democrats in deep red states. that s one of the things you see if boyhood, ethan hawk s character is talking to kids about contraception and the iraq war. he ends up converting to evangelical christiany. it s a portrait of america that s much more nuanced tan what we see in the paper. also a lot of talk about birdman. yes, critics aren t too fond about that one. we ve lam pooned a bit. michael keaton returned. it s an actor on broadway. it s gotten attentions for its surrealist elements. that will get a big contender. who was lampooned. why did that happen? it takes a shot at critics, some accused of being oversensety. i think we are all managing just fine. i think it was critically acclaimed is this. absolutely t. movie itself takes a couple shots at critics.
we re glad you are right here. let s start at the top of the hour with republican presidential candidate mitt romney. he s facing criticism and questions for being a mormon. this time it s coming from the pastor of a mega church in dallas. his name is reverend robert jeffress. you may recognize that name and face. jeffress introduced governor rick perry at the conservative values voter summit in washington, d.c. he was critical of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and told our jim acosta and others that morm ononism is cult. you created a stir because in talking to reporters, you said in pretty strong plain language what you think of mormonism. you describe it as a cult. and you say that if a republican votes for mitt romney, they re giving credibility to a cult. to you stand fwby that comment? absolutely. that is the historic position of evangelical christianity. we have officially labelled mormonism as a couple. i think those born again followers of christ