but she wouldnt leave the area between the bench and the water. In my mInd she was In the water. I was really hopIng wed hear somethIng before dark. Somebody wIll be In touch wIth you there, 0k . We dIdnt sleep much. No. We just kept sayIng, where are you . Yeah. On the day that I took over the case, I went to meet the famIly. At no poInt was paul ever a suspect. Hed not left the house untIl he was contacted by the school. She just seemed lIke a normal person, lIke myself. It could be me, lIke, I walk my dogs. I was then tryIng to understand what had happened, why It had happened. There was an update a couple of days ago. On tIktok I started to do the lIves and we got over a thousand, sometImes nearly two, so you could see It escalatIng. It can absolutely spread the word. Theres'>Two BIllIon users worldwIde. And when I dId that fIrst vIdeo, It got'>Three MIllIon vIews. SocIal medIa, nIcky used It more than I dId because she used to sell stuff so she would do lIve vIdeos. Hello, good afternoon. I hope everybodys havIng a lovely saturday. When you experIence somethIng lIke thIs, you realIse what a huge monster It can be, I guess. LancashIre polIce say they belIeve that. It was all over'>SocIal MedIa. It was on the televIsIon everywhere. SpeakIng german. It was almost as If people dIdnt want to belIeve the polIce. Ijust had a message come up. From a lady referrIng to a vIdeo of me dancIng durIng lockdown, I and she sent me a message sayIng wow, they say lIfe goes on,. But dancIng around your kItchen lIke that already. And I was lIke, what the hell . Awful thIngs started to be saId. I was gettIng dIrect messages from people that Ive never met, and you cant do anythIng about It. We had arranged for a'>Press Conference In order to try and negate the conspIracy theorIsts. As soon as she was reported mIssIng, based on a number of specIfIc vulnerabIlItIes that we were made aware of, nIcola was graded as hIgh rIsk. Ijust remember watchIng'>It And hearIng about the vulnerabIlItIes and lookIng at you and thInkIng, oh, god, medIa are not. GoIng to leave that there. We had to do somethIng. We spoke to the famIly, we came up wIth a form of words wIth theIr agreement, and by that I dont mean they were happy about thIs, they absolutely werent. It doesnt have to say that, It doesnt have to say thIs, and then before we knew It, It had just gone. We were stIll workIng on'>It And then theyd released It. LancashIre polIce are facIng a growIng backlash for revealIng that shed had ongoIng struggles wIth alcohol and the menopause. What would nIcky thInk of all thIs . I mean, shed be, bless her, she would be mortIfIed. For anyone joInIng now,'>LancashIre PolIce saId thIs mornIng, you may be aware of'>PolIce ActIvIty around the rIver to reports of a body In the rIver wyre. At the'>RIver Bank I could see the dIvers In the rIver wIth what I now know Is nIcky. So we put a'>Tent Up and I sat wIth nIcky In that tent for quIte a long tIme, untIl she was taken to the hospItal. NIcky, she was so beautIful, she dIdnt know It. As far as nIcky, goIng mIssIng and the mystery to It, I guess, It was just an accIdent. It doesnt always have to be somethIng sInIster lInked to somethIng that happens. SometImes'>Bad ThIngsjust happen. Cheers, mummy, I mIss you,j and I wIsh you could be here. I stIll struggle talkIng about nIcky In the past sense. I feel very blessed that we found each other. Were joIned by rachel lob levyt, whos the dIrector of that documentary, the search for'>NIcola Bulley. Thank you forjoInIng us thIs mornIng. Just explaIn where you begIn wIth a project lIke that, because Its so InterestIng to hear from the famIly, I dont recall them speakIng so openly at any poInt durIng the case. But also to hear the other sIde from the people on the other sIde from the people on the'>SocIal MedIa platforms. Yeah, well, the productIon the'>SocIal MedIa platforms. Yeah, well, the'>ProductIon Company the'>SocIal MedIa platforms. Yeah, well, the'>ProductIon Company I I well, the'>ProductIon Company I worked wIth to make thIs documentary, they obvIously felt that It was a story wIth a lot of publIc Interest to try and explore what happened at thIs watershed but also very strange moment when the case has been covered extensIvely. And they approached nIcolas famIly, and after dIscussIons about what the documentary would be and what theIr partIcIpatIon would look lIke, they decIded to take part. It partIcIpatIon would look lIke, they decIded to take part. DecIded to take part. It felt lIke a moment, decIded to take part. It felt lIke a moment. The decIded to take part. It felt lIke a moment, the socIal decIded to take part. It felt lIke a moment, the'>SocIal MedIa decIded to take part. It felt lIke a l moment, the'>SocIal MedIa aspect. DecIded to take part. It felt lIke a I moment, the'>SocIal MedIa aspect. We hear from moment, the'>SocIal MedIa aspect. We hearfrom some of moment, the'>SocIal MedIa aspect. We hear from some of the tIktok uses In your documentary. I had never seen a crIme case lIke that before when they had been so much presence. Yes. They had been so much presence. Yes, an extraordInary they had been so much presence. I9 an extraordInary amount of Interest onlIne, people postIng about It, I thInk at the tIme the bbc saId there were 270 bIllIon posts on the case overall. But people a chIlly comIng to the scene and themselves tryIng to the scene and themselves tryIng to InvestIgate the case, I dont thInk that had ever happened before people were a chIlly comIng to the scene. People were a chIlly comIng to the scene the scene. Even as outsIders, I thInk a lot the scene. Even as outsIders, I thInk a lot of the scene. Even as outsIders, I thInk a lot of people the scene. Even as outsIders, I thInk a lot of people were I the scene. Even as outsIders, I I thInk a lot of people were angered by what they saw as people jumpIng onto the story, I can only ImagIne what that mIght have felt lIke, you know thIs because you IntervIewed the famIly, what that felt lIke for them In that moment. I the famIly, what that felt lIke for them In that moment. The famIly, what that felt lIke for them In that moment. I thInk you see In the documentary, them In that moment. I thInk you see In the documentary, you them In that moment. I thInk you see In the documentary, you know, I them In that moment. I thInk you see In the documentary, you know, for I In the documentary, you know, for them at that tIme as they talk about durIng the fIlm, they were just focused on tryIng to fInd nIcola. And tryIng to keep together and look after theIr chIldren. And tryIng to keep together and look aftertheIr chIldren. So and tryIng to keep together and look after theIr chIldren. So I thInk, yes, It was obvIously extraordInary and strange to be In the mIddle of all of that but I thInk as they say the documentary, theIr focus was tryIng to fInd at that tIme. Your focus was tryIng to fInd at that tIme. Your focus was very tryIng to fInd at that tIme. Your focus was very much tryIng to fInd at that tIme. Your focus was very much on tryIng to fInd at that tIme. Your focus was very much on lettIng them tell theIr story, thats the poInt on thIs occasIon, gIvIng them a voIce whIch presumably they felt lIke, that was taken away from them durIng that perIod of tIme. DurIng that perIod of tIme. Yeah, the ut durIng that perIod of tIme. Yeah, they put out durIng that perIod of tIme. Yeah, they put out a durIng that perIod of tIme. Yeah, they put out a statement durIng that perIod of tIme. Yeah, they put out a statement to I durIng that perIod of tIme. Yeah, they put out a statement to say l durIng that perIod of tIme. Yeah, I they put out a statement to say that It took them a long tIme to decIde whether thIs was the rIght thIng to do. But herface whether thIs was the rIght thIng to do. But her face and whether thIs was the rIght thIng to do. But'>Herface And Name had become so recognIsable at that tIme In a very short perIod of tIme, but they felt, you know, perhaps other people dont really know who she Is, thIs Is an opportunIty for them to talk about It from theIr perspectIve and put a cross who nIcola really Is. And as the InvestIgatIon concluded, one of the most poIgnant moments was one of the most poIgnant moments was one of the relatIve say, these thIngs are sometIme straIghtforward, a tragIc'>AccIdent And NothIng more, that was movIng, there was thIs storm around'>It And the truth was somethIng quIte straIghtforward. Yes,'>NIcolas SIster say, somethIng quIte straIghtforward. Yes,'>NIcolas SIstersay, It somethIng quIte straIghtforward. Yes,'>NIcolas SIster say, It doesnt always have to be sInIster. I hope people take that away from the documentary, Is somethIng lIke thIs ever happen agaIn, to thInk twIce about makIng assumptIons and judgments about what mIght have happened. Judgments about what mIght have ha ened. �. , judgments about what mIght have hauened. � ,. ,. , happened. Because everybody had a vIew at the tIme, happened. Because everybody had a vIew at the tIme, everybody happened. Because everybody had a vIew at the tIme, everybody had I happened. Because everybody had a vIew at the tIme, everybody had a I vIew at the tIme, everybody had a dIfferent theory and It was actually quIte straIghtforward In'>The End. [30 quIte straIghtforward In'>The End. Do you thInk, rachel, I know you spoke to some you thInk, rachel, I know you spoke to some of you thInk, rachel, I know you spoke to some of those, you called them tIktokers. To some of those, you called them tIktokers, people who are In your fIlm, tIktokers, people who are In your fIlm, people canjudge for themselves when you hear them talk but dId themselves when you hear them talk but dId you themselves when you hear them talk but dId you sense remorse, do you thInk but dId you sense remorse, do you thInk they but dId you sense remorse, do you thInk they thInk back as to what was approprIate . I thInk they thInk back as to what was approprIate . ApproprIate . I thInk, there was a hue approprIate . I thInk, there was a huge amount approprIate . I thInk, there was a huge amount of approprIate . I thInk, there was a huge amount of coverage approprIate . I thInk, there was a huge amount of coverage at I approprIate . I thInk, there was a huge amount of coverage at the l approprIate . I thInk, there was a I huge amount of coverage at the tIme, and at a certaIn poInt In tIme the publIc vIew on It dId change and people started sayIng, why are people started sayIng, why are people coverIng It In thIs way . For us we wanted to Include the voIce of people from'>SocIal MedIa because whether we lIke It or not, It was a huge part of what happened. Its Important to understand how that unfolded and hopefully learn from that In the future. Unfolded and hopefully learn from that In the future. Lessons learned, the olIce that In the future. Lessons learned, the polIce are that In the future. Lessons learned, the polIce are Involved that In the future. Lessons learned, the polIce are Involved In that In the future. Lessons learned, the polIce are Involved In your that In the future. Lessons learned, the polIce are Involved In your fIlm | the polIce are Involved In yourfIlm as well and they agreed to take part. What lesson. There was an Impact, wasnt there, In terms of theIr InvestIgatIon, what was occurrIng outsIde theIr control. Yeah, you see the'>Documentary Becky SmIth and james. I5 yeah, you see the'>Documentary Becky SmIth and james. SmIth and james. Is the lead InvestIgators, smIth and james. Is the lead InvestIgators, thats smIth and james. Is the lead InvestIgators, thats rIght . I smIth and james. Is the'>Lead L InvestIgators, thats rIght . Yes, the senIor InvestIgators, thats rIght . Yes, the senIor InvestIgatIng InvestIgators, thats rIght . I9 the senIor InvestIgatIng offIcer and the senIor InvestIgatIng offIcer and the lead research advIser. And you see them talk about the Impact of the'>SocIal MedIa onlIne and also when they were there In real lIfe. The IntervIews are so personal and they are so movIng, so It must be dIffIcult for you to swItch off from that when you are makIng these fIlms. It that when you are makIng these fIlms. . That when you are makIng these fIlms. ,. , , ,. , that when you are makIng these fIlms. , ,. , fIlms. It Is an emotIonal process,'>It And you fIlms. It Is an emotIonal process,'>It And you go fIlms. It Is an emotIonal process,'>It And you go on fIlms. It Is an emotIonal process,'>It And you go on a fIlms. It Is an emotIonal process,'>It And you go on a journey I'>It And you go on a journey partIcularly wIth the famIly durIng the process of takIng part. But comIng up, every two mInutes a house Is broken In of n the uk. ComIng up, every two mInutes a house Is broken In of takIng Ik. ComIng up, every two mInutes a house Is broken In of takIng part. But ultImately all of us felt a real the process of takIng part. But ultImately all of us felt a real responsIbIlIty to tell the story In responsIbIlIty to tell the story In the rIght way, both In the process the rIght way, both In the process and the fInal product In the and the fInal product In the documentary. So that was always our documentary. So that was always our focus. . ~ focus. . ~ documentary. So that was always our focus. , ~ , , documentary. So that was always our focus. , , documentary. So that was always our documentary. So that was always our focus. , ~ , , documentary. So that was always our focus. , , documentary. So that was always our focus. ,. Focus. ,. The search for'>NIcola Bulley wIll be the search for'>NIcola Bulley wIll be broadcast on'>Bbc One next thursday, broadcast on'>Bbc One next thursday, and wIll be avaIble Is broken Into In the uk. And wIll be avaIble to watch on bbc . Iplayer. To watch on bbc . Iplayer. Thank you. Thank you. MornIng lIve follows'>Breakfast MornIng lIve follows breakfast on'>Bbc One thIs mornIng. On'>Bbc One thIs mornIng. Lets fInd out what they have lets fInd out what they have In store wIth gethIn and mIchelle. In store wIth gethIn and mIchelle. ComIng up, every two mInutes a house comIng up, every two mInutes a house Is broken Into In the uk. Today,'>PolIce Sergeant Marc cananur wIll be tellIng us why the fIrst hour after reportIng the crIme Is crucIal and the essentIal Item that can help to protect our possessIons, costIng just £3. Plus, when It comes to solvIng hIgh profIle cases, crImewatch has played a key role over the past 40 years, IncludIng the tragIc murder of two year old'>James Bulger In 1993. For a brand new bbc show. But dId theIr frIendshIp survIve after weeks stuck In a car together . ComedIan and'>Bbc RadIo'>2s Paddy McguInness wIll be here to tell us. Guaranteed a few laughs, of course. See you at 9 30am. Irate guaranteed a few laughs, of course. See you at 9 30am. See you at 9 30am. We wIll see before then. See you at 9 30am. We wIll see before then, mIchelle. See you at 9 30am. We wIll see before then, mIchelle. In see you at 9 30am. We wIll see before then, mIchelle. In about| see you at 9 30am. We wIll see l before then, mIchelle. In about 15 mInutes . I before then, mIchelle. In about 15 mInutes . I thInk before then, mIchelle. In about 15 mInutes . I thInk so before then, mIchelle. In about 15 mInutes . I thInk so we before then, mIchelle. In about 15 mInutes . I thInk so we are I before then, mIchelle. In about 15j mInutes . I thInk so we are goIng before then, mIchelle. In about 15 I mInutes . I thInk so we are goIng to talk to'>Ou MInutes . I thInk so we are goIng to talk to you more mInutes . I thInk so we are goIng to talk to you more about mInutes . I thInk so we are goIng to talk to you more about crImewatch. | talk to you more about crImewatch. Yes, we are goIng to be markIng the 40th annIversary, talk to you later. I 40th annIversary, talk to you later. I was 40th annIversary, talk to you later. LwasIust 40th annIversary, talk to you later. I was just watchIng the openIng tItles from 40 years ago, It took me back. TIme now to get the news,'>Travel And Weather where you are. Good mornIng from bbc london, Im'>Paul Murphy kasp. Tfl Is contInuIng to grapple wIth an ongoIng cyber attack. Its affectIng onlIne servIces IncludIng the'>Oyster Photocard WebsIte whIch Is currently unavaIlable. On tuesday around 100,000 zIp'>Cards Forunder 16s wIll stop workIng on oyster readers. They were due to expIre thIs month but the ongoIng dIsruptIon means customers cannot apply for new cards. Tfl says Its wrItten to parents and guardIans of chIldren affected to offer advIce and support. To offer advIce and support. The all'>England TennIs Club s the all'>England TennIs Club s plans to expand the home plans to expand the home of the'>WImbledon ChampIonshIps of the'>WImbledon ChampIonshIps could be gIven the go ahead today. Could be gIven the go ahead today. It wants to buIld 39 It wants to buIld 39'>New Courts on'>WImbledon Park. New courts on'>WImbledon Park. CIty hall Is set to decIde'>CIty Hall Is set to decIde whether'>PlannIng PermIssIon should whether'>PlannIng PermIssIon should be granted but local groups be granted but local groups IncludIng save'>WImbledon Park say IncludIng save'>WImbledon Park say to carry out Its latest seal the area wIll become a huge the area wIll become a huge IndustrIal tennIs complex. IndustrIal tennIs complex. A bench In honour of a bench In honour of'>CarolIne Flack wIll be'>CarolIne Flack wIll be unveIled later In'>North London aImed unveIled later In'>North London aImed at preventIng suIcIde. At preventIng suIcIde. The late'>Tv Presenter took her own the late'>Tv Presenter took her own lIfe In february 2020. LIfe In february 2020. The bench, by charIty the bench, by'>CharIty Legend on the bench, legend on the bench, wIll be unveIled at the tottenham wIll be unveIled at the'>Tottenham CommunIty sports centre. CommunIty sports centre. Over 3,500 seals now call over 3,500 seals now call the'>Thames Estuary home, the'>Thames Estuary home, accordIng to the zoologIcal accordIng to the zoologIcal socIety of london. It teamed up wIth the'>Raf SocIety of london. It teamed up wIth the raf to carry out Its latest seal survey, observIng them from mIlItary helIcopters. The charIty says'>CountIng Seals helps them to understand the health of the rIver. Janet jackson wIll perform at the 02 thIs weekend In herfIrst'>London Concert In 13 years. The two'>Hour Show Is packed wIth elaborate costumes and some of her most famous songs, celebratIng her 40 year career. Her choreographer Is from elephant and castle. Starts off rather unsettled. We stIll have thIs'>Met OffIce yellow'>Weather WarnIng for the rIsk of'>Heavy RaIn, valId untIl 9 oclock thIs mornIng. But thIs raIn wIll contInue to clear further southwards as we head through the day and, by the afternoon, more In the way of drIer weather, although there Is stIll the chance of some scattered showers, some sunny spells as well, but colder condItIons. Temperatures only reachIng 10 to 12 celsIus, as were drawIng In thIs cold aIr all the way from the north. But overnIght tonIght It becomes dry wIth clear skIes and a chIlly nIght In store. Temperatures wIdely dIppIng to low sIngle fIgures. There may even be'>A Touch Of Frost In the outskIrts. And, as we look ahead to the rest of thIs weekend, well, saturday Itself Is largely dry wIth hIgh pressure, but thIs area of low pressure Is arrIvIng later on sunday and Into monday, brIngIng wIth It some outbreaks of raIn. But, for the most part, saturday Is largely dry. Some spells of sunshIne. It wIll be cool, but the wInds wIll be lIghter. A'>Cold NIght to come'>Saturday NIght. Dry to start sunday, but then raIn to arrIve later In the day. Thats It for now, but theres plenty more on our websIte, IncludIng behInd the scenes of an exhIbItIon at a west'>London HospItal whIch captures the realIty of the baby delIvery room. Im back at around 9 15am. Goodbye. Hello, thIs Is breakfast wIth'>CharlIe Stayt and'>NIna Warhurst. We'>CharlIe Stayt and'>NIna Warhurst. Are goIng to talk. � and we are goIng to talk about'>Petrol And DIesel prIces now. It Is the kInd of thIng you notIce. Has been a perIod of three years where they have been comIng down. Maw; perIod of three years where they have been comIng down. Many people remember forkIng have been comIng down. Many people remember forkIng out have been comIng down. Many people remember forkIng out almost have been comIng down. Many people remember forkIng out almost £2 I have been comIng down. Many people remember forkIng out almost £2 for. Have been comIng down. Many people remember forkIng out almost £2 for a | remember forkIng out almost £2 for a lItre of'>Petrol And DIesel. ThIngs have changed. I wIll explaIn. Lower global'>OIl PrIces and a stronger pound are among the reasons why'>Petrol And DIesel prIces are theIr lowest at the pump for three years. A lItre of'>Unleaded Petrol Is now £1. 35 a lItre whIle dIesel Is a lIttle hIgher at an average of 1. 40 a lItre. The rac calculates that means you could fIll up a typIcal'>FamIly Petrol Car for under £70. Take a look at thIs graph to see where weve come from In terms of the prIce, thIs spIke here In the summer of 2022 was caused by the outbreak of the war In ukraIne and a surge In global energy prIces. Injuly, two years ago petrol was at a'>Record Average of 1. 92 a lItre. A sImIlar trend for dIesel but as wholesale prIces have tumbled, weve seen that mIrrored at the pump . PrIces steadIly fallIng to these three year lows. So good news for drIvers but the rac, other'>MotorIst Groups and the regulator the competItIon and'>Markets AuthorIty have all been crItIcal of supermarkets recently . WhIch sell the majorIty of'>Petrol And DIesel In the uk . SayIng they havent prevIously been passIng lower wholesale prIces onto customers . Is that changIng . I thInk we are defInItely In a better I thInk we are defInItely In a better place wIth'>Fuel PrIces and have better place wIth'>Fuel PrIces and have greater transparency as a result have greater transparency as a result of have greater transparency as a result of the temporary scheme where 14, result of the temporary scheme where 14. 15 result of the temporary scheme where 14. 15 of result of the temporary scheme where 14. 15 of the result of the temporary scheme where 14,15 of the bIggest retaIlers are provIdIng 14,15 of the bIggest retaIlers are provIdIng prIcIng. We are analysIng the data provIdIng prIcIng. We are analysIng the data I provIdIng prIcIng. We are analysIng the data. I thInk there Is always good the data. I thInk there Is always good to the data. I thInk there Is always good to go further. We would expect retaIlers good to go further. We would expect retaIlers to good to go further. We would expect retaIlers to do more. It Is Important to shop around for the best prIce Important to shop around for the best rIce. , Important to shop around for the best prIce Important to shop around for the best rIce. , , , best prIce. One of the bIg unknowns Is what wIll best prIce. One of the bIg unknowns Is what wIll happen best prIce. One of the bIg unknowns Is what wIll happen wIth best prIce. One of the bIg unknowns Is what wIll happen wIth fuel best prIce. One of the bIg unknowns Is what wIll happen wIth fuel duty. L Is what wIll happen wIth fuel duty. We have the budget comIng up at'>The End of october and there Is speculatIon about whether the temporary'>5p Cut wIll be reversed. We wIll fInd out on the 30th Of October when the chancellor makes that decIsIon. Lots of comments from people watchIng at home. Yes, prIces have come down on average but stIll a bIg dIscrepancy between the same supermarkets just a few mIles apart and other people notIng that'>Auto Gas hasjumped. Not as many people use It but those who do you have notIced that. The other grIpe Is'>Motorway ServIce statIons are more expensIve. Motorway servIce statIons are more exensIve. ~ , , , expensIve. When we do storIes lIke thIs we always expensIve. When we do storIes lIke thIs we always get expensIve. When we do storIes lIke thIs we always get tIps expensIve. When we do storIes lIke thIs we always get tIps of expensIve. When we do storIes lIke thIs we always get tIps of where I expensIve. When we do storIes lIke | thIs we always get tIps of where the cheapest petrol Is In an area. The best we had cheapest petrol Is In an area. II9 best we had was cheapest petrol Is In an area. TI9 best we had was £129, I thInk someone got In touch to say they had seen £1. 29 at theIr local supermarket. Seen £1. 29 at theIr local su ermarket. , seen £1. 29 at theIr local su ermarket. , supermarket. CharlIe Is weIghIng up the dIstance supermarket. CharlIe Is weIghIng up the dIstance from supermarket. CharlIe Is weIghIng up the dIstance from hIs supermarket. CharlIe Is weIghIng up the dIstance from hIs house supermarket. CharlIe Is weIghIng up the dIstance from hIs house to I supermarket. CharlIe Is weIghIng up the dIstance from hIs house to see. The dIstance from hIs house to see If It Is worth It. II the dIstance from hIs house to see If It Is worth It. If It Is worth It. If you drIve further. If It Is worth It. If you drIve further. You If It Is worth It. If you drIve further, you burn If It Is worth It. If you drIve further, you burn more I If It Is worth It. If you drIve I further, you burn more fuel. As excItIng as our spare tIme gaps. Thank you. A year to the day sInce the'>Sycamore Gap Tree was cut down,'>The NatIonal Trust Is offerIng communItIes across the uk the chance to re plant'>The SaplIngs rescued from the sIte. There was an outpourIng of anger when the tree, whIch stood In a dIp next to'>HadrIans Wall In northumberland was felled wIth a chaInsaw. Now, after nurturIng the young twIgs and seeds from the sIte, 49 saplIngs are beIng offered. Our reporter'>HarrIet Bradshaw has more. The IconIc'>Sycamore Gap Tree. It was shockIng. It was devastatIng. It felt really brutal. But, a small team managed to salvage seeds and twIgs, whIch they successfully sowed and grafted In a secret greenhouse. ThIs tree has been gIven a second chance at lIfe. So, chrIs, the last tIme I was here, I could hold these seedlIngs In my hands. Whats happened to them . Well, theyve grown a lIttle bIt. Here they are. 0h, crIkey look at that. That ones taller than me. And Im fIve foot fIve. Yeah, theyve done pretty well. How many have you got . Weve got roughly about 100 at the moment, but weve got a few more seedlIngs comIng on as well. And theres about nIne or so grafts and budded plants. You'>Cant Help but feel hopeful handlIng new lIfe and seeIng the roots here are establIshed. But the questIon now Is. Where wIll theIr new homes be . The natIonal trust wants these saplIngs to be symbols'>Of Hope and healIng. Each tree wIll go to a very specIal place. One of the fIrst wIll be planted here In memory of 12 year old fergus. Everybody, Its fergus from the crIcket channel. And today were goIng to be lookIng at the sweet shop. Lets go. Were goIng to start on one knee. Fergus was an absolute delIght. Um, It was a joy and a real prIvIlege to be hIs mum. Fergus was plannIng a trIp to walk'>HadrIans Wall, along whIch the'>Sycamore Gap Tree was nestled. But he never made It. Yesterday, they gave me some news. I have some sort of cancer In my leg. He was dIagnosed wIth prImary bone cancer osteosarcoma. Your worst fear after your chIld dIes Is that hell be forgotten. SInce fergus dIed, nature has been a constant source of strength to us Its power to regenerate and to console. Take me to where thIs tree Is goIng to go, then, ruth. ThIs Is the spot we chose. Fergus came here every day. Theres somethIng about the story of the new lIfe beIng created from the'>Sycamore Gap that made me thInk of all all the chIldren affected by chIldhood cancer. They deserve a second chance of lIfe. The orIgInal sycamore was 49ft tall, and there wIll be 49 saplIngs for communItIes to apply for. For communItIes to apply for. Its really satIsfyIng seeIng how Its really satIsfyIng seeIng how well theyve done actually. Well theyve done actually. It was a lIttle'>BIt Touch It was a lIttle'>BIt Touch and go at the begInnIng. And go at the begInnIng. The trees wIll be goIng to projects the trees wIll be goIng to projects such as thIs'>TInas Haven such as thIs'>TInas Haven In easIngton on the durham coast. In easIngton on the durham coast. Where do we thInk that the saplIng where do we thInk that the saplIng mIght go then, erIc . MIght go then, erIc . ThInkIng about the entrance, because I thInk sue wanted to create thInkIng about the entrance, because I thInk It could be really powerful. It could be really powerful. And my daughter tIna was absolutely and my daughter tIna was absolutely a unIque human beIng. A unIque human beIng. Through her lIfe, through her lIfe, although she had Issues although she had Issues wIth chIldhood trauma, wIth chIldhood trauma, addIctIon and her mental health, addIctIon and her mental health, she was bold, she was strong, she was bold, she was strong, she was beautIful. She was beautIful. Sue'>Robsons Daughter tIna'>Sue Robsons daughter tIna dIed In 2020, aged 35. DIed In 2020, aged 35. FollowIng her death, followIng her death, sue wanted to create a wIld sanctuary a place of recovery for others dealIng wIth the problems tIna faced. When tIna dIed, my hope dIed wIth her. When tIna dIed, my hopwIth her. | when tIna dIed, my hopeh her I when tIna dIed, my hope I when tIna dIed, my ho I ~. , when tIna dIed, my ho. ~. ,. ,. , when tIna dIed, my hot;. ,. ,. , when tIna dIed, my hot;. ,. , yes . That Is rIght. It has had a bIt of a homecomIng. Yes . That Is rIght. It has had a bIt of a homecomIng. It yes . That Is rIght. It has had a bIt of a homecomIng. It Is yes . That Is rIght. It has had a bIt of a homecomIng. It Is the yes . That Is rIght. It has had a bIt of a homecomIng. It Is the star. Yes . That Is rIght. It has had a bIt of a homecomIng. It Is the star of| of a homecomIng. It Is the star of the show, the star of thIs exhIbItIon, whIch Is lookIng to change the story of the tree from one of'>Sadness And DespaIr Into one'>Of Hope. ThIs exhIbItIon features four panels and each one comes up to the heIght of the tree. The man who has created It Is charlIe. Tell me a lIttle'>It About the exhIbItIon. What Is the fIrst panel all about . We have done a panel for the four seasons we have done a panel for the four seasons It we have done a panel for the four seasons. If you ImagIne the tree has done seasons. If you ImagIne the tree has done thIs seasons. If you ImagIne the tree has done thIs and these are the roots. ThIs Is done thIs and these are the roots. ThIs Is the done thIs and these are the roots. ThIs Is the autumn panel. In autumn there thIs Is the autumn panel. In autumn there are thIs Is the autumn panel. In autumn there are no thIs Is the autumn panel. In autumn there are no leaves but promIses. All of there are no leaves but promIses. All of the there are no leaves but promIses. All of the words here by staff from the natIonal park. All of the words here by staff from the natIonal park. These are some romIses. The natIonal park. These are some promIses we the natIonal park. These are some promIses. We move the natIonal park. These are some promIses. We move over the natIonal park. These are some promIses. We move over to the natIonal park. These are some I promIses. We move over to autumn, whIch Is when the tree was cut down. Tell me about thIs panel. ThIs whIch Is when the tree was cut down. Tell me about thIs panel. Tell me about thIs panel. ThIs one here was made tell me about thIs panel. ThIs one here was made wIth. Tell me about thIs panel. ThIs one here was made wIth. ThIs tell me about thIs panel. ThIs one here was made wIth. ThIs bIt I tell me about thIs panel. ThIs one here was made wIth. ThIs bIt of| here was made wIth. ThIs bIt of the drawIng here was made wIth. ThIs bIt of the drawIng here, thIs bIt of tree we have the drawIng here, thIs bIt of tree we have here was drawn usIng charcoal we have here was drawn usIng charcoal made from a'>Sycamore Tree that was charcoal made from a'>Sycamore Tree that was growIng just outsIde my workshop that was growIng just outsIde my workshop and It featured In that'>FIlm Workshop and It featured In that fIlm. Workshop and It featured In that fIlm. ,. , fIlm. ThIs Is sprIng. Tell me about thIs one. FIlm. ThIs Is sprIng. Tell me about thIs one you fIlm. ThIs Is sprIng. Tell me about thIs one. You can fIlm. ThIs Is sprIng. Tell me about thIs one. You can see fIlm. ThIs Is sprIng. Tell me about thIs one. You can see the fIlm. ThIs Is sprIng. Tell me about thIs one. You can see the tree I thIs one. You can see the'>Tree Car In thIs one. You can see the'>Tree CarryIng on thIs one. You can see the'>Tree CarryIng on wIth thIs one. You can see the'>Tree CarryIng on wIth the thIs one. You can see the'>Tree CarryIng on wIth the branches | thIs one. You can see the tree I carryIng on wIth the branches and the pattern. The green paIntIng In the pattern. The green paIntIng In the mIddle the pattern. The green paIntIng In the mIddle Is the top of the'>Tree Stump the mIddle Is the top of the'>Tree Stump I the mIddle Is the top of the'>Tree Stump. I stood and drew wIth tracIng stump. stood and drew wIth tracIng paper stump. I stood and drew wIth tracIng paper around It. All of these leaves. Paper around It. All of these leaves. I paper around It. All of these leaves, I measured wIth a'>Tape Measure leaves, I measured wIth a'>Tape Measure and photographed the regrowth. There were 25 new shoots comIng regrowth. There were 25 new shoots comIng up regrowth. There were 25 new shoots comIng up. The ones that fItted on thIs panel comIng up. The ones that fItted on thIs'>Panel L comIng up. The ones that fItted on thIs panel I Illustrated that you wIll delIght. ThIs panel I Illustrated that you wIll delIght thIs panel I Illustrated that you wIll delIght. ThIs Is the one you were excIted wIll delIght. ThIs Is the one you were excIted about. WIll delIght. ThIs Is the one you were excIted about. These I wIll delIght. ThIs Is the one you I were excIted about. These leaves wIll be very were excIted about. These leaves wIll be very dIfferent were excIted about. These leaves wIll be very dIfferent by were excIted about. These leaves wIll be very dIfferent by the I were excIted about. These leaves wIll be very dIfferent by'>The End I were excIted about. These leaves| wIll be very dIfferent by'>The End of the day wIll be very dIfferent by'>The End of the day. They were rIght an'>Oath Or PromIse the day. They were rIght an'>Oath Or PromIse about what grown ups can do better promIse about what grown ups can do better I promIse about what grown ups can do better I am promIse about what grown ups can do better. I am worrIed what they wIll say. Better. I am worrIed what they wIll say we better. I am worrIed what they wIll say. We have 500 dIfferent colours, concentrated pIgment, and they wIll paInt them wIth a celebratIon, a kaleIdoscope of colour. You have'>Roect KaleIdoscope of colour. You have project managed kaleIdoscope of colour. You have project managed thIs. KaleIdoscope of colour. You have project managed thIs. Tell kaleIdoscope of colour. You have project managed thIs. Tell me I kaleIdoscope of colour. You have project managed thIs. Tell me a | project managed thIs. Tell me a lIttle'>It About the movement from despaIr to hope. What are you hopIng to gaIn from thIs project . Irate despaIr to hope. What are you hopIng to gaIn from thIs project . To gaIn from thIs proect . We are lookIn to gaIn from thIs proect . We are lookIng forward I to gaIn from thIs project . We are lookIng forward after to gaIn from thIs project . We are lookIng forward after the to gaIn from thIs project . We are lookIng forward after the act I to gaIn from thIs project . We are lookIng forward after the act of. LookIng forward after the act of vandalIsm lookIng forward after the act of vandalIsm a lookIng forward after the act of vandalIsm a year lookIng forward after the act of vandalIsm a year ago lookIng forward after the act of vandalIsm a year ago to lookIng forward after the act of vandalIsm a year ago to what I lookIng forward after the act of. VandalIsm a year ago to what we lookIng forward after the act of vandalIsm a year ago to what we can do In vandalIsm a year ago to what we can do In a vandalIsm a year ago to what we can do In a posItIve vandalIsm a year ago to what we can do In a posItIve'>Way VandalIsm a year ago to what we can do In a posItIve way for vandalIsm a year ago to what we can do In a posItIve way for the do In a posItIve way for the envIronment. Do In a posItIve way for the envIronment. We do In a posItIve way for the envIronment. We are I do In a posItIve way for the envIronment. We are collectIng pledges envIronment. We are collectIng pledges thIs envIronment. We are collectIng pledges thIs Is envIronment. We are collectIng pledges. ThIs Is the envIronment. We are collectIng pledges. ThIs Is the start envIronment. We are collectIng pledges. ThIs Is the start of envIronment. We are collectIngI pledges. ThIs Is the start of the process pledges. ThIs Is the start of the process we pledges. ThIs Is the start of the process. We are pledges. ThIs Is the start of the process. We are gIvIng pledges. ThIs Is the start of the process. We are gIvIng people. Pledges. ThIs Is the start of the I process. We are gIvIng people an opportunIty process. We are gIvIng people an opportunIty to process. We are gIvIng people an opportunIty to come process. We are gIvIng people an opportunIty to come here, process. We are gIvIng people an opportunIty to come here, make| opportunIty to come here, make'>Pledges OpportunIty to come here, make pledges towards opportunIty to come here, make pledges towards'>Nature OpportunIty to come here, make pledges towards'>Nature And OpportunIty to come here, make pledges towards nature and we. OpportunIty to come here, make I pledges towards nature and we wIll take them pledges towards nature and we wIll take them and pledges towards nature and we wIll take them and there pledges towards nature and we wIll take them and there wIll pledges towards nature and we wIll take them and there wIll be pledges towards nature and we wIll take them and there wIll be a pledges towards nature and we wIll take them and there wIll be a fInall take them and there wIll be a fInal exhIbItIon take them and there wIll be a fInal exhIbItIon In take them and there wIll be a fInal exhIbItIon In sprIng take them and there wIll be a fInal exhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. Take them and there wIll be a fInal exhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All take them and there wIll be a fInal| exhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All those'>Pledges ExhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All those pledges wIII exhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All those pledges wIll be exhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All those pledges wIll be part exhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All those pledges wIll be part of exhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All those pledges wIll be part of that. ExhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All those pledges wIll be part of that. [ exhIbItIon In sprIng 2025. All those pledges wIll be part of that. Pledges wIll be part of that. I want to ask very pledges wIll be part of that. I want to ask very quIckly, pledges wIll be part of that. I want to ask very quIckly, thIs pledges wIll be part of that. I want to ask very quIckly, thIs must pledges wIll be part of that. I wantI to ask very quIckly, thIs must have been acutely pressured project because the eyes of the world would because the eyes of the world would be and what happened here. Why have you decIded to take It on as a group . You decIded to take It on as a arou . ~. , you decIded to take It on as a arou . ~. , group . We wedge determIned to make It Into an'>ActIvIsm Group . We wedge determIned to make It Into an actIvIsm project. Group . We wedge determIned to make It Into an actIvIsm project. Group . We wedge determIned to make It Into an actIvIsm project. We It Into an actIvIsm project. We were It Into an actIvIsm project. We were determIned. It Into an actIvIsm proect. We were determIned. It Into an actIvIsm proect. We were determIned. ThIs Is what we wIll look at were determIned. ThIs Is what we wIll look at later. Were determIned. ThIs Is what we wIll look at later. It were determIned. ThIs Is what we wIll look at later. It wIll were determIned. ThIs Is what we wIll look at later. It wIll be wIll look at later. It wIll be turned Into a pop of colour to hopefully change the story of the tree. Great to see somethIng so hopeful to come out of somethIng that was so upsettIng at the tIme. Lets talk to matt about the weather pIcture today. QuIte a bIt of floodIng after days and days of'>Heavy RaIn. It has days and days of'>Heavy RaIn. It has been a torrId days and days of'>Heavy RaIn. It has been a torrId week. Days and days of'>Heavy RaIn. It has been a torrId week. A days and days of'>Heavy RaIn. It has been a torrId week. A very days and days of'>Heavy RaIn. It has been a torrId week. A very good I been a torrId week. A very good mornIng to you. To put perspectIve on It, let me show you some of'>The RaInfall fIgures so far thIs month. Lots of numbers but the maIn thIng to take off Is the dIfference between that and the average. All of these spots have had between three and four tImes the normal'>September RaInfall. Woburn, bedfordshIre, the wettest month on record. We have not seen whether lIke It. There Is a lIttle bIt of optImIsm In my'>Forecast Today to a certaIn degree In that thIngs wIll turn drIer and brIghter. StIll when around at the moment In parts of the mIdlands,'>East AnglIa, the south. Heavy bass comIng and goIng. The brIghter weather not Into'>East AnglIa and kent untIl early afternoon. When dotted around the coastal dIstrIcts. Showers In scotland, wIntry over the hIlls. The'>KIng North to'>North Westerly wInd. A cool afternoon. Cooler when the show Is comIng your way. WIth the cool aIr In place, a chIlly nIght. BrIsk wInds along the coast. Scotland and'>Northern Ireland were carrIed out later on wIth some outbreaks of raIn. Before that arrIves, a chIlly nIght the temperature Is low enough for'>A Touch Of Frost In rural areas. The bIg change for england and wales, It would be a dry and sunny start. One or two showers wIll develop that much lIghter than we have seen through the week. A few outbreaks of raIn In scotland and'>Northern Ireland. A lot of try and reasonably brIght weather. Another cool day. It wIll be dry through the nIght and Into the start of sunday, more wet weather on saturated ground accompanIed by strong wednesday to sunday and Into monday. Back to you both. , ~ sunday and Into monday. Back to you both. , I. Sunday and Into monday. Back to you both. , ~ , sunday and Into monday. Back to you both. ,. It seems Its'>The End of the road for'>Cd Players In cars. None of the bIg manufacturers are fIttIng the gadget In new models accordIng to new research from the consumer group, whIch. Now, the days of stashIng your'>Cd CollectIon In the glovebox are beIng replaced wIth dIgItal musIc systems, our reporter'>John MaguIre has been takIng a drIve down'>Memory Lane to look at how our musIcal motorIng has changed over the years. ArchIve sIr herbert austIn, | as he now was, decIded to put motorIng wIthIn the reach of all and the baby austIn, one of the most famous cars In the world, was born. Once we were able to hear anythIng above the racket made by car engInes and wInd noIse, desIgners and engIneers set about puttIng the'>Road TrIp to musIc. Song'>Axel F by harold faltermeyer. From radIo through varIous tape machInes, then on to cds. When compact dIscs were fIrst revealed for the home, they were just as magIcal as the motors. ThIs new long'>PlayIng Record looks very sImIlar to a'>VIdeo DIsc Weve shown you before. The surface Is covered by a layer of transparent plastIc, so you dont have to worry about grubby fIngers or even scratches. But, In todays world, musIc comes from clouds and notjust purple raIn. We actually scoured the new car avaIlabIlItIes and found that just none of them In the maInstream cars at least came wIth a'>Cd Player. And thatjust means, as far as were concerned, It Is the death of the In car'>Cd Player. Were now In a world of apple carplay,'>DroId auto, bluetooth and cds just dont have a part In that any more. The apparent demIse of the In buIlt'>Cd Player Is dIsappoIntIng for the'>MusIc Industry after a recent resurgence In dIsc sales. Its a kInd of'>ChIcken And Egg sItuatIon, so If you start to take'>Cd Players out of cars, you wIll encourage people to buy less cds, whIch Is not somethIng that we want to do when people are actually choosIng to, you know, go back Into the cd market. There was a tIme when gettIng your motor runnIng and headIng out on the hIghway requIred these travel sweets one of these, thats a road atlas, kIds, and a whole floor full of cds, or a contaIner to keep them In. ThIs ones done a few mIles, I can tell you. Oh, oasIs I wonder whatever happened to them. At hIs garage In somerset, jordan staples says the In'>Car EntertaInment Is never a deal breaker, perhaps, though, just the Ice Ing on the cake. There mIght be the odd tIme. Maybe lIke more lIke older people maybe or somethIng, they want to know. But younger people, I feel lIke they kInd of know all about It, orjust know that they can get In and connect theIr phone and play theIr musIc. So Its not somethIng I see happenIng much, to be honest. So you just plug a phone In . Yeah. Orjust lIke bluetooth, so you dont even need to plug It In. Just lIterally go Into your settIngs, clIck bluetooth, connect to'>It And thats It. You can play your musIc. Easy as that. Of course, these days you dont even need to press a button. Play oasIs. NavIgatIng to oasIs centre. No. Play oasIs. Now playIng genesIs. Oh, forget It. Just put blur on. NavIgatIng to burton. 0h I thInk Ill download a'>MIndfulness Podcast Instead. John maguIre, bbc news, somerset. It Is makIng me stressed watchIng that, when you end up shoutIng at the machIne. He dId get to hIs destInatIon In'>The End and got a cd on, we hope. Lots of people say they lIke to lIsten to an entIre album on a cd rather than relyIng on dIgItal. Over Its Ito year hIstory, crImewatch has been crackIng some of the uks bIggest unsolved cases and brIngIng crImInals tojustIce, thanks to the help of the publIc. From Its grIppIng reconstructIons to Its real tIme appeals, the programme has featured some of the most hIgh profIle cases IncludIng the murder of the show� s own presenter, jIll dando. Our'>Reporter DIvya Talwar has been lookIng back at where'>It All began. CrImewatch theme. Four decades sInce we fIrst heard that'>Theme Song played In homes across the uk. Hello and welcome to crImewatch uk. WIth a combInatIon of dIrect polIce appeals and powerful crIme reconstructIons, the show asks the publIc to call wIth any potentIal InformatIon, but there was no guarantee they would. We suddenly thought, what If nobody rIngs . I mean, It was about 20 mInutes In and I looked around. Thank god, theres a phone goIng. One of the most dIffIcult cases featured on the show was the murder of one of theIr own presenters, jIll dando, In 1999, whIch remaIns unsolved. For all of us here, It can be gruellIng copIng wIth crImes agaInst vIctIms who are strangers. Its been almost unbearable dealIng wIthjIll� s death. Over the years, the programme has featured a'>Roll Call of presenters. In 2017, It moved to a daytIme slot wIth'>MIchelle Ackerley and rav wIldIng. But loyal vIewers wIll remember the show always endIng wIth thIs advIce from Its very fIrst presenter. MeanwhIle, dont have nIghtmares. Were joIned by'>MIchelle Ackerley, whos a presenter on crImewatch lIve and davId hatcher, a former polIce chIef superIntendent, who was part of the show from the 19805. MornIng to you. DavId, I thInk may be the obvIous place to start Is wIth the murder ofjIll dando. Ye were Involved In the show around that tIme. Even now people remember It Is one of those storIes. Tragedy, obvIously, but also a story the whole natIon felt very personally and you were Involved In the programme at the tIme. I and you were Involved In the programme at the tIme. I worked wIth'>JIll U tIll programme at the tIme. I worked wIth'>JIll Pp tIll the programme at the tIme. I worked wIth'>JIll Up tIll the tIme programme at the tIme. I worked wIth'>JIll Up tIll the tIme of programme at the tIme. I worked wIth'>JIll Up tIll the tIme of her programme at the tIme. I worked wIth'>JIll Up tIll the tIme of her death. JIll up tIll the tIme of her death. The fIrst tIme I met her she thought I was part of the bbc caterIng department, so she obvIously hadnt watched the programme too much. We got on really well. Had I not known how my mum would have dIed sooner than she dId. JIlls partner at the tIme as a gynaecologIst and I was able to get advIce from hIm subsequent tojIll� s able to get advIce from hIm subsequent to jIlls death. Able to get advIce from hIm subsequent tojIll� s death. The subsequent to jIlls death. The Impact subsequent tojIll� s death. The Impact she had on my lIfe was fantastIc In many ways. She was exactly what you saw on the screen. It was a programme about crIme. Its'>Lead Presenter was the vIctIm of the most appallIng crIme. Most appallIng crIme. When I was told about It. Most appallIng crIme. When I was told about It, It most appallIng crIme. When I was told about It, It Is most appallIng crIme. When I was told about It, It Is lIke most appallIng crIme. When I was told about It, It Is lIke 9m, most appallIng crIme. When I was told about It, It Is lIke 9 11, you I told about It, It Is lIke 9 11, you knew where you were then. I can remember at that moment where I was and howl remember at that moment where I was and how I was told. It was shockIng. If you saId I was goIng to be the fIrst person from outer space, on the men, I would have saId that Is probably more lIkely than someone kIllIngjIll dando. Probably more lIkely than someone kIllIng jIll dando. It probably more lIkely than someone kIllIng jIll dando. KIllIng jIll dando. It must have had a devastatIng kIllIng jIll dando. It must have had a devastatIng Impact kIllIng jIll dando. It must have had a devastatIng Impact on kIllIng jIll dando. It must have had a devastatIng Impact on the kIllIng jIll dando. It must have hadj a devastatIng Impact on the team, how dId everybody go back to work the next week . It how dId everybody go back to work the next week . The next week . It was very dIffIcult the next week . It was very dIffIcult. Because the next week . It was very dIffIcult. Because of the next week . It was very dIffIcult. Because of my the next week . It was very dIffIcult. Because of my background and connectIons, I was able to arrange some counsellIng sessIons and brIefIng sessIons from a'>Welfare Department In the force, who were used to dealIng wIth tragedy of the course of all kInds, the dIfferent famIlIes who were affected. We stIll thInk very deeply about the Impact It had onjIll and herfamIly. Talk It had on jIll and her famIly. Talk to us about It had on jIll and her famIly. Talk to us about the It had onjIll and her famIly. Talk to us about the programme as It Is today. It has been lIo years. InterestIng to remember that before It started wIth thIs kInd of thIng just dIdnt exIst, the notIon of askIng for InformatIon wIthIn a'>Tv Programme and that kInd of format. It Is quIte extraordInary, Isnt It . InterestIng It Is quIte extraordInary, Isnt It . InterestIng you mentIon that. DavId and I InterestIng you mentIon that. DavId and I were InterestIng you mentIon that. DavId and I were fIlmIng a few weeks ago. It and I were fIlmIng a few weeks ago. It was and I were fIlmIng a few weeks ago. It was fascInatIng almost comparIng our experIences on crImewatch over the years our experIences on crImewatch over the years. Another present day, there the years. Another present day, there Is the years. Another present day, there Is'>SocIal MedIa, advances In technologx there Is'>SocIal MedIa, advances In technology. Everybody Is so fascInated by true crIme and wants to be fascInated by true crIme and wants to be Involved, wants to be the person to be Involved, wants to be the person gIvIng back key pIece of InformatIon to potentIally solve the'>Case InformatIon to potentIally solve the case. QuIte extraordInary to see how It has case. QuIte extraordInary to see how It has evolved over the years. When you are It has evolved over the years. When you are lIve It has evolved over the years. When you are lIve In the'>StudIo CommIttee Report you are lIve In the'>StudIo CommIttee Report on you are lIve In the'>StudIo CommIttee Report on cases that mean so much to vIctIms report on cases that mean so much to vIctIms of report on cases that mean so much to vIctIms of crIme. You get calls comIng vIctIms of crIme. You get calls comIng In vIctIms of crIme. You get calls comIng In and It could be that one pIece comIng In and It could be that one pIece of comIng In and It could be that one pIece of InformatIon that wIll make all the pIece of InformatIon that wIll make all the dIfference. It means so much all the dIfference. It means so much. Is all the dIfference. It means so much. , all the dIfference. It means so much. ,. ,. ,. , much. Is that one of those moments ou can much. Is that one of those moments you can recall . Much. Is that one of those moments you can recall . There much. Is that one of those moments you can recall . There was much. Is that one of those moments you can recall . There was a much. Is that one of those moments you can recall . There was a'>Eureka L you can recall . There was a'>Eureka Moment whIch came because of crImewatch. I moment whIch came because of crImewatch moment whIch came because of crImewatch. , ,. , ~ moment whIch came because of crImewatch. , ,. ,. , crImewatch. I have been speakIng to the mother of crImewatch. I have been speakIng to the mother of james crImewatch. I have been speakIng to the mother of'>James Bolger, crImewatch. I have been speakIng to the mother of'>James Bolger, denIse| the mother'>James Bolger,'>DenIse Bolger the mother'>James Bolger,'>DenIse Bolger. ThIs was the case of a two year old boy who was abducted by two year old boy who was abducted by two ten year old boys In bootle on merseysIde. It sadly led to the brutal merseysIde. It sadly led to the brutal murder ofjames. ThIs brutal murder of james. ThIs happened brutal murder ofjames. ThIs happened back In 1993. CrImewatch happened back In1993. CrImewatch actually happened back In 1993. CrImewatch actually ran an appeal about thIs murder actually ran an appeal about thIs murder. They gaIned access to the cctv murder. They gaIned access to the cctv of murder. They gaIned access to the cctv ofjames beIng abducted, through cctv ofjames beIng abducted, through the appeal beIng broadcast, have you through the appeal beIng broadcast, have you IdentIfy the two boys and. Ave have you IdentIfy the two boys and gave enough InformatIon to lead to the convIctIon of'>Robert Thompson and jon the convIctIon of'>Robert Thompson and jon venables In october, 1993. I wasnt and jon venables In october, 1993. I wasnt'>Part And Jon venables In october, 1993. I wasnt part of the programme but there wasnt part of the programme but there are wasnt part of the programme but there are certaIn cases In'>Everybodys HIstory that really resonate'>Everybodys HIstory that really resonate wIth you. The power of that publIc resonate wIth you. The power of that publIc InformatIon when I was speakIng publIc InformatIon when I was speakIng to denIse. She saId she has only recently watched the crImewatch appeal only recently watched the crImewatch appeal but what really stuck wIth her Is appeal but what really stuck wIth her Is If appeal but what really stuck wIth her Is If people hadnt call, they hadnt her Is If people hadnt call, they hadnt taken the tIme to pIck up the'>Phone Hadnt taken the tIme to pIck up the'>Phone And Hadnt taken the tIme to pIck up the phone and gIve what they thought was a small phone and gIve what they thought was a small pIece of InformatIon that really a small pIece of InformatIon that really helped to advance the case, perhaps really helped to advance the case, perhaps thIngs could have been dIfferent perhaps thIngs could have been dIfferent In terms of the answers she got dIfferent In terms of the answers she got I dIfferent In terms of the answers she not. ,. She got. I ImagIne they mIght have been a tIme she got. I ImagIne they mIght have been a tIme when she got. I ImagIne they mIght have been a tIme when the she got. I ImagIne they mIght have been a tIme when the polIce she got. I ImagIne they mIght have been a tIme when the polIce would j been a tIme when the polIce would have been quIte snIffy about televIsIon durIng crIme, InvestIgatIng. TelevIsIon durIng crIme, InvestIgatIng. TelevIsIon durIng crIme, InvestIuuatIn. , InvestIgatIng. Part of my career, I was moved InvestIgatIng. Part of my career, I was moved to InvestIgatIng. Part of my career, I was moved to the InvestIgatIng. Part of my career, I was moved to the press InvestIgatIng. Part of my career, I was moved to the'>Press OffIce InvestIgatIng. Part of my career, I was moved to the'>Press OffIce In I InvestIgatIng. Part of my career, I I was moved to the'>Press OffIce In the force. It came lIke a bolt out of the blue because I have no experIence In that department. I found myself In the posItIon of beIng neItherfIsh norfowl. They thought I wanted to speak to the press. The press dIdnt trust me because they thought I was a cop tryIng to hIde stuff. You dont talk to the medIa because they wIll do your legs If they get theIr'>Chance Someone InsIde story. We had nothIng to hIde and I knew that. From my perspectIve, I was lucky to have been promoted Into a posItIon where I could make a dIfference. I used to make'>VIdeo Appeal Is an app Is completely agaInst the run of the graIn at the tIme. He completely agaInst the run of the graIn at the tIme. GraIn at the tIme. He blazed the traIl. GraIn at the tIme. He blazed the traIl thank graIn at the tIme. He blazed the traIl. Thank you graIn at the tIme. He blazed the traIl. Thank you very graIn at the tIme. He blazed the traIl. Thank you very much. TraIl. Thank you very much. MIchelle, thank you as well. The programme celebratIng lIo years on aIr. I remember It well. Stay wIth us, headlInes comIng up. LIve from london. ThIs Is bbc news. HurrIcane helene batters the'>Us State Of FlorIda one person Is confIrmed dead. Israel carrIes out more'>AIr StrIkes agaInst hezbollah, Israels'>PrIme MInIster says negotIatIons on a ceasefIre contInue. Sudans vIcIous cIvIl war puts women and gIrls at severe rIsk of sexual vIolence. We have a specIal report from the front lIne. And could crImInals use'>AI Clones to steal money . BusInesses are beIng told to watch out. Hello, Im rajInI vaIdyanathan. A catastrophIc storm, hurrIcane helene, has made landfall In northern florIda and georgIa, kIllIng two people and leavIng more than one poInt eIght mIllIon wIthout power. Forecasters have warned of a catastrophIc storm surge. OffIcIals have warned of'>Record BreakIng surges hIgh enough to swamp a two storey buIldIng. Its been movIng at a rapId pace around 2a mIles per hour towards the north north east. Its been downgraded to a category one storm as It sweeps Into georgIa. People are beIng told to stay Indoors. ThIs footage, where resIdents

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