but i find this interesting. 1974, that s nixon-ford, is it not? here comes, it s not a democratic problem. it is an american progressive problem. food stamps programs, right? goes up, comes down a little bit, 1981, starts, goes up a little bit and then comes back down. this is the low home energy assistance program. sky rockets up, 1997, this s-chip. but you ll see here again, at the end of clinton, it kind of comes down and that s when clinton gridlock, a republican congress that says no, but look how little it went down. well, the trend is up. we thought that was so it s going now up, we can t graph it in the studio. glenn: is it reasonable, you and i are both small government libertarian, we disagree on things sure, but
greta: sir, why have food stamps programs exploded? because more people are needy and hungry and we re reaching them or because because the government made a mess of the program? because the federal government made a mess of the program by exploiting the program and exploiting those people who have learned how to abuse the program. the food stamps program, greta, is a misnomer with two words, food and stamp. it s no longer just about helping to get people to get food. it helps them to get free stuff and secondly, because some bureaucrat thought that people going in and handing in stamps was somewhat insulting, they now have given them a government credit card. and i found this out today, greta, on my radio show. a guy called in who said he owns fitness centers. the government has even allowed food stamp recipients to use their card for fitness training programs.