As Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal appeared before the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for questioning in connection with the excise policy case, Aam Aadmi Party leader Raghav Chadha called the former "Lord Krishna".
"Why would you keep Sisodia in jail for so long? Why would you keep Jain in jail for so long? For what purpose? What purpose are they serving?" questioned Sibal, also a senior advocate.
Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday arrived at the CBI office in the national capital for questioning in connection with the excise policy case. Delhi CM was accompanied by his Punjab counterpart Bhagwant Maan, Delhi ministers and AAP MPs to the CBI office., India News, Times Now
"Kansa knew that Lord Shri Krishna would finish him and, hence, made every effort and hatched many conspiracies to inflict harm on Shri Krishna. He could not even harm a hair on his head. Similarly, today the BJP knows that the AAP will bring their downfall," Chadha said.